###################################################################### ##BiVariateMoms.txt: Save this file as BiVariateMoms.txt # ## To use it, stay in the # ##same directory, get into Maple (by typing: maple ) # ##and then type: read BiVariateMoms.txt # ##Then follow the instructions given there # ## # ##Written by Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University , # #zeilberg at math dot rutgers dot edu # ###################################################################### #Created: Dec. 24, 2016 print(`Created: Dec. 15, 2016`): print(` This is BiVariateMoms.txt `): print(`A Maple package to generate explicit formulas for moments of combinatorial random variables whose bi-variate generating`): print(`functions are rational `): print(``): print(`It one of the packages that accompany the article `): print(` Automated Derivation of Limiting Distributions Of Combinatorial Random Variables Whose Generating Functions are Rational`): print(`by Doron Zeilberger`): print(`and also available from Zeilberger's website`): print(``): print(`Please report bugs to zeilberg at math dot rutgers dot edu`): print(``): print(`The most current version of this package and paper`): print(` are available from`): print(`http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~zeilberg/ .`): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the Supporting procedures type ezra1();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the checking procedures type ezraC();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the MAIN procedures type ezra();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------`): with(combinat): ezraC:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` The CHECKING procedures are`): print(` CheckAvMomsAM `): print(``): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezra1:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` The supporting procedures are: AsySize, AsySizeT, AveAndMoms, AvMoms, AvMomsAM, AvMomsAstraight,AvMomsAstraightE, FindOpe, FindOpe1,`): print(` MDktw, Pashet, PW, PWs, PWsLL, RatToAsy, SeqT, ShoreshG, TestLLL `): print(``): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezra:=proc() if args=NULL then print(`The main procedures are: Alpha, AlphaAsy, AlphaFl, AppxAnk, AsyData, AsyDataFl, AvMomsA, AvMomsAM, AvMomsAfl, AvMomsAE, ExactAnk,fmkNdata `): print(` LogCurveN, Story `): print(` `): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=Alpha then print(`Alpha(F,t,w,J,n,beta): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w,`): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,Variance,3rdStandarizedMoment, ..., JthStandarized]]] `): print(`where L0 is the asymptotic formula for the actual size of the n-th set, in terms of the`): print(`growth constant, denoted by beta, Av, Variance, Skewness^2, Kurtosis..., JthAlphaCoeffi. are the asymptotic expressions`): print(`in terms of beta and n for the average, variance ..., all the way to the stadarized J-th moment, BUT `): print(`Note that the odd-standarized moments are squared.`): print(`(also about the mean), followed by the minimal polynomial in t, such that beta is its largest root.`): print(`Try:`): print(`Alpha(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,beta);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AlphaAsy then print(`AlphaAsy(F,t,w,J,n,beta,r): Like AlphaAsy(F,t,w,J,n,beta) (q.v.) but with an asymptotic expression in n to order r`): print(`of the standarized 3rd- to J-th moments (for the odd ones its square).`): print(` Try: `): print(` AlphaAsy(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,6,n,beta,2); `): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AlphaFl then print(`AlphaFl(F,t,w,J,n): Like Alpha(F,t,w,J,n,beta), but in floating-point.`): print(`It returns a list of length 2. The first is the asymptotic formula (in floating-point) for the`): print(`straight enumeration, and the second is a list consisting of the average, the variance, all the way to the J-th STANDARIZED moment`): print(`Try:`): print(`AlphaFl(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AppxAnk then print(`AppxAnk(F,t,w,n1,k1): the approximation of the coeff. of t^n1*w^k1 in the Taylor expansion of the rational function F in t,w`): print(`using asymptotic normality (assuming local limit rule).`). print(`It returns a pair. The first is the appx. using the normal distibution`): print(`and the second is how many standard-dviations it is from the mean. If this is very large or small the approximation is not good.`): print(`Try:`): print(`AppxAnk(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,100,50);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AsyData then print(`AsyData(F,t,w,beta): inputs a rational function F in the variables t and w such that the coeff. of t^n is the generating function`): print(`according to some statistic of the n-th member of an sequence of combinatorial objects, outputs the triple`): print(`[A,c1,c2,beta,pol] where c1 and c2 are expressions in terms of the algebraric number beta, (the largest positive root`): print(`of the polynomial in beta, and the meaning of c1 and c2 are that the asymptotics of the average of the statistic is c1*n and `): print(` the asymptotics of the variance is c2*n. The asymptotics for the cardinality of the n-th family is A*beta^n. Try:`): print(`AsyData(1/(1-t-w*t^2),t,w,beta);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AsyDataFl then print(`AsyDataFl(F,t,w): Like AsyDataFl(F,t,w,beta) (q.v.) but in floating-point. `): print(`It returns the four numbers [A,beta,c1,c2] such that the cardinality of the n-th member in the sequence is `): print(`asympototically, A*beta^n, the expectation of the statistic is asymptotically c1*n, and the variance is asymptotically c2*n.`): print(`Try:`): print(`AsyDataFl(1/(1-t-w*t^2),t,w);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AsySize then print(`AsySize(R,t,n,beta): inputs a rational function R of the variable t, that is the generating function of some sequence of positive`): print(`integers a(n). Returns an asympototic formula for a(n) in the form A*beta^n, where beta is the largest root of a polynomial in t`): print(`that is also returned (the denominator of R with t->1/t). Try:`): print(`AsySize(1/(1-t-t^2),t,n,beta); `): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AsySizeT then print(`AsySizeT(R,t,beta): inputs a rational function R of the variable t, that is the generating function of some sequence of positive`): print(`integers a(n). Returns [A,beta,PolSatisfyingbeta] where the `): print(` asympototic formula for a(n) in the form A*beta^n, where beta is the largest root of a polynomial in t`): print(`that is also returned (the denominator of R with t->1/t). The output is the triple [A,beta,POLinBeta]. Try:`): print(`AsySizeT(1/(1-t-t^2),t,beta);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AveAndMoms then print(`AveAndMoms(f,x,N): Given a probability generating function`): print(`f(x) (a polynomial, rational function and possibly beyond)`): print(`returns a list whose first entry is the average `): print(`(alias expectation, alias mean)`): print(`followed by the variance, the third moment (about the mean) and`): print(`so on, until the N-th moment (about the mean).`): print(`If f(1) is not 1, than it first normalizes it by dividing`): print(`by f(1) (if it is not 0) .`): print(`For example, try:`): print(`AveAndMoms(((1+x)/2)^100,x,4);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AvMoms then print(`AvMoms(F,t,w,n0,J): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w,`): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs positive integers n0 and J. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] (straight moments)`): print(`Try:`): print(`AvMoms(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,10,2);`): print(`AvMoms(1/(1-t-w*t^2),t,w,30,2);`): print(`AvMoms(MDktw(2,t,w),t,w,10,2);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AvMomsA then print(`AvMomsA(F,t,w,J,n,beta): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w,`): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] `): print(`where L0 is the asymptotic formula for the actual size of the n-th set, in terms of the`): print(`growth constant, denoted by beta, Av, 2ndMom, ..., JthMom are the asymptotic expressions`): print(`in terms of beta and n for the average, 2ndMom (ABOUT THE MEAN), ..., all the way to the J-th moment`): print(`(also ABOUT THE MEAN), followed by the minimal polynomial in t, such that beta is its largest root.`): print(`Try: `): print(`AvMomsA(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,beta);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AvMomsAE then print(`AvMomsAE(F,t,w,J,n,a): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w,`): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] `): print(`where the actual size is denoted by a(n), and Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom`): print(`are the expressions, in terms of n and a(n), a(n+1), etc.`): print(`for the NUMERATORS of the expressions for the average, and the moments ABOUT THE MEAN, ..., all the way to the J-th moment`): print(` (also ABOUT THE MEAN). To get the actual expression for the j-th moment, divide by a(n)^j. The second output is the generating function of a(n) `): print(`with respect to the variable`, t): print(` Try: `): print(`AvMomsAE(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,a);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AvMomsAM then print(`AvMomsAM(F,t,w,n0,J): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w,`): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs positive integers n0 and J. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] with the sequence of numbers`): print(`for the moments about the mean`): print(`AvMomsAM(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,10,2);`): print(`AvMomsAM(MDktw(2,t,w),t,w,10,2);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AvMomsAfl then print(`AvMomsAfl(F,t,w,J,n): Like AvMomsA(F,t,w,J,n,beta), but in floating-point.`): print(`It returns a list of length 2. The first is the asymptotic formula (in floating-point) for the`): print(`straight enumeration, and the second is a list consisting of the average, the variance, all the way to the J-th moment.`): print(`Try:`): print(`AvMomsAfl(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AvMomsAstraight then print(`AvMomsAstraight(F,t,w,J,n,beta): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w,`): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] `): print(`where L0 is the asymptotic formula for the actual size of the n-th set, in terms of the`): print(`growth constant, denoted by beta, Av, 2ndMom, ..., JthMom are the asymptotic expressions`): print(`in terms of beta and n for the average, 2ndMom (NOT about the mean), ..., all the way to the J-th moment`): print(`(also not about the mean), followed by the minimal polynomial in t, such that beta is its largest root.`): print(`Try: `): print(`AvMomsAstraight(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,beta);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=AvMomsAstraightE then print(`AvMomsAstraightE(F,t,w,J,n,a): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w,`): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] `): print(`where the actual size is denoted by a(n), and Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom`): print(`are the expressions, in terms of n and a(n), a(n+1), etc.`): print(`for the average, 2ndMom (NOT about the mean), ..., all the way to the J-th moment`): print(` (also not about the mean), followed by the generating function of a(n) `): print(` Try: `): print(` AvMomsAstraightE(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,a); `): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=CheckAvMomsAM then print(`CheckAvMomsAM(F,t,w,n0,J): Checks AvMomsAM(F,t,w,n0,J): `): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs positive integers n0 and J. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] with the sequence of numbers`): print(` Try: `): print(` CheckAvMomsAM(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,20,4);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=FindOpe then print(`FindOpe(L0,L1,n,N, ord1,deg1,MaxSt): inputs two sequences of rational numbers L0,L1, symbols n (the discrete variable), and positive integers, ord1,`): print(`deg1, and a starting point st1, finds an operator Ope(n,N^(-1)) of degree deg1 in n and order (degree in N^(-1)) ord1 such that`): print(`L1[n]=ope(n,N^(-1))L1[n] for n>=ord1+st1, for some st1<=MaxSt. It also returns the smallest st1. Try:`): print(`FindOpe([seq(2^i,i=1..40)],[seq(i*2^i-2^(i-1),i=1..40)],n,N,0,1,5);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=FindOpe1 then print(`FindOpe1(L0,L1,n,N, ord1,deg1,st1): inputs two sequences of rational numbers L0,L1, symbols n (the discrete variable), and positive integers, ord1,`): print(`deg1, and a starting point st1, finds an operator Ope(n,N^(-1)) of degree deg1 in n and order (degree in N^(-1)) ord1 such that`): print(`L1[n]=ope(n,N^(-1))L1[n] for n>=ord1+st1. Try:`): print(`FindOpe1([seq(2^i,i=1..10)],[seq(i*2^i-2^(i-1),i=1..10)],n,N,0,1,1);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=LogCurveN then print(`LogCurveN(F,t,w,N): inputs a rational function, F, of, t and w, let a(n,k) be the coeff. of w^k*t^n in the Maclaurin expansion of`): print(`outputs the curve that is log(a(N,N*x))/N . Try: `): print(`LogCurveN(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,100);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=MDktw then print(`MDktw(k,t,w): Inputs a positive integer k, 1<=k<=3, and outputs the pre-computed `): print(`bi-variate rational function in t w, whose coefficient of t^n*w^r is the exact number`): print(` of monomer-dimer tilings of a 2k by n strip with 2r monomers. Try: `): print(`MDktw(2,t,w);`): print(``): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=MomsSeq then print(`MomsSeq(F,t,w,n0,J): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w,`): print(`according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n.`): print(`It also inputs positive integers n0 and J. It returns a pair [L0,[L[1],...,L[J]]] `): print(`where L0 is the list of the enumeration sequence from n=1 to n=n0, L1 is the list of numerators of the average, L2 is the list`): print(`of numerators of the variance, etc. all the way to the J'th moment about the mean.`): print(`Try: `): print(`MomsSeq(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,20,2);`): print(`MomsSeq(MDktw(2,t,w),t,w,20,2);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=Pashet then print(`Pashet(R,t,Pol): inputs a rational function R, in t, and a polynomial, Pol, in t, simplifies R modulo Pol. Try`): print(`Pashet(t^3/(t^4+1),t,t^2-t-1);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=PW then print(`PW(F,x,y,s,m): The Pemantle-Wilson approximate value for the coeff. of x^s*y^m in the rational function F(x,y). Try`): print(`PW(1/(1-t-t^2*w,t,w,100,40); `): print(`PW(1/(1-(1+w)*t),t,w,100,50); `): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=PWs then print(`PWs(F,x,y,m,k): The Pemantle-Wilson done symbolically where s=m*k`): print(`PWs(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,m,k);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=PWsLL then print(`PWsLL(F,x,y,k): The limit of log(PWs(F,x,y,m,k))/m as m goes to infinity. Try:`): print(`PWsLL(1/(1-(1+w)*t),t,w,k); `): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=RatToAsy then print(`RatToAsy(R,n,r): inputs a rational function in n and outputs its asymptotic expansion to order r. Try:`): print(`RatToAsy((n+1)/(n+2),n,4); `): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=SeqT then print(`SeqT(f,t,w,k,N): inputs a rational function f of t and w outputs the sequence of "diagonals with slope k"`): print(`i.e. the sequence A(n*a,n*b), where A(n,m) is the coefficient of t^n*w^k in the Maclaurin expansion of f. `): print(`Try: `): print(`SeqT(1/(1-t-w*t^2),t,w,1/2,40); `): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=ShoreshG then print(`ShoreshG(P,t): inputs a polynomial P in t, finds the largest root in floating-point. Try:`): print(`Shoresh(t^3-t-1,t);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=Story then print(`Story(F,t,w,J,n,beta): inputs a rational function F of t and w such that the coeff. of t^n, is the generating function`): print(`according to some statistics defined on the n-th member of the family. It also inputs a positive integer J`): print(`and symbols n and beta. It outputs an article about the average, variance, and the limits of the scaled higher moments `): print(`(with exponetially small errors) up to the J's.`): print(`For example for all ways of walking n stairs where at each step you either advance one or two steps, according`): print(`to "number of 2s"`): print(`Try: `): print(`Story(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,b);`): elif nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=TestLLL then print(`TestLLL(F,t,w,x,N1,N2): tests the local limit law for the coefficients of t^n*w^k in F with k=av(n)+sd(n)*x for n from N1 to N2`): print(`using asymptotic normality (assuming local limit rule). `): print(`It returns a pair. The first is the appx. using the normal distibution`): print(`and the second is how many standard-dviations it is from the mean. If this is very large or small the approximation is not good.`): print(`Try: `): print(`TestLLL(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,0, 50,100);`): else print(`There is no ezra for`,args): fi: end: #AveAndMoms(f,x,N): Given a probability generating function #f(x) (a polynomial, rational function and possibly beyond) #returns a list whose first entry is the average #(alias expectation, alias mean) #followed by the variance, the third moment (about the mean) and #so on, until the N-th moment (about the mean). #If f(1) is not 1, than it first normalizes it by dividing #by f(1) (if it is not 0) . #For example, try: #AveAndMoms(((1+x)/2)^100,x,4); AveAndMoms:=proc(f,x,N) local mu,F,memu1,gu,i: mu:=simplify(subs(x=1,f)): if mu=0 then print(f, `is neither a prob. generating function nor can it be made so`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: F:=f/mu: memu1:=simplify(subs(x=1,diff(F,x))): gu:=[memu1]: F:=F/x^memu1: F:=x*diff(F,x): for i from 2 to N do F:=x*diff(F,x): gu:=[op(gu),simplify(subs(x=1,F))]: od: gu: end: #MDktw(k,t,w): Inputs a positive integer k, 1<=k<=3, and outputs the pre-computed #bi-variate rational function in t w, whose coefficient of t^n*w^r is the exact number #of monomer-dimer tilings of a 2k by n strip with 2r monomers. Try: #MDktw(2,t,w); MDktw:=proc(k,t,w) local lu: lu:=[-(t-1)/(-t^2*w+t^3-t*w-2*t+1), -(-3*t^5*w^2-2*t^6*w+3*t^4*w^2+t^7-3*t^5*w+3*t^3*w^2+5*t^4*w-3*t^2*w^2-5*t^5+11*t^3*w+2*t^4-9*t^2*w+6*t^3-2*t*w-3*t^2-2*t+1)/(-1+3*t +5*t^2-15*t^3-9*t^4+5*t^6-9*t^7+21*t^5+t^9-t^8+5*t*w+13*t^2*w^2+t*w^2-27*t^3*w+14*t^5*w^3-3*t^4*w^4+24*t^5*w-41*t^4*w^2+4*t^3*w^3+3*t^5*w^4+6*t^6*w^2+29*t^5*w^2+t^3 *w^4-4*t^3*w^2-t^8*w^2-t^6*w^4-3*t^7*w^2-2*t^7*w^3-9*t^7*w+21*t^2*w+19*t^6*w-40*t^4*w+t^8*w-18*t^4*w^3+2*t^2*w^3), -(-1+8*t+8*t^2-208*t^3+234*t^4-4499*t^6-11612*t^7 +2172*t^5+31970*t^9+34832*t^8+424744*t^12-774090*t^14-153260*t^10+941714*t^16-759282*t^18+12*t*w+139*t^2*w^2+3*t*w^2-1103*t^3*w+65168*t^5*w^3-4295*t^4*w^4+24*t^3*w^ 5+16575*t^5*w-1618*t^4*w^2-856*t^3*w^3+9*t^2*w^4+53778*t^5*w^4-55543*t^6*w^2+45980*t^5*w^2-115*t^3*w^4-1638*t^3*w^2+801157*t^8*w^2+1966598*t^8*w^4-346*t^6*w^8-\ 283226*t^7*w^6+60*t^5*w^8-789870*t^7*w^4+7354*t^5*w^6-77490*t^6*w^4-396*t^4*w^6-391253*t^7*w^2+5*t^3*w^6+9103311*t^15*w^9+390098*t^20-108168*t^13+406*t^30-2525*t^28 +136*t^31-32*t^32-4*t^33+791368*t^19-112080*t^22+256782*t^23-551964*t^21+2735557*t^15*w-24866103*t^14*w^2-568326*t^7*w^5-20406*t^6*w^6+1064*t^5*w^7-86595130*t^18*w^ 6+58473361*t^19*w^5+t^34+6972*t^24-79330*t^25+6776*t^26+15896*t^27-1968*t^29+37365655*t^19*w^3-79654653*t^18*w^4+1155*t^14*w^12-8908*t^13*w^13-280*t^12*w^14-5526330 *t^17*w^9+6659353*t^16*w^10+1385336*t^15*w^11+3161*t^10*w^12-6468775*t^13*w^9+451946*t^12*w^10+110344*t^11*w^11-26454*t^11-741912*t^17+5284981*t^19*w-21439711*t^18* w^2+9280*t^16*w^14+80*t^13*w^15-3073060*t^14*w^10-724278*t^13*w^11-36029*t^12*w^12-5095010*t^17*w+41890001*t^16*w^8-68189138*t^17*w^5+423272*t^15-39246766*t^17*w^3+ 112602589*t^16*w^4+40779621*t^15*w^5+1840373*t^11*w^9-41745*t^10*w^10-6904*t^9*w^11-93277559*t^14*w^6-14770698*t^13*w^7+11676092*t^12*w^8+359088*t^9*w-718980*t^7*w^ 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4350*t^27*w^12-2819*t^25*w^14-456*t^23*w^16+45*t^21*w^18+210*t^32*w^6-266*t^30*w^8-16720*t^28*w^10+18845*t^26*w^12+11062*t^24*w^14-2692*t^22*w^16+120*t^20*w^18+121* t^33*w^4-3056*t^31*w^6+22490*t^29*w^8-23059*t^27*w^10-117461*t^25*w^12+45965*t^23*w^14-3020*t^21*w^16+210*t^19*w^18+397*t^32*w^4+3023*t^30*w^6-84399*t^28*w^8+474909 *t^26*w^10-226391*t^24*w^12-39453*t^22*w^14+8636*t^20*w^16+252*t^18*w^18-10913*t^31*w^4+132583*t^29*w^6-541166*t^27*w^8-143967*t^25*w^10+1054265*t^23*w^12-345440*t^ 21*w^14+33796*t^19*w^16+210*t^17*w^18+1661*t^32*w^2-5765*t^30*w^4-229223*t^28*w^6+2352346*t^26*w^8-5264634*t^24*w^10+2260185*t^22*w^12-364676*t^20*w^14+52208*t^18*w ^16+120*t^16*w^18-14314*t^31*w^2+335671*t^29*w^4-2553967*t^27*w^6+6001405*t^25*w^8+558191*t^23*w^10-3087228*t^21*w^12+492510*t^19*w^14+43948*t^17*w^16+45*t^15*w^18-\ 30257*t^30*w^2+22430*t^28*w^4+3697857*t^26*w^6-22375271*t^24*w^8+28775761*t^22*w^10-10307250*t^20*w^12+1445010*t^18*w^14+18626*t^16*w^16+10*t^14*w^18+229506*t^29*w^ 2-4232750*t^27*w^4+23878737*t^25*w^6-37085051*t^23*w^8+8751206*t^21*w^10-1349348*t^19*w^12+1148292*t^17*w^14+640*t^15*w^16+t^13*w^18+234636*t^28*w^2+1012491*t^26*w^ 4-29422577*t^24*w^6+101644578*t^22*w^8-77911627*t^20*w^10+16227740*t^18*w^12-2063618*t^27*w^2+29039527*t^25*w^4-118255803*t^23*w^6+127466721*t^21*w^8-44135557*t^19* w^10+11843130*t^17*w^12-493592*t^15*w^14-996*t^13*w^16-617173*t^26*w^2-14685395*t^24*w^4+141650850*t^22*w^6-264854884*t^20*w^8+112486410*t^18*w^10+11277982*t^25*w^2 -119384004*t^23*w^4+339567623*t^21*w^6-259018461*t^19*w^8+82189107*t^17*w^10-11046052*t^15*w^12+27345*t^13*w^14+36*t^11*w^16-2437087*t^24*w^2+89658539*t^22*w^4-\ 421714181*t^20*w^6-38409024*t^23*w^2+302169976*t^21*w^4-582550428*t^19*w^6+322276735*t^17*w^8-77083682*t^15*w^10+3269433*t^13*w^12+607*t^11*w^14+23146042*t^22*w^2-\ 300432012*t^20*w^4+81755204*t^21*w^2-464214848*t^19*w^4+589223474*t^17*w^6-241656439*t^15*w^8+35608061*t^13*w^10-431535*t^11*w^12+126*t^9*w^14-76425268*t^20*w^2-\ 106389641*t^19*w^2+402650580*t^17*w^4-318718819*t^15*w^6+101758963*t^13*w^8-7415459*t^11*w^10+29550*t^9*w^12+77650285*t^17*w^2-144915366*t^15*w^4+53603671*t^13*w^6-\ 18497443*t^11*w^8+527807*t^9*w^10+84*t^7*w^12-20129702*t^15*w^2-43453684*t^13*w^4+28956789*t^11*w^6-598728*t^9*w^8+19697*t^7*w^10-13443994*t^13*w^2+60351097*t^11*w^ 4-15145013*t^9*w^6+428230*t^7*w^8+9*t^5*w^10+13954630*t^11*w^2-21125050*t^9*w^4-5351700*t^9*w^2-3*t^35+t^36+9*t^33*w^6+t^34*w^4+2*t^35*w^2-23*t^34*w^2+375*t^33*w^2-\ 3*t^33*w^7-16*t^31*w^9+606*t^29*w^11+1092*t^27*w^13+45*t^25*w^15-60*t^23*w^17-t^35*w^3+9*t^33*w^5-993*t^31*w^7+8512*t^29*w^9+6007*t^27*w^11-26513*t^25*w^13+2131*t^ 23*w^15+288*t^21*w^17-6*t^35*w+261*t^33*w^3-6596*t^31*w^5+57174*t^29*w^7-161004*t^27*w^9-275108*t^25*w^11+296436*t^23*w^13-52069*t^21*w^15+3960*t^19*w^17+284*t^33*w -15761*t^31*w^3+244070*t^29*w^5-1324760*t^27*w^7+1395868*t^25*w^9+2060625*t^23*w^11-1333629*t^21*w^13+166665*t^19*w^15+4464*t^17*w^17-7776*t^31*w+326016*t^29*w^3-\ 3813048*t^27*w^5+14290038*t^25*w^7-10152931*t^23*w^9-2826897*t^21*w^11+669466*t^19*w^13+266837*t^17*w^15+612*t^15*w^17+111392*t^29*w-3458309*t^27*w^3+30004484*t^25* w^5-78330452*t^23*w^7+47692357*t^21*w^9-11708193*t^19*w^11+3929700*t^17*w^13-883350*t^27*w+21217854*t^25*w^3-135585322*t^23*w^5+239658681*t^21*w^7-120862268*t^19*w^ 9+4160854*t^25*w-79543367*t^23*w^3+367406801*t^21*w^5-438362897*t^19*w^7-12193656*t^23*w+185485301*t^21*w^3+484882525*t^17*w^7+22711950*t^21*w-131*t^2*w+34393*t^6*w +280*t^4*w-477162*t^8*w+13779*t^4*w^3-152*t^2*w^3+126726*t^26*w^11+24946198*t^14*w-7172*t^6*w^3+342775504*t^18*w^3+191*t^4*w^7-203586598*t^12*w^7-936771324*t^16*w^5 -3687284*t^8*w^7-290186428*t^12*w^5+35683278*t^18*w-86435*t^6*w^7-707611257*t^16*w^7+685133706*t^14*w^5-755540*t^8*w^9+6604*t^24*w^13+63470229*t^10*w^5+287879712*t^ 14*w^3+44781755*t^10*w^7-402210356*t^16*w^3+491014073*t^14*w^7-40998909*t^12*w^9-8975*t^20*w^15-18579*t^22*w^15+8150001*t^10*w^9-36958030*t^16*w+3003282*t^10*w+6895 *t^4*w^5-2835964*t^8*w^3-10925802*t^12*w-156675*t^6*w^5+28238197*t^10*w^3-4966381*t^8*w^5-121971339*t^12*w^3+231940*t^22*w^13+323228*t^18*w^15-1476209*t^24*w^11-\ 2468634*t^20*w^13+70605*t^16*w^15+1147*t^30*w^7+1225703*t^26*w^9+9890773*t^22*w^11+5189844*t^18*w^13-37537*t^14*w^15-159136*t^28*w^7-12752169*t^24*w^9-31760245*t^20 *w^11-1275484*t^16*w^13+2641*t^12*w^15+1107*t^30*w^5+3432661*t^26*w^7+61568761*t^22*w^9+45508458*t^18*w^11-700318*t^14*w^13+579*t^32*w^3-185885*t^28*w^5-29284850*t^ 24*w^7-157581774*t^20*w^9-30708649*t^16*w^11+203142*t^12*w^13-20414*t^30*w^3+2694571*t^26*w^5+133371575*t^22*w^7+238516436*t^18*w^9+7205905*t^14*w^11-14005*t^10*w^ 13+1698*t^32*w+206888*t^28*w^3-23383864*t^24*w^5-368197833*t^20*w^7-218994974*t^16*w^9-429297*t^12*w^11-23711*t^30*w-303265*t^26*w^3+123635080*t^22*w^5+639455064*t^ 18*w^7+122591935*t^14*w^9+128802*t^10*w^11+143410*t^28*w-6986027*t^24*w^3-396207778*t^20*w^5-31832*t^8*w^11-289646*t^26*w+52430694*t^22*w^3+776882916*t^18*w^5-\ 1010546*t^24*w-177219840*t^20*w^3+7722658*t^22*w-21849264*t^20*w-t^32*w^9-t^4*w^9-9*t^24*w^17-84*t^26*w^15-102*t^22*w^17-126*t^28*w^13+2097*t^24*w^15+1737*t^20*w^17 -36*t^30*w^11-37*t^26*w^13+5292*t^18*w^17-5288*t^28*w^11+2313*t^16*w^17-426*t^30*w^9-6*t^14*w^17+47*t^32*w^7-40136*t^28*w^9-9*t^12*w^17-3*t^34*w^5+333*t^32*w^5-24*t ^34*w^3-84*t^10*w^15-41*t^34*w-126*t^8*w^13-36*t^6*w^11-6522*t^6*w^9-3*t^2*w^5)]: lu[k]: end: #FindOpe(L0,L1,n,N, ord1,deg1,MaxSt): inputs two sequences of rational numbers L0,L1, symbols n (the discrete variable), and positive integers, ord1, #deg1, and a starting point st1, finds an operator Ope(n,N^(-1)) of degree deg1 in n and order (degree in N^(-1)) ord1 such that #L1[n]=ope(n,N^(-1))L1[n] for n>=ord1+st1 for st1<=MaxSt. It also returns the starting point. Try: #FindOpe([seq(2^i,i=1..10)],[seq(i*2^i-2^(i-1),i=1..10)],n,N,0,1,10); FindOpe:=proc(L0,L1,n,N, ord1,deg1,MaxSt) local gu,st1: if nops(L0)<>nops(L1) then print(`L0 and L1 should be of the same length`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: if nops(L0)< (1+ord1)*(1+deg1)+ord1+7+MaxSt then print(`The length of L0 (and L1) must be at least `, (1+ord1)*(1+deg1)+ord1+7+MaxSt): RETURN(FAIL): fi: for st1 from 1 to MaxSt do gu:=FindOpe1(L0,L1,n,N, ord1,deg1,st1) : if gu<>FAIL then RETURN(gu,st1): fi: od: FAIL: end: #FindOpe1(L0,L1,n,N, ord1,deg1,st1): inputs two sequences of rational numbers L0,L1, symbols n (the discrete variable), and positive integers, ord1, #deg1, and a starting point st1, finds an operator Ope(n,N^(-1)) of degree deg1 in n and order (degree in N^(-1)) ord1 such that #L1[n]=ope(n,N^(-1))L1[n] for n>=ord1+st1. Try: #FindOpe1([seq(2^i,i=1..10)],[seq(i*2^i-2^(i-1),i=1..10)],n,N,0,1,1); FindOpe1:=proc(L0,L1,n,N, ord1,deg1,st1) local ope,a,eq1,eq,var,n1,i1,j1: if nops(L0)<>nops(L1) then print(`L0 and L1 should be of the same length`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: if nops(L0)< (1+ord1)*(1+deg1)+ord1+7+st1 then print(`The length of L0 (and L1) must be at least `, (1+ord1)*(1+deg1)+ord1+7+st1): RETURN(FAIL): fi: ope:= add(add(a[i1,j1]*n^i1*N^(-j1),j1=0..ord1),i1=0..deg1): var:= {seq(seq(a[i1,j1],j1=0..ord1),i1=0..deg1)}: eq:={}: for n1 from st1+ord1 to st1+ord1+(1+ord1)*(1+deg1)+6 do eq1:=L1[n1]-add(subs(n=n1,coeff(ope,N,-i1))*L0[n1-i1],i1=0..ord1): eq:=eq union {eq1}: od: var:=solve(eq,var): if var=NULL then RETURN(FAIL): else ope:=subs(var,ope): ope:=add(factor(coeff(ope,N,-i1))*N^(-i1),i1=0..ord1): if {seq(L1[n1]-add(subs(n=n1,coeff(ope,N,-i1))*L0[n1-i1],i1=0..ord1),n1=st1+ord1+(1+ord1)*(1+deg1)+6..nops(L1))}<>{0} then RETURN(FAIL): else RETURN(ope): fi: fi: end: #AvMoms(F,t,w,n0,J): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w, #according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n. #It also inputs positive integers n0 and J. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] (straight moments) #Try: #AvMoms(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,10,2); #AvMoms(MDktw(2,t,w),t,w,10,2); AvMoms:=proc(F,t,w,n0,J) local F0,L0,L,i,j: F0:=F: L0:=[seq(coeff(taylor(subs(w=1,F0),t=0,n0+1),t,i),i=1..n0)]: L:=[]: for j from 1 to J do F0:=w*diff(F0,w): L:=[op(L), [seq(coeff(taylor(subs(w=1,F0),t=0,n0+1),t,i),i=1..n0)]]: od: [L0,L]: end: #AsySize(R,t,n,beta): inputs a rational function R of the variable t, that is the generating function of some sequence of positive #integers a(n). Returns an asympototic formula for a(n) in the form A*beta^n, where beta is the largest root of a polynomial in t #that is also returned (the denominator of R with t->1/t). Try: #AsySize(1/(1-t-t^2),t,n,beta): AsySize:=proc(R,t,n,beta) local R1,A,top1,bot1: R1:=normal(R): top1:=numer(R1): bot1:=denom(R1): A:=-beta*subs(t=1/beta,top1)/subs(t=1/beta,diff(bot1,t)): A:=normal(A): bot1:=numer(subs(t=1/t,bot1)): A:=rem(numer(A),subs(t=beta,bot1),beta)/denom(A): [A*beta^n,bot1]: end: #AsySizeT(R,t,beta): inputs a rational function R of the variable t, that is the generating function of some sequence of positive #integers a(n). Returns [A,beta,PolSatisfyingbeta] where the # asympototic formula for a(n) in the form A*beta^n, where beta is the largest root of a polynomial in t #that is also returned (the denominator of R with t->1/t). The output is the triple [A,beta,POLinBeta]. Try: #AsySizeT(1/(1-t-t^2),t,beta); AsySizeT:=proc(R,t,beta) local R1,A,top1,bot1: R1:=normal(R): top1:=numer(R1): bot1:=denom(R1): A:=-beta*subs(t=1/beta,top1)/subs(t=1/beta,diff(bot1,t)): A:=normal(A): bot1:=numer(subs(t=1/t,bot1)): A:=rem(numer(A),subs(t=beta,bot1),beta)/denom(A): bot1:=subs(t=beta,bot1): [A, beta,bot1]: end: #AvMomsAstraight(F,t,w,J,n,beta): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w, #according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n. #It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] #where L0 is the asymptotic formula for the actual size of the n-th set, in terms of the #growth constant, denoted by beta, Av, 2ndMom, ..., JthMom are the asymptotic expressions #in terms of beta and n for the average, 2ndMom (NOT about the mean), ..., all the way to the J-th moment #(also not about the mean), followed by the minimal polynomial in t, such that beta is its largest root. #Try: #AvMomsAstraight(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,beta); AvMomsAstraight:=proc(F,t,w,J,n,beta) local ord1,ku,bot1,mu,lu,n0,N,j,ope1: ku:=AsySize( normal(subs(w=1,F)),t,n,beta): bot1:=ku[2]: ord1:=degree(bot1,t)-1: n0:=(1+ord1)*(J+1)+ord1+41: mu:=AvMoms(F,t,w,n0,J): lu:=[]: for j from 1 to J do ope1:=FindOpe(mu[1],mu[2][j],n,N, ord1,j,30): if ope1=FAIL then RETURN(FAIL): fi: ope1:=ope1[1]: ope1:=normal(subs(N=beta,ope1)): ope1:=rem(numer(ope1),subs(t=beta,bot1),beta)/denom(ope1): lu:=[op(lu),ope1]: od: [ku[1],lu,bot1,t]: end: #AvMomsA(F,t,w,J,n,beta): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w, #according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n. #It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] #where L0 is the asymptotic formula for the actual size of the n-th set, in terms of the #growth constant, denoted by beta, Av, 2ndMom, ..., JthMom are the asymptotic expressions #in terms of beta and n for the average, 2ndMom (about the mean), ..., all the way to the J-th moment #(also about the mean), followed by the minimal polynomial in t, such that beta is its largest root. #Try: #AvMomsA(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,beta); AvMomsA:=proc(F,t,w,J,n,beta) local lu1,lu,mu,ku,r,gu,j,bot1: option remember: gu:=AvMomsAstraight(F,t,w,J,n,beta): bot1:=gu[3]: if gu=FAIL then RETURN(FAIL): fi: lu:=gu[2]: mu:=lu[1]: lu1:=[mu]: for j from 2 to J do ku:=add(binomial(j,r)*(-mu)^r*lu[j-r],r=0..j-1)+(-mu)^j: ku:=expand(ku): ku:=normal(subs(N=beta,ku)): ku:=normal(rem(numer(ku),subs(t=beta,bot1),beta)/rem(denom(ku), subs(t=beta,bot1),beta)): lu1:=[op(lu1),ku]: od: [gu[1],lu1,subs(t=beta,gu[3]),beta]: end: #AvMomsAfl(F,t,w,J,n): Like AvMomsA(F,t,w,J,n,beta), but in floating-point. #It returns a list of length 2. The first is the asymptotic formula (in floating-point) for the #straight enumeration, and the second is a list consisting of the average, the variance, all the way to the J-th moment. #Try: #AvMomsAfl(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n); AvMomsAfl:=proc(F,t,w,J,n) local beta,b1,gu,muam,aluf,i,si: option remember: gu:=AvMomsA(F,t,w,J,n,beta): b1:=ShoreshG(gu[3],beta): [subs(beta=b1,gu[1]),subs(beta=b1,gu[2])]: end: #ShoreshG(P,t): inputs a polynomial P in t, finds the largest root in floating-point. Try: #Shoresh(t^3-t-1,t); ShoreshG:=proc(P,t) local b1,aluf,si,muam,i: b1:=evalf([solve(P,t)]): aluf:=b1[1]: si:=abs(b1[1]): for i from 2 to nops(b1) do muam:=b1[i]: if abs(muam)>si then aluf:=muam: si:=abs(muam): fi: od: if abs(coeff(aluf,I,1))>10^(-5) then print(`largest root does not seem to be real`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: aluf:=coeff(aluf,I,0): aluf: end: #AsyData(F,t,w,beta): inputs a rational function F in the variables t and w such that the coeff. of t^n is the generating function #according to some statistic of the n-th member of an sequence of combinatorial objects, outputs the triple #[A,c1,c2,beta,pol] where c1 and c2 are expressions in terms of the algebraric number beta, (the largest positive root #of the polynomial in beta, and the meaning of c1 and c2 are that the asymptotics of the average of the statistic is c1*n and #the asymptotics of the variance is c2*n. The asymptotics for the cardinality of the n-th family is A*beta^n. Try: #AsyData(1/(1-t-w*t^2),t,w,beta); AsyData:=proc(F,t,w,beta) local c1,c2,n,ku,A,bot1: ku:=AsySizeT(subs(w=1,F),t,beta): A:=ku[1]: bot1:=ku[3]: ku:=AvMomsA(F,t,w,2,n,beta)[2]: c1:=coeff(ku[1],n,1): c2:=coeff(ku[2],n,1): [A,c1,c2,beta,bot1]: end: #AsyDataFl(F,t,w): Like AsyDataFl(F,t,w,beta) (q.v.) but in floating-point. #It returns the four numbers [A,beta,c1,c2] such that the cardinality of the n-th member in the sequence is #asympototically, A*beta^n, the expectation of the statistic is asymptotically c1*n, and the variance is asymptotically c2*n. #Try: #AsyDataFl(1/(1-t-w*t^2),t,w); AsyDataFl:=proc(F,t,w) local gu,beta,bot1,b1,A,c1,c2: gu:=AsyData(F,t,w,beta): bot1:=gu[5]: b1:=ShoreshG(bot1,beta): if abs(coeff(b1,I,1))>10^(-5) then RETURN(FAIL): else b1:=coeff(b1,I,0): fi: A:=subs(beta=b1,gu[1]): if abs(coeff(A,I,1))>10^(-5) then RETURN(FAIL): else A:=coeff(A,I,0): fi: c1:=subs(beta=b1,gu[2]): if abs(coeff(c1,I,1))>10^(-5) then RETURN(FAIL): else c1:=coeff(c1,I,0): fi: c2:=subs(beta=b1,gu[3]): if abs(coeff(c2,I,1))>10^(-5) then RETURN(FAIL): else c2:=coeff(c2,I,0): fi: [A,b1,c1,c2]: end: #Pashet(R,t,Pol): inputs a rational function R, in t, and a polynomial, Pol, in t, simplifies R modulo Pol. Try #Pashet(t^3/(t^4+1),t,t^2-t-1); Pashet:=proc(R,t,Pol) : normal(rem(numer(R),Pol,t)/rem(denom(R),Pol,t)): end: #Alpha(F,t,w,J,n,beta): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w, #according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n. #It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,Variance,3rdStandarizedMoment, ..., JthStandarized]]] #where L0 is the asymptotic formula for the actual size of the n-th set, in terms of the #growth constant, denoted by beta, Av, Variance, Skewness^2, Kurtosis..., JthAlphaCoeffi. are the asymptotic expressions #in terms of beta and n for the average, variance ..., all the way to the stadarized J-th moment, BUT #Note that the odd-standarized moments are squared. #(also about the mean), followed by the minimal polynomial in t, such that beta is its largest root. #Try: #Alpha(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,beta); Alpha:=proc(F,t,w,J,n,beta) local gu,mu,m2,lu,ku,pol,j: gu:=AvMomsA(F,t,w,J,n,beta): pol:=gu[3]: mu:=gu[2]: lu:=[mu[1],mu[2]]: m2:=mu[2]: for j from 3 to J do if j mod 2=0 then ku:=normal(mu[j]/m2^(j/2)): else ku:=normal(mu[j]^2/m2^j): fi: ku:=Pashet(ku,beta,pol): lu:=[op(lu),ku]: od: [gu[1],lu,gu[3],gu[4]]: end: #AlphaFl(F,t,w,J,n): Like Alpha(F,t,w,J,n,beta), but in floating-point. #It returns a list of length 2. The first is the asymptotic formula (in floating-point) for the #straight enumeration, and the second is a list consisting of the average, the variance, all the way to the J-th STANDARIZED moment #Try: #AlphaFl(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n); AlphaFl:=proc(F,t,w,J,n) local beta,gu,b1: gu:=Alpha(F,t,w,J,n,beta): b1:=ShoreshG(gu[3],beta): [subs(beta=b1,gu[1]),subs(beta=b1,gu[2])]: end: #RatToAsy(R,n,r): inputs a rational function in n and outputs its asymptotic expansion to order r. Try: #RatToAsy((n+1)/(n+2),n,r): RatToAsy:=proc(R,n,r) local gu,i,x: if degree(numer(R),n)>degree(denom(R),n) then print(`Top degree must be <=0 bottom degree `): RETURN(FAIL): fi: gu:=normal(subs(n=1/x,R)): gu:=taylor(gu,x=0,r+1): add(coeff(gu,x,i)/n^i,i=0..r): end: #AlphaAsy(F,t,w,J,n,beta,r): Like AlphaAsy(F,t,w,J,n,beta) (q.v.) but with an asymptotic expression in n to order r #of the standarized 3rd- to J-th moments (for the odd ones its square). #Try: #AlphaAsy(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,6,n,beta,2); AlphaAsy:=proc(F,t,w,J,n,beta,r) local gu,j,ku,lu,mu,pol,i: gu:=Alpha(F,t,w,J,n,beta): pol:=gu[3]: mu:=gu[2]: lu:=[mu[1],mu[2]]: for j from 3 to J do ku:=mu[j]: ku:=RatToAsy(ku,n,r): ku:=add( Pashet(coeff(ku,n,-i),beta, pol)*n^(-i),i=0..r): lu:=[op(lu),ku]: od: [gu[1],lu,gu[3],gu[4]]: end: #AppxAnk(F,t,w,n1,k1): the approximation of the coeff. of t^n1*w^k1 in the Taylor expansion of the rational function F in t,w #using asymptotic normality (assuming local limit rule). #It returns a pair. The first is the appx. using the normal distibution #and the second is how many standard-dviations it is from the mean. If this is very large or small the approximation is not good. #Try: #AppxAnk(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,100,50); AppxAnk:=proc(F,t,w,n1,k1) local gu,val,av1,sd1,n,kama: gu:=AvMomsAfl(F,t,w,2,n): val:=subs(n=n1,gu[1]): av1:=subs(n=n1,gu[2][1]): sd1:=sqrt(subs(n=n1,gu[2][2])): kama:=(k1-av1)/sd1: [evalf(val/sqrt(2*Pi)/sd1*exp(-kama^2/2)),kama]: end: #ExactAnk(F,t,w,n1,k1): the Exact value of the coeff. of t^n1*w^k1 in the Taylor expansion of the rational function F in t,w #using asymptotic normality (assuming local limit rule). Try: #ExactAnk(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,100,50); ExactAnk:=proc(F,t,w,n1,k1): coeff(expand(coeff(taylor(F,t=0,n1+1),t,n1)),w,k1): end: #TestLLL(F,t,w,x,N1,N2): tests the local limit law for the coefficients of t^n*w^k in F with k=av(n)+sd(n)*x for n from N1 to N2 #using asymptotic normality (assuming local limit rule). #It returns a pair. The first is the appx. using the normal distibution #and the second is how many standard-dviations it is from the mean. If this is very large or small the approximation is not good. #Try: #TestLLL(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,50,100); TestLLL:=proc(F,t,w,x,N1,N2) local gu,val,av1,sd1,n,kama,k1,lu,n1: gu:=AvMomsAfl(F,t,w,2,n): lu:=[]: for n1 from N1 to N2 do val:=subs(n=n1,gu[1]): av1:=subs(n=n1,gu[2][1]): sd1:=sqrt(subs(n=n1,gu[2][2])): k1:=trunc(av1+sd1*x): lu:=[op(lu),evalf(val/sqrt(2*Pi)/sd1*exp(-x^2/2)/ExactAnk(F,t,w,n1,k1))]: od: gu: end: #LogCurveN(F,t,w,N): inputs a rational function, F, of, t and w, let a(n,k) be the coeff. of w^k*t^n in the Maclaurin expansion of #outputs the curve that is log(a(N,N*x))/N . Try #LogCurveN(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,100); LogCurveN:=proc(F,t,w,N) local gu,i: gu:=expand(coeff(taylor(F,t=0,N+1),t,N)): [seq([i/N,evalf(log(coeff(gu,w,i))/N)],i=0..degree(gu,w))]: end: #QH:=proc(H,x,y): #-x*diff(H,x)*(y*diff(H,y))^2-y*diff(H,y)*(x*diff(H,x))^2- #((y*diff(H,y))^2*(x^2*diff(H,x,x))+ (x*diff(H,x))^2*(y^2*diff(H,y,y)) #-2*x*diff(H,x)*y*diff(H,y)*x*y*diff(H,x,y)): #end: #PW(F,x,y,s,m): The Pemantle-Wilson approximate value for the coeff. of x^s*y^m in the rational function F(x,y). Try #PW(1/(1-t-t^2*w,t,w,100,40), PW:=proc(F,x,y,s,m) local F1,G,H,x0,y0,Q,lu: F1:=normal(F): G:=numer(F1): H:=denom(F1): lu:=fsolve({H, m*x*diff(H,x)-s*y*diff(H,y)},{x,y}): x0:=subs(lu,x): y0:=subs(lu,y): Q:=-x*diff(H,x)*(y*diff(H,y))^2-y*diff(H,y)*(x*diff(H,x))^2- ((y*diff(H,y))^2*(x^2*diff(H,x,x))+ (x*diff(H,x))^2*(y^2*diff(H,y,y)) -2*x*diff(H,x)*y*diff(H,y)*x*y*diff(H,x,y)): Q:=normal(Q): abs(evalf(1/sqrt(2*Pi)*subs({x=x0,y=y0},G)*x0^(-s)*y0^(-m)*sqrt(-y0*subs({x=x0,y=y0},diff(H,y))/m/subs({x=x0,y=y0},Q)))): end: #PWs(F,x,y,m,k): The Pemantle-Wilson done symbolically where s=m*k #PWs(1/(1-t-t^2*w,t,w,m,k), PWs:=proc(F,x,y,m,k) local F1,G,H,x0,y0,Q,lu: F1:=normal(F): G:=numer(F1): H:=denom(F1): lu:=solve({H, x*diff(H,x)-k*y*diff(H,y)},{x,y}): x0:=subs(lu,x): y0:=subs(lu,y): #RETURN([x0,y0]): Q:=-x*diff(H,x)*(y*diff(H,y))^2-y*diff(H,y)*(x*diff(H,x))^2- ((y*diff(H,y))^2*(x^2*diff(H,x,x))+ (x*diff(H,x))^2*(y^2*diff(H,y,y)) -2*x*diff(H,x)*y*diff(H,y)*x*y*diff(H,x,y)): Q:=normal(Q): 1/sqrt(2*Pi)*subs({x=x0,y=y0},G)*x0^(-m*k)*y0^(-m)*sqrt(-y0*subs({x=x0,y=y0},diff(H,y))/m/subs({x=x0,y=y0},Q)); normal(%): end: #PWsLL(F,x,y,k): The limit of log(PWs(F,x,y,m,k))/m as m goes to infinity. Try: #PWsLL(1/(1-(1+w)*t),t,w,k), PWsLL:=proc(F,x,y,k) local m, F1,G,H,x0,y0,lu: F1:=normal(F): G:=numer(F1): H:=denom(F1): lu:=solve({H, x*diff(H,x)-k*y*diff(H,y)},{x,y}): x0:=subs(lu,x): y0:=subs(lu,y): -k*log(x0)-log(y0): end: #Story(F,t,w,J,n,beta): inputs a rational function F of t and w such that the coeff. of t^n, is the generating function #according to some statistics defined on the n-th member of the family. It also inputs a positive integer J #and symbols n and beta. It outputs an article about the average, variance, and the limits of the scaled higher moments #(with expontially small errors) up to the J's. #For example for all ways of walking n stairs where at each step you either advance one or two steps, according #to "number of 2s" #Try: #Story(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,b); Story:=proc(F,t,w,J,n,beta) local gu,P,bf,j: print(``): print(`The Average, Variance, and Scaled Moments Up to the`, J, `-th of a Certain Combinatorial Random Variable`): print(``): print(`By Shalosh B. Ekhad `): print(``): print(`Theorem: Suppose that there is an infinite family of cominatorial families, on which there is a combinatorial random variable`): print(` Let `, P[n](w) , `be the weight-enumerator according to that random variable of the n-th member of our family. Suppose that`): print(`you found out (e.g. by the transfer matrix method) that the bi-variate generating function, `, Sum(P[n](w)*t^n,n=0..infinity), ` equals `, F): print(``): print(`In other words`): print(``): print(Sum(P[n](w)*t^n,n=0..infinity)= F): print(``): ## gu:=AvMomsAE(F,t,w,J,n,a): print(`Definition: Let a(n) be defined by the ordinary generating function`): print(Sum(a(n)*t^n,n=0..infinity)=gu[2]): gu:=gu[1]: print(``): print(`then, of course, a(n), is the number of elements in the n-th family.`): print(``): print(`The EXACT expression, in terms of a(n) and n, for the EXPECTATION is`): print(``): print(normal(gu[1]/a(n))): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(normal(gu[1]/a(n))): print(``): if J>1 then print(`The EXACT expression, in terms of a(n) and n, for the VARIANCE is`): print(``): print(normal(gu[2]/a(n)^2)): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): lprint(normal(gu[2]/a(n)^2)): print(``): fi: for j from 3 to J do print(`The EXACT expression, in terms of a(n) and n, for the`, j, `-th moment about the mean is`): print(``): print(normal(gu[j]/a(n)^j)): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(normal(gu[j]/a(n)^j)): od: print(``): gu:=Alpha(F,t,w,J,n,beta): print(``): print(` Let `, beta, `be the largest positive root of the polynomial equation`): print(``): print(gu[3]=0): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(gu[3]=0): print(``): print(`whose floating-point approximation is`): print(``): bf:=ShoreshG(gu[3],beta): print(bf): print(``): print(`Then the size of the n-th family (i.e. straight enumeration) is very close to `): print(``): print(gu[1]): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(gu[1]): print(``): print(`and in floating point`): print(``): print(subs(beta=bf,gu[1])): print(``): print(`The average of the statistics is, asymptotically `): print(``): print(collect(gu[2][1],n)): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(collect(gu[2][1],n)): print(``): print(`and in floating-point`): print(``): lprint(subs(b=bf,collect(gu[2][1],n))): print(``): print(`The variance of the statistics is, asymptotically `): print(``): print(collect(gu[2][2],n)): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(collect(gu[2][2],n)): print(``): print(`and in floating-point`): print(``): lprint(subs(b=bf,collect(gu[2][2],n))): print(``): if J>=3 then print(`The skewness of the statistics is, asymptotically `): print(``): print(collect(gu[2][3],n)): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(collect(gu[2][3],n)): print(``): print(`and in floating-point`): print(``): lprint(subs(b=bf,collect(gu[2][3],n))): print(``): fi: if J>=4 then print(`The kurtosis of the statistics is, asymptotically `): print(``): print(collect(gu[2][4],n)): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(collect(gu[2][4],n)): print(``): print(`and in floating-point`): print(``): lprint(subs(b=bf,collect(gu[2][4],n))): print(``): fi: for j from 5 to J do print(`The standardized`, j, `-th moment (about the mean) of the statistics is, asymptotically `): print(``): print(collect(gu[2][j],n)): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(collect(gu[2][j],n)): print(``): print(`and in floating-point`): print(``): lprint(subs(b=bf,collect(gu[2][j],n))): print(``): od: gu:=AlphaAsy(F,t,w,6,n,beta,2): print(`Finally here is the asymptotic expressions, to order 2, of the standarized third to`, J, `-th moment`): for j from 3 to J do print(` The `, j, `-th standardized moment is`, gu[2][j]): print(``): print(`and in floating-point`, subs(beta=bf, gu[2][j])): print(``): od: end: ez:=proc(): print(` SeqT(f,t,w,k,N), fmkN(f,t,w,k,N), fmkNdata(f,t,w,A,N), Zinn(resh) `): end: sn:=proc(resh,n1): -1/log(op(n1+1,resh)*op(n1-1,resh)/op(n1,resh)^2): end: #Zinn(resh): Zinn-Justin's method to estimate #the C,mu, and theta such that #resh[i] is appx. Const*mu^i*i^theta #For example, try: #Zinn([seq(5*i*2^i,i=1..30)]); Zinn:=proc(resh) local s1,s2,theta,mu,n1,i: if nops({seq(sign(resh[i]),i=1..nops(resh))})<>1 then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if resh[-1]=resh[-2] then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if resh[nops(resh)]=0 or resh[nops(resh)-1]=0 then RETURN(FAIL): fi: n1:=nops(resh)-1: s1:=evalf(sn(resh,n1)): s2:=evalf(sn(resh,n1-1)): if abs(s1)<10^(-5) or abs(s2)<10^(-5) or abs(s1-s2)<10^(-5) then RETURN(FAIL): fi: theta:=evalf(2*(s1+s2)/(s1-s2)^2): mu:=evalf(sqrt(op(n1+1,resh)/op(n1-1,resh))*exp(-(s1+s2)/((s1-s2)*s1))): [theta,mu]: end: #SeqT(f,t,w,k,N): inputs a rational function f of t and w outputs the sequence of "diagonals with slope k" #i.e. the sequence A(n*a,n*b), where A(n,m) is the coefficient of t^n*w^k in the Maclaurin expansion of f. #Try: #SeqT(1/(1-t-w*t^2),t,w,1/2,40); SeqT:=proc(f,t,w,k,N) local f1,a,b,i,n,L: option remember: a:=numer(k): b:=denom(k): f1:=taylor(f,t=0,N*b+1): L:=[seq(coeff(f1,t,i),i=1..N*b)]: [seq(coeff(L[b*n],w,n*a),n=1..nops(L)/b)]: end: #fmkN(f,t,w,k,N): Let A(k,n) (k rational, k=a/b, say, with a and b integers), be the coefficient of t^(n*b)*w^(a*n) #finds (numerically) the limit of log(A(k,n))/(n*b) as n goes to infinity #Try: #fmkN(1/(1-t-t*w^2),1/2,100); fmkN:=proc(f,t,w,k,N) local L,gu,b: b:=denom(k): L:=SeqT(f,t,w,k,N): gu:=Zinn(L): if gu=FAIL then RETURN(FAIL): else gu:=gu[2]: fi: log(gu)/b: end: #fmkNdata(f,t,w,A,N): a table of [k,fmkN(f,t,w,k,N)] for all k=a/b with gcd(a,b)=1, 1<=aFAIL then T[a/b]:=lu: gu:=[op(gu),a/b]: fi: fi: od: od: gu:=sort(gu): [seq([gu[i],T[gu[i]]],i=1..nops(gu))]: end: #LogCurveN(F,t,w,N): inputs a rational function, F, of, t and w, let a(n,k) be the coeff. of w^k*t^n in the Maclaurin expansion of #outputs the curve that is log(a(N,N*x))/N . Try #LogCurveN(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,100); LogCurveN:=proc(F,t,w,N) local gu,i: gu:=expand(coeff(taylor(F,t=0,N+1),t,N)): [seq([i/N,evalf(log(coeff(gu,w,i))/N)],i=0..degree(gu,w))]: end: #AvMomsAstraightE(F,t,w,J,n,a): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w, #according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n. #It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] #where the actual size is denoted by a(n), and Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom #are the expressions, in terms of n and a(n), a(n+1), etc. #for the average, 2ndMom (NOT about the mean), ..., all the way to the J-th moment #(also not about the mean), followed by the generating function of a(n) #Try: #AvMomsAstraightE(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,a); AvMomsAstraightE:=proc(F,t,w,J,n,a) local ord1,bot1,mu,lu,n0,N,j,ope1,i1,ku,beta: ku:=AsySize( normal(subs(w=1,F)),t,n,beta): bot1:=ku[2]: ord1:=degree(bot1,t)-1: n0:=(1+ord1)*(J+1)+ord1+40: mu:=AvMoms(F,t,w,n0,J): lu:=[]: for j from 1 to J do ope1:=FindOpe(mu[1],mu[2][j],n,N, ord1,j,30): if ope1=FAIL then RETURN(FAIL): fi: ope1:=ope1[1]: ope1:=add(coeff(ope1,N,-i1)*a(n-i1),i1=0..-ldegree(ope1,N)): lu:=[op(lu),ope1]: od: [lu,subs(w=1,F)]: end: #AvMomsAM(F,t,w,n0,J): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w, #according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n. #It also inputs positive integers n0 and J. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] with the sequence of numbers #for the moments about the mean #AvMomsAM(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,10,2); #AvMomsAM(MDktw(2,t,w),t,w,10,2); AvMomsAM:=proc(F,t,w,n0,J) local gu,i,k,r,N0: gu:=AvMoms(F,t,w,n0,J): N0:=gu[1]: gu:=gu[2]: [N0, [gu[1],seq([seq(add((-1)^r*binomial(k,r)*gu[k-r][i]*N0[i]^(k-r-1)*gu[1][i]^r,r=0..k-1)+(-1)^k*gu[1][i]^k,i=1..n0)],k=2..J)]]: end: #CheckAvMomsAM(F,t,w,n0,J): Checks AvMomsAM(F,t,w,n0,J): #according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n. #It also inputs positive integers n0 and J. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] with the sequence of numbers #Try: #CheckAvMomsAM(1/(1-t*(1+w)),t,w,20,4); CheckAvMomsAM:=proc(F,t,w,n0,J) local mu,gu,i,mu0,j,r: mu:=AvMomsAM(F,t,w,n0,J): mu0:=mu[1]: mu:=mu[2]: mu:=[seq([seq(mu[r][i]/mu0[i]^r,i=1..n0)],r=1..J)]: gu:=[seq(expand(coeff(taylor(F,t=0,n0+1),t,i)),i=1..n0)]: gu:=[seq(AveAndMoms(gu[i],w,J),i=1..n0)]: gu:=[seq([seq(gu[i][j],i=1..n0)],j=1..J)]: evalb(gu=mu): end: #AvMomsAE(F,t,w,J,n,a): inputs a rational function F of variables t, and w, such that the coefficient of t^n is the weight-enumerator, in w, #according to some statistics of the n-th entry in an infinite family of combinatorial objects indexed by n. #It also inputs a positive integer J, and symbols n and beta. It returns a pair [L0,[Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom]]] #where the actual size is denoted by a(n), and Av,2ndMom, ..., JthMom #are the expressions, in terms of n and a(n), a(n+1), etc. #for the average, and the moments ABOUT THE MEAN, ..., all the way to the J-th moment #(also about the mean), followed by the generating function of a(n) #Try: #AvMomsAE(1/(1-t-t^2*w),t,w,4,n,a); AvMomsAE:=proc(F,t,w,J,n,a) local gu,mu1,mu,av,r,akha,k: gu:=AvMomsAstraightE(F,t,w,J,n,a): akha:=gu[2]: gu:=gu[1]: mu:=[gu[1]]: av:=gu[1]: for k from 2 to J do mu1:=expand((-av)^k+add((-av)^r*binomial(k,r)*gu[k-r]*a(n)^(k-r-1),r=0..k-1)): mu:=[op(mu),mu1]: od: [mu,akha]: end: