Publications Available Online
Title |
Journal |
Date |
The fixed point index for local condensing maps |
Annali di Matematici, 89 (1971), 217-258 |
1971 |
Cyclic differential equations and period three solutions of differential-delay equations |
Journal of Differential Equations, 48 (1982), 379-408 |
1982 |
The fixed point index and some applications |
Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures, Université de Montréal |
1985 |
Circulant matrices and differential-delay equations |
Journal of Differential Equations, 60 (1985), 201-217 |
1985 |
Global continuation and asymptotic behaviour for periodic solutions of a differential-delay equation |
Annali Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 145 (1986), 33-128 |
1986 |
Convexity and log convexity for the spectral radius |
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 73 (1986), 59-122 |
1986 |
A differential-delay equation arising in optics and physiology |
SIAM Journal of Mathematical Aanlysis, 20 (1989), 249-292 |
1989 |
The arithmetic-geometric mean and its generalizations for noncommuting linear operators |
Annali Scuola Normale di Pisa, 15 (1989), 239-308 |
1989 |
Some nonlinear weak ergodic theorems |
SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 21 (1990), 436-460 |
1990 |
Estimates of the periods of periodic points for nonexpansive operators |
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 76 (1991), 345-380 |
1991 |
Convergence of iterates of a nonlinear operator arising in statistical mechanics |
Nonlinearity 4 (1991), 1223-1240 |
1991 |
Boundary layer phenomena for differential-delay equations with state-dependent time lags, I |
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 120 (1992), 99-146 |
1992 |
On variational principles for the generalized principal eigenvalue of second order elliptic operators and some applications |
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, 59 (1992), 161-177 |
1992 |
Entropy Minimization, Hilbert’s Projective Metric, and Scaling Integral Kernels |
Journal of Functional Analysis 115, 45-99 |
1993 |
A limit set trichotomy for self-mappings of normal cones in Banach spaces |
Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.and A., 20 (1993), 855-870 |
1993 |
Periodic Solutions for Functional Differential Equations with Multiple State-dependent Time Lags |
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 3(1994), pp. 101-162 |
1994 |
Lattice Isomorphisms and Iterates of Nonexpansive Maps |
Nonhnear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 22 (8), pp. 945-970 |
1994 |
Entropy minimization, DAD theorems and doubly stochastic kernels |
Journal of Functional Analysis, 123 (1994), 264-307 |
1994 |
Finsler structures for the part metric and Hilbert’s projective metric and applicationsto ordinary differential equations |
Differential and Integral Equations, 7 (1994), 1649-1707. |
1994 |
Applications of the Birkhoff-Hopf theorem to the spectral theory of positive linear operators |
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 117 (1995), 491-512 |
1995 |
An elementary proof of the Birkhoff-Hopf theorem |
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambrdige Philosophical Society, 117 (1995), 31-55 |
1995 |
Boundary Layer Phenomena for Differential-delay Equations with State Dependent Time Lags: II |
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 477 (1996), pp. 129-197 |
1996 |
Eigenvectors of order-preserving linear operators |
Journal of London Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 480-496 |
1998 |
Approximation by Polynomials with Nonnegative Coefficients and the Spectral Theory of Positive Operators |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 350 (6), 2367-2391 |
1998 |
Periodic points of nonexpansive maps and nonlinear genralizations of the Perron-Frobenius theory |
Selecta Mathematica 4 (1998), 141-181 |
1998 |
Admissible arrays and a nonlinear generalization of Perron-Frobenius theory |
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 526-544 |
1998 |
Dynamics of a Quadratic Map in Two Complex Variables |
Journal of Differential Equations 169, pp. 57-141 |
2001 |
Lower and Upper Bounds for ω-limit sets of Nonexpansive Maps |
Indag. Mathem., N.S. 12 (2), 191-211 |
2001 |
Nonexpansive Periodic Operators in l1 with Application to Superhigh-Frequency Oscillations in a Discontinuous Dynamical System with Time Delay |
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 13 (2) |
2001 |
Periodic Points of Positive Linear Operators and Perron-Frobenius Operators |
Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 39 (2001) 41-97 |
2001 |
Eigenvalues For A Class Of Homogeneous Cone Maps Arising From Max-Plus Operators |
Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems, 8 (3) July 2002, 519-562 |
2002 |
Existence, Uniqueness and Analyticity for Periodic Solutions of a Non-Linear Convolution Equation |
Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 42 (2002) pp. 385-424 |
2002 |
A Basis Theorem for a Class of Max-plus Eigenproblems |
J. Differential Equations 189 (2003), pp. 616639 |
2003 |
Asymptotic estimates for the periods of periodic points of non-expansive maps |
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 23 (2003), 1199-1226 |
2003 |
Boundary layer phenomena for differential-delay equations with state-dependent time lags: III |
Journal of Differential Equations 189 (2003), 640-692 |
2003 |
Extension of order-preserving maps on a cone |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 133 (2003), 35-59 |
2003 |
Iteration of order preserving subhomogeneous maps on a cone |
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 140 (2006), 157-176 |
2006 |
Iterated linear maps on a cone and Denjoy-wolff theorems |
Linear algebra and its Applications, 416 (2006), pages 615-626 |
2006 |
Global Stablility, Two Conjectures, and Maple |
Nonlinear Analysis, Vol.66, (5), pp. 1064-1090 |
2007 |
Fixed Point Theorems, and Denjoy-Wolff Theorems for Hilbert's Projective Metric in Infinite Dimensions |
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 29 (2007) pp.199-249 |
2007 |
Asymptotic Fixed Point Theory and the Beer Barrel Theorem |
J. Fixed Point Theory and Applications 4 (2008), 203-245 |
2008 |
DenjoyWolff theorems, Hilbert metric nonexpansive maps and reproductiondecimation operators |
J. Functional Analysis 254 (2008), 2365-2386 |
2008 |
Generalizing the Krein-Rutman Theorem, Measures of Noncompactness and the Fixed Point Index |
J. Fixed Point Theory and Applications 7 (2010), 103-143 |
2010 |
Inequivalent Measures of Noncompactness |
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 190, Issue 3 (2011), 453-488 |
2011 |
Superstability and Rigorous Asymptotics in Singularly Perturbed State-Dependent Delay-Differential Equations |
Journal of Differential Equations 250 (2011), 4037-4084 |
2011 |
Stability of Periodic Solutions of State-Dependent Delay-Differential Equations |
Journal of Differential Equations 250 (2011), 4085-4103 |
2011 |
Inequivalent Measures of Noncompactness and the Radius of the Essential Spectrum |
Proceedings of American Math. Society 139 (2011), 917-930 |
2011 |
Positive Operators and Hausdorff Dimension of Invariant sets |
Transactions of American Math Society, 364 (2012), 1029-1066 |
2012 |
Tensor Products, Positive Linear Operators, and Delay-Differential Equations. Available at |
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 25 (2013), 843-905 |
2012 |
Continuity of the Cone Spectral Radius |
Proceedings of American Math. Society 141 (2013), 2741-2754 |
2013 |
Analyticity and non-analyticity of solutions of delay-differential equations (John Mallet-Paret and Roger Nussbaum) [available at arXiv:1305.0579] |
SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 46 (2014), 2468-2500 |
2014 |
Uniqueness of the fixed point of nonexpansive semi-differentiable maps (Marianne Akian, Stephane Gaubert and Roger Nussbaum) |
Transactions of the American Math. Society ,368 (2016), 1271-1320 (published electronically 2/19/15) |
2015 |
Denjoy-Wolff theorems for Hilbert's and Thompson's metric spacesPubs/Lemmens2018_Article_Denjoy-Wolff.pdf (Bas Lemmens, Brian Lins, Roger D. Nussbaum, and Marten Wortel) |
J. d'Analyse Mathematique 134 (2018), 671-718 |
2018 |
Birkhoff's version of Hilbert's metric and its applications in analysis (Bas Lemmens and Roger D. Nussbaum). Available at |
Handbook of Hilbert Geometry, edited by G. Besson, A. Papadopoulos, and M. Troyanov, Chapter 10 |
2014 |
A Collatz-Wielandt characterization of the spectral radius of order-preserving homogeneous maps on cones (Marianne Akian, Stephan Gaubert, and Roger D. Nussbaum). Available at |
submitted for publication |
2011 |
Positive Eigenvectors for Linear Operators Arising in the Computation of Hausdorff Dimension |
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 84 (2016), 357-393 |
2016 |
Cm Eigenfunctions of Perron-Frobenius Operators and a New Approach to Numerical Computation of Hausdorff Dimension: Applications in R1(Roger D. Nussbaum and Richard S. Falk) |
Journal of Fractal Geometry 5 (2018), 279-337 |
2018 |
Cm Eigenfunctions of Perron-Frobenius Operators and a New Approach to Numerical Computation of Hausdorff Dimension: Complex Continued FractionsPubs/Falk-Nussbaum Hausdorff dim 2.pdf (Roger D. Nussbaum and Richard S. Falk) |
Integral Equations and Operator Theory (appeared online 2018) |
2018 |
Gevrey Class Regularity for Analytic Differential-Delay Equations (Roger D. Nussbaum and Gabriella Vas) |
Electronic Journal of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 10 (2016), 1-10 |
2016 |
Detecting fixed points of nonexpansive maps by illuminating the unit ballPubs/Lemmens Lins Nussbaum.pdf (Bas Lemmens, Brian Lins, and Roger D. Nussbaum) |
Israel Journal of Mathematics 224 (2018), 231-161 |
2018 |
Intricate Structure of the Analytiicity Set for Solutions of a Class of Integral Equations (John Mallet-Paret and Roger Nussbaum) |
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, April 2019 |
2019 |