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I'll meet with interested students to go over old Math 135 final exam
problems from 1 PM to 2 PM (at least!) during the remaining days of
the course. Students will do the problems. I will offer helpful
Here are the problems for Tuesday, August 8. Here are the problems for Wednesday, August 9. Here are the problems for Thursday, August 10. Here are the problems for Monday, August 14. |
Other class material
Title (with PDF links) |
What is it? | Handed out or posted |
The final exam | Here is a version of the final exam, in a somewhat more compact format. Here is a discussion of the grades and grading. Grades have been submitted to the Registrar's computer system as of late 8/18/2006. | 8/18/2006 |
The final exam will be cumulative, with somewhat more emphasis on material covered since the second exam. Here is the final exam given by the coordinator of Math 135 in the fall 2005 semester, and here are answers. | 8/14/2006 | |
The formula sheet for the final exam | Copies of this formula sheet will be handed out to students along with the final exam. | 8/14/2006 |
Answers to the second exam | Here are answers to the second exam. Please let me know if you have comments or corrections. Here is a discussion of the grades and grading. | 8/6/2006 |
The second exam | Here is a version of the second exam, in a somewhat more compact format. | 8/6/2006 |
Formula sheet for the second exam | Copies of this formula sheet will be handed out to students along with the second exam. | 7/31/2006 |
The exam Thursday will cover the material of the course up to and
including the class on Monday, July 31. I'll be in my office (Hill
542) and available for questions on Tuesday, August 1, and Wednesday,
August 2, beginning about 12:30 PM (after class) until 4 PM.
The emphasis of the exam will be on material covered since the first in-class exam. But much of the course is relentlessly cumulative. For example, we introduced and practiced with such topics as the Chain Rule and the Product Rule in the first portion of the course. Mastery of these topics and others is needed for success with any "second exam" in this course. Again, calculators will not be allowed on the exam. A formula sheet will be distributed with the exam. Considering old exams is probably useful. But as I remarked a few weeks ago: we've learned techniques which can be applied to many problems, and therefore the problems on a second exam in this course are less predictable than those on a first exam. Here is the second exam I gave the last time I taught Math 135, and here are answers. Here is the second exam given by the coordinator of Math 135 in the fall 2005 semester, and here are answers. | 7/31/2006 | |
Problems on implicit differentiation and linear approximation | Here are some problems on implicit differentiation and linear approximation, two topics not explicitly in the text. | 7/31/2006 |
The answers to the take-home semi-exam | Here are answers to the problems on graphing given out last week. A discussion of the grading as well as some information in pictures is available. | 7/30/2006 |
Some graphing problems | Each student can earn as much as 40 points towards the course grade by handing in these problems which are due at the beginning of class on Monday, July 24. So this is, essentially, a take-home semi-exam. You must use calculus to explain your answers! The homework page has pictures (the output of Step 0) which may be helpful. | 7/20/2006 |
From data to derivatives to graphs | Here are some data sets which we considered. I wanted people to get used to the ideas of concavity, perhaps just as a descriptive mechanism, in a meaningful context. | 7/19/2006 |
Answers to the first exam | Here are answers to the first exam. Please let me know if you have comments or corrections. Here is a discussion of the grades and grading. | 7/17/2006 |
The first exam | Here is a version of the first exam, in a somewhat more compact format. | 7/17/2006 |
A record of some computations | Here are some numbers leading to e. The object may become a fond souvenir of this summer's Math 135. | 7/10/2006 |
Chipco and exponentials | Economic information about the computer chip company which will be used to investigate composition of functions and how composed functions change. The other side has some graphs of exponential functions and straight lines. I've fixed the handout by adding "+1" to the equations of the lines! | 7/10/2006 |
Formula sheet for the first exam | Copies of this formula sheet will be handed out to students along with the first exam. | 7/10/2006 |
The exam Thursday will cover the material of the course up to and
including the class on Monday, July 10. I'll be in my office (Hill
542) and available for questions on Wednesday, July 12, beginning
after class until 4 PM. Considering old exams is probably useful. Here is the first exam I gave the last time I taught Math 135, and here are answers. Now (12:30 PM, July 11) the link should be correct! I'm sorry. Here is the first exam given by the coordinator of Math 135 in the fall 2005 semester, and here are answers. Please note that my old exam was given slightly earlier in the course than this exam, so it did not contain, for example, questions about the Chain Rule. The other exam is more appropriately timed, at a part of the course similar to when our exam will be given.
| 7/10/2006 | |
Some sketches, and asking for more | A sketch of y=f(x) is given, and a sketch of y=f´(x) is requested. A sketch of y=g´(x) is given, and a sketch of y=g(x) is requested. | 7/6/2006 |
Answers to the first semi-exam | Here are answers to the first semi-exam. Here is a discussion of the grades and grading. | 4/5/2006 |
The first semi-exam | Here is a more compact version of the exam given early in the course. | 4/5/2006 |
Review problems for the first half-exam | Student volunteers will give answers in class on Monday. Some hints are here. Send e-mail to me if you have further questions, please. | 6/29/2006 |
Specifying a function | This is the 2006 U.S. individual tax rate specified in function notation. Examples given by the instructor in this course will very rarely be as complicated as the tax rate. | //2006 |
Problems to start with | Here are problems which show some techniques and ideas students should know when entering the course. | 6/26/2006 |
Student information sheet | Given out on the first day of class so that the instructor can learn about the students. | 6/26/2006 |
I've taught Math 135 a number of times. This link goes to the homepage of the course when I taught it most recently before this time. |
Maintained by greenfie@math.rutgers.edu and last modified 8/18/2006.