Efficient Counting and Asymptotics of k-Noncrossing Tangled Diagrams

By William Y.C. Chen, Jing Qin, Christian M. Reidys and Doron Zeilberger

Appeared in the Elec. J. Combinatorics 16(1) (2009), R37.
Written: Feb. 23, 2008

Combinatorics is everywhere! In particular, in life itself. It turns out that counting certain kinds of RNA configurations leads to tangled enumeration problems.

Important: This article is accompanied by Maple package TANGLE that computes and analyzes the sequences mentioned in the article.

Sample Input and Output

  • To get the sequences for the number (k+1)-noncrossing tangled-diagrams of [n] for k=1,2,3, for n from 1 to 1000 the, as well as linear recurrence equations and asymptotics, the input yields the output.
  • To get the sequences for the number (k+1)-noncrossing tangled-diagrams of [n] for k=1,2,3,4,5 for n from 1 to 50, the input yields the output.

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