A User Manual for the Maple package NSFdms

Last Update: Oct. 8, 1998 1998

The Maple package NSFdms is a a Maple package for doing NSF-research in Mathematics, or rather, meta-mathematical research, about the funding of the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation. It should be used in conjuction with DMSDATA, (download this file in the same directory as NSFdms, and make sure that this new new file is called DMSDATA, as it should).
To use NSFdms, download it as NSFdms, make sure that the data set is also downloaded in the same directory, and is indeed called DMSDATA, go into Maple, type `read NSFdms;`, and follow the instructions given there.
Note: The file DMSDATA was generated by using the browser lynx to download information provided by the NSF in their website www.nsf.gov, and then using the Unix Shell Program NSFtoMaple, to convert the text files into Maple input files (some very few minor adjustmentmay have to be done by hand), use the procedure Kosher, in NSFdms, to test whether the input is in the right format). This way you can study Biology, Physics, or whatever! To use the Unix Shell Program NSFtoMaple, first, once and for all, do:

chmod +x NSFtoMaple,

and then once you downloaded, using lynx, all the grants of a certain program, say, sexed, do:
NSFtomaple < sexed > osexed
Now file osexed has the set of grants, in the required format. All you have to do is give it a name, say SEXED, and stick the line
at the very top of the file osexed. Of course, you have to add the line
read osexed:
to NSFdms.

Examples of the use of DMSnsf

PIList(MATH); should yield the Ranked List of Princial Investigator( according to amt/yr) ,
To get the smaller lists for ANT (Algebra and Number Theory), you type PIList(ANT), etc. To see all the programs recorded type: Programs();, that gives the lower-case renditions. A special class of grants, that were assembled by hand, is that of Fields medalists. So to see a ranking of the Fields-medalits who have NSF grants, type:

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