Mathematics Department - Information for Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students and Visitors

Information for Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students and Visitors

Basic Information
Personal Information – It is important that the department have current records of your local home address, phone number, and a person to contact in case of emergency. Please notify the Department Secretary in Hill 346 (Colette Claiborne) or Mayka Benitez in Hill 307 immediately of any changes made to this information during the year.
I.D. Cards – Photo I.D. cards are issued in the RUConnection Office once you are on payroll. These may be obtained from the Public Safety Card Office at 55 Commercial Ave. or the ASB II Office, 57 Route 1; see the Public Safety Technologies website for details.

You must carry this I.D. at all times while on campus, and it is required in order to make use of University facilities such as libraries, pools, gyms, etc. No temporary I.D. will be issued by the department to replace a lost or forgotten card.

  • New Faculty will be given a form to request a temporary guest I.D. card if you need to access the library before you go on payroll.
  • Visitors will be provided with a form to request a guest I.D. card.
  • Students must be registered before obtaining a student I.D. card, or must be on payroll before obtaining an employee I.D. card; they cannot have both.
Parking – One-day visitors should see Colette Claiborne (Hill 307), or Mayka Benitez (Hill 307) to obtain a one-day permit. Longer-term visitors may need to purchase a permit from Rutgers Parking, though it is advisable to consult someone in the department before doing so.
Telephones – AASTRA devices belong to the deparment. Report problems to the Department Secretary in 346 or 307 (x5-2393). Office phones are primarily for business purposes.

Each faculty and staff member, and each graduate student office has a 5-digit telephone extension. The full phone number is 848-445-2390 ext.XXXXX (the 5 digit extension is listed on the display of the phone in your assigned office). You must keep a record of the date and numbers of any long distance calls you make for bookkeeping purposes. You will receive a copy of the bill each month and be asked to account for your calls. SEE * BELOW FOR INFO ON PHONE CHARGES.

Important:  To request an Ambulance or to report Fire - dial  911    from your office phone.

Please note that Visitor and Student phones are restricted to certain types of calls (e.g. Student phones cannot place international calls).

  • Within the Department
    Simply dial the 5-digit extension of the person you are trying to reach, to initiate the call.
    e.g.  1318  
  • Within the University
    Dial 2 for New Brunswick (CAC & Douglass) extensions, or dial 5 for Piscataway (Busch & Livingston) extensions, followed by the 5-digit extension of the person you are trying to reach, to initiate the call.
    e.g.  5-1318      
    Note:  This does not* have the same result as the last example. This will dial 848-445-1318.
  • Outside the Department
    Dial '8' first, then a '1', and then proceed to dial the regular number, including the area code, to initiate the call.
    e.g.  8-1-732-555-1234  
  • Outside the Country
    Dial '011', the country code, city code, then the phone number, to initiate the call.
    e.g.  011-385-1-555-1234  
    Note:  One should not dial a '8' before the '011' as you would to dial out normally.
  • Outside the Department
    First dial the central number for the Department, which is 848-445-2390. You will then be prompted via an audible menu to input the 5-digit extension of the person you are attempting to reach.
    e.g.  848-445-2390, x5-1318
    Note:  All office extension can be called directly from any phone by dialing the campus prefix before the 5-digit extension. For Piscataway (Busch & Livingston) extensions, you would dial '848-445-XXXX' and for New Brunswick (CAC & Douglass) extensions, you would dial '848-932-XXXX', with the 'XXXX' representing the last 4 digits of the extension you wish to dial.

To transfer calls, press the 'Xfer' hotkey, dial the 5-digit extension of the person to whom you wish to transfer the call and then press the 'Xfer' hotkey again to complete the transfer. Once that is accomplished, the call will be transferred to the other person, and will be out of your hands.

To learn more about the many features of the phone system, including setup of your identity on the phone system (e.g. name, voicemail, etc.) please view the VoIP Training Manuals.

To learn more about placing calls into the Department, including extensive examples,
please view the VoIP User Quick Start Guide.

Mail – Incoming mail is distributed to department mailboxes by staff in room 315 as soon as possible after its arrival, once a day (please do not sift through the boxes if you arrive before mail is sorted). No keys to room 315 are available. You must plan to pick up mail and packages DURING REGULAR OFFICE HOURS, or use the lock combination on your mailbox if available. Your department mailing address is your name with the folliwing address :
Rutgers University, Dept. of Mathematics - Hill Center
110 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019
  • Personal Mail should be sent to your home address or P.O. Box, since we are not responsible for "lost items".
  • Outgoing Mail is collected in Hill 317 and posted at a central University facility. Leave mail in the basket to be sent out with postage. Please have your name, return address and billing code on each envelope or it will not be sent out. Personal mail is not handled unless previously stamped; place it in the "stamped mail" box under the table in the mail room, or there is a small Post Office located in the Busch Campus Center. Extremely large packages MUST be taken to the Post Office, or you may contact UPS and pay charges at time of pickup.
  • Campus Mail envelopes are available in 315 (or 311 on the shelf) and should be recirculated. They must be properly addressed (see example on mailroom bulletin board), all old addresses should be crossed out, and then they must be put into the campus mail box under the table in 315.

BOTH OUTGOING AND CAMPUS MAIL ARE PICKED UP ONCE A DAY; APPROX. 10:30 AM. Outgoing mail may be dropped off after 4:30 in the 314 door slot to be sent out the next day.

Fax – Our fax number is 732-445-5530. Services are available for short communications only. Incoming items must be clearly labelled with your NAME and DEPARTMENT, since other departments may also use this machine. The machine will receive incoming messages 24 hours a day; however, distribution of materials received and to be sent out is handled during business hours only. Fax messages received will be put in your mailbox. Forms are available at the window of the Copy Center (Hill 315) for outgoing communications. Only authorized staff members may operate the machine or distribute incoming material.
Copying Facilities – are located in Hill 315. SEE * BELOW FOR INFO ABOUT CHARGES.

There is a walkup machine in the corner by the mailboxes for small projects (total of 100 copies or less) for staff, faculty, and eligible graduate students, which you may use yourself for business and course work. Every full-time member of the department, as well as long-term visitors will be provided with a personal user number upon request.

All copies are sorted into one of five categories, which you select at copy time by specifying a billing code. The five categories, along with their respective billing codes are listed below. You must login using your account number, with no password, then input a billing code, for each copy session.

  • Instructional Copying : 700001 : Instructional material is material distributed to students such as notes, problems, etc., as well as your exams and grade records.
    You may also submit the job to our copy center operator, indicating that it is instructional material.
  • Administrative Copying : 700002 : Administrative material is any material necessary for Department business, projects, or events.
  • Grant Copying : 700003 : Grant material is any material that you wish to charge to, and is covered by, your grant.
    If you do not have a grant, then you must use the 'Personal' billing code instead.
  • Personal Copying : 700005 : Personal material is any material for personal use, and is by far the most widely applicable category.
    This category does apply to research material in the event that no grant may be used to cover the copying costs.
  • External Copying : 700006 : External material is any material pertaining to paid work for source other than the University, such as a Journal, where the external group paying for your work is covering the cost of the copied matirials.
*  Note
All paper copying will be charged 6¢ ($0.06) per page.
Transparencies are 15¢ ($0.15) per page.

All charges for non-instruction expenses must be paid by you. Individuals able to charge these expenses to grants are strongly encouraged to do so (make a note that you wish to charge your grant for your expenses on the bottom of the invoice before you return it).

The key Operator (located at the 315 window) is there to run larger jobs. Please allow backlog time. Personal copying should not interfere with business.

Please plan ahead to do your copying and to pick up work.

Library – The Mathematical Sciences and Physics Library is located on the first floor of Hill Center near the high-rise elevators. It operates under the University Library system and posts its own hours of operation, which may vary on holidays, weekends, exam weeks, etc. No keys are given out for the Library - you must use it during its normal hours of operation! A University picture I.D. card from the RUConnection Office must be shown to the librarian to take books out from any University library.

NOTE: Some journals and other reference materials are not allowed to leave the library. If you need to make a copy, a "Copy Card" is required to operate the library machine. Upon request, Amber Cole in Hill 315, will issue such cards to you. If she is unavailable please ask the staff members in either Hill 310 or Hill 312 for assistance. Each card is presently worth $5 (or a total of 46 copies). If you plan to do a large article, in excess of 46 pages, be sure to request an additional card. Used up cards should be disposed of. Please, do not leave the card in the library copy machine when you are finished. Anyone can use it to make copies. New faculty/eligible students should request an instruction sheet when getting your first card.

Campus Information
Campus Bus Service – The University offers free campus bus service during the academic year (limited service on weekends, during exams, holidays, and the summer months). Bus schedules are available in several Math department offices or online. Real-time tracking of the campus buses is available at NextBus. Simply select a route, direction, and your final stop. Then click on the 'Live Map' link to the right in order to view the current locations of the buses.
Campus Eating Areas – Student Centers located on each campus contain various fast-food establishments (such as coffee shops, Burger King, a pizza shop, a deli, Chinese, etc...).The Busch Campus Center also contains a large cafeteria for students, though a meal plan or visitor fee is required in order to gain admittance. A more formal faculty/staff dining area is accessible by entering the doors at the corner of building to the right of the loading dock. A menu for the Busch Campus Faculty dining hall is available by calling 732-445-DINE. Brower Commons on College Ave. runs a cafeteria for students and a separate more formal one for faculty and staff. Tillet Hall on Livingston Campus, and the Neilson Dining Hall on Douglass also have student facilities, with several cafes scattered around.
For quick snacks, there are soda machines in the lobby and basement and a snack and ice cream machine in the lobby of Hill Center. There are convenience stores in the Campus Centers as well.
Campus Maps – Maps and building searches of the New Brunswick, Newark campus, and Camden campuses are available at Buildings can also be located from the integrated Rutgers Search
Departmental Information
Department Office Hours – The staff offices are generally open between 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. on weekdays only. However, the Graduate and Undergraduate Offices are usually open during the lunch hour and until 5 p.m. most days, for student support. Staff holidays or other department office closings will be posted in advance on or near the glass board as a reminder, as well as on the math website under "Events & Seminars", click on "Math Calendar". The mail/copy center is open during office hours only; Copying machines shut down at 4:15 p.m.
Computer Account/Email – A computer account is available upon check-in; please ask in Hill 322. Math Department computer labs are located in Hill 531 & 601. Printers can be found in Hill 319, 531, and 601. Access to Hill 531 & 601 is restricted by the Department, and requires an I.D. Card. If you have a problem with any machine, send a message to by email, and make sure to provide the room, the machine, and detailed information about the problem. Please do not only ask for help in person. Problems are noted and tracked via help e-mail. Signs near printers provide contact information for the Help Desk. More information about Math Computing is available at the Computing Support page. Any jobs you send to the printer should be picked up, and cover sheets disposed of in recycling cans. Be sure to cancel any jobs you start, and then don't want, to avoid possible printing charges.

Once enrolled in the payroll system you can ask staff for an account on the campus-wide server 'RCI'. With this login you can access online class roster and grade submission websites.

Supplies – Only limited supplies are available in the department. Personal supplies should be brought from home, unless you have grant funds to pay for them. SEE * BELOW FOR INFO ABOUT SUPPLY CHARGES.
Coffee Hour – The Department runs a self-supporting daily coffee/tea/cookies hour from 3 – 4 p.m. during the Fall & Spring semesters. It is open to all building faculty and staff who contribute, and is free to all mathematics graduate students. Faculty and staff will receive a notice and request for the contribution at the start of each semester. You are also reminded to contribute extra for visitors you have during the semester. See the secretary in Hill 316 for more details.
Seminars – Math Department seminar notices are posted weekly on the department website, and on the glass board across from the elevators, by the secretary in Hill 318. Outside notices are on the board near Hill 309. Please watch for notices (posted or online) regarding room changes and/or cancellations. Seminar coordinators should schedule a room each semester and submit information for weekly posting online, or to the secretary in Hill 318. There are posting submission deadlines and that information is also available through the secretary in Hill 318.
Colloquium – The Department Colloquium generally meets every Friday during the Fall & Spring semesters from 4 – 5 p.m. in Hill 705. Watch the website for weekly announcements of speakers and/or time changes. Contact the Colloquium Chairs to book a time for a particular speaker.
Meetings – Notices of important department and committee meetings are communicated by email. Also watch the glass board on the 3rd Floor across from the elevators, and/or your mailbox, for reminders.
Notices – For your convenience, bulletin boards have been provided and are kept updated by secretaries. You are asked not to add or remove notices, but to place seminar or conference posters/job postings in Alice's mailbox in Hill 315. Graduate student posters should be left in the Graduate Secretary's mailbox in Hill 315 (Katie Guarino).


  • Glass Board between 301-303 - Teaching/exam schedules, office locations, phone extensions, of department personnel and undergraduate information.
  • Glass Board between 305-307 - Department meeting notices, seminar notices, important personnel information with deadlines, or additional special information notices. (ALSO WATCH THE MAILROOM FOR POSTED REMINDERS OF SPECIAL THINGS.)
  • Bulletin Board to right of 301 - Undergraduate notices and information.
  • Bulletin Board between 307-309 - Position announcements for faculty and finishing graduate students and outside (not dept) seminar and colloquia notices.
  • Bulletin Board to right of mailroom door - Graduate student course announcements and schedule.
  • Bulletin board between 304-306 - Announcements from Graduate School and dept on graduate matters/thesis defenses, etc.
  • Bulletin boards across hall from 309 - Posters announcing upcoming conferences, workshops, institutes.

Paychecks – New faculty do not receive their first paycheck until September, after teaching duties have begun. Payday is every other Friday after the initial check. Dates may change around holidays. Watch the paystubs for important notices on benefits and payroll information. Paystubs are your only record of monies you received. This information is not available from the department.

Checks must be picked up in person and signed for during regular office hours - no one may pick up your check for you (including spouse) unless previously authorized by you to us in writing (Hill 346). Direct Deposit, which you should consider if you are not able to pick up your check regularly, is possible for certain eligible employees after you are in the payroll system. See the secretary in Hill 346 for forms.

Emergency Numbers –
  • For Emergency / Fire / Ambulance, dial 911 from Mathematics Department office phones. For non-emergency University Police calls, dial 2-7211.
  • For Help with Math Office/Building Problems during daytime business Hours, see/call Colette Claiborne in Hill 346 (x5-2393), Mayka Benitez in Hill 307 (x5-6020), or as a last resort, Theresa Kirby in 311 (x5-2395).
  • For Emergency Help with Math Office/Building Problems after hours only (regular business will not be conducted), try in order ... Mayka (home) : 973-980-61896 or Theresa (cell) : 908-720-3977.
  • Chair and Vice-chairs' numbers are on your office hour list. It is highly suggested you keep updated copies in plain sight both in your office and home.
Instructional Information
Instructor Info – By University regulations, final exams and grade books must be kept for at least one year in case of inquiry. Therefore, you should bundle all finals, mark with semester, course number, your name, etc., and keep them in your office. However, if your appointment with Rutgers ends before that year is over, you should give them to the Undergraduate Office staff in Hill 303 before you check out. For much more information, see the UNDERGRADUATE INSTRUCTION INFORMATION web page.
Office & Teaching Schedules of Faculty/Visitors – Office hour lists and teaching schedules are prepared as early as possible in the semester and posted in the glass bulletin board outside Hill 303. A hard copy of the faculty office hour list is also distributed to faculty and staff, which includes office numbers, telephone extensions, office hours and email addresses. The undergraduate and graduate teaching schedules are posted on the math website.
Room Reservations – Please note that all classrooms, seminar rooms, & conference rooms must be scheduled by class period (see above). In the event that you need to reserve a room for additional class time, a special exam, office hours, a meeting, or seminars, please come prepared to let us know day preferred, class period, campus, and how many people you wish to accommodate. You may check the current room reservations here.
  • For Lounge/Colloquium Room (Hill 703, 705), and Seminar Rooms (Hill 124, 423, 425, 525) - see Secretary in Hill 318 (Alice Leonhardt).
  • For courses - see either the Graduate Secretary in Hill 306 (Katie Guarino) or the Undergraduate Secretary in Hill 303.

NOTE: Department rooms scheduled for the semester, for both classes and seminars, are only held through the last regular day of classes. Rooms must be rescheduled for extra sessions, final exams, makeup times, etc. to avoid scheduling conflicts!

Overhead Projectors – Machines are available on a first-come first-served basis in 317. There is a sign out/in sheet for borrowing equipment. Extension cords are recommended since the cord in the machine is not long enough to reach plugs in most seminar rooms. Cords and machines should be returned immediately after use. If the offices are closed, lock the machine in your office; do not leave it unattended in the seminar room. Return cord to the box; do not leave it attached and try to squeeze it inside the machine. You are asked to carefully handle this equipment, as the mirrored plates scratch easily, and repairs are expensive and take time. Notify the secretary in the event of a blown bulb or a problem so she can have the machine serviced before the next user. If no one is around, tape a problem note to the machine when you sign it back in.
Staggered Class Schedule – The scheduling office has a table of standard class meeting periods (varying by campus) together with standard class period combinations.
Hill Center Information
Security – We do have a problem with security in the University. DO NOT LEAVE OFFICE DOORS OPEN OR UNLOCKED WHEN YOU ARE NOT IN THE ROOM. DO NOT LEAVE WALLETS, POCKETBOOKS, WATCHES, OR ANY VALUABLE PERSONAL ITEMS OUT IN VIEW OR UNATTENDED IN YOUR OFFICE. The University is not covered by insurance for such losses. Report stolen or lost property to University Police at x2-7211 immediately. The last person out of individual or shared space is expected to close windows and lock doors at all times (this is especially important in case of bad weather or fire, and especially if you have a 1st floor office).
Heating/Air Conditioning – Window units are maintained annually by Facilities Maintenance Personnel. At least 30 inches clearance is required in front of panel at all times. Furniture should not be pushed up against it unless you are prepared to move it out when maintenance is required. To allow proper circulation of air in the room, and to avoid accumulation of debris in vents which then clogs overflow drains and causes water leaks, the top ledge should be kept free of clutter [e.g. books/papers/plants]. Immediately report any trace of water on floor or ceiling to your dept secretary.
Office Blackboards – Do not use blackboards for permanent recording of work or vital information. These boards are periodically washed or treated by the custodial crew and "DO NOT ERASE" signs may be ignored because of language barrier or maintenance schedules. Use at your own risk (PLEASE DO NOT COMPLAIN TO OFFICE - THIS IS A FAIR WARNING!) Chalk/eraser should not be removed from the offices, seminar rooms, or classrooms.
Furniture – Do not move furniture of any kind out of the offices, halls, building, or shelves from rooms, without permission of your department Chairman's office. Additional office furniture must be requested and purchased through your department. [Since most departments do not have budgets for furniture, you may be required to use your startup or grant funds for such requests if approved.] If you borrow an extra chair for a meeting, please return it. Be courteous. [Do not remove chairs from seminar rooms or classrooms; they are set up for a particular # of occupants. Immediately notify your department if classroom seating is inadequate.] PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON FURNITURE OR WALLS. But, if you share an office, please do TAPE A PIECE OF PAPER CONTAINING YOUR NAME ALONG THE EDGE OF THE DESK UNIT, WHICH CAN BE REMOVED IF YOU RELOCATE TO ANOTHER OFFICE OR LEAVE RUTGERS; PLEASE DO NOT STICK PERMANENT LABELS ON FURNITURE OR WALLS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE WHEN REMOVED.
Computer Equipment – (Whether ordered by grant or University funds) is considered University property and may NOT be removed from the building unless signed out. All tagged equipment remains property of department and must be returned to department should you leave Rutgers. No one may take equipment when they leave Rutgers unless you first have permission in writing from the Department Chair, AND a signed form from Property Management giving you permission to take specific equipment with you when you leave Rutgers.
Personal Furniture/Equipment/Carpeting etc... – Do not bring personal furniture, equipment (e.g. computers, printers, appliances) into the building unless permission is first obtained from your Chairman's office. You are responsible for its removal at the end of your appointment at Rutgers. It is not to be "given" to someone else, unless that person again requests permission to keep it in an office. Rutgers University is not responsible for lost, or stolen items, or the disposal of old stuff you brought on campus.
Bad Weather – Rutgers rarely closes because of weather, and if classes are cancelled offices may remain open so you must listen closely. Weather announcements are made :
  • on the Web at
  • by E-mail
  • and by Radio/TV; listen for Rutgers University, New Brunswick/Piscataway Campuses.
    • WCTC 1450 AM
    • WRSU 88.7 FM
    • WINS 1010 AM (NY)
    • News 12 NJ(Channel 12) - Cablevision
    • WCBS-channel 2
    • WNBC-channel 4
    • WABC-channel 7
Bugs/Mice/Roaches – These are attracted by food, large amounts of old paper, boxes etc. Keep your space clean and neat. If you must keep snacks, store in tin cans or air tight containers. If you happen to see a roach, notify your department immediately so it can request bait traps from Facilities before they multiply; these traps work far better than spraying poison around, which only chases them elsewhere.
Bulletin Boards – Check with your department (Chair's Office) about its posting rules for the bulletin boards. Notices found taped to painted walls and doors are subject to immediate removal by custodians. Do not use tacks or nails, especially on doors.
Boxes – When containing hourly exams, course work, etc. for pickup by students, boxes must be clearly marked "FOR STUDENT PICKUP" and may be left in hallways no longer than two weeks. Unmarked boxes of loose papers left on the floor are not allowed. [Check with your department about final exam regulations since these are not usually returned to students.]
Garbage – Pickup in offices is only twice per week. Anything must be marked as "GARBAGE" if not in regular wastebaskets. Custodial personnel should not pick up unmarked material, but to be safe do not store anything you wish to save next to your wastebasket. Old phone books or journals may be left in the hall next to your door in small piles for disposal, but must clearly be marked "GARBAGE". If you plan to dispose of a large volume, please notify the Custodial Supervisor (x5-3638) or ask your department to arrange for a large basket or special pickup in advance.
Recycling – Recycling is mandatory in New Jersey and at Rutgers. Glass, certain plastics, office paper, aluminum soda cans must be put in hallway bins or sorted in office baskets individually labeled. Do not mix recyclables with real garbage. Watch for recycle logo on items. No logo - it's garbage. [Dirty cups, plates, lunch bags, kleenex, old scotch tape, paper clips, pens, etc. are examples of garbage.]
  • Cardboard boxes must be separately cut up and left in hallway outside your door. Remove packing material to garbage cans, unless marked as recyclable matter.. follow instructions. Please be careful – do not put documents containing personal addresses, SSN's, grades etc. in the garbage. These items should be shredded. Ask in the office before clearing out.
  • A pizza box, although cardboard, is contaminated with food and therefore is garbage.
  • Many cartridges for printers and copy machines now come with enclosed labels for free return to companies. Keep boxes and paperwork and follow instructions when cartridge is replaced.

  • Paper Recycle Folders are available upon request from custodial services, as are additional basket labels for PAPER and GARBAGE.
Fire/Emergency Evacuations Alarms – During a Fire/Evacuation Alarm, which is indicated via red boxes near stairwells which emit bright blue pulses and give off piercing shrieks, you are expected to CLOSE WINDOW, LOCK DOORS and quickly LEAVE THE BUILDING via the stairwell. Keep moving away from doors until everyone behind you is out of building. Don't stop to talk and block someone's exit. YOU MUST GET OUTSIDE ONTO LAWN AREAS; MOVE AWAY FROM FALLING GLASS ZONES. BE AWARE THAT THE BRICK PATIO OUTSIDE THE LOBBY IS A BASEMENT ROOF; DO NOT REMAIN IN THAT AREA. REMAIN OUTSIDE UNTIL THE BUILDING IS CHECKED. ONCE ALARMS ARE TURNED OFF AND RESET BY EMERGENCY SERVICES PERSONNEL, YOU MAY RE-ENTER.
Elevators – Elevator cars have undergone complete renovation and upgrade within the past 10 years. Occasional breakdowns do occur due to heavy use, and misuse, of equipment. Enter car, press desired floor and wait. DO NOT bang on buttons, kick doors, or try to force doors open when they close; you may get stuck. If you get stuck, there is an emergency button on the lower panel which calls directly to police. Be sure to know what building you are in (and which car) since you will be asked to provide that information. Report any car problems – see Building Repairs
During Thunder/Lightning Storms or IN CASE OF FIRE YOU SHOULD NOT USE ELEVATORS, in the case of a power failure, cars may stop and may black out. Response time can be 15 minutes or more after you call for help, depending how far the foreman or emergency person on duty has to come across campus.
Lost & Found – The Lost & Found for the Hill Center only is in Hill 307/346. Items lost or found in the building should be turned in or called in immediately for recording (848-445-2390 x5-2393).
(Instructors: Please sweep through your classroom before leaving and pick up calculators, cell phones, course texts etc. left behind. Please do not give them to custodians or leave them behind - most likely they will not be there when the owner returns. You should leave a note for the owner to check with you or the building Lost and Found Office.) Every effort is made to return items to proper owners when turned in. Please consider that it may be YOU looking for your phone or wallet the next time.
Fire Department Regulations Say –
  • No sleeping in offices. No cots, sleeping bags, air mattresses, etc... are allowed in offices.
  • No cooking facilities such as hotplates, toaster ovens, electric coffee pots or microwaves are allowed in offices.
  • No accumulation of old papers, envelopes, newspapers, boxes should be left in your office. Please dispose of material in proper recycling bins or baskets on each floor daily.
  • If you must use an extension cord for any equipment, it must be a heavy duty cord, preferably with a surge protector which will flip off. Unsafe cords will be removed during inspections.
Building Repairs –
  • Elevator problems, non-working heating/air conditioning units, windows which have blown open due to storms, etc. should be reported to the building secretary at 848-445-2390 x5-2393 during regular office hours or by email to benitez@math.
  • Phone problems should be reported to the department secretary. Be sure to provide the room number, phone extension, and type of problem.
Emergencies [heart attack, choking, severe injury, fire] – CALL EMERGENCY SERVICES - 911 on department phones. Other nonemergency calls (vandalism/breakins/theft) may be made to University Police at 2-7211. Give your full name, Room #, Phone extension, exact location, and nature of the problem.
Vending Machines – Machines are located in the basement common area and in the first floor lobby for your convenience. Refunds are not available in the building - call the number on the machine. Broken/empty machines can be reported to 848-445-2390 x5-2393.
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