By Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger
[Appeared in "Analytic number theory, modular forms and q-hypergeometric series"( in honor of Krishna Alladi, F. Garvan, ed.),
253-265, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 221, Springer, Cham, 2017.]
Previous version: May 27, 2016
Last update (of webpage, and article): June 7, 2016
Dedicated to Krishnaswami "Krishna" Alladi, the tireless apostle of Srinivasa Ramanujan, yet a great mathematician on his own right.
In particular, I really enjoyed Hugh Montgomery's
Erdős Colloquium talk about the
Rudin-Shapiro polynomials, that lead to
the present article, Maple package, and ample output.
Continuing pioneering work of Christophe Doche and Laurent Habsieger from 2004,
we develop computer algebra algorithms, implemented in Maple,
for finding the (necessarily rational) generating function for any integral of products,
and in particular, moments, of Rudin-Shapiro polynomials. We generate a lot of output,
and confirm again a conjecture of Saffari for the asymptotics for small (and not so small) powers.
We also confirm, for small powers, a related, more general, conjecture, of Hugh Montgomery.
Finally, we outline a proof of Saffari's full conjecture, that we believe can be
turned into a full proof.
Added May 23, 2016: Brad Rodgers, independently, and simultaneously, found a (complete) proof
of Saffari's conjecture, that he is writing up now and will soon post in the arxiv. Meanwhile,
you can read his proof in a
that he wrote one of us (DZ).
Added May 30, 2016: Tamas Erdelyi has an interesting
where he examines the Mahler measure of the Rudin-Shapiro
polynomials. This turns out to be closely related
to the moments of the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials,
(see Theorem 2.2), from which an upper bound
Mn(k) < c((2^n)/(\log n))*(2^{kn})
follows immediately. This is far from Saffari's Conjecture but it is quite non-trivial.
Added June 7, 2016: Brad Rodgers' beautiful article
has just been posted. He also proves the more general Montgomery conjecture. Highly recommended.
[You also need to download, in the same directory, the data file
that are defined by a functional recurrence of the form
C1(z) Pk-1(zr)+
C2(z) Pk-1(-zr)+
C3(z) Pk-1(z-r)+
C4(z) Pk-1(-z-r)
where r is a positive integer ≥ 2, and C1(z),C2(z),C3(z),C4(z)
are Laurent polynomials in z
(whose degree is < r and low-degree > -r). The original case correspods to
If you want to see explicit generation functions for the sequences of even moments from the second (easy!)
through the 20th (not so easy!) of the famous Rudin-Shapiro polynomials, as well as the first 101 terms for each sequence,
as well as rigorous confirmation (for these cases, i.e. up to the 20th moment) of Bahman Saffari's conjecture
If you want to see explicit generation functions for the sequences of integrals defined by
∫01 Pk(e(θ))mPk(e(-θ))n dθ
(where, as usual e(θ)=e2πiθ, and Pk(z) are the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials), for 1 ≤ m < n ≤ 7,
the first 41 terms of each of these sequnces, and a rigorous proof (for the above values of m and n) of
Hugh Montgomery's conjecture made in Oberwolfach see
pp. 67-68 here,
∫01 Pk(e(θ))mPk(e(-θ))n dθ
(where, as usual e(θ)=e2πiθ, and Pk(z) are the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials), for 1 ≤ m < n ≤ 10,
and a numerical confirmation (for the above values of m and n) of
Hugh Montgomery's conjecture made in Oberwolfach see
pp. 67-68 here,
If you want to see rigorous confirmation of the fact that the heaviest words in {a,b,A,B} are all of the
form (aA)m-i(bB)i, for i from 0 to m, thereby justifying our tentative proof of
Saffari's conjecture
If you want to see the first 101 terms for each of the sequences defined by
(Pk(-e(θ))Pk(-e(-θ)))i dθ
for 1 ≤ m ≤ 8, and 0 ≤ i ≤ m/2, and a numerical confirmation, for these cases, of our
generalization of Saffari's conjecture
(-9/z+1+5z) Pk-1(z2)+
(5+7z) Pk-1(-z2)+
(17/z+19z) Pk-1(z-2)+
(1/z+3z) Pk-1(-z-2) , P0(z)=1
3z Pk-1(-z3)+
(z+1/z^2) Pk-1(z-3)+
(1/z+1+3z2) Pk-1(-z-3) , P0(z)=1
First written: May 20, 2016
Krishna Alladi's 60th birthday celebration
(perfectly organized by Cindy Garvan, Frank Garvan, and George Andrews)
was one of the most stimulating conferences that I have been to. All the talks were great, and because
Krishna is interested in so many things, we got to hear stimulating talks in all aspects of
number theory, both fancy and plain.
Maple Packages
r=2, C1(z)=1, C2(z)=z, C3(z)=0, C4(z)=0,
Sample Input and Output for the Maple package HaroldSilentShapiro.txt
Sample Input and Output for the Maple package ShapiroGeneral.txt
Doron Zeilberger's List of Papers