Archive of Speakers and Talks --- 2020

Spring 2020

Spring 2020 Semester

Date: Thurs., Jan. 30, 2020

Speaker: Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University

Title: 0, 1, 8, 78, 944, 13800, 237432, 4708144, 105822432, 2660215680, 73983185000, 2255828154624, ...: "The sequence that started it all"

Abstract: OEIS sequence A1 (that starts: 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 5, 1, 2, 1, 14, 1, 5, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 15, 2, 2, 5, 4, 1, 4 ...) is not the chronologically first sequence in the amazing On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. This honor goes to OEIS sequence A435, that according to Neil Sloane was the "sequence that started it all". In addition to its immense historical significance it is very interesting mathematically, and leads to new sequences. [Joint work with Yukun Yao]

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Date: Thurs., Feb. 6, 2020
Speaker: Bahman Kalantari, Rutgers (CS).

Title: A Globally Convergent Newton Method for Polynomials

Abstract: See here

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Date: Thurs., Feb. 13, 2020
Speaker: Marcus Michelen , University of of Illinois at Chicago.

Title: Using central limit theorems: balls in bins and more

Abstract: The multivariate central limit theorem yields a solution to a question of Behrouzi-Far and Zeilberger concerning the average maximal number of balls in a bin. An overview of the classical central limit theorem---both the univariate and multivariate version---will be presented along with the solution to the balls and bin problem as a worked example. Time permitting, recent work joint with Julian Sahasrabudhe will be discussed, in which we show that central limit theorems follow from zero-free regions of generating functions. No knowledge of probability theory will be assumed.

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Date: Thurs., Feb. 20, 2020
Speaker: Matthew Hohertz, Rutgers University

Title: Collatz Polynomials: an introduction with bounds on their zeros

Abstract: In this talk we consider Collatz polynomials. In particular, we bound the moduli of the roots of these polynomials using a determinantal approach, prove theorems on when these polynomials have rational integer roots, and suggest further applications and avenues of research.


Date: Thurs., Feb. 27, 2020
Speaker: Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University

Title: A New World Record for the Irrationality Measure of Pi

Abstract: Not all irrational numbers are born equal. The irrationality measure of a number tells you how `irrational' it is. It is a competitive sport to find better and better bounds for famous constants like Pi. V. Kh. Salikhov's 2008 upper bound of 7.606308 was the world record until Dec. 2019, when Doron Zeilberger and Wadim Zudilin proved a new world record of 7.10320533.

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Date: Thurs., March 5 , 2020
Speaker: Lara Pudwell, Valparaiso University, Indiana.

Title: Packing in restricted permutations

Abstract: Let ρ be a permutation pattern and let S be a set of permutations. A permutation in S is ρ-optimal if it contains at least as many copies of ρ as any other member of S of the same length. In this talk, we focus on the structure of ρ-optimal permutations for some well-known sets of permutations such as when S is a classical pattern class and when S is the set of alternating permutations.


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Date: Thurs., March 12 , 2020
GIVEN REMOTELY VIA VIDEO CONFERENCING (Due to University Policy regarding Corona)
Speaker: Douglas Iannucci, University of the Virgin Islands.
Title: The Hermite-Serret Algorithm
Abstract: Hermite and Serret in 1848 independently devised an algorithm by which to find the two squares which add up to a given prime p of the form 4x+1. It works as well if p is composite. We generalize this algorithm to find representations of a natural number n as a binary quadratic form u2 + kuv + v2 for integers k ≥ 0 .

Date: Tues., March 17 , 2020 , 3:00pm, Room TBD
NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Due to University Policy regarding Corona)
Speaker: Yukun Yao, Rutgers University
Title: An Experimental Mathematics approach to several combinatorial problems [Thesis defense]
Abstract: With an experimental mathematics approach, this thesis deals with several combinatorial problems and demonstrates the methodology of experimental mathematics. The first problem is related to the area statistic of of parking functions. Our methods are purely finitistic and elementary. Next, we use two instructive case studies on spanning trees of grid graphs and "almost diagonal'' matrices, to show that often, just like Alexander the Great before us, the simple, "cheating'' solution to a hard problem is the best. We also apply experimental mathematics to algorithm analysis. Using non-linear difference equations, combined with symbolic computations, we make a detailed study of the running times of numerous variants of the celebrated Quicksort algorithms. Finally, we discuss, and make partial progress on, the peaceable queens problem, the protagonist of OEIS sequence A250000.

Note: The defense will be done with only the committee members. It will be videotaped and uploaded to the internet.


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Date: Tues., March 24 , 2020, 4:00pm, HILL 425 [note special day, time, and room]
Via Rutgers WebEx (Due to University Policy regarding Corona)
Speaker: Yonah Biers-Ariel, Rutgers University Title: Flexible Schemes and Beyond: Experimental Enumeration of Pattern Avoidance Classes [Thesis defense]

Abstract: We consider several applications of experimental math. First we introduce flexible schemes, an extension of the enumeration schemes of Zeilberger and Vatter that can enumerate any permutation class with a finite enumeration scheme or regular insertion encoding. Next we combine enumeration schemes with structural methods to give a new algorithm for counting 1342-avoiding permutations. Finally, we find a recurrence for the number of permutations avoiding four dashed patterns and generalize Lenormand's "raboter" operation.

Note: The defense was done via WebEx.


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Date: Thurs., April 2 , 2020 [REMOTE LECTURE via ZOOM]

Speaker: Andrew Appel, Princeton University.
Title: Graph coloring and machine proofs in computer science, 1977-2017
Abstract: The Four Color Theorem of Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken (1976) was proved and checked with the assistance of computer programs, though much of the proof was written (and refereed) only by humans. Contemporaneously, Edinburgh LCF (Logic for Computable Functions) was developed by Robin Milner--a system for proofs written by humans (with computer assistance) but completely checked by computer; with particular application to proofs about computer programs. These two developments, and their convergence, have had significant impact on computer science, and my own research career: graph-coloring algorithms for register allocation in compilers, functional programming languages, fully machine-checked proofs of mathematical theorems, fully machine-checked proofs of software systems. One result at the intersection of all these is a machine-checked proof of correctness of a program that does register allocation by graph-coloring, using an algorithm related to one used in every four-color proof (and attempted proof) since 1879.

Here is the talk and here are the slides .

Date: Thurs., April 9, 2020

Speaker: No seminar due to the first day of Passover.

Date: Thurs., April 16 , 2020 [REMOTE LECTURE VIA ZOOM]

Speaker: Robert Scherer, Univeristy of California, Davis

Title: A criterion for asymptotic sharpness in the enumeration of simply generated trees

Abstract: We study the identity y(x)=xA(y(x)), from the theory of rooted trees, proving a conjecture of Greg Kuperberg made in 1996.

Here are the slides.

Date: Thurs., April 23 , 2020 [REMOTE LECTURE VIA ZOOM]

Speaker: Stephen Chen, Princeton University

Title: Mixed frequency data inputs for Recurrent Neural Networks

Abstract: Observations sampled at different frequencies provide multi-level details. How to effectively use them remains a challenging task. We can aggregate all the data to the lowest-frequency level, or we can fill all the missing data to the highest-frequency level. Is there a better way to utilize the information without eliminating the details or introducing noise? We here provide a recurrent neural network model for mixed frequency data, providing convergence proof, error estimation, and some numerical results.


Date: Thurs., April 30 , 2020 [REMOTE LECTURE via Rutgers WebEx [5:00pm DST, April 30, 2020]

Speaker: Darij Grinberg, Drexel University

Title: From generalized factorials to greedoids, or the unavoidability of the Vandermonde determinant

Abstract: A classical exercise in algebra asks to prove that the product of the pairwise differences between any given n + 1 integers is divisible by the product of the pairwise differences between 0, 1, ..., n. In the late 90s, Manjul Bhargava took this as a starting point for his theory of "generalized factorials", in particular giving a quasi-algorithm for finding the gcd of the products of the pairwise differences between any n + 1 integers in S, where n is a given number and S is a given set of integers.

In this talk, I will explain why this is actually a combinatorial question in disguise, and how to answer it in full generality (joint work with Fedor Petrov). The general setting is a finite set E equipped with weights (every element of E has a weight) and distances (any two distinct elements of E have a distance), where the distances satisfy the ultrametric triangle inequality. The question is then to find a subset of E of given size that has maximum perimeter (i.e., sum of weights of elements plus their pairwise distances). It turns out that all such subsets form a "strong greedoid" -- a type of set system particularly adapted to optimization. Finally, this greedoid will reveal itself as a "Gaussian elimination greedoid" -- which, roughly speaking, means that the problem reduces to linear algebra.

Apart from generalizing a result of Bhargava's, this turns out to be connected to a problem in phylogenetics studied by Moulton, Semple and Steel.

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[Note: The original talk by George Szpiro will be hopefully given next Academic year.]

Date: Thurs., June 18 , 2020 [REMOTE LECTURE via ZOOM]
2:00pm DST (local time) (UTC 18:00), June 18, 2020, note special time .

Speaker: Noam Zeilberger, École Polytechnique.

Title: From lambda calculus to the four color theorem, via experimental mathematics

Abstract: Lambda calculus has its origins almost a century ago, in Alonzo Church's ambitious project to build a foundation for mathematics based on the concept of function. Although that project ultimately failed due to logical inconsistency, lambda calculus continues to serve as an important everyday tool for functional programmers, not to mention researchers in programming languages, type systems, and proof assistants.

In the talk, I will survey some surprising connections found over recent years between certain natural subsystems of lambda calculus and the study of graphs on surfaces, or "maps", and in particular the enumerative theory of maps initiated by Tutte in the 1960s. As with so many other such connections, this one owes its existence to the OEIS, and so I will present some practical background on how lambda terms may be efficiently enumerated, generated, and manipulated. Finally, as an illustration of one of the more amusing mashups of these explorations, I will explain how to give a reformulation of the Four Color Theorem as a simple statement about typing of lambda terms.

Here are the slides

Here is the talk: speaker's website or vimeo

Fall 2020 Semester

Date: Sept. 10, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420]

Speaker: Neil Sloane, the OEIS Foundation and Rutgers University

Title: Conant's Gasket, Recaman Variations, the Enots Wolley Sequence, and Stained Glass Windows

Abstract: A half-dozen lovely new sequences from the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, with brilliant illustrations and many open problems.
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Date: Sept. 17, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420]

Speaker: Manuel Kauers, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.

Title: Making Many More Matrix Multiplication Methods

Abstract: It is known since the 1970s that no more than 23 multiplications are required for computing the product of two 3 3-matrices. It is not known whether this can also be done with fewer multiplications. However, there are several mutually inequivalent ways of doing the job with 23 multiplications. We extend this list considerably by providing more than 13 000 new and mutually inequivalent schemes for multiplying 3 3-matrices using 23 multiplications. This is joint work with Marijn Heule and Martina Seidl. Based on arXiv 1905.10192   .
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Date: Sept. 24, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420]

Speaker: Robert Dougherty-Bliss, Rutgers University

Title: Automagic Inverse Continued Fraction Calculators

Abstract:The well-exploited theory of SIMPLE continued fractions has produced some dazzling identities and wonderful irrationality proofs. The often-overlooked theory of GENERAL continued fractions is harder to champion, but just as, if not more, interesting. A recent project (viz. The Ramanujan Machine) tried to numerically "fit" general continued fractions to well-known constants, hoping to find very good rational approximations. To highlight the power of symbolic experimentation, I will tour us through automatically proving some of these conjectures and generalizing them to infinite families.
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Date: Oct. 1, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420]

Speaker: Tewodros Amdeberhan, Tulane University

Title: Classical Mechanics, Symplectic Geometry, Combinatorics

Abstract: In this semi-expository talk, we give a brief on classical mechanics in the Hamiltonian setting, describe it in the symplectic framework and draw out some interesting combinatorics. The discussion will be accessible to all.
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Date: Oct. 8, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420]

Speaker: Yotam Smilansky, Rutgers University

Title: Multiscale substitution tilings

Abstract: Multiscale substitution tilings are a new family of tilings of Euclidean space that are generated by multiscale substitution rules. Unlike the standard setup of substitution tilings, which is a basic object of study within the aperiodic order community and includes examples such as the Penrose and the pinwheel tilings, multiple distinct scaling constants are allowed, and the defining process of inflation and subdivision is a continuous one. Under a certain irrationality assumption on the scaling constants, this construction gives rise to a new class of tilings, tiling spaces and tiling dynamical system, which are intrinsically different from those that arise in the standard setup. In the talk I will describe these new objects and discuss various structural, geometrical, statistical and dynamical results. Based on joint work with Yaar Solomon
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Date: Oct. 15, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420]

Speaker: Emilie Purvine, North Pacific National Lab

Title: Hypernetwork Science, Theory and Practice

Abstract: Network science has dominated analysis of complex relational data for decades. This is the practice of modeling data using a graph to represent pairwise relationships and then applying graph theoretic concepts--including degree distribution, diameter, centrality, and clustering--to understand the large scale structure of the graph/data. Network science has proven useful in a variety of domains including cyber security, bibliometrics, and computational biology. But in many of these cases the pairwise relationships that comprise the graph are inferred from more complex multi-way relationships. For example, a paper with more than two authors or a biological protein complex with more than two proteins. In these cases of multi-way relationships a hypergraph is a more accurate model of the data. In this talk I will describe the work my colleagues and I have been doing to develop theory, software, and use cases for hypernetwork science. I will introduce the relevant definitions and theoretical results to generalize network science concepts to hypergraphs and will close by showing some real examples using our HyperNetX Python package.
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Date: Oct. 22, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420]

Speaker: Christoph Koutschan, Johan Radon Institute (RICAM), Linz, Austria

Title: On Christol's Conjecture

Abstract: Diagonals of rational functions naturally occur in many applications, such as lattice statistical mechanics and enumerative combinatorics. In the mid 1980's Gilles Christol famously conjectured that any globally bounded D-finite function can be expressed as the diagonal of a rational function. We study several families of rational functions in three or four variables and investigate the nature of their diagonals. It is interesting to compare them with the solutions of the telescopers associated to these rational functions. The connection with creative telescoping leads us to eliminate some of the potential counterexamples to Christol's conjecture that were proposed in the literature. This is joint work with Youssef Abdelaziz, Salah Boukraa, and Jean-Marie Maillard.

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Date: Oct. 29, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420 ]

Speaker: Edinah Gnang, Johns Hopkins Univesity

Title: On Partial Differential encodings of Boolean functions

Abstract: We describe how combinatorial enumeration and listing problem in connection with structural properties of hypermatrices determine critical aspect of the complexity of Boolean function. The talk will not assume familiarity with Boolean functions nor with hypermatrices.

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Date: Nov. 5, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420 ]

Speaker: Vladimir Retakh, Rutgers University.

Title: Noncommutative Catalan numbers, orthogonal polynomials and beyond

Abstract: I will discuss an approach to (generalized) orthogonal polynomials over noncommutative rings by using infinite Hankel matrices. As an example, I will consider properties of Hankel matrices consisting of noncommutative analogues of Catalan numbers. This is a joint work with Arkady Berenstein


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Date: Nov. 12, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420 ]

Speaker: Jonathan Lenchner, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY

Title: Rethinking the Foundations of Mathematics and its Practical Consequences

Abstract: In this talk I shall argue that we should recast the foundations of mathematics using the foundational notion of a bit, rather than the much more ambiguous notion of a set, and the axiomatic assumption that infinite sets exist, whatever that might mean. I shall argue that mathematics and physics are inextricably connected and that treating mathematics axiomatically, and believing that mathematical objects like points, lines or even simple infinite decimal expansions like 0.1111 exist in some Platonic idealist sense, is just coercing mathematics into some meaningless ideal form. I will try to convince you that the deepest questions are not about some large cardinals that are inexpressible in the language of set theory (so-called inaccessible cardinals), but about extremely large natural numbers that we are unable to express in any way given a finite universe and so finite rewritable memories and finite computational power. Forget about infinite cardinal numbers, do these finite numbers exist or not? What precisely do we mean by expressibility, specifically expressibility in N bits? What are the limits of our expresibility? What do these questions say about the limitations of what is provable about arithmetic, or about finite structures like graphs?


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Date: Nov. 19, 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420 ]

Speaker: Richard Stanley, MIT and the University of Miami.

Title: From Stern's triangle to upper homogeneous posets

Abstract: Stern's triangle S is an array of numbers similar to Pascal's triangle, except that in addition to adding two adjacent numbers we also copy each number down to the next row. We discuss some arithmetic properties of S that can be greatly generalized. There is also a natural poset P associated to S. This poset is upper homogeneous, i.e., for every t in P, the subposet {s: s ≥ t} is isomorphic to P. As a consequence, the Ehrenborg quasisymmetric function of P, which is a kind of generating function for counting certain chains in P, is a symmetric function. This motivates the question of which symmetric functions can be Ehrenborg quasisymmetric functions of upper homogeneous posets.

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Date: Dec.3 , 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420 ]

Speaker: George Szpiro, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Title: Risky Decisions: How Mathematical Paradoxes and Other Conundrums Have Shaped Economic Science

Abstract: At its core, economics is about making decisions. In the history of economic thought, great intellectual prowess has been exerted toward devising exquisite theories of optimal decision making in situations of constraint, risk, and scarcity. Yet not all of our choices are purely logical, and so there is a longstanding tension between those emphasizing the rational and irrational sides of human behavior. One strand develops formal models of rational utility maximizing while the other draws on what behavioral science has shown about our tendency to act irrationally.

In this talk I will give examples of mathematical paradoxes and psychological conundrums that have led to advances in economic science. I will challenge the audience with questions about how to make decisions, and thereby show how people who believe themselves to be rational can be led astray

Date: Dec.10 , 2020, 5:00pm (Eastern Time) Zoom Link [password: The 20th Catalan number, alias (40)!/(20!*21!), alias 6564120420 ]

Speaker: Timothy Chow, Center for Communications Research , Princeton.

Title: Algorithmically Distinguishing Irreducible Characters of the Symmetric Group

Abstract: Suppose χλ and χμ are two distinct irreducible characters of the symmetric group Sn. How hard is it to find a permutation π such that χλ(π) differs from χμ(π)? Surprisingly, this natural question seems not to have been considered before in the literature. One might expect that the problem is hard, since even determining whether χλ(π) is zero or not is in general NP-hard. A closely related problem is, given oracle access to a function that is promised to be an irreducible character of Sn, how many queries do we need to determine which irreducible character it is? We give an algorithm that solves this problem with polynomially many queries, and that also gives a polynomial time algorithm for the original problem. Coming up with our algorithm involved considerable experimentation. This is joint work with Jennifer Paulhus.

No previous knowledge of group characters will be assumed, all the necessary background will be reviewed.

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