Hill Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
SO(3) Vortices on Orbifold Riemann Surfaces
Singular Furuta-Ohta Invariant
The 4-color theorem and gauge theory
Naturality of the Contact Invariant
Clifford, Spin and all That
Vector Bundles and Projective Modules
A (Somewhat Brief) Introduction to Dirac Operators
December, 2019: Siam Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations.
March, 2019: Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Auburn University.
December, 2018: Tech Topology Conference.
November, 2018: Rutgers Geometric Analysis Conference.
November, 2018: Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, University of Arkansas.
July, 2018: Gauge Theory and Applications.
June, 2018: Gauge Theory and Complex Geometry.
April, 2018: Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Northeastern University.
November, 2017: 58TH Texas Geometry & Topology Conference.
October, 2017: Geometry of Manifolds.
August, 2017: Symplectic Geometry- celebrating the work of Simon Donaldson.
April, 2017: Gauge Theories and Low Dimensional Topology.
April, 2017: Floer Homologies and Topology of 4-Manifolds.
March, 2017: Gauge Theory and Categorification.
January, 2017: JMM 2017.
June, 2016: TSW 2016.
April, 2016: GSTGC 2016.
September, 2014: JDG 2014.
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