Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University - Hill Center for the Mathematical Sciences
110 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 - (Tel) 848-445-2390 - (Fax) 732-445-5530
110 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 - (Tel) 848-445-2390 - (Fax) 732-445-5530

Hill Center is named for the mathematician-astronomer
George William Hill (1838-1914, A.B. Rutgers 1859).
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What's New
- Joel Lebowitz's annual Statistical Mechanical conferences featured in Physics World.
- Francois Treves has been awarded the Bergman Prize from the American Mathematical Society.
- Michael Saks has been selected as an ACM Fellow. Henryk Iwaniec and John Friedlander will be awarded the 2017 AMS Doob Prize.
- Three Rutgers New Brunswick faculty are newly elected 2017 Fellows of the American Mathematical Society: Sagun Chanillo "for contributions to partial differential equations and geometric analysis", Alex Kontorovich "for contributions to analytic number theory and for mathematical exposition", and Xiaochun Rong "for contributions to Riemannian geometry".
- Xiaojun Huang has been invited to present the Monroe Martin lecture at John Hopkins in 2017 on Complex Geometry. He was also invited to give the Roever lectures in Mathematics in Washington University in 2016.
- Congratulations to Henryk Iwaniec for receiving the inaugural Chancellor Award for Faculty Excellence.
- John Kerrigan has attained nationwide ranking by his students in "Rank My Professor".
- Henryk Iwaniec has been awarded the 2015 Stefan Banach Medal of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
- Together with his co-authors Christoph Koutschan and Manuel Kauers, Doron Zeilberger has been awarded the 2016 AMS David P. Robbins Prize.
- Eric Carlen, Natasa Sesum and Avy Soffer were named as Fellows in the 2016 Class of the American Mathematical Society.
- Joel Lebowitz has been elected a foreign member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
- Together with Gerd Faltings, Henryk Iwaniec has been awarded the 2015 Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences.
- Alice Seneres has been awarded one of the 2015 SAS Awards for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Education.
- Together with his coauthors P. Sharma and P. Mohammadi, Liping Liu has been selected to receive the 2015 Melville Medal from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for his paper entitled "A Theory of Flexoelectric Membranes and Effective Properties of Heterogeneous Membranes".
- Eduardo Teixeira a Hill Assistant Professor from 2005 to 2008, has been elected a Fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.
- Charles Dapogny has been awarded the Prix Thiess de Rosemont / Demassieux by the Chancellerie de Paris.