Mathematical Careers and Ideas:
Graduate School and Research
A panel discussion for undergraduates
In Mathematical Careers and Ideas, the mathematics department is
offering a
series of talks designed to help undergraduates make decisions about their
future careers and what they can do now to prepare for them. Graduate
Schools and Research is the next event in this series.
Our panelists will tell about life dedicated to research, either in pure mathematics or in the application of mathematics to other areas of science (often in collaboration with scientists in those areas), and will also discuss graduate studies and preparation for them. The program should be of interest both to students who have decided to go on to graduate studies and to those who have not yet made that decision but consider it as a possibility.
The time and place are:
There will be pizza and soft drinks. All students interested in the mathematical sciences are welcome to attend.
During the Spring semester, we will hold a panel discussing careers in teaching and in mathematical education. If you are not on the mailing list for announcements of Mathematical Careers and Ideas, but would like to be, please send mail with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to .
Here is some information on the panelists for Graduate Schools and Research:
STANLEY DUNN is the Paul S. and Mary W. Monroe Faculty Scholar, Director of the Center for Packaging Science and Engineering, and Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research in the School of Engineering at Rutgers University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland and a Ph.D. from the Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. His research interests are in the inverse problems in medical imaging and localizing functional brain activity.
WILMA OLSON is the Mary I. Bunting Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Molecular Biophysics and Chemistry, Rutgers University. She holds a B.S. from the University of Delaware and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. She stepped down as Associate Editor of Annual Reviews in Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure and is the immediate past President of the Biophysical Society. Her research interests include DNA sequences and three-dimensional molecular structure.
CHARLES WEIBEL is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and is currently the Director of the Graduate Program in Mathematics, Rutgers University. As such he is also responsible for graduate admissions in math. He loves teaching, and recently developed a new course in Cryptology (640:348), which he is teaching next semester. His research is mostly in algebra and topology, especially the mysterious "K-theory" but sometimes he does research in applied mathematics and mathematical history.
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