Home Page of Sheldon Goldstein
(Plato quoted by Fourier)
oldstein at math.rutgers.edu
Department of Mathematics - Hill Center
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
110 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019
Office: 848-445-6795
Home: 732-572-1834
Mathematics Department Fax
Room 710, Hill Center, Busch Campus
in collaboration with
Preprints and Recent Publications
- Approach to Hyperuniformity in the One-Dimensional Facilitated Exclusion Process, with J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer, submitted to Communications in Mathematical Physics, arXiv:2407.02652
- Arrival Times Versus Detection Times, with R. Tumulka and N. Zanghì, Foundations of Physics 54, 63 (2024), arXiv:2405.04607, DOI:doi.org/10.1007/s10701-024-00798-y
- Time evolution of the Boltzmann entropy for a nonequilibrium
dilute gas, with P. L. Garrido, D. A. Huse, and J. L. Lebowitz, Journal of Statistical Physics 191, 92 (2024),
- Approach to Hyperuniformity of Steady States of Facilitated Exclusion Processes, with J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36 (2024), DOI:https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ad4b83, arXiv:2401.16505
- On the Spin Dependence of Detection Times and the Nonmeasurability of Arrival Times, with R. Tumulka and N. Zanghì, Scientific Reports 14:3775 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53777-8, arXiv:2309.11835
- Boltzmann entropy of a freely expanding quantum ideal gas, with S Pandey, J. Majeed Bhat, A. Dhar, D. Huse, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, and J. L. Lebowitz, Journal of
Statistical Physics 190:142 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-023-03154-y, arXiv:2303.12330
- Stationary
States of the One-dimensional Facilitated Asymmetric Exclusion Process, with A. Ayyer,
J. L. Lebowitz, and E. R. Speer, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probability and Statistics 59:2, pp. 726-742 (2023), DOI:10.1214/22-AIHP1264, arXiv:1904.08236
From EPR-Schrödinger paradox to nonlocality based on perfect correlations, with J. Bricmont and D. Hemmick, Foundations of Physics 52 (2022),
- Stationary States of the One-Dimensional Discrete-Time Facilitated
Symmetric Exclusion Process, with J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer, Journal of Mathematical Physics 63 (2022), DOI: 10.1063/5.0085528, arXiv:2201.05175
- Entropy growth during free expansion of an ideal gas, with S. Chakraborti, A. Dhar, A. Kundu, and J. L. Lebowitz, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 (2022), DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/ac8a7e, arXiv:2109.07742
- Remarks About the Relationship Between Relational Physics and a Large Kantian Component of the Laws of Nature, with N. Zanghì, in Yemima Ben-Menahem (ed.), Rethinking Laws of Nature, Springer (2022),
- Governing Without A Fundamental Direction of Time: Minimal Primitivism about Laws of Nature, with E. K. Chen, in Yemima Ben-Menahem (ed.), Rethinking Laws of Nature, Springer (2022),
- The Bohmian Approach to the Problems of
Cosmological Quantum Fluctuations, with W. Struyve and R. Tumulka, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2022), https://doi.org/10.1086/721531, arXiv:1508.01017
- The discrete-time facilitated totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, with J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 6, pp. 177-203 (2021), arXiv:2003.04995
EPR-Bell-Schrödinger proof of nonlocality using position and
momentum, with J. Bricmont and D. Hemmick, in Do wave
functions jump? Perspectives on the work of G.C. Ghirardi,
Eds. V.Allori, A. Bassi, D. Dürr, N. Zanghì, (2021),
- Exact solution of the facilitated totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, with
J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory
and Experiment (2019), arXiv:1904.08236
- Gibbs
and Boltzmann Entropy in Classical and Quantum Mechanics,
with J. L. Lebowitz, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, in
Statistical Mechanics and Scientific Explanation: Determinism,
Indeterminism and Laws of Nature, edited by V. Allori, (2020), arXiv:1903.11870
- Individualist and Ensemblist Approaches to the Foundations of
Statistical Mechanics, The Monist 102, pp. 439-457 (2019), https://academic.oup.com/monist/article/102/4/439/5567122?guestAccessKey=7c7785de-af1d-45f6-9ab4-efdff6669234
- Bohmian Trajectories for Hamiltonians with Interior-Boundary Conditions, with
D. Dürr, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, Journal of
Statistical Physics 180, pp. 34-73 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-019-02335-y, arXiv:1809.10235
- Quantum Motion on Shape Space and the Gauge Dependent Emergence of
Dynamics and Probability in Absolute Space and Time, with
D. Dürr and N. Zanghì, Journal of
Statistical Physics 180 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-019-02362-9, arXiv:1808.06844
- Schrödinger's paradox and proofs of
nonlocality using only perfect correlations,
with J. Bricmont and D. Hemmick, Journal of
Statistical Physics 180, pp. 74-91 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-019-02361-w, arXiv:1808.01648
- Diagnosing the Trouble with Quantum Mechanics,
with J. Bricmont, Journal of Statistical Physics 175, pp. 690-703
(2019), doi:10.1007/s10955-018-2113-y, arXiv:1804.03401
- On the nonequilibrium entropy of large and small systems,
with D. Huse, J. L. Lebowitz, and P. Sartori, Institut Henri Poincaré
Proceedings, to appear, arXiv:1712.08961
- Letter on Steven Weinberg's The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics,
with J. Bricmont and T. Maudlin, in Steven Weinberg and the Puzzle of Quantum Mechanics, The New York Review of Books, April 6, 2017
- Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermal Equilibrium,
with D. Huse, J. L. Lebowitz, and R. Tumulka, Annalen der Physik
529(7): 1600301 (2017), DOI:10.1002/andp.201600301, arXiv:1610.02312
- Translation invariant extensions of finite volume measures, with T. Kuna,
J. L. Lebowitz, and E. R. Speer, Journal of Statistical
Physics 166, pp 765-782
(2017), doi:10.1007/s10955-016-1595-8, arXiv:1508.04448
- Any Orthonormal Basis in High Dimension is Uniformly Distributed over
the Sphere, with J. L. Lebowitz, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì,
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et
Statistiques 53(2) (2017), 701-717, arXiv:1406.2576
- Is the Hypothesis About a Low Entropy Initial State of the Universe
Necessary for Explaining the Arrow of Time?, with R. Tumulka and
N. Zanghì, Phys. Rev. D 94: 023520 (2016). arXiv:1602.05601
- Universal
Probability Distribution for the Wave Function of a Quantum System
Entangled with its Environment,
with J. L. Lebowitz, C. Mastrodonato, R. Tumulka and N. Zanghì,
Comm. Math. Phys. 342(3), 965-988, doi:10.1007/s00220-015-2536-0,
- Thermal Equilibrium of a Macroscopic Quantum System in a Pure State,
with D. Huse, J. L. Lebowitz, and R. Tumulka, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115:100402 (2015), arXiv:1506.07494
- Bell on
Bohm, in Quantum Nonlocality and Reality, edited
by Mary Bell and Shan Gao (Cambridge, 2016)
- On
Bohmian Mechanics, with S. Weinberg, Inference:
International Review of Science 1, Issue 1 (2014)
- Comment
on: Maximal violation of Bell inequalities by position
measurements, with D. Dürr, T. Maudlin, R. Schlenga,
D.V. Tausk, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, arXiv:1408.1651, submitted
- Fermionic
Wave Functions on Unordered Configurations, with J. Taylor,
R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, arXiv:1403.3705
- The
approach to equilibrium in a macroscopic quantum system for a typical
nonequilibrium subspace,
with T. Hara and H. Tasaki, arXiv:1402.3380, submitted
- Extremely quick thermalization in a macroscopic quantum system for a typical nonequilibrium subspace,
with T. Hara and H. Tasaki, arXiv:1402.0324, New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 045002.
- On
quantum potential dynamics, with W. Struyve, arXiv:1312.1990, J.
Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015) 025303.
- Can
Bohmian mechanics be made relativistic?, with D. Dürr,
T. Norsen, W. Struyve, and N. Zanghì, Proceedings of the Royal
Society A 470, doi:10.1098/rspa.2013.0699(2013), arXiv:1307.1714
- Time
Scales in the Approach to Equilibrium of Macroscopic Quantum
Systems, with T. Hara and H. Tasaki,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 140401 (2013), arXiv:1307.0572
- Quantum Physics Without Quantum Philosophy, with
D. Dürr and N. Zanghì (Springer, 2013)
- The Quantum Formalism and the GRW Formalism,
with R. Tumulka and N. Zanghì, Journal of Statistical Physics
149, 142-201 (2012), doi:10.1007/s10955-012-0587-6, arXiv:0710.0885
- Predictions
and Primitive Ontology in Quantum Foundations: A Study of Examples,
with V. Allori, R. Tumulka and N. Zanghì,
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65, 323-352 (2014), arXiv:1206.0019
- Matter
Density and Relativistic Models of Wave Function Collapse, with
D. Bedingham, D. Dürr, G.C. Ghirardi, R. Tumulka and N. Zanghì,
Journal of Statistical Physics 154, 623-631 (2014), doi:10.1007/s10955-013-0814-9, arXiv:1111.1425
- Bell's Theorem,
with T. Norsen, D. V. Tausk, and N. Zanghì, in Scholarpedia, 6(10):8378
- Reality and the Role of the Wavefunction in Quantum Theory,
with N. Zanghì, in The Wave Function: Essays in the Metaphysics of
Quantum Mechanics, edited by D. Albert and A. Ney (Oxford University Press, 2012)
- Typicality and
Notions of Probability in Physics, in Probability in
Physics, edited by Y. Ben-Menahem and M. Hemmo, 59-71 (Springer, 2012)
- Paradoxical
Reflection in Quantum Mechanics, with P. Garrido, J. Lukkarinen,
and R. Tumulka, American Journal of Physics 79(12): 1218-1231 (2011), arXiv:0808.0610 [quant-ph]
- On the
Approach to Thermal Equilibrium of Macroscopic Quantum Systems,
with R. Tumulka, in Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics Today:
Proceedings of the 11th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical
Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings 1332, edited by P. L. Garrido,
F. de los Santos, and J. Marro, 155-163 (American Institute of Physics, New
York, 2011)
- Many-Worlds
and Schrödinger's First Quantum Theory, with V. Allori,
R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science 62(1): 1-27 (2011),
arXiv:0903.2211 [quant-ph]
- Long-Time
Behavior of Macroscopic Quantum Systems: Commentary Accompanying the
English Translation of John von Neumann's 1929 Article on the Quantum
Ergodic Theorem, with J. L. Lebowitz, R. Tumulka, and
N. Zanghì, The European Physical Journal H: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary
Physics 35, 173-200 (2010), arXiv:1003.2129v1 [quant-ph]
- Bohmian Trajectories as the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics,
with R. Tumulka and N. Zanghì, in Quantum
Trajectories, edited by P. Chattaraj, 1-15 (Taylor & Francis, Boca, 2010),
arXiv:0912.2666 [quant-ph]
- Approach
to Thermal Equilibrium of Macroscopic Quantum Systems, with
J. L. Lebowitz, C. Mastrodonato, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, Physical Review E
81, 011109 (2010), arXiv:0911.1724 [quant-ph]
- Normal
Typicality and von Neumann's Quantum Ergodic Theorem, with
J. L. Lebowitz, C. Mastrodonato, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 466(2123): 3203-3224 (2010), arXiv:0907.0108 [quant-ph]
- What Does
the Free Will Theorem Actually Prove?, with D. V. Tausk,
R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, Notices of the American Mathematical
Society 57(11): 1451-1453 (2010),
arXiv:0905.4641v1 [quant-ph]
- Bohmian
Mechanics and Quantum Information, Foundations of Physics
40, 335-355, doi:10.1007/s10701-009-9319-4 (2010), arXiv:0907.2427v1 [quant-ph]
- On the
Weak Measurement of Velocity in Bohmian Mechanics, with
D. Dürr and N. Zanghì, Journal of Statistical Physics
134, 1023-1032 (2009), arXiv:0808.3324 [quant-ph]
- Bohmian Mechanics, with
D. Dürr, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, in Compendium of Quantum
Physics, edited by F. Weinert, K. Hentschel, and D. Greenberger
(Springer-Verlag , 2009), arXiv:0903.2601 [quant-ph]
- On the
Uniqueness of Quantum Equilibrium in Bohmian Mechanics, with
W. Struyve, Journal of Statistical Physics 128, 1197-1209 (2007), 0704.3070 [quant-ph]
- On the
Common Structure of Bohmian Mechanics and the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber
Theory, with V. Allori, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59, 353-389,
doi:10.1093/bjps/axn012 (2008), quant-ph/0603027
- Quantum
Mechanics in Multiply-Connected Spaces, with D. Dürr,
J. Taylor, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
40, 2997-3031 (2007), quant-ph/0506173
- The
Message of the Quantum?, with M. Daumer, D. Dürr, T. Maudlin,
R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, in Quantum Mechanics: Are there Quantum
Jumps? and On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics, edited by
A. Bassi, D. Dürr, T. Weber and N. Zanghì, AIP Conference
844, 129-132 (American Institute of Physics, 2006), quant-ph/0604173
- Topological
Factors Derived From Bohmian Mechanics, with D. Dürr,
J. Taylor, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, Annales de l'Institut Henri
Poincaré (A) Physique Théorique 7, 791-807 (2006), quant-ph/0601076
- Canonical
Typicality, with J. L. Lebowitz, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 050403 (2006), cond-mat/0511091
- A
Microscopic Derivation of the Quantum Mechanical Formal Scattering Cross
Section, with D. Dürr, T. Moser, and N. Zanghì,
Commun. Math. Phys. 266, 665-697 (2006)
- John
Bell and Bell's Theorem, with D. Dürr, R. Tumulka, and
N. Zanghì, in the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Second Edition,
edited by D. M. Borchert (Macmillan Reference, 2006)
- Bohmian
Mechanics, with D. Dürr, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, in
the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Second Edition, edited by D. M. Borchert
(Macmillan Reference, 2006)
- David
Bohm, with D. Dürr, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, in the
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Second Edition, edited by D. M. Borchert
(Macmillan Reference, 2006)
- On
the Distribution of the Wave Function for Systems in Thermal
Equilibrium, with J. L. Lebowitz, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì,
Journal of Statistical Physics 125, 1197-1225 (2006), quant-ph/0309021
- Large
Deviations for a Point Process of Bounded Variability, with
J. L. Lebowitz, and E. R. Speer, Markov Processes and Related Fields
12, 235-256 (2006)
- Are All
Particles Identical?, with J. Taylor, R. Tumulka, and
N. Zanghì, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38, 1567-1576 (2005), quant-ph/0405039
- Are All
Particles Real?, with J. Taylor, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì,
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part B: Studies in History
and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36, 103-112 (2005), quant-ph/0404134
- Bell-Type
Quantum Field Theories, with D. Dürr, R. Tumulka, and
N. Zanghì, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38, R1-R43 (2005), quant-ph/0407116
- On
the Role of Density Matrices in Bohmian Mechanics, with
D. Dürr, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, Foundations of Physics
35, 449-467 (2005), quant-ph/0311127
- Quantum
Hamiltonians and Stochastic Jumps, with D. Dürr, R. Tumulka,
and N. Zanghì, Comm. Math. Phys. 254, 129-166 (2005), quant-ph/0303056
- Bohmian
Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory,
with D. Dürr, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 090402 (2004), quant-ph/0303156
- Quantum
Equilibrium and the Role of Operators as Observables in Quantum
Theory, with D. Dürr and N. Zanghì, Journal of Statistical
Physics 116, 959-1055 (2004), quant-ph/0308038
- The Boltzmann Entropy for
Dense Fluids Not in Local Equilibrium, with P. Garrido and
J. L. Lebowitz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 050602 (2004), cond-mat/0310575
- On the (Boltzmann) Entropy
of Nonequilibrium Systems, with J. L. Lebowitz, Physica D
193, 53-66 (2004), cond-mat/0304251
- Trajectories
and Particle Creation and Annihilation in Quantum Field Theory,
with D. Dürr, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.
36, 4143-4149 (2003), quant-ph/0208072
- Seven Steps
Towards the Classical World, with V. Allori, D. Dürr, and
N. Zanghì, Journal of Optics B 4, 482-488 (2002), quant-ph/0112005
- Bohmian
Mechanics, in the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy (October 2001)
- Opposite
Arrows of Time Can Reconcile Relativity and Nonlocality, with
Roderich Tumulka, Classical and Quantum Gravity 20, 557-564 (2003),
quant-ph/0105040. Click here for pdf.
- Bounded
Fluctuations and Translation Symmetry Breaking in One-Dimensional Particle
Systems, with M. Aizenman and J. L. Lebowitz, Journal of
Statistical Physics 103, 601-618 (2001), math-ph/0007022
- Boltzmann's
Approach to Statistical Mechanics, in Chance in
Physics: Foundations and Perspectives, edited by Jean Bricmont, Detlef
Dürr, Maria C. Galavotti, Giancarlo Ghirardi, Francesco Petruccione, and
Nino Zanghi, Lecture Notes in Physics 574 (Springer-Verlag, 2001),
cond-mat/0105242. Click here for pdf.
- Scattering
theory from microscopic first principles, with D. Dürr,
S. Teufel, and N. Zanghì, Physica A 279, 416-431 (2000)
- Hypersurface Bohm-Dirac
Models, with D. Dürr, K. Münch-Berndl, and
N. Zanghì, Phys. Rev. A 60, 2729-2736 (1999), quant-ph/9801070
- Revised Proof for the Uniqueness
Theorem for ``No Collapse'' Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics,
with J. Bub and R. Clifton, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern
Physics 31, 95-98 (2000), quant-ph/9910097
- Quantum Spacetime without Observers:
Ontological Clarity and the Conceptual Foundations of Quantum
Gravity, with S. Teufel, in Physics
meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale, edited by C. Callender and
N. Huggett, 275-289 (Cambridge University Press, 2001), quant-ph/9902018
Absence of Chaos in Bohmian Dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 60,
7578-7579 (1999),
- An
exchange of letters in PHYSICS TODAY on Quantum Theory Without
Observers (postscript).
Click here for html. PHYSICS TODAY,
February 1999, 11
- Quantum Theory Without
Observers (pdf). Click here for html. Part One: PHYSICS TODAY,
March 1998, 42-46. Part Two: PHYSICS TODAY, April 1998, 38-42
- A Theorist Ignored:
Review of "Infinite Potential. The Life and Times of David Bohm" by
F. David Peat, Science 275, 1893-1894 (1997)
- Locality and Causality in Hidden
Variables Models of Quantum Theory, with S. Teufel, K. Berndl,
D. Dürr, and N. Zanghì, Phys. Rev. A 56, 1217-1227 (1997), quant-ph/9609005
- On the quantum probability flux
through surfaces, with M. Daumer, D. Dürr, and N. Zanghì,
Journal of Statistical Physics 88, 967-977 (1997), quant-ph/9512016
Bohmian Mechanics and the Meaning of the Wave
Function, with D. Dürr and N. Zanghì, contribution to
Experimental Metaphysics---Quantum Mechanical Studies for Abner
Shimony, Volume One, edited by R.S.Cohen, M. Horne, and J. Stachel, Boston Studies
in the Philosophy of Science 193, 25-38 (Kluwer, 1997), quant-ph/9512031 .
- Naive Realism
about Operators, with M. Daumer, D. Dürr and N. Zanghì,
Erkenntnis 45, 379-397 (1996), quant-ph/9601013. Click here for pdf.
- Quantum
Philosophy: The Flight from Reason in Science, contribution to
The Flight from Science and Reason, edited by P. Gross, N. Levitt,
and M.W.Lewis, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 775,
119-125 (1996), quant-ph/9601007.
Bohmian Mechanics as the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics, with
D. Dürr and N. Zanghì, contribution to Bohmian
Mechanics and Quantum Theory: An Appraisal, edited by J.T. Cushing,
A. Fine, and S. Goldstein, Boston Studies
in the Philosophy of Science 184, 21-44 (Kluwer, 1996), quant-ph/9511016 (pdf)
- Bohmian Mechanics
and the Quantum Revolution, Synthese 107, 145-165
(1996). Click here
for pdf.
On the Flux-Across-Surfaces Theorem,
with M. Daumer, D. Dürr, and N. Zanghì, Letters in Mathematical
Physics 38, 103-116 (1996), quant-ph/9511011,
mp-arc/95-475, Preprint gk-mp-9511/23
Nonlocality, Lorentz Invariance, and Bohmian Quantum Theory, with
K. Berndl, D. Dürr, and N. Zanghì, Phys. Rev. A 53,
2062-2073 (1996),
- Quantum Physics without Quantum
Philosophy, with D. Dürr and N. Zanghì, Studies in
History and Philosophy of Physics 26, 137-149 (1995)
- Does the Wave
Function Provide a Complete Description of Physical Reality?, with
J.L.Lebowitz, in The Physical Review---The First Hundred
Years: A Selection of Seminal Papers and Commentaries, edited by H. Henry
Stroke (AIP Press, 1995)
- Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Equilibrium,
with D. Dürr and N. Zanghì,
in Stochastic Processes, Physics and Geometry II, edited by
S. Albeverio, U. Cattaneo, D. Merlini (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995)
pp. 221-232
On the Global Existence of Bohmian Mechanics, with K. Berndl,
D. Dürr, G. Peruzzi, and N. Zanghì, Comm. Math. Phys. 173 ,
647-673 (1995),
- Linearly Positive
Histories: Probabilities for a Robust Family of Sequences of Quantum
Events, with D. Page, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3715-3719 (1995),
- A
Survey of Bohmian Mechanics, with K. Berndl, M. Daumer, D. Dürr,
and N. Zanghì, Il Nuovo Cimento 110B, 737-750(1995),
Nonlocality without Inequalities for Almost All Entangled States for Two
Particles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 1951 (1994)
- Comment on ``Quantum Mechanics, Local
Realistic Theories, and Lorentz-Invariant Realistic Theories'' ,
with K. Berndl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 , 780 (1994)
Self-adjointness and the Existence of Deterministic Trajectories in Quantum
Theory, with K. Berndl, D. Dürr, and N. Zanghì, in On Three
Levels: The Micro-, Meso-, and Macroscopic Approaches in Physics,
edited by M. Fannes, C. Maes, and A. Verbeure, NATO ASI Series B: Physics,
Volume 324 (Plenum, New York, 1994) pp. 429-434
- Scattering
and the Role of Operators in Bohmian Mechanics, with M. Daumer,
D. Dürr, and N. Zanghì, in On Three Levels: The Micro-,
Meso-, and Macroscopic Approaches in Physics, edited by M. Fannes,
C. Maes, and A. Verbeure, NATO ASI Series B: Physics, Volume 324 (Plenum,
New York, 1994) pp. 331-338
- Quantum Mysteries: Review of "The
Quantum Theory of Motion. An Account of the de Broglie-Bohm Causal
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" by Peter R. Holland, Science
263, 254-255 (1994). Click here for
Review of "The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum
Theory" by David Bohm and Basil J. Hiley, PHYSICS TODAY, September
1994, 90
- Comment
on "Surrealistic Bohm Trajectories" , with D. Dürr,
W. Fusseder, and N. Zanghì, Z.Naturforsch. 48a, 1261-1262 (1993)
of Trajectories for Bohmian Mechanics, with K. Berndl, D. Dürr,
G. Peruzzi, and N. Zanghì, International Journal of
Theoretical Physics 32, 2245-2251 (1993)
Observables, Measurements and Phase-Operators from a Bohmian
Perspective, with M. Daumer, in Squeezed States and the
Uncertainty Principle, edited by D. Han, Y.S. Kim, and V.I. Man`ko,
NASA Conference Publications 3219 (1993) pp. 231-238
- A Global Equilibrium as the Foundation of Quantum Randomness,
with D. Dürr, N. Zanghì,
Foundations of Physics 23, 721-738 (1993)
- Quantum Mechanics, Randomness, and Deterministic Reality,
with D. Dürr and N. Zanghì,
Physics Letters A 172, 6-12 (1992)
- Quantum Chaos, Classical Randomness, and
Bohmian Mechanics, with D. Dürr and N. Zanghì,
Journal of Statistical Physics 68, 259-270 (1992)
- Quantum Equilibrium and the Origin of
Absolute Uncertainty, with D. Dürr and N. Zanghì,
Journal of Statistical Physics 67, 843-907 (1992), quant-ph/0308039
- On a
Realistic Theory for Quantum Physics, with D. Dürr and
N. Zanghì, in Stochastic Process, Physics and Geometry, edited
by S. Albeverio, G. Casati, U. Cattaneo, D. Merlini, and R. Moresi, World
Scientific (1992) pp. 374-391