Rutgers Mathematics Master Textbook List

Textbook list, Spring 2003

Information on textbooks for all Undergraduate Mathematics courses at the New Brunswick and Piscataway campuses of Rutgers are collected here. This information is cumulative since the Fall 2000 semester. Course numbers are followed by brackets containing the codes F for Fall Semester courses, S for Spring Semester courses, or both. Changes in textbook for the current semester are indicated at the end of the item (including upgrades to new editions). When available, a link to a suitable page on the publisher's web site has been included. Information about particular books can be found in a few steps from this link. In a few cases, there is a fixed page devoted to the particular text which is indicated by a link marked (text). The title, author or ISBN number can also be used to find information from on-line bookstores such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, or The Mathematics Online Bookshelf (MOB) (in alphabetic order), or from sites like Direct Textbook that collects information from many stores.

There are also pages from the Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, and Fall 2002 semesters.

  • 001[F]: Jeffrey Slater & John Tobey; Basic College Mathematics (fourth edition); Prentice-Hall (text), 2002 (784 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-090954-8)
  • 021[F]: Same textbooks as 001 and 025.
  • 022[S]: Same textbooks as 025.
  • 023[F]: Same textbooks as 001 and 025.
  • 024[S]: Same textbooks as 025.
  • 025[FS]: Arthur Goodman & Lewis Hirsch; Understanding Elementary Algebra with Geometry: A Course for College Students (fifth edition); Brooks/Cole, 2002; (ISBN# 0-534-38124-3) [updated, Fall 2002]
  • 026[FS]: Arthur Goodman & Lewis Hirsch; Understanding Intermediate Algebra: A Course for College Students (fifth edition); Brooks/Cole, 2002; (ISBN# 0-534-38125-1) [updated, Fall 2002]
  • 027[FS]: Same textbook as 025.
  • 103 [FS]: Peter Tannenbaum & Robert Arnold; Excursions in Modern Mathematics (fourth edition); Prentice-Hall(text), 2001 (635 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-017762-8)
  • 104[S]: Larry J. Goldstein, David I. Schneider & Martha J. Siegel ; Finite Mathematics and Its Applications (seventh edition); Prentice-Hall (712 pp.), 2001 (ISBN# 0-13-018678-3) [changed, Spring 2002]
  • 111[FS]: Same textbook and other material as 115.
  • 112[FS]: Same textbook and other material as 115. [changed, Spring 2003]
  • 115[FS]: In addition to the textbook, an optional Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide are available. Students are also expected to have a graphing calculator, which should be comparable to our recommendation.
    • Text: James Stewart, Lothar Redlin & Saleem Watson; Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus (fourth edition); Brooks/Cole, 2002; (ISBN# 0-534-34541-9)
    • Solutions Manual for Stewart/Redlin/Watson's Precalculus; (ISBN# 0-534-38544-3)
    • Study Guide for Stewart/Redlin/Watson's Precalculus; (ISBN# 0-534-38545-1)
    • Calculator: Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-83 Plus.
  • 135[FS]: In addition to the textbook, a graphing calculator is used in this course.
    • Text: Soo T. Tan; Applied Calculus; Brooks/Cole (Fifth edition), 2002 (976 pp.);(ISBN# 0-534-37843-9)
    • Calculator: Same as for 115. (The TI-89 may also be used in this course.)
  • 136[FS]: Same textbook and other material as 135.
  • 138[S]: Same textbook and other material as 135, with supplements available from Mathematics Department.
  • 151[FS]: The required textbook may be supplemented by an optional Study guide or Student's solution manual. Also, students are expected to have a graphing calculator.
    • Text: James Stewart; Calculus, Early Transcendentals (fourth edition); Brooks/Cole, 1999 (1120 pp.); (ISBN# 0-534-36298-2) and Solutions Manual (ISBN# 0-534-36301-6), bundled as ISBN# 0-534-75744-8.
    • Study Guide for Stewart's Calculus (ISBN# 0-534-36820-4)
    • Solutions Manual for Stewart's Calculus (ISBN# 0-534-36301-6)
    • Calculator: Texas InstrumentsTI-82, TI-83 or TI-89.
  • 152[FS]: Same textbook and other material as 151.
  • 153[F]: Same textbook and other material as 151.
  • 154[S]: Same textbook and other material as 151.
  • 192[F]: Same textbook and other material as 151.
  • 244[FS]: William E. Boyce & Richard C. DiPrima ; Elementary Differential Equations (seventh edition); Wiley (text) 2001 (608 pp.); (ISBN# 0-471-31998-8)
  • 250 (all)[FS]: Lawrence E. Spence, Arnold J. Insel & Stephen H. Friedberg; Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix ApproachPrentice-Hall 2000 (451 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-716722-9)[changed, Fall 2002]
  • 251[FS]: Same text as 151. A solution manual and a study guide for this material is also available.
  • 252[FS]: Paul Blanchard, Robert L. Devaney & Glen Hall; Differential Equations (second edition); Brooks/Cole, 2002 (786 pp.); (ISBN# 0-534-34514-1) [updated, Fall 2002]
  • 291[FS]: Same textbook as 251.
  • 292[S]: Same textbook as 252.
  • 300:H1[S]: John P. D'Angelo & Douglas B. West ; Mathematical Thinking: Problem-Solving and Proofs (second edition); Prentice-Hall, 2000 (412 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-014412-6)[new, Spring 2003]
  • 300[FS]: Edward R.Scheinerman ; Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction (first edition); Brooks/Cole, 2000 (450 pp.); (ISBN# 0-534-35638-9)
  • 311[FS]: Robert G. Bartle & Donald R. Sherbert; Introduction to Real Analysis (third edition); Wiley (text), 2000; (ISBN# 0-471-32148-6)
  • 321[F]: Gilbert Strang; Introduction to Applied Mathematics; Wellesley-Cambridge Press 1986; (ISBN# 0-9614088-0-4)
  • 336[FS]: Leah Edelstein-Keshet ; Mathematical Models in Biology; McGraw-Hill, 1988 (600 pp.); (ISBN# 0-075-54950-6)
  • 338[S]: Warren Ewens & Gregory Grant ; Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics; Springer, 2001 (496 pp.); (ISBN# 0-387-95229-2)
  • 350[FS]: Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel & Lawrence E. Spence; Linear Algebra (third edition); Prentice-Hall (text),1997 (557 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-233859-9)
  • 351[FS]: Thomas W. Hungerford; Abstract Algebra: An Introduction (second edition); Harcourt College Publishers ( text), 1997 (588 pp.); (ISBN# 0-03-010559-5)
  • 354[S]: Bernard Kolman & Robert E. Beck; Elementary Linear Programming with Applications (second edition); Academic Press, 1995 (449 pp.); (ISBN# 0-12-417910-X)
  • 356[F]: Kenneth H. Rosen; Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications (fourth edition); Addison Wesley, 2000 (544 pp.); (ISBN# 0-201-87073-8)
  • H. B. Enderton, Elements of Set Theory, Academic Press 1997 ISBN: 0122384407
  • 361[S]:Herbert B. Enderton ; Elements of Set Theory; Academic Press, 1984 ( pp.); (ISBN# 0-12-238440-7)[changed, Spring 2003])
  • 373[FS]: Richard L. Burden & J. Douglas Faires; Numerical Analysis (seventh edition); Brooks/Cole, 2001 (841 pp.); (ISBN# 0-534-38216-9)
  • 374[S]: same as 373.
  • 395[S]: Paul Garrett; Making, Breaking Codes: An Introduction to Cryptology (first edition); Prentice-Hall, 2001 (524 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-030369-0)[changed, Spring 2002]
  • 403[S]: Stephen D. Fisher; Complex Variables (second edition); Dover Publications, 1990 (paperback, 422 pp.) (ISBN# 0-486-40679-2) [changed, Spring 2002]
  • 411[F]: Walter Rudin; Principles of Mathematical Analysis (third edition); McGraw-Hill, 1976 (325 pp.); (ISBN# 0-07-054235-X)
  • 412[S]: Walter Rudin; Principles of Mathematical Analysis (third edition); McGraw-Hill, 1976 (325 pp.); (ISBN# 0-07-054235-X)
  • 421[FS]: Peter V. O'Neil; Advanced Engineering Mathematics (fifth edition); Brooks/Cole, 2003 (1236+82[Answers]+9[Index] pp.); (ISBN# 0-534-40077-9) [changed, Fall 2002]
  • 423[FS]: Walter A. Strauss; Partial Differential Equations (third edition); Wiley (text), 1992 (440 pp.); (ISBN# 0-471-54868-5)
  • 424[F]: Samuel Karlin, Edited by Howard E. Taylor; Title: An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling (third edition); Academic Press, 1998; (ISBN# 0-12-684887-4)
  • 428[F]: Douglas B. West; Introduction to Graph Theory (second edition); Prentice-Hall, 2001 (470 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-014400-2) [changed, Fall 2002]
  • 432[FS]: Manfredo DoCarmo; Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (first edition); Prentice-Hall, 1976 (503 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-212589-7)
  • 435[F]: Two textbooks:
    • David A. Brannan, Matthew F. Esplen & Jeremy J. Gray; Geometry (first edition); Cambridge University Press, 1999 (510 pp.); (ISBN# 0-521-59787-0)
    • Thomas L. Heath; The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, (vol. 1) Books 1 and 2 (second edition); Dover Publications, 1956 (paperback, 464 pp.) (ISBN# 0-486-60088-2)[added, Fall 2002]
  • 436[S]: Ronald S. Calinger ; A Contextual History of Mathematics; Prentice-Hall 1999 (751 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-318285-7)
  • 441[F]: James Munkres; Topology (second edition); Prentice-Hall, 2000 (537 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-181629-2)
  • 451[F]: Michael Artin; Algebra (first edition); Prentice-Hall, 1991 (672 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-004763-5)
  • 452[S]: Michael Artin; Algebra (first edition); Prentice-Hall, 1991 (672 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-004763-5)
  • 453[F]: Vasek Chvatal; Linear Programming; W. H. Freeman Company, 1983 (478 pp.); (ISBN# 0-7167-1587-2)
  • 454[F]: Richard A. Brualdi; Introductory Combinatorics (third edition); Prentice-Hall, 1999 (614 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-181488-5)[changed, Fall 2002]
  • 461[S]: Herbert B. Enderton; A Mathematical Introduction to Logic (second edition); Academic Press, 2001 (352 pp.); (ISBN# 0-12-238452-0)
  • 477[FS]: Sheldon M. Ross; A First Course in Probability (sixth edition); Prentice-Hall (text), 2002 (528 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-033851-6)
  • 478[S]: Sheldon M. Ross; Introduction to Probability Models (seventh edition); Academic Press , 2001 (352 pp.); (ISBN# 0-12-238452-0)12-238452-0[changed, Spring 2003]
  • 481[FS]: Irwin Miller, Marylees Miller & John E. Freund; John E. Freund's Mathematical Statistics (sixth edition); Prentice-Hall, 1999 (624 pp.); (ISBN# 0-13-123613-X)

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