Doron Zeilberger's Maple Packages and Programs

Last Update: Feb. 14, 2025

Disclaimer: some of the earlier progrmas may not run properly on the current version of Maple, since Maple is, unfortunately not upward compatible.
Maple packages accompanying A=B

The Maple package PRIMESk.txt accompanies this article, by Noga Alon, Yaakov Malinovsky, Lucy Martinez, and Doron Zeilberger. It studies the probability distrubution of the random variable "number of rolls of a fair (and loaded) standard (and non-staandard) die it takes until it visits the primes k times.

The Maple package GMIP.txt accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger. It experiments with the Garsia-Milne Involution Principle.

The Maple package GenPark.txt accompanies this article, by AJ Bu and Doron Zeilberger. It experiments with generalized parking functions.

The Maple package A85.txt accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad, Manuel Kausers, and Doron Zeilberger. It finds the asympototic exmapansion of OEIS sequence A85 (the number of involutions of n elements) to order O(1/n^k) for any k ≤ 85, and a multiple of 1/2.

The Maple package Hardin.txt accompanies this article, by Robert Dougherty-Bliss, Christoph Koutscha, Natalya Ter-Saakov, and Doron Zeilberger. It counts balanced 0-1 matrices, continuing the pioneering work of Ron Hardin.

The Maple package Cramer.txt accompanies this article, by Doron Zeilberger, that gives a combinatorial proof of the famous Cramer's Rule, that goes back to 1750.

The Maple package NotAlone.txt solves and creates Not Alone puzzles of various sizes, of the kind designed by Presanna Seshardi that appear (summer 2024) in the New York Times Sunday magazine

The Maple package HDequation.txt explores, graphically (plotting nice pictures) and symbolically (series expansions) the celebrated Harry Dym equation in soliton theory. It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package Kubok.txt solves and creates Kubok puzzles of various sizes, of the kind designed by Davide Coppo for USA today. It was used to create the puzzle book 100 Kubok puzzles by Shalosh B. Ekhad.

The Maple packages FinitePoker.txt and ThreePersonPokerPoker.txt explore finite versions of von Neumann and DJ Newman pokers. They accompany this article, by Tipaluck Krityakierne, Thotsaporn "Aek" Thanatipanonda, and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package Krandick.txt explores Werner Krandick's binary tree Jump statistics. It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad, and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package StanleySolitaire.txt explores the game of Stanley Solitaire It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad, and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package OneUp.txt solves OneUp puzzles that currently (June/July 2024) appear in the New York Times magazine. [For example, try: P:=DB66()[4]: DrawPu(P);matrix(Sol(P)[1]);]

The Maple package Litt.txt computes the probabilities of winning Litt-style bets involving coin tossing (or die-rolling), It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad, and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package qEWplus.txt finds explicit expression for the moments of the area under Dyck and Motzkin paths. It accompanies this article, by AJ Bu, Shalosh B. Ekhad, and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple packages AbelBijection.txt and AbelCeline.txt accompany this article, by Gil Kalai and Doron Zeilberger. The first implements the nice bijections in Part I, and the second automatically finds functional recurrences and differential recurrences for generalized Abel sums, in the footsteps of John Majewicz's ingenious adaptation of Sister Celine's technique to Abel sums.

The Maple package Hilbert10.txt automatically creates decidable diophantine equations inspired by Yuri Yuri Matiyasevich and Maxim Vsemirnov. It accompanies this article, by Robert Dougherty-Bliss, Charles Kenney and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package Tutte.txt automatically solves Tutte-type functional equations. It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package BCMV.txt tackles conjectures that came up in the study of water waves. It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package Jackmond.txt finds exact expressions for quanties that came up in the Jackson-Richmond attempted computer-free proof of the Four Color Theorem It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package SD.txt finds generating function, and statistical distribution of seating arrangements obeying social distance restrictions. It accompanies this article, by George Spahn and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package Transportation.txt implements the algorithm for solving the Transportation Problem as descrived in section 5.1 of the Kolman-Beck book . It accompanies Dr. Z.'s Linear Optimization Class.

The Maple package GR3moms.txt finds lots and lots of moments for the durations of 2-player and 3-player (fair) gambler's ruin. It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package Perrin.txt finds lots and lots of Perrin-style primality tests. It accompanies this article, by Robert Dougherty-Bliss and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package StPete.txt gives good advice to the risk-averse gambler. It accompanies this article, by Lucy Martinez and Doron Zeilberger.
[It also needs the data file StPeteData.txt for some of its procedures)]

The Maple packages DRDS.txt and AmalGerry.txt explore the long-term behavior of discrete rational dynamical systems. It accompanies this article, by George Spahn and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package GDW.txt, written by AJ Bu and Doron Zeilberger explores generalized Dyck Walks, and their areas. It accompanies this article, by AJ Bu and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package SYT.txt experiments with standard Young tableaux. It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package Coding.txt implements the basic of Coding Theory as described in Raymond Hill's charming little book "A first course in Coding Theory", as well the Reed-Muller Code, following Wikipedia.

The Maple package SMCboole.txt finds explicit expressions for the moments of the random variable "number of subcubes" of a random It accompanies this article, by Svante Janson, Blair Seidler, and Doron Zeilberger

The Maple packages HIT1.txt and HIT2.txt experiments with how many dice rolls it takes until you reach your favorite kind of number. It accompanies this article, by Lucy Martinez and Doron Zeilberger

The Maple package DymLuks.txt, experiments with the Ball and Cell Game introduced in 1966 by Harry Dym and Eugene Luks. It accompanies this article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger, which is yet-another-paper in honor of DZ's academic father, Harry Dym, for his 85th birthday.

The Maple package ResPerms.txt, enumerates a wide gamut of permutation classes with "local" restrictions. It accompanies an article, by George Spahn and Doron Zeilberger, dedicated to the memory of one of our great heores, David Peter Robbins.

The Maple packages Cannibals.txt, DiGpaths.txt, and RiverCrossing.txt, all deal with different aspects (and extensions) of the famous Missionaries and Cannibals problem. They all accompany the article, by George Spahn and Doron Zeilberger in honor of our beloved academic grandfather and father (respectively), Harry Dym, on his forthcoming 85th birthday.

The Maple package Berele.txt computes certain Poincaré series that came up in the theory of Polynomial Identity Rings and is of interest to Alan Berele. See this web page   .

The Maple package StirlingDet.txt computes determinants invoving Stirling numbers of both kinds. It also computes related generating functions. It accompanies the article by Tewodros Amdeberhan and Shalosh B. Ekhad

The Maple package PeterL.txt implements Peter Larcombe's elegant approach to generating linking matrices for so-called cohort families of solutions of C-finite sequences. It accompanies an article by Shalosh B. Ekhad.

The Maple package Zudilin.txt produces lots of (minor) Apéry miracles thanks to what we call the Zudilin-Straub t-transform. It accompanies article by Robert Dougherty-Bliss and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package Condorcet3.txt tells you everything you need to know about the three-candidate Condorcet paradox. It accompanies article by Rebecca Embar and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple package TrigSums.txt computes, symbolically, numerous families of finite trigonometric sums. It accompanies this article by Jean-Paul Allouche and Doron Zeilberger.

The Maple packages PureRec.txt and PureRecRat.txt computes, very efficiently, many multi-sequences that come up in enumerative combinatorics. They accompany this article   .

The Maple package MVNM.txt, computes, very efficiently, the mixed moments of the general bivariate and trivariate normal distribution, it also tells us in how many ways, in a three-gender society, a bunch of individuals can get married with a prescribed number of each of the three possible heterosexual marriages. It accompanies this article   .

The Maple package ETSIM.txt, computes, efficiently, the number of labeled trees obeying various restrictions on the allowed number of neighbors that a vertex can have, as well as a statistical analysis of "number of vertices with d neighbors". It accompanies this article   .

DMB.txt, a Maple package to explore Dynamical Models in biology. It accompanied Dr. Z.'s Fall 2021 class Dynamical Models in Biology   .

The Maple package CircuitBoard.txt (that requires the data file CircuitBoardPre.txt) creates and solves Circuit Board puzzles, a kind of puzzles that appeared during the Fall of 2021 in the New York times magazine and invented by Nejad Kousha. It created this puzzle book   .

The Maple package Noga12.txt, computes (rigorously) moments for the so-called Spearman footrule, and mixed moments of Spearman's footrule and Netto's number of inversions. It is accompanied by this article   .

The Maple package AperyLimits.txt, experiments with Apery Limits. The Maple package AperyWZnew.txt inferfaces them with WZ pairs, and the Maple package WZpairs.txt tries to find new WZ pairs.
These three packages accompany this article   .

The Maple package GenLatinRecs.txt, computes sequences enumerating generalized Latin Rectangles with three rows and generalized Menage numbers. The Maple package LatinTrapezoids.txt, does the same for trapezoids with three rows. Both of these depend on the Maple package HorizTilings.txt. These three packages accompany this article   .

The Maple package Prodinger.txt, automatically generates convolution identities for C-finite sequences, described in this article   .

The Maple package Larcombe.txt, investigates generalizations of invariance properties discovered by Peter Larcombe. It accompanies this article   .

The Maple package RingRing.txt, creates and solves Ring Ring puzzles. It created this web-book,

The Maple package Braess.txt, studies the Braess paradox. It may accompanying this lecture,

The Maple package FakeCoin.txt, studies the fake coin problem described in this lecture,

The Maple package Capone.txt, generates, and analyzes generalized ballot sequences. It accompanies this article   .

The Maple packagesStanleyStern.txt, and SternCF.txt generate lots of generating functions related to generalized Stern arrays, initiated by Richard Stanley. They accompany this article   .

BijectionStern.txt, a Maple package with a bijection that gives a combinatorial proof of an elegant identity proved algebraically by Richard Stanley. It accompanies this article   .

GenBeukersLog.txt, GenBeukersZeta2.txt, GenBeukersZeta3.txt, three Maple packages to search for irrationality proofs in the style of Roger Apéry and Frits Beukers. They accompany this article by Robert Dougherty-Bliss, Christoph Koutschan, and Doron Zeilberger.

RamanujanCubic.txt, Pell.txt , and RatDio.txt , are three Maple packages to automatically solve wide classes of Diophantine equations. They accompany this article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

CRYPTOGRAM.txt, a Maple package to solve cryptograms. You also need to download the data-set (of about 100000 English words) written as lists (in Maple format) ENGLISH.txt.
To get all the anagrams from 3 to 7 letters see ANAGRAMS3.txt   ANAGRAMS4.txt   ANAGRAMS5.txt   ANAGRAMS6.txt   ANAGRAMS7.txt  

YoungT.txt, and Tableaux3R.txt , two Maple packages to study restricted standard Young tableaux They accompany this article by Manuel Kauers and Doron Zeilberger.

Dyck.txt, and DyckClever.txt , two Maple packages to automatically count many classes of Dyck paths, using the "dumb" and "clever" way, respectively. They accompany this article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

GCF.txt , a Maple package to conjecture and prove exact values of infinite generalized continued fractions. It accompanies this article by Robert Dougherty-Bliss and Doron Zeilberger.

NCF.txt , a Maple package to study N-continued fractions introduced by Steven Weintraub.

AMP.txt , a Maple package to study the Absent-Minded Passengers problem. It accompanies this article

GuessMulPol.txt  , a Maple package for guessing multivariable polynomial expressions for an output sequence from given input sequences.

The article Automatic Discovery of Irrationality Proofs and Irrationality Measures , written in collaboration with Wadim Zudilin, is accompanied by six Maple packages:
ALLADI.txt   GAT.txt   BEUKERS.txt   CatC.txt   RUKHADZE.txt  
and most importantly: SALIKHOV.txt   .

SHALIKHOVpi.txt, a Maple program that suppors the new world record for the irrationality measure. It accompanies this article, written in collaboration with Wadim Zudilin.

SixySudoku.txt, to create and solve "Sixy Sudoku" probelms that used to appear in the New York Times magazine until Oct. 20, 2019. It generated this web-book.

The very efficient Maple package RPpos.txt, and the very inefficient ((but far more elegant) Maple package RPneg.txt, both count very general classes of integer partitions. They accompany this article, written in collaboration with Mingjia Yang.

ZeroKnowledgeProof.txt, A Maple implementation of Manuel Blum's seminal article "How to Prove a Theorem so that no one can claim it" [Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Berkely, California, USA, 1986,pages 1444-1451]
For a very lucid and engaging explanation of Zero Knowledge Proofs see here. Here is a sequel.

The four Maple packages SnakesAndLadders.txt, PosPileGames.txt, GenPileGames.txt, VGPileGames.txt accompany the beautiful article, joint with Thotsaporn Aek Thanatipanonda.

NumberCrunch.txt, to create and solve "Number Crunch" probelms that appear in the Australian daily newspaper "The Australian". It generated this web-book.

The Maple package SlaterValez.txt, studies OEIS sequence A081145. It accompanies this article.

The Maple package BINnr.txt, studies throwing balls into bins It accompanies this article.

The Maple package QuickSortAnalysis.txt, automatically studies the distribution of running time of Quicksort. It accompanies this article.

The Maple package MagicRectangles.txt, automatically finds explicit expressions for the number of semi-magic rectangles of a given size. It accompanies this article.

The Maple package SINKHORN.txt, automatically computes explicit expressions for the Sinkhorn limits of matrices It accompanies this article.

The Maple package EvenChange.txt, automatically generate theorems enumerating number of ways of having a total of n coins in your two pockets with the same amount in both. It was inspired by a beautiful 1980 article of Gert Almkvist (1934-2018). It accompanies this article.

The Maple package Compositions.txt, and the more general one (that includes the former) CompositionsPlus.txt, automatically generate theorems enumerating compsitions that avoid (or contain a specified number of) a given finite set of compositions by containment. They accompany this article.

The three Maple packages GFMatrix.txt, SpanningTrees.txt, and JointConductance.txt, written with Yukun Yao, automatically generates generating functions for interesting and important enumeration sequences. They accompany this article.

Bitcoin.txt, a Maple porgram for the probabilistic analysis of bitcoin attacks, aka as two-phase soccer matches. It accompanies this article.

CHOMP.txt, a short porgram (using the obvious algorithms) to compute the winning moves (if they exist) for Chomp positions [inspired by email message from Purui Zhang and Lu Yan]. It accompanies this article.

Theta3Romik.txt, a Maple package to implement and investigate Dan Romik's fascinating article The Taylor coefficients of the Jacobi theta constant &theta3.
To use it, see the user's manual.

QuasiDeterminants.txt, a Maple package to handle quasi-determinants, dear to Gelfand, Volodia Retakh and many other people. dedicated to Vladimir Retakh on his 70th birthday.

The Maple package ParkingStatistics.txt, written with Yukun Yao, investigates the area statistics of parking functions. It accompanies this article.
[A related, small package, just about parking functions, demonstating Henry Pollak's clever proof of the fact that there are (n+1)(n-1) parking functions of length n, is the Maple package ParkingPollack.txt]

FOOL.txt, a Maple package to automatically produce books like this one, dedicated to George Andrews on his forthcoming 80th birthday.

MNTD.txt, a Maple package to implement the beautiful article by Joe Buhler, Ron Graham, and Al Hales, "Maximally Nontransitive dice" that appeared in the American Mathematical Monthly 125(5)( May 2018),387-399. For example the input file yields the output file.

MKP.txt, a Maple package to solve meta-knowldege puzzles inspired by the puzzle "Sums and Products" in Peter Winkler's book "Mathematical Mind-Benders" (p. 114). [If you use this input file, you would get this puzzle book (with 40 challenging puzzles, with answers at the bottom), and if you use this input file, you would get detailed solution to these 40 puzzles.]

UrnSolitaire.txt, a Maple package to study the game of Urn Solitaire described in Peter Winkler's book "Mathematical Mind-Benders" (p. 76).
It accompanies by this article. [It requires the Maple package GuessHolo2.txt in the same directory.]

ROKHLENKO.txt, a short Maple package that is a computational appendix to an article by A. Rokhlenko and J.L. Lebowtiz. See webapage.

SuckerBets.txt and SuckerBetsAnalysis.txt, to construct and analyze, respectively, sucker's bets, aka non-transitive dice aka Efron dice. They are accompanied by this article.

Capsules.txt A Maple program to solve the Capsules puzzle published (starting Dec. 2016) in the New York Times magazine and invented by Wei-Hwa Huang.
For example, the input file produces, in 0.632 seconds, the output file

qFindRec.txt A Maple program to guess linear recurrences with coefficients that are polynomials in qn and q for sequence of polynomials in q. (posted March 16, 2016).

FindRec.txt A Maple program to guess linear recurrences with polynomial coefficients. Written a long time ago, but posted March 16, 2016.

BiVariateMoms.txt A Maple program to automatically derive expressions for the average, variance, and higher moments of combinatorial random variables whose grand generating functions are rational in both variables. Read all about it in the article.

Pisot.txt A Maple program to investigate Pisot sequences. Read all about it in the article, by SBE, Neil Sloane, and DZ.

Skyscrapers.txt A Maple program to solve (and generate!) Skyscrapers puzzles. It generated the following puzzle book .

A435.txt A Maple program to investigate Neil Sloan'e "first love", OEIS sequence A435. Read all about it in the article .

Fqn.txt A Maple program to investigate the Croot-Lev-Pach-Elenberg-Gijswijt "capset" breakthrough. Read all about it in the article .

PERCY.txt A Maple program to continue Major Percy A. Macmahon's heroic counting of tournamnets. Read all about it in the article .

SVT.txt A Maple program to study Singular Vector Tuples. Read all about it in the article .

HaroldSilentShapiro.txt A Maple program to study Rudin-Shapiro polynomials. It accompanies the article about them.

GEPNER.txt A Maple program to study Doron Gepner's intriguing permutation (and word) statistics, that we call "gep". Read all about it in the article .

ALG.txt A Maple package that decides whether a polynomial is the tensor product of lower-degree polynomials It accompanies Manuel Kauers and Doron Zeilberger's article.
[For the examples to work, you also need: AlgDataFile.txt]

CfiniteIntegral.txt a Maple package that finds recurrences and differential equations for integrals of powers of sequences of C-finite polynomials. It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's article.

AFS.txt a Maple package that finds congruence theorems for a wide class of formal power series satisfying functional equations of a certain type, generalizing those studied by George Andrews, Aviezri Fraenkel, and James Sellers. It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's article.

BFF.txt a Maple package that studies Disjoint Covering Systems It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad, Aviezri Fraenkel, and Doron Zeilberger's article.

CTcong.txt a Maple package that finds congruence theorems for certain partial sums of many combinatorial sequences. It accompanies William Y.C. Chen, Qing-Hu Hou and Doron Zeilberger's article.

stCore a Maple package that finds explicit expressions for the variance, and any desired finite moment (of course, the higher it is, the longer it takes) for the combinatorial random variable "SIZE of a simultaneous (s,t)-core partition", where s and t are coprime positive integers. It also does other things related to this statistic. It accompanies Shalosh B, Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's interesting and deep article.

Sn a Maple package that finds explicit expressions, and if not available, recurrence relations, for sequences defined by sums of squares (and other powers) of the characters of the symmetric group Sn, χλ(μ), where the sums are over all shapes λ with a bounded number of rows, or included in a meta-hook, and μ has `mostly' ones. It accompanies Alon Regev, Amitai Regev,and Doron Zeilberger's article.
[Added Oct. 23, 2015, a new version Sn.txt contains a new procedure that lead to the following interesting article.]

SBNYT, a Maple package to solve (and make) Spelling Bee type puzzles that started to appear in the New York Times magazine, Spring 2015. It requires the large data set milim, that should be downloaded to the same directory as the Maple package.

[For example, to get a puzzle-book with 100 puzzles, the input file yields, in a few seconds, the great puzzle book.

Gessel64 a Maple package that finds explicit polynomial expressions, in d, for the number of permutations of length d+r that do not contain an increasing sequence of length d, for symbolic d, and for numeric r. It also implements Ira Gessel's amazing determinant formula. It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad, Nathaniel Shar and Doron Zeilberger's article, dedicated to Ira Gessel on his 64th birthday.

CAcount a Maple package that implements a meta-algorithm that creats fast algorithms for computing the number of monomials left when a polynomial (with integer coefficients) is raised to high powers, and then taken mod 2 (and analogous things mod any prime). It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad, N. J. A. Sloane and Doron Zeilberger's article .

Four Maple packages accompany Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's article The method(!) of Guess and Check:
W1D, for enumerating one-dimensional lattice walks that never go negative, W1Dp, for computing probabilities of these walks, W2D, for enumerating two-dimensional walks that stay in the first quadrant, and W3D, for enumerating three-dimensional walks that stay in the first octant.

FunEq a Maple package that automatically proves (rigorously!) a wide class of functional equations that occur in enumerative combinatorics of maps, restriced walks, and other beasts. It accompanies Ira Gessel and Doron Zeilberger's article .

SLOANE75 and NEIL are two Maple packages that enuerates 123...d-avoiding words with the same number of occurrences of each letter. They are dedicated to Neil Sloane on his 75-th birthday, and accompany this article .

Words123 A Maple package that enuerates 123-avoiding words with the same number of occurrences of each letter. It accompanies Nathaniel Shar and Doron Zeilberger's article .

HIRSCH A Maple package that studies the Hirsch citation index (formerly "size of Durfee square") It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's insightful article .

FOATA A Maple package that implements Dominique Foata's seminal bijection on permutations (and words), described in his article, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 19(1968), 236-240. It accompanies Doron Zeilberger's talk on Oct. 2, 2014, commemorating Foata's revolutionary work.

GOALS A Maple package for the automatic derivation of poynomial expression for the number of ways to have n teams (n=4 in the World Cup), all play each other, and each score r goals for, and r goals against. It accompanies the article, that also comes with the Maple package WorldCup that makes up neat puzzles.

GeometryMiracles A Maple package for the automatic discovery and proof of Plane Geometry Theorems regarding points and lines, and for enumerating successive generations. It is accompanied by the following article . That article also describes two additional Maple packages: RichardSerge, tat confirms the pleasant surprises of Richard Evan Schwartz and Serge Tabachnikov, and GeneralizedMorley, that discovers and proves generalizations of Morley's famous Trisector theorem.

NesApery A Maple package for the automatic discovery and proof of irrationaliy of interesting, and less interesting, `natural' constants, emulating Roger Apéry's seminal proof of the irrationality of ζ(3). It is accompanied by the following article .

AlgFunEq A Maple package for the automatic discovery and proof of explicit expressions for averages and higher moments of combinatorial statistics defined on Catalan families, with special emphasis on 132-avoiding permutations. It is accompanied by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's article . A related minor Maple package is Cheyne, named after Cheyne Homberger, that handles statistics on 123-avoiding permutations.

MENAGES A Maple package for the automatic generation of enumeration theorems for generalized Ménage numbers. It is accompanied by Doron Zeilberger's article . A related minor Maple package is BALTIC.

TRIANGULATIONS written in collaboration with Alon Regev. A Maple package to study triangulations of an n-gon and its relation to other Catalan objects. [VERY PRELIMINARY, HOPEFULLY TO BE EXPANDED]

AutoSquared , A Maple package for the automatic generation of congruence automata for the fast computation of combinatorial sequences modulo m, for m not too big. It is accompanied by an article by Eric Rowland and Doron Zeilberger. In addition, there are the following specific Maple packages for the Catalan, Motzkin, and Delannoy numbers: CatalanLS, MotzkinLS, DelannoyLS.

qDYSON, A Maple package for computing ANY coefficient of the q-Dyson product, using the Karolyi-Nagy brilliant approach to the Zeilberger-Bressoud theorem. It is accompanied by an article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

HIRSCHHORN, A Maple package for generating Ramanujan-style and Hirschhorn-style proofs of Ramanujan-type congruences. It is accompanied by an article by Edinah Gnang and Doron Zeilberger. The same article is also accompanied by another Maple package BOYLAN, that extends Matthew Boylan's listing in theorem 1.3 of his (Acta Arith. 111 (2004), 187-203) article.

AdinKingRoichman, A Maple package inspired by the fascinating article by Ron Adin, Ronald King, and Yuval Roichman. It was written during a visit of Ron Adin (May 6-10, 2013), and may one day be accompanied by an article joint with Ron Adin.
[Meanwhile the input yields the output
and the input yields the output ]

IPD, A Maple package for implementing the mini-revolutionary article by William Press and Freeman Dyson, to study the Prisoner's Dilemma.

GEA, A Maple package for generating Euler-Andrews style cautionary tales about the danger of naive empiricism, nevertheless using empirical methods! It is accompanied by an article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

NesSomos, A Maple package for generating zillions of Somos-like miracles. It is accompanied by an article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

ArithFormulas, A Maple package for enumerating, randomly generating, and optimizing zeroless representations of positive integers, only using 1 as inputs, and the binary operations plus, times, and power. It is accompanied by an article by Edinah K. Gnang and Doron Zeilberger.

TOWERS, A Maple package for the automatic enumeration of towers of k-mers, using the brilliant Bordelaise approach of Bétréma and Penaud. It is accompanied by an article.

SRINIVASA, a Maple program that finds polynomial expressions in terms of P,Q,R, of Phi_{r,s}(x) computed by hand by Ramanujan in his article "On certain arithmetic functions", Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. v. 22, no. 9 (1916), 159-184. It accompanies, Doron Zeilberger's talk delivered on Nov. 7, 2012, at Ramanujan 125 conference, Univ. of Florida, Nov. 5-7, 2012, wonderfully organized by Krishna Alladi and Frank Garvan.
For example, to see how Shalosh computed, in less than half a second, the three tables in the above article, the input file, yields the output file
To see many more entries, the input file, yields the output file

BinaryTrees, a Maple package that weight-enumerates, computes probability distributions, and does simulations with Binary trees. It accompanies an article by Larry Shepp, Doron Zeilberger, and Cun-Hui Zhang. The article is also accompanied by a drawing program called EtzBinary, and a preliminary, much smaller, program, ArbresBinaires.

GANAVIM, a "trivial" Maple package that uses generatingfunctionlogy to conduct statistical analysis of empirical data, something that is usually done by numeric packages. It grew out of my disappointment at the recent immoral policy of the Hillel Foundation to charge admission to their High Holiday services from non-students. (BTW, one can get much better prayers via the internet, see this page.) So far it does not accompany any article (and probably never will), but to see a statistics of their exhorbitant "etnan" (a Hebrew word meaning "prostitute's fee")
the input yields the output,
and since the data was already available, Shalosh also conducted a statstical analysis of tuition costs, where
the input yields the output,

The aritcle by Brian Nakamura and Doron Zeilberger, about an efficient algorithm for enumerating generalized Wilf classes, is accompanied by the following Maple packages: P123, P1234, P12345, P123456, F123, F1234, and F12345.

BORDELAISE, A Maple package that explores the amazing École Bordelaise 3n theorem and proof, and its ramifications for random generation of domino towers, that I renamed xaviers

RandWilf, A Maple package that uses Herb Wilf's seminal methodology for drawing, uniformaly-at-random a member of a combinatorial set, applied to lattice walks with any set of (non-negative) steps. It accompanyies Doron Zeilberger's talk Meta-GASCOMania, delivered at the GASCOM 2012 conference, Bordeaux, June 25-27,2012, Tue. June 26, 2012, 9:00-10:00 (local time), dedicated to the memory of Herbert Saul Wilf (1931-2011).
[For example, to see a random central Delauny path, the input file yields, almost immediately, the output file]

RITSUF, A Maple package that uses the C-finite ansatz to enumerate domino (and monomer-dimer) tilings of "skinny" plane regions. It is accompanied by an article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger. Also mentioned there are the related Maple packages RITSUFwt and ARGF.

SolidSYT, A Maple package that enumerates Solid Standard Young Tableaux It is accompanied by an article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger

mDimPars, A Maple package that computes polynomial expressions, in m, for the number of m-dimensional partitions of any specific, numeric, integer n (but as n goes beyond 12 it becomes very slow). It is accompanied by the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad.

GreeneNijenhuisWilf, accompanying the Doron Zeilberger's 119th opinion Farewell to "W" (Herbert Saul Wilf), a True VISIONARY for Whom EVERYTHING was INTERTWINED

DMP, In loving memory of my beloved guru Herb Wilf(1931-2012), that studies combinatorial objects that he talked about in problem number 6 of his Dec. 13, 2010 beautiful list of unsolved problems. DMP accompanies the article by Doron Zeilberger.

MARVIN, in fond memory of my dear friend Marvin Isadore KNOPP (1933-Dec. 24, 2011), to study Dedekind sums, and in particular to empirically confirm the Knopp idendity for these sums.

RPS, A Maple package that computes algebraic generating functions for enumerating words in any alphabet that have the property that they have the same number of occurrences, as consecutive substrings, of any two specified words of the same length. It is named after Richard Peter Stanley, who proposed a protypical problem. It is accompanied by the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger.

HIMURIM, that tells you how to gamble optimally (in several senses), if you are in a hurry. It is accompanied by the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad, Evangelos Georgiadis, and Doron Zeilberger.
(Another, smaller package PURIM, is also discussed there).

HANS Investigates the famous Rademacher Conjecture, and proves (in the usual sense of the word) that it is false. (the package was written in collaboration with Andrew V. Sills). It is accompanied by the article by Andrew V. Sills and Doron Zeilberger .

PARTITIONS automatically discovers and proves formulas for the number of (integer) partitions of n into at most m parts, for any numeric m, and lots of other things. (the package was written in collaboration with Andrew V. Sills). It is accompanied by the article by Andrew V. Sills and Doron Zeilberger .

Cfinite A C-finite Calculator and discoverer of new C-finite identities, and more importantly and impressively, factorizing C-finite sequences. It accompanies the article by Doron Zeilberger .

BallsInBoxes a Maple package for computing, both exactly and approximately, probabilities for the maximum number of balls co-habitating in the same box being such and such when n balls are thrown into m boxes. It accompanies the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger .

ChessWalks a Maple package for deriving generating functions for counting the number of walks any "chess piece" (even those that you make up) can walk on an a by b chessboard, with a and b finite, and staying on the board. It handles both the cases where it is supposed to return to its initial position, and the where it can end-up anywhere on the board. It generated the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad .

KamaShidukhim a Maple package for deriving generating functions for counting matchings in sequences of grid graphs, and much more general creatures. It accompanies the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger .

SameSexMarriages a Maple package for (semi-rigorously) proving the asymptotic normality of the number of same-sex marriages in a bisexual population. It accompanies the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad.

WalkPapers a Maple package for publishing articles about enueration of lattice walks (in any dimension) with any given set of steps, thar return to the starting point/ It accompanies the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad.

KamaEtzim a Maple package for deriving generating functions for counting the number of spanning tress of sequences of grid graphs, and much more general creatures. It accompanies the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger .

KamaTzviot a Maple package for deriving generating functions for chromatic polynomials of sequences of grid graphs, and much more general creatures. It accompanies the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad, Jocelyn Quaintance, and Doron Zeilberger .

ELIZALDE a Maple package for enumerating consecutive Wilf classes using the Umbral Transfer Matrix method and a generalization of the Goulden-Jackson method. It accompanies the article by Andrew Baxter, Brian Nakamura and Doron Zeilberger. Also accompanying this article the Maple package SERGI that does the same via the direct approach.

RookWalks a Maple package for counting multi-dimensional rook walks. It accompanies the article by Manuel Kauers and Doron Zeilberger.

RDS.txt a Maple package for studying rational discrete dynamical systems It accompanies the article by Emilie Hogan (now Purvine) and Doron Zeilberger.

LEON a Maple package for implementing some of the brilliant insights of Leon Ehrepreis (1930-2010). It accompanies the lecture given in Ehrenpreis' memory. [Added July 21, 2011: it also accompanies the article written in Leon's memory].

HISTABRUT a Maple package for symbol-crunching in probability theory, handling uni- and bi-variate distributions. It is accompanied by the article article by Doron Zeilberger.

DALIA a Maple package that implements the beautiful algorithm inplicit in Aviezri Fraenkel and Dalia Krieger's masterpiece The Structure of Complementary sets of integers: a 3-shift theorem, that appeared in Internat. J. Pure and Appl. Math. 10 (2004) 1--49. (Posted Aug. 4, 2010). It is accomopanied by a short description that also has sample input and output files.

HOOKER a Maple package that outputs recurrences and refined asymptotics for Berele-Regev (k,l)-hook-sums. It is accompanied by the article by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Amitai Regev .

GraphEnumeration a Maple package that counts unlabeled graphs and trees, following the excellent text Graphical Enumeration, by Frank Harary and Edgar Palmer. (Posted June 16, 2010, revised July 20, 2010). It is accomopanied by a short description that also has sample input and output files.

ISOMERS a Maple package that generates all isomers of a given compound by brute force. (Warning: very slow!) (First Posted June 16, 2010. Revised (with more detailed help), July 20, 2014 [Thanks to John Ogilvie]).

PEKERIS a Maple package that redoes 1958 Chaim Leib Pekeris' seminal calculations of the ground state energies of two electron atoms, on a 2010 computer. It accompanies an article by Christoph Koutschan and Doron Zeilberger (Posted May 26, 2010).

InvMaj a Maple package that studies the moments of the permutation statistics (Number of Inversions, Major Index) and their asymptotic distribution. It accompanies an article by Andrew Baxter and Doron Zeilberger (Posted April 7, 2010).

TZIUNIM a Maple package that computes letter grades for undergraduate classes, and automatically composes messages to students explaining their grades. (Posted Feb. 3, 2010).

JACK a Maple package that finds recurrences for Dyson-like constant terms in the style of I.J. Good. It is accompanied by the article A Eulogy for Jack Good (Posted Dec. 2, 2009).

BABUSHKAS a Maple package that counts the number of multi-set set-partitions, or more colorfully, the Number of Ways to reassmble several Russian Dolls (Posted Sept. 16, 2009).

MahonianStat a Maple package that studies and proves asymptotic normaility of the Mahonian distribution on words. It accompanies E. Rodney Canfield, Svante Janson, and Doron Zeilberger's article (Posted Aug. 14, 2009).

ENDRE, a Maple package that studies finite analogs of Szemeredi's theorem about arithmetic progressions. It accompanies Paul Raff and Doron Zeilberger's article (Posted July 13, 2009).

ChowRobbins, a Maple package that tells you whether to go or to stop. It accompanies Luis Medina and Doron Zeilberger's article. That same article is also accompanied by Maple packages STADJE, computing probabilities of escape from "rational" half-planes in 2D lattice walks, and WALKSab, for finding the algebraic generating function for such walks (based on an algorithm designed by Arvind Ayyer and Doron Zeilberger). (Posted June 23, 2009).

MVPoisson, a Maple package that computes probabilities and expected values for certain important quantities in biochemistry. It accompanies Eduardo Sontag and Doron Zeilberger's article (Posted June 3, 2009).

LADAS, a Maple package that automatically generates, and then automatically proves, two-dimensional analogs of the 3x+1 conjecture. It accompanies Doron Zeilberger's article (Posted March 23, 2009). Another Maple package accompanying that article is COLLATZ, that only makes conjectures, but does not prove them.

PICAPIX, a Maple package that automatically generates, and solves, PicAPix puzzles. It generated Shalosh B. Ekhad's webbook One Hundred and Twenty Pic-A-Pix Problems (Posted Feb. 17, 2009).

CLT, a Maple package to compute asymptotics for moments, refining the Central Limit Theorem, and AsymptoticMoments, that finds asymptotic moments for discrete probability distributions that come up in enumeration. They are both accompanying an article By Doron Zeilberger . (Posted Dec. 4, 2008).

FPL, a Maple package to study the Razumov-Stroganov conjecture. It accompanies an article By Arvind Ayyer and Doron Zeilberger (Posted Dec. 3, 2008).

Ilse, Maple packages that incorporates a constant-term rendition of Ilse Fischer's gorgeous approach to counting Monotone Triangles. Very preliminary. It may accompany and/or inspire future papers by a non-empty subset of {DZ, Dan Romik, Ilse Fischer}. (Posted Oct. 6, 2008).

qTSPP, and TSPP, Maple packages that contain semi-rigorous proofs of George Andrews' and Dave Robbins' qTSPP conjecture, and of Stembridge's TSPP theorem, respectively. They accompany an article By Christoph Koutschan, Manuel Kauers and Doron Zeilberger (Posted Aug. 6, 2008).

AsyRec.txt, a Maple package that automatically computes the asymptotics for solutions of linear recurrence eqations with polynomial coefficients. It accompanies an article Doron Zeilberger. (First Posted April 2, 2008; Current version: April 26, 2016).

TANGLE, a Maple package that counts certain configurations that came up in studies of RNA. It accompanies an article By William Y.C. Chen, Jing Qin, Christian M. Reidys and Doron Zeilberger (Posted Feb. 23, 2008).

BruteTwoFone, a Maple package that searches, by (clever!) brute force, for hypergeometric closed-form "strange" evaluations. It accompanies Moa Apagodu and Doron Zeilberger's article (Posted Feb. 22, 2008).

ConnectFour, a Maple package that automatically generates Connect Four End-Game Problems. It generated Shalosh B. Ekhad's webbook One Hundred and Twenty Connect-Four End-Game Problems (Posted Feb. 1, 2008).

DRUNKARD, a Maple package that computes the probabilities of return to the origin of a simple random walker in Zd that starts at the origin, and is either unconfined (like in Polya's original case), or must stay in (a) the positive orthant (b) the simplex x1 ≥ x2 ≥ ... ≥ xd (c)x1 ≥ x2 ≥ ... ≥ xd ≥ 0, as well as counting number of ways of walking from A to B etc. It accompanies Doron Zeilberger's article (Posted Dec. 19, 2007).

LUACH, a Maple package that converts Hebrew dates to Gregorian ones, and vice versa, and also constructs Hebrew Yearly Calendars, for ANY year, after the creation of the world, for ever after, and has other neat features like predicting the year when Rosh Hashana will be at any given Gregorian date, for example Christmass (answer: 20606). It accompanies Doron Zeilberger's lecture, at the Rutgers University Experimental Mathematics Seminar, on 5:00pm, Tishrei 8, 5768, entitled: "Why Erev Yom Kippur can never be on Thursday Evening". (Posted Oct. 7, 2007).

RotaStanley, a Maple package that uses Gian-Carlo Rota's Umbral Calculus to enumerate Richard Stanley's P-Partitions. It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's article (Posted June 12, 2007).

Bipartite, a Maple package that counts regular (labelled) bipartite graphs It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's article In How Many Ways Can n (Straight) Men and n (Straight) Women Get Married, if Each Person Has Exactly k Spouses? Also accompanying this article is the Maple package LatinRectangles, for computing the number of Latin Rectangles with small width but with rather long length. (Posted Jan. 2, 2007).

VATTER, a Maple package that finds Generalized Enumeration Schemes (in the sense of Vince Vatter) for Wilf classes. It accompanies Doron Zeilberger's article On Vince Vatter's Brilliant Extension of Doron Zeilberger's Enumeration Schemes for Herb Wilf's Classes (Posted Jan. 2, 2007).

AMITAI, a Maple package that makes conjectures about the number of n-celled Young tableaux with certain properties. It accompanies Doron Zeilberger's article Proof of a Conjecture of Amitai Regev about Three-Rowed Young Tableaux (and Much More!) (Posted Dec. 11, 2006).

FELLER, a Maple package that studies Coin Tossing, a la Feller's v. 1 ch. 3. It accompanies Doron Zeilberger's article Fully Automated Computerized Redux of Feller's (v.1) Ch. III (and Much More!) (Posted Nov. 14, 2006).

AppsWZ, a Maple package that uses the Almkvist-Zeilbeger algorithm to compute recurrences for quantities of interest in enumeration and discrete probability and AppsWZmulti, that does the same for multi-dimensional lattice paths and random walks. They accompany Moa Apagodu and Doron Zeilberger's article FIVE Applications of Wilf-Zeilberger Theory to Enumeration and Probability (Posted Oct. 20, 2006).

RUIN, a Maple package that studies the Gambler's Ruin problem. It accompanies Doron Zeilberger's article Symbol Crunching with the Gambler's Ruin Problem (Posted Sept. 17, 2006).

EMILIE, a Maple package whose first version empirically verifies and conjecutures a general generating function for Paul Heideman and Emilie Hogan's beautiful article New Family of Somos-like Recurrences . The current version completes the lovely proof of Heideman and Hogan by doing the "base cases" (completely empirically, yet rigorously! It is an amazing illustartion of experimental-yet-rigorous math). If you type EmiliePaul(K,n); while in EMILIE, you would get oEmiliePaul, that discovers everything from scracth! (i.e. it didn't save any previously computed results).
(First version Posted March 28, 2006. This version: Sept. 19, 2006).

DET, a Maple package that automatically guesses(!) and proves(!!) explicit determinant evaluations of matrices with holonomic (in particular, rational-function) entries. It accompanies the article The Holonomic Ansatz II. Aoutomatic Discovery(!) and Proof(!!) of Holonomic Determinant Evaluations (Posted Feb. 20, 2006).

GuessHolo2, and
GuessHolo3 are two Maple packages that guess holonomic representations for discrete functions of two and three variables respectively, and apply them for conjecturing (and proving!) pure reecurrence relations for discrete functions enumerating lattice paths. They accompany by the article The Holonomic Ansatz I. Foundations and Applications to Lattice Path Counting (Posted Feb. 5, 2006).

TILINGS, a Maple package that automatically computes generating functions enumerating tilings of rectangular boards of arbitrary but fixed width (but general length), by the tiles belonging to any inputted set of tiles. It accompanies by the article Automatic CounTilings (Posted Jan. 20, 2006).

PHIL, a Maple package that implements (and empirically verifies!) Phlip Matchett Wood's lovely article "A biective proof of
fn+4+1f1+2f2+ ... + nfn=(n+1)fn+2+3"
(Posted Dec. 9, 2005).

SMCramsey, a Maple package that computes (symbolic!) moment for random variables that arise in Graph Colorings and Ramsey theory. It accompanies by the article Symbolic Moment Calculus II.: Why is Ramsey Theory Soooo Eeeeenormously Hard? (Posted Nov. 22, 2005).

Bearoff, BearoffOneDie, Sulam, are three Maple packages that study the bearoff stage in Backgammon (generalized for an arbitary fair die). They are accompanied by the article How to Play Backgammon (if you must), and how to Research it (if you have time) (Posted Nov. 15, 2005).

JONAS, a Maple package that implements the lovely bijective proof of Jonas Sjostrand . It is accompanied by the article Another Proof that Euler Missed: Jonas Sjöstrand's Amazingly Simple (and Lovely!) Proof of the No-Longer-So-Amazing Lattice Paths Conjecture (Posted Oct. 23, 2005).

TEN, a Maple package that automatically proved the amazing Loehr-Warrington 10 to the power n conjecture. It is accompanied by the article A Proof of the Loehr-Warrington Amazing TEN to the Power n Conjecture (Posted Sept. 14, 2005).

SuDoku, a Maple program to solve SuDoku problems. (Posted July 20, 2005).
For example, the input file produces the output file.

Added Feb. 16, 2006: Bobby Griffin just won ten dollars in my Experimental Math Class contest for the best Maple Sudoku program SuDokuGriffin. It is a thousand times faster!
To prove my point, the input file produces the output file.

Five Maple packages accompany Multi-Variate Zeilberger and Almkvist-Zeilberger Algorithms and the Sharpening of Wilf-Zeilberger Theory by M. Mohammed and D. Zeilberger. Namely: (Posted Dec. 8, 2004).

QuantumMACMAHON, a Maple package that verifies the Quantum Macmahon Master Theorem for any specific dimension. It accompanies the (still incomplete) article The Quantum MacMahon Master Theorem by S. Garoufalidis, T. Le and D. Zeilberger.

(WIth Andrew V. Sills) GuessRat, a Maple package that guesses Rational function for empirically derived data; and GoodDyson, taylored-made for Dyson-type constant-term identities. Both accompany Disturbing the Dyson Conjecture (in a GOOD way) by Sills and Zeilberger.

ZEILBERGER, and qZEILBERGER, two Maple packages that perform the simplified Zeilberger and q-Zeilberger algorithms as described in the article Sharp Upper Bounds for the Orders of the Recurrences Outputted by the Zeilberger and q-Zeilberger Algorithms by Mohamud Mohammed and Doron Zeilberger. (posted Aug. 10, 2004).

MarkovWZ, A Maple package (written in collaboration with Mohamud Mohammed) that computes Markov-WZ pairs and MWZ Acceleration schemes. It accompanies the article The Markov-WZ Method by D. Zeilberger and M. Mohammed.. Also accompanying this paper are the Maple packages MarkovAZ, for computing Markov-Almkvist-Zeilberger pairs and ContMarkovWZ, for computing Continuous-Discrete Markov-WZ pairs. (posted June 3, 2004).
Added July 19, 2004: MarkovWZ has been upgraded to do diagonal contours, download the enhanced package MarkovWZdiag, and type ezraD(); for specifics.

CheckMate.txt, a Maple package for solving Mate-in-k-Moves, Very preliminary and very primitive, hopefully to be improved in the future. You should also download, and keep in the same directory, the files MateInThree.txt [last update: Jan. , 2011] and MateInTwo.txt [last update: March 31, 2018], (First Posted June 18, 2004)..
For 253 Mate-In-Two problems see this problem book , and here the problems with their solutions

TAG, a Maple package for studying the Totally Ambiguous Grammar discussed in Doron Zeilberger's talk at the Princeton Discrete Math Seminar (March 31, 2004). It may accompany a forthcoming article by Doron Zeilberger.

SMCper, A Maple package that computes Pattern Statistics for permutations. It accompanies the article Symbolic Moment Calculus I.: Foundations and Permutation Pattern Statistics .

BYRNES, A Maple package that investigates Chomp. It accompanies the article Chomp, Recurrences, and Chaos(?). You should also download the data file ChompData, and put them in the same directory.

GRW, A Maple package to handle the Gelfand-Retakh-Wilson "non-commutative" theory of "quasi-determinants". [Still Very Preliminary, Version of Feb. 21, 2003].

OtiotUmisparim, [Last Update, Aug. 3, 2003, with new procedure PtorKefWm, that solves multiplication Alphametics with one typo, like the one in Yediot, Aug. 1, 2003]. A Maple package that solves, and more impressively generates, `alphametics' (cryptharithms in which every number is a word). It was used to generate Shalosh B. Ekhad's web-book Computer-Generated Alphametics.

[Added June 28, 2015: Another type of puzzle that sometimes appears in Yediot, and puzzle magazines, has a long multiplication problem where all the occurrences of a certain digit is marked X, and the remaining ones are left blank. This type of (annoying!) puzzles is handled in the Maple package GILAD.txt].

[Added Aug. 13, 2016: A much faster version (using pre-computed date, that only works for the usual 3-digit by 3-digit multiplication problems (in base 10) is the Maple package GILADfast.txt.
Here is a list (called G33) of 49093 problems and solutions. In fact all the problems of 3-digit by 3-digit multiplication using exactly 9 digits (i.e. exactly one is missing) and having a unique solution.
Added Aug. 21, 2016: Try out any of the 200 challenging problem in this computer-generated puzzle book ].

CLD, A Maple package that accompanies the article Lieber Opa Paul , Ich Bin Auch Ein Experimental Scientist, that automatically discovers, and proves at the same time, explicit evaluations of Hankel and Toeplitz determinants, using the Dodgson ansatz.

EHRENBORG, A Maple package that accompanies the article I Am Sorry, Richard Ehrenborg and Margie Readdy, About Your Two Conjectures. But One is FAMOUS, While The Other Is FALSE, by Doron Zeilberger, (placed here July 2, 2002). This package also contains procedures that implement the Robinson-Schenstead Correspondence, and its inverse, RS and iRS, respectively, (see the on-line help (ezra();)), that may be of independent interest.

There are five Maple packages accompanying the article Computerized Deconstruction, by Doron Zeilberger. These are (in order of appearance in the paper): PADE, AperyWZ, AperyRecurrence, AperyAcc, and AperyAppx. Look at the webpage of the article for links to sample input and output files.

AARON, A small Maple package that accompanies the article Refined Restricted Permutations, by Aaron Robertson, Dan Saracino, and Doron Zeilberger. It requires WILF, see below. Download it as AARON, get into Maple, and type ez(); for on-line help, not to be confused with ezra(); that describes the parent package WILF (see below).

LinDiophantus.txt, A Maple analog of the Andrews-Paule-Riese OMEGA package for Macmahon's method for solving linear diophantine equations. Unlike the A-P-R treatment that resorts to dubious analysis, my approach is completely elementary (high-school algebra), and hence more rigorous.
Added Sept. 19, 2012: recently I added some procedures to compute generating functions for the Condorcet so-called paradox.
Look at sample input and output files here.

There are three Maple packages accompanying my article The Umbral Transfer-Matrix Theorem V. The Goulden-Jackson Cluster Method for Infinitely Many Mistakes. These are UGJ, for the general case, SymUGJ, for the case where the mistakes are invariant under the action of the Symmetric Group, and SiPerUGJ, for the case where the mistakes are invariant under the action of the group of Signed Permutations. To use, for example, UGJ, first download it as UGJ, go into Maple, by typing maple (ENTER), then type : read UGJ: (ENTER) and then follow the on-line instructions. Similarly for SymUGJ and SiPerUGJ.

There are three Maple packages accompanying my article The Umbral Transfer-Matrix Theorem IV. Counting Self-Avoding Polygons and Walks. The first one is USAP, A Maple package for computing and using Umbral Schemes for important families of self-avoiding polygons. The second one is USAW, A Maple package for computing and using Umbral Schemes for important families of self-avoiding walks. The third one is MAYLIS, A Maple package for handling, Umbrally, various classes of convex polyominoes by perimeter. To use, for example, USAP, first download it as USAP, go into Maple, by typing maple (ENTER), then type : read USAP: (ENTER) and then follow the on-line instructions.

ZOO, A Maple package for computing and using Umbral Schemes for important families of lattice animals. It accompanies my paper on that subject. (Placed here: Dec. 27, 2000).

PERCY, A Maple package for handling Markovian Permutation Statistics It accompanies Foata and Zeilberger's paper on that subject. (Placed here: Oct. 31, 2000).

PPar, A Maple package for computing and using Umbral Schemes for plane partitions and monotone triangles. It accompanies my paper on that subject. (Placed here: Oct. 26, 2000).

PARRONDO, A Maple package for studying the Parrondo Paradox. It accompanies Ekhad and Zeilberger's article Remarks On The PARRONDO PARADOX.

Chomp3Rows, A Maple package for finding symbolic algorithms for playing 3-Rowed Chomp. It accompanies my article Three-Rowed CHOMP.

PEG, A Maple package for solving Peg-Solitaire on arbitrary boards, including the standard `English' one and triangular ones (Hi-Q). One day it might lead to an article, but right now it is very preliminary. First posted: May 12, 2000. Last update: May 12, 2000.

ROTA, A Maple package for handling Umbral Schemes. It accompanies my paper on that subject.

There are seven Maple packages described in Maple Packages For Counting Skinny Physical Creatures. ( It accompanies my paper on that subject.

CGJ , A Maple package that accompanies Anne Edlin and Doron Zeilberger's paper The Goulden-Jackson Cluster Method For Cyclic Words. It generates generating functions counting necklaces that do not contain any ugly segments.

RORTY , A Maple package that accompanies Ekhad and Zeilberger's paper A User's Manual for RORTY: A Maple Package for Finding Final Vocabularies..

JAN , A Maple package that accompanies Ekhad and Zeilberger's paper There Are More Than 2**(n/17) n-Lettered Ternary Words. To use JAN, download it as JAN go into Maple, type `read JAN`, and follow the instructions given there.

WILF , and HERB , Two Maple packages that automatically find (rigorously and empirically, respectively) Enumeration Schemes for counting permutations with forbidden patterns (Wilf classes). They accompanies Doron Zeilberger's paper Enumeration Schemes, and More Importantly, Their Automatic Generation. To use WILF, download it as WILF go into Maple, type `read WILF`, and follow the instructions given there. (ditto for HERB.)
Added July 19, 2004: A very significant enhancement of WILF has been just completed by my brilliant student Vince Vatter, in his Maple package WILFPLUS. It does many more cases than WILF, but in a few cases runs a bit slower, so I am still keeping WILF here.

RENE.txt , Last Update: Feb. 6, 2012 [Monthly problem 11615 added, courtesy of Matthew Russell]. Tested on Maple9 and below. A Maple package that gives very elegant and succinct Maple-statements of fifty five famous theorems in Plane Geometry, and 14 Monthly Problems, that enable their immediate proof by Maple. It makes explicit the 350-year-old secret, still kept away from school-children, that Plane Geometry is all routineable. This Maple package was adapted (and largely extended) from Shalosh B. Ekhad, XIV's Elementary Geometry Textbook(ca. 2050) .

RON , A Maple package to study Ron Graham's problem on Schur triples. It accompanies Aaron Robertson and Doron Zeilberger's paper A 2-Coloring of [1,N] Can Have (1/22)N^2+O(N)... . To use it, download it as RON go into Maple, type `read RON:`, and follow the instructions given there.

DODGSON , DODGSON: VERY PRELIMINARY version of a package that uses Dodgson rule to conjecture `closed form' expressions for (so far Hankel) determinants. Soon it will prove the conjectured expression, etc. etc. Written By Tewodros Amdeberhan and Doron Zeilberger. Accompanying a forthcoming paper by them. To use it, download it as DODGSON go into Maple, type `read DODGSON:`, and follow the instructions given there.

IRRAT , Investigates how Apery could have arrived empirically at his marvelous irrationality proofs. VERY PRELIMINARY

HORTON. A Maple package to study John HORTON Conway's brilliant Audiactive Decay. It accompanies Shalsoh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger's paper on that subject .

John Noonan and I have written several packages dealing with the Goulden-Jacskon Cluster method. It accompanies our paper on that subject.

LEGO, A Maple package that automatically counts (certain) LEGO towers. This package is a companion to the paper Automated Counting of LEGO Towers.

DIKDUK, A Maple package that attemps to derive the (so-far Markovian) grammar of an inputted language (given in terms of a finite set of words), and then computes the generating function of the (infinite) language whose grammar it is. Very preliminary version! Better versions coming up. To use it, download it as DIKDUK, go into Maple, type `read DIKDUK:`, and follow the instructions given there .

SAWgrammar, A Maple package that uses the above package DIKDUK to find generating functions for families of restricted Self Avoiding Walks in a strip and variations. You must have DIKDUK at the same directory. To use it, download it as SAW, go into Maple, type `read SAW:`, and follow the instructions given there .

DREIDEL, A Maple package that plays the dreidel for any number of players, and computes winning probabilities, and expected duration, for 2-player games. To use it, download it as DREIDEL, go into Maple, type `read DREIDEL:`, and follow the instructions given there .

DOMINO, a Maple package that studies the dimer problem. To use it, download it as DOMINO, go into Maple, type `read DOMINO:`, and follow the instructions given there. [Last Update: Oct. 10, 1997]

LUC , A Maple program that implements the amazing explicit formula for the Jack polynomials, found by Luc Lapointe and Luc Vinet, in their paper ``A Rodrigues formula for the Jack polynomials and the Macdonald-Stanley conjecture''. To use it, download it as LUC, go into Maple, type `read LUC:`, and follow the instructions given there.

ROBBINS , a Maple package accompanying my paper ``Proof of the alternating sign matrix conjecture ( Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 3(2)(1996) [Foata issue] R13). It empirically verifies every non-trivial statement in the (structured) proof. To use it, download it as ROBBINS, go into Maple, type `read ROBBINS:`, and follow the instructions given there.

SCHUTZENBERGER.txt, a Maple package that treats algebraic and other formal power series. To use it, download it as SCHUTZENBERGER.txt, go into Maple, type `read SCHUTZENBERGER.txt:`, and follow the instructions given there.

SYLVESTER , A Maple implementation of Sylvester's enhancement of Tchebychev's method for finding lower and upper bounds for psi(x)/x, based on his CW IV, paper 72. To use it, download it as SYLVESTER go into Maple, type `read SYLVESTER:`, and follow the instructions given there.

You can also find:

MIKLOS, a short program/article, by AAron Robertson, Herb Wilf, and Doron Zeilberger, to find generating functions for permutations with NO (resp. exactly ONE) occurences of the pattern 132 and exactly r occurences of the pattern 123. Save this program as MIKLOS, go into Maple, type: read MIKLOS; and follow the instructions.

LOU, A Maple package that investigates Lou Kauffman's approach to 4CT. It accompanies the article by Bobbe Cooper, Eric Rowland and Doron Zeilberger. .

NSFdms, A Maple package for doing NSF-research in Mathematics, or rather, meta-mathematical research, about the funding of the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation. It should be used in conjuction with DMSDATA, (download this file in the same directory). To find out how to use it, download User's Manual for NSFdms. Written: Oct. 6, 1998

GetMicrosoftJob, A Maple package that solves the Microsoft job-interview puzzle, about the U2 band crossing a bridge at night. To use GetMicrosoftJob, download it as GetMicrosoftJob, go into Maple, type `read GetMicrosoftJob;`, and follow the instructions given there. Written: Sept. 25, 1998

ChutesAndLadders, A Maple package that plays Milton-Bradley's ChutesAndLadders(tm) game, and generalizations with arbitrary sets of Chutes and Ladders, and computes probabilities of winning, and expected duration of the game. To use ChutesAndLadders download it as ChutesAndLadders go into Maple, type `read ChutesAndLadders`, and follow the instructions given there. Written by Doron Zeilberger, with Hadas Zeilberger (b. Dec. 19, 1990) serving as consultant.

RubikClock , A Maple program to solve Rubik's Clock Puzzle. To use it, download it as RubikClock, go into maple, and type: read RubikClock: Then follow the on-line instructions.

BET , A short Maple package that studies the Ben Ezra Transform, as it is described in Ibn Ezra's Sefer Hamispar, Gate 6.

BenEzra, implements (the general) Rabbi Ben Ezra (Ibn Ezra) pseudo-random drowning of bad guys (essentially the Josephus problem).

rec2 , Empirically finds linear recurrences, in each variables, with polynomial coeffs. satisfied by a discrete function a(n,m).

appel, A small Maple package that implements Andrew Appel's Test for mathematical content. It accompanies Shalosh B. Ekhad paper The Theory of Self-Avoiding Walks in only 66.81 percents mathematical (according to the Appel test).

pinsky, A small Maple package that answers a Calculus excercise posed by Mark Pinsky.

alice, A small Maple package accompanying D. Zeilberger's paper Dodgson's Determinant Evaluation Rule Proved by TWO-TIMING MEN and WOMEN.

rabbit , A small Maple package accompanying T. Amdeberhan and S.B. Ekhad's paper A Condensed Condensation Proof of a determinant evaluation conjectured by Greg Kuperberg and Jim Propp.

catalan , A small Maple package accompanying my paper (exclusive for my http and ftp archives) ``Catalan strikes again (and again*)''

hex , A short Maple program that proves Pascal's hexagon's theorem, that only works for Maple 5 and below (Note: I thank Tian Bo for pointing it out. Please use procedure Pascal() from RENE )

change.txt , How many ways can you make change?

elim , Naive elimination in the ring of linear partial difference operators with polynomial coefficients

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