2000-2001 courses in the Rutgers-New Brunswick Math Graduate
2000-2001 courses in the
Rutgers-New Brunswick Math Graduate Program
Other old course listings
640 courses (Pure Mathematics) |
Fall Semester 2000
| Spring Semester 2001 |
Course |
Course name |
Instructor |
Course |
Course name |
Instructor |
501 | Real Analysis I | Speer |
502 | Real Analysis II | Chanillo |
503 | Complex Analysis I | Nussbaum |
504 | Complex Analysis II | Gindikin |
507 | Functional Analysis I | Treves |
508 | Functional Analysis II | Soffer |
509 | Topics Analysis | Gundy |
509 | Topics Analysis | Kruskal |
509 | Topics Analysis | Y. Li |
509 | Topics Analysis | Y. Li |
523 | Several Complex Vars | X. Huang |
532 | Diff Geometry | Woodward |
534 | Sel Topics Geometry | Rong |
534 | Sel Topics Geometry | Knop |
535 | Algebraic Geometry | Weibel |
536 | Algebraic Geometry | Weibel |
540 | Alg Topology | Landweber |
541 | Alg Topology | Ferry |
550 | Lie Algebras | Retakh |
546 | Topics Alg Topology | F. Luo |
551 | Algebra I | Lyons |
552 | Algebra II | Sims |
555 | Sel Topics Algebra | Lepowsky |
556 | Ring Theory | Osofsky |
555 | Sel Topics Algebra | Sahi |
560 | Homological Algebra | Vasconcelos |
569 | Sel Topics Logic | Cherlin |
571 | Intro Number Theory | Tunnell |
572 | Intro Number Theory | Tunnell |
573 | Topics Number Theory | Iwaniec |
642 courses (Applied Mathematics) |
Fall Semester 2000
| Spring Semester 2001 |
527 | Methods Applied Math | Goldin |
528 | Methods Applied Math | Butler |
550 | Linear Algebra & Apps | Osofsky |
563 | Statistical Mechanics | Gallavotti |
573 | Numerical Analysis I | Walsh |
574 | Numerical Analysis II | Vogelius |
577 | Control Theory | Sontag |
581 | Graph Theory | Beck |
582 | Combinatorics I | Kahn |
583 | Combinatorics II | Kahn |
585 | Math Models Social Probs | Roberts |
587 | Sel Topics Discrete Math | Beck |
587 | Sel Topics Discrete Math | Saks |
591 | Topics Prob Ergodic Thy | Ocone |
593 | Math for Ind.&Sys. Eng | Butler |
611 | Intro Financial Math | Petrie |
612 | Intro Financial Math | Petrie |
611 | Topics Applied Math | Costin |
662 | Topics Math Physics | Y. Huang |
661 | Sel Topics Math Physics | Lebowitz |
662 | Sel Topics Math Physics | Lebowitz |
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