Mathematics Department - Graduate Program - Spring 2007 Courses

Spring 2007 Courses

Mathematics Graduate Program

This page contains:
  • A table of courses being offered for spring 2007. (This list is still tentative. Courses with low enrollment may be cancelled, and some course times may be changed. Occasionally, the instructor may change, and the course description may be modified.)
  • A a compact version of the schedule.
  • Information about the beginning of the spring semester

Please inform the graduate office ( of any errors or updates to the information on this page.

In the table below, you may click on any course number and get a course description. Here is some general information related to the table.

Course number
Course name Instructor Place
Days, period; times
640:502 41884 Theor Func Real Variables Goodman HLL 423
MW 6; 5:00-6:20
640:504 46492 Theor Func Comp Variables Sussmann CANCELED
640:508 53543 Functional Analysis II Nussbaum HLL 423
TTh 5; 3:20-4:40
640:510 50526 Sel Topics in Analysis Tahvildar-Zadeh HLL 423
TF 2; 10:20-11:40
640:519 53545 Sel Topics in Differential Equations Li, Y HLL 425
MW 2; 10:20-11:40
640:524 53546 Func Several Complex Variables
Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables
Huang, X HLL 124
Th 2&3; 10:20-1:20
640:532 49972 Intro Differential Geometry & Topology Luo HLL 124
MW 2; 10:20-11:40
640:534 53547 Sel Topics in Geometry Woodward HLL 423
M 3; 12:00-1:20;
HLL 705 T 2; 10:20-11:40
640:536 48684 Algebraic Geometry II Buch, A HLL 124
MW6; 5:00-6:20
640:541 49973 Intro Alg Topology II Ferry HLL 525
T 3; 12:00-1:20; TH 5; 3:20-4:40
640:549 53548 Lie Groups Gindikin HLL 423
MW 4; 1:40-3:00
640:552 41883 Abstract Algebra Retakh HLL 425
TF 2; 10:20-11:40
640:555 47911 Topics in Algebra Lepowsky, J HLL 425
MW 5; 3:20-4:40
640:559 53550 Commutative Algebra Maclagan HLL 525
MW 2; 10:20-11:40
640:569 51810 Selected Topics in Logic Cherlin HLL 423
MTH 2; 10:20-11:40
640:573 51815 Spec Top Number Theory Iwaniec HLL 124
TF 3; 12:00-1:20
640:574 49393 Top Number Theory Miller CANCELED
640:640 51811 Experimental Mathematics Zeilberger ARC 118
MTh 3; 12:00-1:20
640:651 53551 Basic Category Theory Bumby CANCELED
642:528 49392 Methods of Appl Math Speer HLL 124
TTh 6; 5:00-6:20
642:561 53552 Intro Math Physics Soffer HLL 423
TTh 4; 1:40-3:00
642:574 51886 Numerical Analysis
Falk HLL 425
TTh 6; 5:00-6:20
642:581 51817 Graph Theory Beck HLL 525
T5; 3:20-4:40
F3; 12:00-1:20
642:583 48478 Combinatorics Saks HLL 124
TF 2; 10:20-11:40
642:587 48683 Sel Topics Discrete Math Vu HLL 525
T 4; 1:40-3:00
TH 2; 10:20-11:40
642:612:01 53553 Sel Top Appl Math Lebowitz HLL 425
TTH 4; 1:40-3:00
642:612:02 55191 Sel Top Appl Math
Computational Finance
Dr. Andrey Itkin
(Supplementary lectures in C++) V.Pathak
HLL 705
W 7,8; 6:40-9:30
(C++) TH7; 6:40-8:00
642:622 49979 Financial Math Feehan HLL 705
M 7&8; 6:40-9:30
642:662 53554 Sel Top Math Physics Kiessling HLL 425
MW 4; 1:40-3:00
640:811 41951 Graduate Fellowship 0 credits
640:866 41952 Graduate Assistant "6E" credits
640:877 41953 Teaching Assistant "6E" credits

Information about the Course Table

Course number: 640 is the prefix for Pure Mathematics courses and 642 is the prefix for Applied Mathematics courses. There is no distinction in degree requirements for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, but we still use this numbering differentiation, which dates to the 1960's.
Index number:   This five digit number is needed to register for a course in the Rutgers system.
Course name:   This is the official course name which is in the Rutgers system for the course corresponding to the given course number. There may be little relationship between this name and the course contents.
Instructor:   Probably.
Place:   Probable classroom. HLL refers to Hill Center. The Graduate Program and the Math Department control the use of only a few (four) real classrooms. There are other spaces available which have sometimes been used for class meetings.
Days, period; times:   Probably. Constraints on meeting times include times which should be left free for faculty meetings, times left free for traditional seminar meetings, and 8 AM. Most faculty and almost all graduate students are quite unwilling to admit that 8 AM exists as a time for intellectual converse. Note: Monday=M, Tuesday=T, Wednesday=W, Thursday=Th, Friday=F.
Warning: The "period" refers to the new Rutgers 80-minute period on Busch Campus: Period 1 begins at 8:40. There are 20 minutes between periods. See the Compact Schedule

More complete descriptions of courses including information about texts are sometimes posted outside the 3rd floor mailroom.

Almost all introductory graduate courses in mathematics are given as a series of lectures. Most such courses have written homework, and one or more oral or written examinations. Many basic courses have assigned texts. More advanced courses depart from these rules. Students are sometimes asked to lecture, and there are rarely assigned texts.

Beginning the spring 2007 semester

  • The first class day of the spring 2007 semester is Tuesday, January 16, 2007.
  • Written qualifying exams will be given during the week before the semester begins, Wednesday and Thursday morning (January 10 and 11, 2007).

The compact schedule

Links here are to further information about each course on the course description page. Back to the top of this page.

Period & times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1  8:40-10:00 AM  
2  10:20-11:40 AM 640:532:01 HLL 124
640:569:01 HLL 423
640:519:01 HLL 425
640:559:01 HLL 525
642:583:01 HLL 124
640:510:01 HLL 423
640:552:01 HLL 425
640:534:01 HLL 705
640:532:01 HLL 124
640:519:01 HLL 425
640:559:01 HLL 525
640:524:01 HLL 124
640:569:01 HLL 423
642:587:01 HLL 525
642:583:01 HLL 124
640:510:01 HLL 423
640:552:01 HLL 425
3  12:00-1:20 PM 640:534:01 HLL 423
640:640:01 ARC 118
640:541:01 HLL 525
640:573:01 HLL 124
640:524:01 HLL 124
640:640:01 ARC 118
640:573:01 HLL 124
642:581:01 HLL 525
4  1:40-3:00 PM 640:549:01 HLL 423
642:662:01 HLL 425
642:561:01 HLL 423
642:612:01 HLL 425
642:587:01 HLL 525
640:549:01 HLL 423
642:662:01 HLL 425
642:561:01 HLL 423
642:612:01 HLL 425

5  3:20-4:40 PM
640:555:01 HLL 425
640:508:01 HLL 423
642:581:01 HLL 525

640:555:01 HLL 425
640:508:01 HLL 423
640:541:01 HLL 525

6  5:00-6:20 PM
640:536:01 HLL 124
640:502:01 HLL 423
642:528:01 HLL 124
642:574:01 HLL 425
640:536:01 HLL 124
640:502:01 HLL 423
642:528:01 HLL 124
642:574:01 HLL 425

7  6:40-8:00 PM
642:622:01 HLL 705

642:612:02 HLL 705

8  8:10-9:30 PM
642:622:01 HLL 705

642:612:02 HLL 705

- Last Modified 10/18/2006.
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