Symbolic Computation to the Aid of Statistical Mechanics
By Manuel Kauers and Doron Zeilberger
Written: Feb.-April, 2018
Nice Pictures
Important: This article is accompanied by the following
Maple, Mathematica, and C packages
Ising2D.txt (version of March 21, 2018)
KW.txt (version of March 21, 2018),
a short package to verify that the characteristic polynomials of the two sides of the first equation on p. 261 of the
Kramers-Wanier seminal 1941 paper
are correct.
Just type CheckKW(n) (n pos. integer)
Lars.txt (version of May 2, 2018),
Doing Onsager by pure guessing
IsingPolygons.txt (version of March 9, 2018)
[This package came with
but the new version that includes procedure Dimer(n,z), that lets you find the generating
functions for the weight-enumerator of tilings by dimers (1 by 2 (horizontal) and 2 by 1 (vertical) domino-pieces) of an n by m rectangles
with weight zNumberOfVerticalPieces]
[This package came with
but the new version that includes procedure KastF(n,z) (for symbolic z), and KastF1(n,z0) for numeric z0,
that computes the C-finite reperesenttion of what Kasteleyn says it should be.
a Mathematica program to compute generating functions for Ising graphs in bounded tori.
a C-program written by Manuel Kauers. Here are the
a C-program written by Manuel Kauers. Here are the
Sample Input and Output for SAP.m
If you want to see the first 10 terms of the SAP series for width=2 are
the input gives the
Sample Input and Output for the new version of Cfinite
If you want to see rigorous proofs for Kasteleyen's famous formula for even n from 2 to 10,
for various numeric z's
the input gives the
If you want to see the same thing, but for general, SYMBOLIC, z, for n=4 and n=6
the input gives the
If you want to see C-finite factorizations of the Dimer sequences (for fixed, numeric rectangle-width) for
n=2, n=4, n=6, and n=8, but for numeric z
the input gives the
Output gotten from Lundow
Thanks to the Lundow et. al. data we have
Sample Input and Output for ISING2Dmathematica
- The weight-enumerators of the set of n by n matrices with entries that are {-1,1} (made into toruses) under the Ising weight
All of the above
Note: The data above has already been
produced (up to 16 by 16 squares!)
Per Håkan Lundow , but it is always good to recompute.
If you want to see the Laurent polynomials Zm,n(z,w) for 1 ≤ m ≤ 4, 1 ≤ n ≤ 30,
the list of lists L is given
Here are the characteristic polynomial (in X) for the width-m 2D Ising matrix (with magnetic field),
where the variable z corresponds to neighborly interactions, and the variable w corresponds
to the magnetic field,
in other words the equation satisfied by the the generating function, Xm(z,w),
for the m by infinity case:
Sample Input and Output for Maple package Lars.txt
If you want to see an ab initio derivation of Onsager's formula, using experimental mathematics,
the input leads to the
If you want to see the v-Series up to 11 terms, Directly in terms of the definition (but by "cheating", using the pre-computed weight-enumerators
for the n by n torodial rectangle for n=24)
input leads to the
Sample Input and Output for Maple package Ising2D.txt
If you want to see the linear recurrence operator annihilating the Onsager series
input leads to the
If you want to see the linear differential operator annihilating the Onsager function
input leads to the
If you want to see the first 11 terms of the v-Series for the Free energy by finding the first 11 terms in the
Taylor expansion of log(P24,24((v)/24^2) the
input leads to the
If you want to see the first 11 terms of the v-Series for the Free energy by finding the first 22 terms in the
Taylor expansion of log(P48,48((v)/48^2) the
input leads to the
If you want to see a 3D plot of the Onsager function with magnetic field (the x-axis is exp(J/kT), the y axis is exp(H/(k*T))
for x from 1 to 2 and y from 1 to 2
input leads to the
The following list, L, is a list of Ising Polynomials as defined in Colin Thompson's book "Mathematical Statistical Mechanics"
and elsewhere, following van der Waerden's combinatorial approach, the k-th term is the number of ways of placing 2*k-bond graphs
in a very large torodial lattice with N vertices.
L:=[ 0,N,2*N,(N*(9 + N))/2,2*N*(6 + N),(N*(7 + N)*(32 + N))/6,N*(130 + 21*N + N^2),N*(11766 + 1715*N + 102*N^2 + N^3)/24,
N*(5876 + 776*N + 49*N^2 + N^3)/3,(N*(980904 + 118830*N + 7415*N^2 + 210*N^3 + N^4))/120,
N*(423624 + 47666*N + 2855*N^2 + 94*N^3 + N^4)/12,N*(112852800 + 11919274*N + 678945*N^2 + 23725*N^3 + 375*N^4 + N^5)/720,
N*(42723120 + 4272044*N + 231260*N^2 + 8175*N^3 + 160*N^4 + N^5)/60,
N*(16620978240 + 1584498216*N + 81728374*N^2 + 2851695*N^3 + 62545*N^4+ 609*N^5 + N^6)/5040,
N*(5589930384 + 510961484*N + 25204804*N^2 + 857825*N^3 + 19891*N^4 +251*N^5 + N^6)/360,
N*(2990184306480 + 263323487916*N + 12469823436*N^2 + 411847009*N^3 +9754920*N^4 + 143794*N^5 + 924*N^6 + N^7)/40320
Sample Input and Output for Maple programs
To read an article, by Shalosh B. Ekhad,
proving independent asymptotic
normality (up to the 7th moment) of the
random variables "excess of same sign neighbors to
opposite sign neighbor" and "excess of +1 to -1"
(the "democratic" Ising model)
input leads to the
[P.S. You also need the
data file
and the Maple package
Acknowledgement: We were greatly helped by