Early masterpieces by Three of my great heroes

Synopsis of a Plenary talk at the The Legacy of Ramanujan conference in honor of George Andrews' and Bruce Berndt's 85th birthdays, Friday June 7, 2024, 1:30-2:20 pm. By Doron Zeilberger

Abstract: The three heroes, in chronological order of birth, are Srinivasa Ramanujan (born Dec. 22, 1887), Bruce Berndt (born March 13, 1938, (sic!)), and George Andrews (born Dec. 4, 1938). The three masterpieces were written when they were 24, 28, and 22 years-old, respectively

This great conference celebrates these three heroes, namely Srinivasa R., George A., and Bruce B., and my talk would focus on their work when they were (really) young men. According to Ramanujan's mentor G.H. Hardy, "mathematics is a young man's game", and while this is not the only stupid and false thing that he said (see below for an even stupider statement), witness that the two birthday boys, both over 85 years old, are as active and prolific as ever, and hence offer clear refutation to Professor Hardy. Nevertheless, it is still instructive, and fun, to go back and read their very early papers, and realize that they already showed promise way back then, that was later on fulfilled with a vengeance.

Speaking of Hardy, he famously wrote a manifesto entitled a mathematician's aplogy, (that I will go back to later). Speaking of apology, I owe you two of them.

And the winners are:

Personal Journal of Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger