This page contains some information to help get you oriented for your arrival. You will be notified by email as more information is added.
Pre-enrollment Lectures 2016
a series of pre-enrollment lectures for entering graduate students |
Course selection
Information about selecting your first semester courses.
Preparing for the core introductory graduate courses
A summary and study guide for background material for the basic introductory graduate courses.
Option for "Free" attempt at the
written qualifying exam.
The written qualifying exam is required of all Ph.D. students. Students are normally allowed two attempts, and most students make their first attempt at the beginning of their second year in the program. However, entering students who believe they may be prepared for the exam, may take the exam at the beginning of the semester they arrive. This attempt does not count towards the two attempts otherwise allowed.
The exam will be held Wednesday, August 31 through Friday, September 2 in Hill 705. If you intend to take the exam, you should register by email with Graduate Secretary, Katie Guarino ( -
Faculty Mentors
Each entering student will be assigned a faculty mentor sometime during the summer, who will serve as your advisor until you select a research advisor (usually during your second or third year).
For international students
Here is the link to university information for new international students.
Activities during the last two weeks of August
Here are various
Administrative chores that you'll need to do when you arrive.
Mathematics Department orientation and preenrollment lectures:
Pre-enrollment Lectures
This is event which will include:
- Orientation information for the program,
- Introductory mathematics lecture series by faculty, with problem sessions led by senior graduate students.
- Expository lectures by advanced graduate students about their dissertation research
- Food and welcoming events.
University-wide orientation for new graduate students :
Monday, August 29, 2016
All students should attend one of these two sessions. Further information will be sent to students by the graduate school. -
University-wide Orientation for new international Teaching Assistants:
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
All entering students from abroad who have a Teaching Assistantship should attend. Further information will be sent to students by the graduate school. -
University-wide Teaching Assistant Orientation:
Thursday, September 1, 2016
All students who have appointments as a teaching assistant for 2016-2016 should attend. Those entering students supported on fellowships are also urged to attend, as attendance of this orientation will be required when their support source becomes teaching assistant. -
Mathematics Written qualifying exam:
Wednesday, August 31 – Friday, September 2, 2016 in Hill 705
Mathematics Department orientation and preenrollment lectures:
Pre-enrollment Lectures