So what's the formula?
Look over to the right. There's a picture of a function, together with
some approximating trapezoids. So what's the sum of the trapezoid areas?
(1/2)[f(x0)+f(x1)][(b-a)/n] (trapezoid or panel #1)+
(1/2)[f(x1)+f(x2)][(b-a)/n] (trapezoid or panel #2)+
(1/2)[f(x2)+f(x3)][(b-a)/n] (trapezoid or panel #3)+
(1/2)[f(x3)+f(x4)][(b-a)/n] (trapezoid or panel #4)+
(1/2)[f(x4)+f(x5)][(b-a)/n] (trapezoid or panel #5)+
(1/2)[f(x5)+f(x6)][(b-a)/n] (trapezoid or panel #6)+
(1/2)[f(x6)+f(x7)][(b-a)/n] (trapezoid or panel #7)+
(1/2)[f(x7)+f(x8)][(b-a)/n] (trapezoid or panel #8)
This is silly but you should notice some coincidences. The nodes which
are "interior" to the interval [a,b] appear twice, so you can add them
up. The boundary nodes only appear once. Here is the formula for the
trapezoid rule when it is used with n subdivisions on the interval
[a,b] with the function, f(x):
Compute (1/2)f(x1)+(1/2)f(xn)+SUMj=1n-1f(xj)
and then multiply this result by (b-a)/n.
Here xj=a=x0+j(b-a)/n.
Using the Trapezoid rule
Then we tried to use the Trapezoid rule. If I wanted ln(2)=12(1/x) dx
to an accuracy of +/-10-10, what n should I use? Here
the error is overestimated by K(b-a)3/[12n2].
Now b=2 and a=1, and K? Well, f(x)=1/x, so f´(x)=-1/x2 and
f´´(x)=2/x3. For x in [1,2], certainly an overestimate
is K=2. So
K(b-a)3/[12n2] becomes 1/(6n2). If I
want this less than 10-10 then I should take n to be at least
the square root of (1/6)1010. This is about 41,900.
So what's the answer?
It turns out that Maple has a package that includes a trapezoid rule
command. Here is what happened when I tried it:
> with(Student[Calculus1]): > evalf(ApproximateInt(1/x,x=1..2,method=trapezoid,partition=41866)); 0.6931471806 > ln(2); ln(2) > evalf(ln(2)); 0.6931471806The command evalf is needed both times or else in the first case I get the rational number which is the exact answer for the trapezoid sum (I did this, and it filled several screens!). In the second case, if you ask for ln(2) your answer is ... ln(2), which isn't too helpful.
On your calculator ...
If you have a TI 82/83 or 85/86 this
document, written by Professors Lyons and O'Nan, describes
programs to compute the midpoint rule, the trapezoid rule, and
Simpson's rule.
Another example
I investigated the value of 02cos(x2) dx. A graph of
y=cos(x2) is shown to the right. The integral is a
silly-looking object, but ... of course, it is something that occurs
in diffraction (crystallography, etc.). It is (almost) the Fresnel
cosine integral. (I left out a constant that's used in the definition
of the Fresnel integral because I didn't think
that you would believe the constant used!) I can tell you that
there's no way of writing an antiderivative of cos(x2) in
terms of familiar functions. So if we want the value of the integral,
we need an approximation technique. I will try to approximate this to
5 places (error less than 10-5) with the trapezoid rule.
The error term is K(b-a)3/[12n2]. Here b=2 and a=1. What about K? Well, if f(x)=cos(x2) then f´(x)=-sin(x2)2x and f´´(x)=-cos(x2)4x2-sin(x2)2. Here I used both the chain rule and the product rule. Now I want K, which should be a simple overestimate of |f´´(x)| on [0,2]. I will not do anything fancy, but will rely on silly estimates on the pieces of the second derivative. I will also pay no attention to signs (that is, assuming the worst, that things will act to reinforce each other).
-cos(x2) · 4x2 -sin(x2)2 Biggest Biggest this Biggest this can this can can get on get is 2 get is 1 [0,2] is 4(22)So I will take 16+2=18 for K. Then the estimate is:
Here is Maple's version of the numbers:
> evalf(ApproximateInt(cos(x^2),x=0..2,method=trapezoid,partition=1096)); 0.4614623014 > evalf(int(cos(x^2),x=0..2)); 0.4614614629I used the built-in numerical integration routine to compare the result of the trapezoid rule. So things look good.
Simpson's rule
Simpson's rule approximates y=f(x) by parabolic arcs:
y=Ax2+Bx+C. There are 3 "free" variables in the second
degree quadratic. Such a function can interpolate three points (the
side of the trapezoid is linear, and interpolates two points). For example,
> f:=x->A*x^2+B*x+C; 2 f := x -> A x + B x + C > solve({f(2)=7,f(4)=8,f(6)=-9}); {B = 14, A = -9/4, C = -12}I have just found the coefficients for a quadratic which goes through the points (2,7) and (4,8) and (6,-9).
It is a remarkable fact, and certainly not obvious, that the area under a parabolic arc which passes through three equally (horizontally!) spaced points has a simple formula. For example, if the parabolic arc passes through (x,y0) and (x+h,y1) and (x,y2), then the area under it (the shaded region) turns out to be (h/3)[1y+4y1+1y2]
The h/3 and 1 4 1 pattern are "famous". If you want to see a proof of this remarkable fact, please look at p.523 of your textbook. Simpson's rule is gotten by interpolating triples of points furnished by the function y=f(x).
The picture to the right is my attempt to show such
interpolation. Again we can ask
So what's the formula?
Here is what happens. The number of subdivisions must be even
to use Simpson's rule. The panels contribute to the definite integral
in pairs.
(panels #1 and #2)+
(panels #3 and #4)+
(panels #5 and #6)+
(panels #7 and #8)+
Again, there are some coincidences. Everything gets multiplied by
[(b-a)/(3n)]. The boundary nodes only appear once. The interior nodes,
after you add everything up and notice coincidences, appear with
weights of 4 2 4 2 4 2 4. The 4's and
2's alternate. This is the formula for Simpson's rule used with n
subdivisions (n must be an even integer) on the interval [a,b] with
the function, f(x):
f(x1)+f(xn)+SUM1<j<n, j even4f(xj)
+SUM1<j<n, j odd2f(xj)
all multiplied by [(b-a)/3n].
Here xj=a=x0+j(b-a)/n.
Of course on a computer which does binary arithmetic, multiplication
by 2 and 4 is fast and easy (just shifting).
The error estimate
Simpson's rule with n pieces on the interval [a,b] has the error bound
K(b-a)5/(180n4. Here K is some overestimate of
the fourth derivative of f(x).
It might not surprise you to know that this bound can be verified if
you would be willing to walk through four integrations by
parts. (There are other ways, but that's one way.) The almost bizarre
number, 180, is not really what's important, and neither K nor
(b-a)4 are very important, also. People use Simpson's rule
because of the 4 in the exponent. That really cuts down computation.
Back to ln(2)
So again we approximate ln(2)=12(1/x) dx to an accuracy of
+/-10-10, now with Simpson's rule. Here it is easy to
compute f(4)(x)=24/x5. On [1,2], an
overestimate will occur where x is smallest since x is on the
bottom. Therefore we can take K to be 24. b=2 and a=1, so
K(b-a)5/(180n4 becomes
(24/180)(1/n4). If I want this to be less than
10-10, I must have n4 >
(24/180)1010. A suitable n is 172. Let me try:
> evalf(ApproximateInt(1/x,x=1..2,method=simpson,partition=172)); 0.6931471806 > ln(2.); 0.6931471806Please: there are many ways to do computations. What is important to observe here is that:
cos(x2)16x4+sin(x2)24x2+sin(x2)16x2-cos(x2)16x2+sin(x2)16x2-cos(x2)8+sin(x2)8x2-cos(x2)4-cos(x2)2x. 16·24 + 24·22 + 16·22 + 16·22 + 16·22 + 8 + 8·22 + 4 + 2·4I think the sum of the bounds is 596. Sigh. By the way, if I were doing Simpson's rule estimates as a full-time job, I certainly would notice some structure in the fourth derivatives, and I would take advantage of this structure. But I am only a tourist.
Now K(b-a)5/(180n4 becomes (596·25/180)1/n4. This will be less than 10-5 when n4> (596·25/180)105. Sigh. The first even integer greater than this is 58.
> evalf(ApproximateInt(cos(x^2),x=0..2,method=simpson,partition=58)); 0.4614614463 > evalf(int(cos(x^2),x=0..2)); 0.4614614629I hope now you feel good.
In fact what's usually done by Maple and by your graphing calculators to integrate numerically is even more sophisticated. I will try to tell you later about this. But part of the strategy that's used is adaptive -- pay more attention (more subdivisions!) when the function wiggles a lot.
If you would like to see what people in numerical computing now consider interesting and challenging problems, please look at this.
Please note that 1.88695 859 and 1.88695 854
are not the same numbers. This is observed (after some pain!)
in Dynamics of a quadratic map in two complex variables by
Stephen J. Greenfield and Roger D. Nussbaum, in Journal of
Differential Equations, 169 (2001), 57-141. Floating point
arithmetic is irritating.
Change in exam date, and other matters
Mr. Scheinberg did a number of problems from sections 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3: a wonderful feat.
The shambles then resumed.
One answer
I will finish this next time, and discuss Simpson's rule as well. I'll
discuss how to use these error estimates, and what, as
students, you should be able to do.
Students (were) volunteered to work on some antiderivatives.
Put this together as I have asked you not to (!) and the result
is now:
Method 2
Now we need to split up the fraction. In this case, u2-u+1
has no real roots because the discriminant, 1-4=-3, is negative. The partial fractions method then
advises that we put an unknown linear term on top. So:
Finding an antiderivative of ({1/2}u+{1/2})/(u2-u+1) "by
hand" needs more algebraic massaging. The official method uses
completing the square. The denominator u2-u+1 can be
written as a sum of two squares. Here's the method in action:
Etc. You should see how I'd now get another log term, and an arctan term, etc. This is what I would expect Maple to deliver:
A description of the partial fractions algorithm, including some
comments on practicality
What (historically!) to do until the computer comes ...
What's an algorithm?
A precise definition of algorithm is difficult, which is
interesting since the concept is central to much of
mathematics and computer science during the last quarter century. It
is as vital and important to such study as the sonnet is to the
history and practice of poetry. Here are some quotes from Knuth's The
Art of Computer Programming.
He concludes his comparison by writing:
Partial fractions
I did a sequence of examples, similar to those which follow. This was
very uninspired.
One way Expand out and get Ax-2A+Bx-3B=2x+7 so that
(A+B)x+(-2A-3B)=2x+7. Then we have the system of two linear equations
in two unknowns:
Another way Here I want to take advantage of what we already
know, that A and B don't come from a random situation but rather from
some stuff involving x. So we know that
Now we know
Or we could ...
Now we need to compute the antiderivative of
In answer to your unvoiced question, yes, I sure did check this answer with my silicon pal.
Applications of these ideas occur in many places in statistics, in
engineering (certainly in signal processing), and elsewhere.
Here is a link to
the text of
Flatland by Edward A. Abbot. The book is more than a
century old. It imagines how two dimensional creatures might live and
behave. It also has serious elements of social satire. The book is
still a fun and rapid read, and there are many contemporary references
to it. A very cheap Dover (paperback) reprint is also available.
Here is a link to what we did in
class about integrating powers of cosine and getting Wallis's formula.
Here's a link to a biography of Wallis.
is a link to how the decimal expansion of Pi is efficiently computable
to quadrillions (that's 1012 digits!). I will try to
tell you about some of these ideas later in the course.
How to antidifferentiate
It turns out that sometimes there may not be such a function. For
example, these functions arise frequently in applications:
e-x2 and sin(x)/x. Both of them have no
antiderivative which can be written in terms of familiar functions.
Most symbolic algebra programs can use all the techniques we will
see. BUT it is a very good idea to learn how the techniques
work and also the sorts of answers to expect. For example, we will see
that the antiderivative of a rational function (quotient of
polynomials) can certainly have an arctangent, but it should
not have an exponential. Also, sometimes the darn programs just
don't work, even when they should. My favorite example of this
in Maple (and I presume there are suitable examples with
other programs) is the following sequence of antiderivatives:
Mathematica can!
Word of the day gibe As a noun, this
can mean "a derisive remark".
If I want to get a substitution to make sqrt(1-x2) nice,
that means: x=? and then sqrt(1-?2)=! should also be
nice. But then 1-?2=!2, so we need two
functions, preferably familiar functions, so that
?2+!2=1. We get only one guess here: I will take
?=sin(theta). Then
sqrt(1-x2)=sqrt(1-sin(theta)2)=cos(theta) and
dx=d(sin(theta))=cos(theta) d(theta). The whole integral becomes
Another way ...
Now, finally,
I knew this all the time ...
What is the antiderivative of secant?
Now to go back to x-land. Since x=sec(theta) and
ln(sec(theta)+tan(theta))=ln(x+sqrt(1+x2). Therefore
Another great experience!
Compare and contrast ...
I finally moved on and began to discuss integration by parts. In an
effort to further broaded student horizons ("liberal arts education"
indeed!) I messed up a quotation from a short story written by Arthur
C. Clarke, collected as one of his "Tales from the White Hart". Here's the correct quote:
Integration by parts is certainly the most important
antidifferentiation algorithm (o.k.: I guess more elementary and more
often used is substitution, but let me make the assertion). Now that
there are programs which can do lots of antiderivatives, we can still
see that integration by parts turns out to give lots of unexpected
information, and even insight. Let's get to it, finally:
The only way you see why this is incredibly cute is by using
it. So let's do it, with the obvious first example.
What is inxxex dx?
Of course if you don't believe the answer you can just
... differentiate. And, indeed, you will need the product rule, and
things will work out just fine.
How to really do the example
Another example
I could continue, and do x3ex and then
x4ex and even x5ex and ... but maybe there is a more systematic way to write things.
We can even make this a bit more interesting, by finding and stating a
reduction formula for inxxneax dx, for n, a
positive integer and a, some constant. There are a few little changes:
Another work problem
Mr. J. Wolf, a smart physics major at Rutgers, read this problem,
thought for a bit, and remarked, "Oh yeah, you need to write the
bucket's weight as a function of the depth." Indeed, that's more or
less the whole point, but it took us a while to get there. Experience
helps a great deal in these problems.
Is the answer correct? Well, if the bucket did not leak at all,
we would need 80(44) ft-lbs of work and this is less. And one clever
student (I've got to learn your names!) suggested that a
better estimate might be to take the bucket's weight at the middle
and multiply by 80, and this is close to the answer, also.
Average or mean value
Mean value of an integral
Of course, this is a mean and nasty question. A very naive person
might think that the mean value was the average of the given mean
values, but that would ignore the differing lengths of the
intervals. So what's the solution? Well, I will copy what K. Waters wrote, which is correct, careful,
and complete:
One fact
If a function f is continuous on an interval [a,b], then the
function attains its TOP and BOTtom values. That is, there are values
of x (at least one of each, maybe more) in the interval so that:
f(xM)=TOP and f(xm)=BOT and for all x in [a,b],
f(xM)>=f(x)>=f(xm). This result is
sometimes called the Extreme Value Theorem and is not at all
obvious. For example, the function f(x)=x for x<1 and f(x)=x-1 for
x>=1 does not satisfy the Extreme Value Theorem (neither the
hypotheses nor the conclusion). I'm using xM because maybe
a capital M could mean "maximum", just as a small m could mean
So now I can integrate the inequality
f(xM)>=f(x)>=f(xm) from x=a to x=b. Notice
that the leftmost object is a constant (TOP) and the rightmost object
is also constant (BOT). Therefore I have the following inequality
(because I can integrate constants really well!):
A puzzling textbook problem
Guessing an integral
Wonderful quote
An example?
Further results
An example that wasn't
By the way, the Maple command for this is:
Roots of polynomials
I guess this is an example of what can happen. I hope this commentary
The people who first proved statements
about the non-solvability of certain polynomials "in radicals" were
Abel and Galois. So:
the Norwegian mathematician, Abel, died at age 27, mostly of poverty. He was smart and original.
The French mathematician, Galois, died at age 21,
mostly of politics and passion, and more immediately, from an injury suffered during a duel.
Both Abel and Galois realized that most 5th (and higher)
degree equations can't generally be solved with a finite algebraic
formula. This was almost shocking at the time. A consequence is that
curve bounding the region shown above can't be solve for x in terms of
y neatly, using familiar functions. There are efficient techniques for
numerical approximation.
Torus, Torus, Torus
With washers
With shells
With Pappus
A variety of methods is good ...
Emptying a swimming pool
... psychology? ...
In the beginning of calculus, there seem to be these two basic
concepts, the derivative and the integral.
The process
In this specific case we have Top(x)=x2 and Bottom(x)=x3 and Left=0 and Right=1, and so we need to compute
We have verified the amazing result obtained from equating the two
In this specific case, Left=0 and Right=1, of course. The Outside(x)
is what I previously called Top(x) and is x2. The Inside(x)
is the old Bottom(x) and is x3. So we need to compute
Here we have Top: y=1 and Bottom: y=0, and Right(y)=y1/3
and Left(y)=y1/2. Therefore the volume should be
Hot news obtained from equating the two computations:
I then asked students in the class to compute the volume when the
region is revolved around the y-axis, using both methods. We needed
some help, especially with the thin shell part (dx in this case).
Again, a new discovery, by comparing the results of the two
Well, I tried it dx: the thin shells give the following:
Pre-pre-example 14 I "computed"
Pre-example 14 I revolved the semicircle of radius 1 (as given
above) around the x-axis. The volume of the resulting solid is given
All of this will be used in our next lovely computation, the volume of
a torus, shown to the right.
The torus is the official mathematical name for the volume of a
doughnut. Here we revolve a circle of radius r around a central
axis. The distance from the center of the circle to the axis is R, and
R>r. I'll finish this next time.
What kinds of numbers are there? There are integers, both positive and
negative. And then quotients of integers, ratiional numbers. It is
remarkable that real numbers which are rational numbers can be
characterized by their decimal expansions. Although this is an
elementary (!) I discussed it in some detail. First, any rational
number has a decimal expansion which eventually repeats. Why is this?
When we look at p/q and try to create the decimal expansion, there's
repreated long division, each time with a remainer integer less than q
(I am assuming that the + or - sign is handled outside of the division
process, so that p and q are positive integers). The remainder at each
stage is therefore an integer from the set {0,1,2,...,q-1}. The
division process proceeds through this finite set in a set way: if one
has a remainder of r, then the process always will give a remainder of
s (maybe the same as r!). Think of this as an arrow from r to s. Since
the set {0,1,2,...,q-1} is finite, I hope it is not hard to convince
yourself that eventually the process terminates in what's called a
cycle, a collection of remainders and arrows between them which are
circular. That provides the repetition observed in the decimal
As I mentioned in class, the long-division algorithm is really quite
complicated. A complete analysis occupies pages 235 to 240 in Knuth's
The Art of Computer Programming: Volume 2, Seminumerical
Algorithms. The other algorithms of arithmetic (addition,
subtraction, and multiplicationn) just take up pages 229 to 234.
We also discussed how to go from a repeating decimal to a
representation as a quotient of integers. I showed this by taking the
sum of the geometric series which the decimal string represents.
There are numbers which are not rational. A number is
irrational if it is not equal to p/q, for any choice of
integers p and q. I then gave a non-routine proof that sqrt(2) is
irrational. The proof is very short, but has logical intricacies.
Here are two links to proofs that the square root of 2 is irrational:
Irrational numbers themselves can be subject to more analysis. (Name
everything! -- Isn't that a biblical injunction?) A number x is
algebraic if it is the root of a polynomial with integer
coefficients. Since x2-2=0 has sqrt(2) as a root, sqrt(2)
is algebra. So is a number like 171/3. The sum and product
of algebraic numbers is algebraic. This is not clear. I gave an
example, with sqrt(5)+sqrt(7). With the help of students, after
setting x=sqrt(5)+sqrt(7), we first squared to get
x2=5+2sqrt(5)sqrt(7)+7. Then (following suggestions from
students) x2-12=2sqrt(5)sqrt(7). And square again, to get
(x2-12)2=4·5·7. You can finish up,
but the result is actually a fourth degree polynomial which has
sqrt(5)+sqrt(7) as a root.
Well, now throw the rationals and the algebraic numbers at the real
line. Is that everything? What's not at all obvious to me is that
the answer is No!. And not only is the answer "No" but in fact,
in many ways, almost no numbers are algebraic or rational. The
left-out numbers are called transcendental.
First, can we exhibit at least one specific number which is
transcendental? Yes, we can. This was first done by Liouville a bit
more than a century ago. The only "theorem" needed is the Mean Value
Theorem. I wanted to present this result to you, but decided that I am
really supposed to teach calculus. Sigh. Here's a link to a discussion of Liouville numbers: Take a look, if you
are interested. The numbers Pi and e which occur everywhere in
mathematics are transcendental. Verifying that they are transcendental
is difficult. Just seeing that they are irrational takes some effort.
Here is an exposition of Ivan Niven's brief and clever proof that Pi
is irrational:
A different, non-constructive approach, proves the existence of
transcendental numbers and also the rather shocking fact (to me, at
least!) that most numbers are transcendental. So if you take a
random string of digits, then that string is almost surely going to be
transcendental. The algebraic numbers are countable and the
collection of all real numbers is uncountable. These are
technical words and the initial discoveries were made by Cantor, again
a bit more than a century ago. There are many references to this
material on the web, or you can talk to me.
I then moved on to things more in the framework of a calculus
course. Specifically I discussed the Mean Value Theorem and how it can
be used to give a version of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, with
some error estimate comparing Riemann sums to the ideal, limiting
answer. I may have lost most of the students during this discussion. Here
are some
notes on the transition from MVT (Mean Value Theorem) to FTC
(Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) that may help.
Maintained by and last modified 9/11/2005.
Sigh. Keep reading. Keep doing problems. On Wednesday we begin to
study improper integrals.
Thursday, September 29
I want to change the exam date from Monday, October 10, to Monday,
October 17, beginning at 5 PM. I'll announce the location later. I
will be more definite in what the exam will cover shortly.
No calculators or computers or notes will be allowed. The Math 152 formula sheet for the
first exam will be included with the exam.
A dictionary says this is "A scene or condition of complete disorder
or ruin." Historically the word meant "a place where meat is
butchered and sold." It then took on the connotation "a place or
scene of bloodshed" which I did not mean. I wanted to indicate great
disorder. Sigh.
What is ln(2)?
Well, according to the actual definition of ln(2), it is 12(1/x) dx. Most of us would now
use a calculator or a computer to obtain a decimal approximation to
this number. Years ago a table might have been used. How would the
decimal approximations be computed? I'll try to outline some ways. I
will return to this later in the semester, but I am using the question
to get an idea of how to approximate definite integrals
numerically. There are other ways to compute ln(2).
Suppose I wanted, say, 10 digit accuracy for ln(2). Some strategy
might be useful. I could precompute all likely candidates for
evaluation of logs (actually build a table!) and then store them in
the calculator. Let's see: suppose I want to be able to specify 10
digit accuracy for numbers between 1 and 2 and supposed I want a 10
digit answer for each of them. Well then, I would need to store
1010·1010=1020 decimal digits
of information, which is about 3.3·1020 bits. Uhhhh
... a terabyte is one
trillion bits, that's about 1,000,000,000,000 bits. So this would
be more than 108 terabytes. That is far too much to store.
Here's another difficulty: on my PC at home (fairly fast, fairly new)
computing 10,000=104 values of log took a bit more than a
second. So computing 1010 logs would take ... more than
106 seconds. O.k.: that's a few weeks, so it is
certainly possible.
In fact, the calculator actually approximates each value of log as it
is requested. The simplest way might be with a Riemann sum.
Riemann sums and their error
We could approximate by a Riemann sum. The picture to the right is
supposed to be a graphical description. We divide the interval into n
equal parts. We take the function value at, say, the right endpoint,
and multiply by the width. So the value we get is SUMj=1n(1/[1+{j/n}])(1/n). The
error in one part is the red (almost) triangular-shaped region. Each
red triangle has width 1/n. We can move all the error triangles
horizontally so they don't overlap and fit inside a box of width 1/n
and height (1/1)-(1/2). So the total error will be less than
1/(2n). If I want the total error to be less than 10-10, I
just need to take about 5·109 rectangles. Uhhh
... let's see: about 10,000 additions on my computer took on the order
of one-one hundreth of a second. Therefore 109 additions
would take about 103 seconds. I don't want to wait that
long (20 minutes?). Also, I should remark that floating point addition
(that is, addition of decimal numbers rather than exact integer
addition) leads to fuzzy answers: there tends to be an accumulation of
inaccuracy. For example, with 10 digit accuracy, the sum of 1/j as j
runs from 1 to 10,000 is 9.78780...., but with 3 digit accuracy, this
number becomes 9.79. Try to avoid lots of arithmetic, because it takes
time and it decreases accuracy.
Better integral approximations I: trapezoids
We can try to use other geometric objects to approximate the
integral. The simplest improvement might be trapezoids instead of
rectangles. So we divide the interval up again into n equal parts. Now
if the parition of the interval [a,b] is labeled
where xj=a+([j{b-a}]/n) (sometimes [b-a]/n is called h so that
xj=a+jh), the trapezoid rule approximates the
jth area by the
(average of the bases)·(height)=(1/2)[f(xj)+f(xj+1)]h.
A picture of a trapezoid and its error is shown to the right.
The error analysis for the trapezoid rule is complicated. In
class, I followed some
notes written by Professor Ed Bender of the University of California
at San Diego. Please look at these notes and print them out. The
error analysis is famous for using strange parts in integration
by parts . The final answer will be very neat, but, as I mentioned in
class, this derivation is definitely known to be intricate.
Please read the section in the text about the Trapezoid Rule and
Simpson's Rule. Do problems from there and from the methods of
integration sections.
Wednesday, September 28
1/([(sqrt(x)+1)(sqrt(x)+2)] dx
Try the substitution u=sqrt(x). This is called a rationalizing substitution. It turns the
integration problem into integration of a rational function. I usually
find that it's nicer to write u2=x and then
2u du=dx. We then go from x-land to u-land:
1/([(sqrt(x)+1)(sqrt(x)+2)] dx=
(2u)/([(u+1)(u+2)] du
Surely (2u)/[(u+1)(u+2)]=[A/u+1]+[B/u+2]=[A(u+2)+B(u+1)]/[(u+1)(u+2)] so that
2u=A(u+2)+B(u+1). Then u=-1 yields A=-2 and u=-2 yields -4=-B so B=4. Now we antidifferentiate:
(2u)/([(u+1)(u+2)] du=
[-2/u+1]+[4/u+2] du=-2ln(|u+1|)+4ln(|u+2|)+C.
As Mr. Convente pointed out, I really should be writing absolute value signs in the arguments for logs.
1/([(x1/3+1)(x1/3+2)] dx
Here the rationalizing substitution is u=x1/3 so that
u3=x and 3u2 du=dx. The integral changes:
1/([(x1/3+1)(x1/3+2)] dx=
(3u2/([(u+1)(u+2)] dx
Now I was nasty to these students because I gave them a new
idea for the partial fractions algorithm. There is no way that
(3u2/([(u+1)(u+2)] can be written as [A/u+1]+[B/u+2]. Why? Well, when you
combine the fractions, the result is [A(u+2)+B(u+1)]/[(u+1)(u+2)]: there's no u2 on top. What can we do?
We can do long division. The fraction (3u2/([(u+1)(u+2)]
can be rewritten. First, the bottom really is u2+3u+2. Now
u2+3u+2 )3u2
So we have taken the fraction 3u2/[(u+1)(u+2)] and
rewritten it as 3+{(-9u-6)/[(u+1)(u+2)]}: we have a quotient (3) and a
remainder (-9u-6). The fraction (-9u-6)/[(u+1)(u+2)] has an advantage:
the degree of the top (1) is less than the degree of the bottom (2).
Such a rational function is called a proper rational fraction. This can be split up:
(-9u-6)/[(u+1)(u+2)]=[A/u+1]+[B/u+2]=[A(u+2)+B(u+1)]/[(u+1)(u+2)] so that
-9u-6=A(u+2)+B(u+1). Then u=-1 yields A=3 and u=-2 yields 12=-B so B=-12.
Now we antidifferentiate, but do not forget any of the pieces!
(3u2/([(u+1)(u+2)] dx=
3+[3/(u+1)]+[-12/(u+2)] dx=3u+3ln(|u+1|)-12ln(|u+2|)+C.
We still must return to x-land. The final answer is 3x1/3+3ln(|x1/3+1|)-12ln(|x1/3+2|)+C.
cos(x)/[1-{sin(x)}2] dx
Here the rationalizing substitution is u=sin(x), but we will get a
sort of surprise, as several students noted. Since du=cos(x)dx, the
integral becomes
[1/(1-u2)] du. The
result of an easy partial fractions decomposition is
[1/(1-u2)]=[(1/2)/(1-u)]+[(1/2)/(1+u)] and the
antiderivative is -(1/2)ln(1-u)+(1/2)ln(1+u)+C and back in x-land,
this is -(1/2)ln(1-[sin(x)])+(1/2)ln(1+[sin(x)])+C.
Several people recognized that cos(x)/[1-{sin(x)}2] is
cos(x)/[cos(x)]2 which is 1/cos(x) which is sec(x) whose
antiderivative is supposed to be ln(sec(x)+tan(x))+C. Well.
In fact, if you plug in x=0, you will see the two formulas agree at
0. But these are two functions which have the same derivative (do you
doubt me!) and which agree at a point. Therefore (Mean Value Theorem)
the functions agree.
Suggestion Plot both functions (on a graphing calculator, or
with Maple) from, say, 0 to Pi/4. Check that the graphs are
the same. (If you change Pi/4 to Pi/2, you'll run into a vertical
1/(ex+e-x) dx
And here try u=ex. It certainly helps if you recognize that
e-x=1/u and du=exdx, so [du/ex]=dx,
and even dx=du/u. Therefore whatever "mess" occurs, the result can be
written as a rational function of u.
1/(ex+e-x) dx=
1/(u+[1/u]) (du/u)=(after some algebra!)
1/[u2+1) du
Now I hope you recognize that can be immediately
antidifferentiated. It is arctan(u)+C, and, in x-land, it is
arctan(ex)+C. Indeed. We have just found the antiderivative
of 2sech(x). It turns out that this function helps to
determine shortest paths in some models of non-Euclidean geometry.
[e2-e-x]/[ex+e-x] dx
Method 1
Here also the entry u=ex would work. The result would be
(u2-1)/[u(u2+1)] du which looks
somewhat messy. In particular, although the integrand is a proper
rational fraction, it has an irreducible quadratic factor
in the bottom. For such factors, the split-up which partial fractions
requests looks like this:
u2-1 A Bu+C
------- = --- + -----
u(u2+1) u u2+1
Put the fractions together, and let's just look at the top:
u2-1=A(u2+1)+(Bu+C)u. When u=0, we get A=-1. The
u2 coefficient gives us: 1=A+B, so B=2. Finally, the linear
coeffient on both sides (what multiplies u) gives 0=B+C, so
C=-2. Therefore we need to compute
(-1/u)+(2u-2)/(u2+1)&nbps;du. Well, split things up
and do it piece by piece:
-1/u --> -ln(u) --> -ln(ex --> -x
2u/(u2+1) [you can substitute for u2+1 here)
--> ln(u2+1) --> ln([ex]2+1)=ln(e2x+1)
-2/(u2+1) --> -2arctan(u) --> -2arctan(ex)
Therefore ....
[e2-e-x]/[ex+e-x] dx=-x+ln(e2x+1)-2arctan(ex)+C
Look at [e2-e-x]/[ex+e-x] dx
and casually notice that the top of the fraction is the
derivative of the bottom of the fraction. Therefore (if you wish, use
the substitution w=ex+e-x so the integral
becomes dw/w) the antiderivative is just
I wondered what Maple would do. So I tried various
"questions". Here is my dialog with Maple.
> int((exp(x)-exp(-x))/(exp(x)+exp(-x)),x);
ln(exp(x) + exp(-x))
> int(exp(x)/(exp(x)+exp(-x)),x);
1/2 ln(exp(x) + 1)
> int(exp(-x)/(exp(x)+exp(-x)),x);
ln(exp(x)) - 1/2 ln(exp(x) + 1)
> int(tanh(x),x);
The first line shows recognition of the simple substitution. The
second and third lines coerce (?) Maple to do pieces of
the integral the "other" way, although no simplification of ln(exp(x))
is performed.
Finally, the fourth line urges Maple to "think" (!) in terms
of hyperbolic functions, and, indeed,
cosh(x)=(ex+e-x)/2, so the answers
ln(ex+e-x)+C and ln(cosh(x)) are "the same" (the
2 disappears in the +C).
1/[x+sqrt(x)] dx
Substitute x=u2 so dx=2u du, and 1/[x+sqrt(x)] dx=
2u/[u2+u] du=
2/[u+1] du=2 ln(u+1)+C=2 ln(sqrt(x)+1)+C.
This seems straightforward, and I am happy. Of course, like any one
who wears suspenders and a belt, I checked the result with
Maple. That program surprises me with its answers sometimes. Here is the
> int(1/(x+sqrt(x)),x);
ln(x - 1) + 2 arctanh(x )
The function arctanh is the inverse to tanh. Maple
also will convert this into things that we might better. Remember,
% refers to the previous answer.
> convert(%,ln);
1/2 1/2
ln(x - 1) + ln(x + 1) - ln(1 - x )
But our answer is 2 ln(sqrt(x)+1). Please notice that
ln(x-1) in Maple's answer is ln({sqrt(x)-1}{sqrt(x)+1})and use
properties of log to check that the answers are the same. And, no,
I don't know why Maple gives that more complicated-looking
1/[x2+sqrt(x)] dx
I am not cruel enough to have students do this. Let me show you how I would begin, if I
had to do it by hand:
Substitute x=u2 so dx=2u du, and 1/[x+sqrt(x)] dx=
2u/[u4+u] du=
2/[u3+1] du.
Now the roots of u3+1 certainly include u=-1. So u+1 is a
factor of u3+1. What else can we say?
u+1 ) u3 +1
-u2 +1
There is no remainder, thus verifying that u+1 divides
u3+1. And we know
2 A Bu+C A(u2-u+1)+(Bu+C)(u+1)
---- = --- + ------- = -----------------------
u3+1 u+1 u2-u+1 (u+1)(u2-u+1)
Since the bottoms are the same, the tops must agree, and so we need to selection A and B and C
so that
The magic number u=-1 yields 2=3A so that A=3/2. The u2 coefficients on both
sides give more information: 2=A+B. Since A=3/2, B=1/2. The constant terms on both sides
(the u0 coefficient) gives the equation 2=A+C so that C=1/2. Now we go can
2/[u3+1] du=
[(3/2)/(u+1)]+[({1/2}u+{1/2})/(u2-u+1)] du
The first term is easy, and gives (3/2)ln(u+1).
u2-u+1=u2-u +1=u2-2·({1/2}u)+(1/2)2-(1/2)2+1=(u-{1/2})2+(3/4)=(u-{1/2})2+({sqrt(3)/2})2.
Therefore if I make the substitution w=u-{1/2}, so u=w+{1/2}, du=dw, and
{1/2}u+{1/2}={1/2}(w+{1/2})+{1/2}={1/2}w+{3/4}, then
({1/2}w+{3/4})/[w2+({sqrt(3)/2})2] dw
1/2 1/2
1/2 1/2 (2 x - 1) 3 1/2
-1/3 ln(x - x + 1) + 2/3 3 arctan(-----------------) + 2/3 ln(x + 1)
I got that answer, which is correct, with some effort. I had to coax Maple. This is
just about the same answer as Mathematica gave. To my surprise (and, no, I can't explain it!)
here is what I got from int without effort:
> int(1/(x^2+sqrt(x)),x);
2 1/2 (2 x + 1) 3
-1/6 ln(x + x + 1) + 1/3 3 arctan(--------------) + 1/3 ln(x - 1)
1/2 1/2
1/2 1/2 (2 x + 1) 3 1/2
+ 1/6 ln(x + x + 1) + 1/3 3 arctan(-----------------) - 1/3 ln(x - 1)
1/2 1/2
1/2 1/2 1/2 (2 x - 1) 3
+ 1/3 ln(x + 1) - 1/6 ln(x - x + 1) + 1/3 3 arctan(-----------------)
arctan(x2) dx
Here I asked students how to begin. I mentioned I had actually done this some years
ago in front of a class of 100 suffering engineering students. You begin by integrating by parts, with
u dv=arctan(x2dx, so u=arctan(x2) and dv=dx. The result is
the "boundary term" - an integral of v du, and the integral contains a rational function.
Here is what Maple told me:
> int(arctan(x^2),x);
2 1/2
2 1/2 x - x 2 + 1 1/2 1/2
x arctan(x ) - 1/4 2 ln(---------------) - 1/2 2 arctan(x 2 + 1)
2 1/2
x + x 2 + 1
1/2 1/2
- 1/2 2 arctan(x 2 - 1)
1/[(x1/3+1)(x1/2+2)] dx
I think I put this on the board just to ask if students could tell me
a good substitution to begin. Indeed, u=x1/6 works fine,
and the reuslt is a rational function. So we can "do it". And both
Maple and Mathematica show (similar) answers.
I am lazy. Here is a
description of the algorithm. I just remarked that even good computer
programs can't do much. For example, here is what Maple
returns for a fairly random and not too complicated rational
> int((3*x^3-5*x+7)/(x^10+x^2-1),x);
/ -----
| \ 137154083802815920 5 110665660860947392 4
1/7 | ) _R ln(x + --------------------- _R - --------------------- _R
| / 212990588123587127063 212990588123587127063
| -----
\_R = %1
15598989049376026276 3 21098962804522333280 2 16001084732854238722
- --------------------- _R + -------------------- _R - -------------------- _R
212990588123587127063 30427226874798161009 4346746696399737287
3868141590333873596 | 2 1/2 1/2 2 1/2
+ -------------------)| - 1/7 ln(x - 3 x + 1) + 1/12 3 ln(x - 3 x + 1)
620963813771391041 |
1/2 11 1/2 1/2 1/2 2 1/2
- 3/2 arctan(2 x - 3 ) + -- arctan(2 x - 3 ) 3 - 1/12 3 ln(x + 3 x + 1)
2 1/2 11 1/2 1/2 1/2
- 1/7 ln(x + 3 x + 1) - -- arctan(2 x + 3 ) 3 - 3/2 arctan(2 x + 3 )
6 5 4 3 2
%1 := RootOf(33856 _Z - 135424 _Z - 3741456 _Z + 49263424 _Z - 306123972 _Z
+ 906118192 _Z - 1018981999)
By the way, here is what might look like the same command, and its response:
> int((3.*x^3-5.*x+7.)/(1.*x^10+1.*x^2-1.),x);
-2.056745787 ln(| x + 0.8688369618 |) + 0.1428571429 I (
2.535287030 ln((x + 0.3698142048) + 1.014201379)
+ 2.780406266 arctan(-1.007075657, x + 0.3698142048))
+ 0.3972008951 ln((x + 0.3698142048) + 1.014201379)
+ 0.7243677229 arctan(1.007075657, x + 0.3698142048)
- 6.461457454 I (0.5000000000 - 0.5000000000 signum(x + 0.8688369618))
- 0.7243677229 arctan(-1.007075657, x + 0.3698142048) + 0.1428571429 I (
-2.535287030 ln((x + 0.3698142048) + 1.014201379)
+ 2.780406266 arctan(1.007075657, x + 0.3698142048))
+ 0.4098157329 ln((x - 0.3698142048) + 1.014201379)
+ 0.1084546750 arctan(1.007075657, x - 0.3698142048)
+ 3.186018237 I (0.5000000000 - 0.5000000000 signum(x - 0.8688369618))
- 0.1084546750 arctan(-1.007075657, x - 0.3698142048) + 0.1428571429 I (
-0.3795913623 ln((x - 0.3698142048) + 1.014201379)
+ 2.868710130 arctan(1.007075657, x - 0.3698142048))
+ 1.014141102 ln(| x - 0.8688369618 |) + 0.1428571429 I (
0.3795913623 ln((x - 0.3698142048) + 1.014201379)
+ 2.868710130 arctan(-1.007075657, x - 0.3698142048))
+ 0.001480424440 ln(x - 1.732050808 x + 1.) - 0.5927352913 arctan(2. x - 1.732050808)
- 0.2871947102 ln(x + 1.732050808 x + 1.) - 2.407264709 arctan(2. x + 1.732050808)
When the decimal points are given, the responses are include "approximate" decimal numbers.
Look for a table of integrals! This is what everyone used to
do. Every scientist and engineer would own some tables. For two bucks
or less, you can buy a Dover reprint of Tables of Indefinite
Integrals by G. Petit Bois (a reprint of a 1906 edition). Huh!
Impress your friends. Or there are much longer books. Just search
Amazon for tables of indefinite integrals and glance
at some of the results.
The word ``algorithm'' itself is quite interesting; at
first glance it may look at though someone intended to write
``logarithm'' but jumbled up the first four letters. The true
origin of the word \e comes from the name of a famous Persian textbook
author, Abu Ja`far Mohammed ibn Musâ al-Khowârismî ( c.
825) -- literally, ``father of Ja`far, Mohammed, son of Moses,
native of Khowârizm.'' Khowârizm is today the small Soviet city of
Khiva. Al-Khowârizmî wrote the celebrated book Kitab al jabr
w'al-muqabala (``Rules of restoration and reduction''); another
word, ``algebra'', stems from the title of his book, although the book
wasn't really very algebraic.
Knuth continues on the same page to contrast his definition of
algorithm with what could be found in a cookbook:
... a computer
programmer can learn much by studying a good recipe book.
Read and do problems
from 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. Practice is essential.
Mr. Scheinberg will, I hope, offer to answer questions about the first three
Monday, September 26
We had student presentations of solutions to the second set of "workshop problems"
We all had a wonderful time, although Professor
Greenfield certainly seemed to get antsy as some of the l-o-n-g
but thorough discussions went on.
Word of the day antsy
He got too nervous. From now on, we'll have
a maximum of two presentations in one class meeting.
This is the last antidifferentiation method I'm supposed to show
you. It is a way of algebraically transforming rational functions into
an equal sum of rational functions which are "easy" to integrate.
(2x+7)/[(x-3)(x-2)] dx so we can compute the
antiderivative. Then compute the antiderivative.
Here the partial fractions method asks for constants A and B so that:
2x+7 A B
---------- = --- + ---
(x-3)(x-2) x-3 x-2
Combine the fractions and the result is [A(x-2)+B(x-3)]/[(x-3)(x-2)]. This will equal
(2x+7)/[(x-3)(x-2)], which has the same denominator (bottom!) when the tops are
identical. We need A and B so that
How can we get such A and B?
A+ B = 2 (x coefficient)
-2A-3B = 7 (constant coefficient)
There are many ways to solve such a system. One way is
guessing. Another way is to realize that A=2-B so that -2A-3B=7 is
-2(2-B)-3B=7 and -4-B=7 and B=-11. Then, since A=2-B, A must be
Note Something funny is going on, and if you have some experience
you may already notice this. Systems of linear equations, even two equations
in two unknowns, may not have solutions. For example, the system
has no solutions (the technical name is inconsistent). And
such systems may have infinitely many solutions:
But the systems that arise in using partial fractions will always have
a unique solution. Interesting, huh?
We can look at some magic numbers. For example, if x=2,
then the A term drops out and we get B(2-3)=2·2+7=9 so B=-11. And
when x=3, the B term drops out and we get
A(3-2)=2·3+t=13 so A=13.
To me the second way is quicker and easier.
2x+7 13 -11
---------- = --- + ---
(x-3)(x-2) x-3 x-2
The pieces are easy to antidifferentiate. The result is 13 ln(x-3)-11 ln(x-2)+C.
As I mentioned, one could use the properties of logs and rewrite this as
/(x-3)13 \
ln|---------| + C
\(x-2)11 /
Please don't do this sort of thing in Math 192, or, probably anywhere. Also it is horrible
to typeset in html.
(5x2-4x+7)/[x(5x-3)(4-x)] dx so we can compute the
antiderivative. Then compute the antiderivative.
Now the partial fractions method asks for A and B and C so that:
5x2-4x+7 A B C
-------------- = - + ---- + ---
x(5x-3)(4-x) x 5x-3 4-x
Wow. Combine the fractions on the right-hand side. I will just write out the top, which is
A(5x-3)(4-x)+Bx(4-x)+Cx(5x-3). This should be equal to the "other" top, which is
When x=0, we get A(-3)(4)=7, so A=-7/12.
When x=4, we get C(4)(5·4-3)=5·42-4·4+7. This is
C(4)(17)=5·16-16+7 or 68C=71, so C=71/68.
Finally, we want 5x-3 to be 0. We must take x=3/5. Then 5x2-4x+7 becomes
5(3/5)2-4(3/5)+7=32/5. And Bx(4-x) becomes B(3/5)(17/5)=(51/25)B. Thus
(51/25)B=32/5, and B=160/51. Therefore we know that
5x2-4x+7 -[7/12] [160/51] [71/68]
---------------- = ------- + -------- + -------
x(5x-3)(4-x) x 5x-3 4-x
Now I put some additional wrinkles in this example. Heh, heh, heh. The
antiderivative of 1/x is certainly ln(x) (actually, I should write ln(|x|), but I
am lazy). But what about the antiderivative of 1/(5x-3)? I would like it to be
something like ln(5x-3), but (chain rule or substitution method) there is an
additional 5 to put in. So its antiderivative is actually (1/5)ln(5x-3). And what
about 1/(4-x)? Its antiderivative, for a similar reason, is -ln(4-x). Putting it all
together (more pedantically, using linearity) the antiderivative of
(5x2-4x+7)/[x(5x-3)(4-x)] is -[7/12]ln(x)+[160/51](1/5)ln(5x-3)+[71/68]{-ln(4-x)}+C.
Try Maple:
32 71
-7/12 ln(x) + -- ln(5 x - 3) - -- ln(x - 4)
51 68
and this computation took about .02 seconds.
(-2x2+3x-5)/[x(x-5)2] dx so we can compute the
antiderivative. Then compute the antiderivative.
Here the difference is in what's called multiplicity. The bottom has "only" two
roots, but one of the roots (5) has multiplicity 2. Now the partial fractions method
looks for A and B and C so that:
-2x2+3x-5 A B C
--------- = - + --- + ------
x(x-5)2 x x-5 (x-5)2
If you've never seen this before, it looks very weird. It can
be proved proved proved that it works:
there will be unique A and B and C satisfying this equation. And the leads to
successful antidifferentiation, since we'll see that each piece can be
"easily" antidifferentiated. I say, proved proved
proved: this is all not obvious but I can't do it
in this course. There are other ways of writing the partial fraction
method, but what I'm describing here is what's in the text, and also
what is most common.
Combine the fractions. Now you need to use a bit of care, because the
common denominator is actually x(x-5)2 but there are some
powers to worry about. If you do it correctly, the top will be
We need to find A and B and C so that
If x=0, we get -5=A(-5)2, so A=-1/5.
If x=5, we get -2(52)+3·5-5=C(5), SO -40=5C and C=-8.
But how can we get B? There are no more magic numbers. In this
case I tend to look at some coefficient of some power of x. For example,
look at the x2 coefficient of both sides of the equation:
-2=A(1)+B(1). There is no C involvement in x2. Since I know
that A is -1/5, B=-2-A=-2+1/5=-9/5. Wow. The x2 coefficient is
not the only possibility. Look at anything convenient.
-2x2+3x-5 -1/5 -9/5 -8
--------- = ---- + ---- + ------
x(x-5)2 x x-5 (x-5)2
The antiderivative of the first piece is certainly -(1/5)ln(x), and that of the second
piece, -(9/5)ln(x-5). What about the antiderivative of -8(x-5)-2? If you make the
substitution u=x-5 so du=dx, we need an antiderivative of -8/u2 "du" and this
is 8/u which is 8/(x-5). So the whole answer is:
(-2x2+3x-5)/[x(x-5)2] dx=-(1/5)ln(x)-(9/5)ln(x-5)+[8/(x-5)]+C.
Read and do problems
from 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. Practice is essential.
Thursday, September 22
Read and do problems
from 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3. Practice is essential.
Wednesday, September 21
The techniques used were trig identities (double angle formula for
sine and cosine, sin2+cos2=1,
sec2-1=tan2, substitutions, and integration by
parts. These should be practices by students.
[cos(x)]6 dx
[sin(x)]3[cos(x)]6 dx
tan(x) dx
[tan(x)]2 dx
[tan(x)]3 dx
sec(x) dx
[sec(x)]2 dx
[sec(x)]3 dx
02sqrt(3)x3/sqrt(16-x2) dx (7.3: #4)
sqrt(2)21/[t3sqrt(t2-1)] dt (7.3: #5)
02x3sqrt(x2+4) dx (7.3: #6)
1/sqrt(t2-6t+13) dt (7.3: #24)
Read and do problems from 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.
Monday, September 19
Suppose f(x) is a function defined by a formula involving familiar
functions. Familiar functions would include polynomials,
nth roots, trig and inverse trig functions, exponentials
and logarathms, and perhaps others. The word involving would
include methods of creating new functions by arithmetic (sum, product,
division) and composition. Here's the problem:
find a function, F(x), so that
sqrt(1+sqrt(x)) dx
make the substitution w=sqrt(1+sqrt(x)) and solve for x:
w2=1+sqrt(x), so (w2-1)=x, and
dx=2(w2-1)2w7nbsp;dw so that sqrt(1+sqrt(x)) dx=
w·2(w2-1)2w dw
and this is "easy" since it is a polynomial: multiply out and
get 4w4-4w2, which has antiderivative
sqrt(1+sqrt(1+sqrt(x))) dx
Again, w=sqrt(1+sqrt(1+sqrt(x))) will change the problem into finding the
antiderivative of a polynomial. By the time the square roots get "nested" four deep,
Maple can't do the integral.
I tried my examples on Mathematica, and that program can keep
track of the nested square roots, and compute the antiderivative. On
the web, this web page
allows access to the Mathematica antidifferentiation
routine. But it can't handle Sqrt[1+Sqrt[1+Sqrt[1+Sqrt[x]]]] which the
program I used (Mathematica 4.1) can integrate. I have never
understood Wolfram's products.
sqrt(1-x2) dx
Well, we know that
01sqrt(1-x2) dx
is Pi/4 since it is a quarter of a circle. What about
01/2sqrt(1-x2) dx?
Now maybe we need to come up with an antiderivaitve of
sqrt(1-x2). I will discuss this as I did in class, in spite
of the sneers and gibes which greeted my honest efforts
to disclose my thinking.
sqrt(1-x2) dx=
We certainly can now use the reduction formula we've already derived. Let
me show you another way, which some people like. We know:
1 = (cos(theta))2+(sin(theta))2
cos(2theta) = (cos(theta))2-(sin(theta))2
Add these formulas, and get 1+cos(2theta)=2(cos(theta)2
size=+1>), so that
(1/2)(1+cos(2theta))d(theta). This I can antidifferentiate
almost easily (use the substitution u=2(theta) etc.). The result is:
I should not plug in 0 and 1 here, because those are x-values. Let me show you
how to convert back to x-land from theta-land. Certainly, sin(2theta)=2sin(theta)cos(theta),
and we know that x=sin(theta) and sqrt(1-x2)=cos(theta). We chose the substitution
so that's correct. Also, since x=sin(theta), theta=arcsin(x). Therefore
sqrt(1-x2) dx=(1/2)([x·sqrt(1-x2)+arcsin(x))
If you don't believe this, you have the option to differentiate the
right-hand side and check that it is sqrt(1-x2). This is
01/2sqrt(1-x2) dx=(1/2)([x·sqrt(1-x2)+arcsin(x))]01/2. The x=0 terms contribute nothing,
and the other terms give (1/2)(1/2)sqrt(1-(1/2)2)+arcsin(1/2).
I do know arcsin(1/2) -- one of the few values of this function that I
So the answer is (1/2)(1/2)(sqrt(3)/2)+Pi/6. Well, look at the picture, darn it! The
horizontally striped triangle has "legs" of length 1/2 and sqrt(3)/2, so that gives
(1/2)(1/2)(sqrt(3)/2) area. The circular pie slice has area Pi/6.
It is almost never possible to check an integral computation using such neat
area facts. This is just a cute example.
1/sqrt(1+sqrt(1+x2) dx
Here I put ?=x so !=sqrt(1+?2) and we see that we need
functions which satisfy !2-?2=1. So we look
towards ... which is it? Ahhh ... sec(theta)=! so tan(theta)=!. And
since x=sec(theta), dx=sec(theta)tan(theta)d(theta).
The integral
1/sqrt(1+sqrt(1+x2) dx
1/tan(theta) sec(theta)tan(theta)d(theta)=
sec(theta)d(theta). Look: it should not be surprising if
things turn out nice. The substitution is selected to make it all
Let's see: there's lots of history here. You can go to
Google and get some interesting references. But one
antiderivate of secant is ln(sec(theta)+tan(theta)). Why is this?
Well, differentiate. The chain rule gives
1 2
--------------------- (sec(theta)tan(theta)+sec(theta) )
and, wonders!, exactly the right stuff cancels and we get just
sec(theta). You can look up lots of clever derivations of
this. I just want to use it.
img src="gifstuff/is6.gif"
width=6>1/sqrt(1+sqrt(1+x2) dx=ln(x+sqrt(1+x2)+C
I remarked in class that Maple gives the answer,
arcsinh(x) so maybe I should tell you about the hyperbolic
functions some time.
Read and do problems from 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.
Thursday, September 15
Of course Mr. Scheinberg did a terrific job answering questions. I am
I did this integral two different ways, just for fun. Sigh.
(w3-1)·w dw. But we can multiply out
(is "distribute" the correct word here?) and get
w4-w dw=(1/5)w5-(1/2)w2+C.
We can convert from w-land to x-land using w=(x+1)1/3 and the answer is
x(x+1)1/3dx, good parts may not be immediately clear.
I am serious about this. But here is a choice that works.
Therefore u dv = uv -
v du
u= x} {du=dx
dv=(x+1)1/3dx} {v=(3/4)(x+1)4/3
So the answer also is
It is not clear to me that the two answers are the same (well,
they both have "+C"!). This frequently happens when
antidifferentiating complicated functions. There can be more than one
algorithmic "route" to the answer and the appearance can be very
different. These answers actually are the same, but it takes
some algebra to verify the fact. Maple reports:
3 (x + 1) (-3 + 4 x)
Does that help?
arctan(x) dx
Integrate by parts, with u=arctan(x) and dv=dx. Then du=[1/(1+x2)]dx and v=x.
And uv-v du is
x/(1+x2) dx. The last
integral can be computed with the substitution w=1+x2. Then
x/(1+x2) dx becomes (1/2)dw/w which has antiderivative (1/2)ln(w)=(1/2)ln(1+x2). Putting it all together,
arctan(x) dx=x·arctan(x)-(1/2)ln(1+x2)+C.
What is ln(x) dx? This should follow the same pattern
as the previous antiderivative.
e3xsin(5x) dx
We will integrate by parts twice, in the correct order. But it turns
out that there is an easier way to do this that physicists and
engineers all know. We'll see it later.
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Just the second workshop
Wednesday, September 14
We had student presentations of most of the first set of "workshop
We all had a wonderful time.
The book has been reissued and is available. My copy is lost somewhere
in my attic.
"...But no-one expected he'd ever get very far, because I don't
suppose he could even integrate e to the x."
"Is such ignorance possible?" gasped someone.
"Maybe I exaggerate. Let's say x e to the x. ..."
product rule states that
(f·g)'(x)=f'(x)g(x)+f(x)g'(x). Therefore
f'(x)g(x)=(f·g)'(x)-f(x)g'(x). And let's integrate:
inxf'(x)g(x) dx=inx(f·g)'(x) dx-inxf(x)g'(x) dx. Now certainly inx(f·g)'(x) dx=f(x)g(x), because an antiderivative of a derivative is the original function. So we have:
Integration by parts
inxf'(x)g(x) dx=f(x)g(x)-inxf(x)g'(x) dx.
We use the equation inxf'(x)g(x) dx=f(x)g(x)-inxf(x)g'(x) dx
to exchange what seems to be an intractable integral for what we hope is a better one.
Our template is f'(x)g(x) and we are given xex. What can we
select as f'(x) and what then must become g(x)? There are a few
choices but here let's try f'(x)=ex and g(x)=x. Then
f(x)=ex and g'(x)=1. So:
inxf'(x)g(x) dx=f(x)g(x)-inxf(x)g'(x) dx becomes
inx ex x dx= ex x -inxex1dx
We have "traded in" inxexx dx for the "nicer"
integral -inxex1dx with a "penalty" of exx.
Here the qualitative word "nicer" is just used in the sense of,
"Hey, an integral we can compute easily!" Of course,
-inxex1dx=-ex+C, so we get our final answer,
inxxex dx=exx-ex+C.
Most people I know will write the following template, if they think
that integration by parts will do them some good:
inxxex dx=
inx u dv = uv - inx v du
u= } {du=
dv= } { v=
and attempt to make a selection of u which then allows the other
spaces to be filled in. Here is what would happen in this case:
inxxex dx=xex-inxexdx
inx u dv = uv - inx v du
u=x } {du=dx
dv=exdx} { v=ex
and then we could merrily finish the computation by integrating
ex as before. There are certainly other ways of writing the
computation (such as "tabular integration"), but this way is what's
most familiar to me. I confess that sometimes I try to skip some
steps, and don't write the details. Then my "penalty" is that I
frequently have to do the computation again (and maybe even another
time) because I make mistakes. Sigh.
Let's try inxx2ex dx. Here we go:
inxx2ex dx=
inx u dv = uv - inx v du
u= } {du=
dv= } { v=
Now there are more possibilities for the parts u and dv. But if
we look ahead, if we try to anticipate a little bit, why then ...
let's use u=x2 and dv=exdx.
inxx2ex dx=x2ex-inxex2x dx
inx u dv = uv - inx v du
u=x2 } {du=2x dx
dv=exdx} { v=ex
Is this good? Well, we have made some progress. We have pushed "down"
the power of x and now we may recognize (if we pull out the constant
2) an integral we've already done. So:
inxx2ex dx=x2ex-2inxexx dx=x2ex-2(exx-ex)+C
Here already some characteristic problems show up: there are minus
signs to keep track of and parentheses to worry about. And what could
be +2C or -2C I just wrote as +C because it is just some constant. But we've "solved" the problem.
A first example of a reduction formula
Write inxxnexdx, where n is a positive integer,
in terms of stuff+an integral with an x term lower in degree. So:
inxxnex dx=
inx u dv = uv - inx v du
u= } {du=
dv= } { v=
(People who have written computer programs will recognize this as an
example of recursion.) What should we choose as u? To lower the
degree, I will choose u=xn. Then all the other entries can
be filled in rather easily, so:
inxxnex dx=xnex-inxexnxn-1dx
inx u dv = uv - inx v du
u=xn } {du=nxn-1dx
dv=exdx} { v=ex
And here is our desired reduction formula:
inxxnex dx=xnex-ninxexxn-1dx.
u=xn } {du=nxn-1dx
dv=eaxdx} { v=(1/a)eax
so the formula becomes:
inxxneax dx=(1/a)xneax-(n/a)inxexxn-1dx.
Well I asked for inx(x2-3)e5xdx but I really did
expect people to use the formulas I developed, not to attempt to
derive them again. Sigh. What a mess.
(x2-3)e5x=(x2e5-3e5x and then the first part becomes
(1/5)[x2e5-(2/5){(1/5)xe5-(1/52)}] etc. Sigh.
> int((x^2-3)*exp(5*x),x);
1/125 (-73 - 10 x + 25 x ) exp(5 x)
I reminded people to prepare for Mr. Scheinberg.
Monday, September 12
mentor for Math 192, will appear in class on Thursday. Mr. Scheinberg
will be happy to discuss the problems in sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and
6.5. His e-mail address is
He is majoring in computer engineering.
Please try to look over the routine Math 152 problems assigned for
these sections, and discuss the problems with your classmates or me or
Mr. Scheinberg as necessary.
I tried to do problem #16 in section 6.4 (p.463):
A bucket that weighs 4 lbs and a rope of negligible weight are used to draw water from a well that is 80 ft deep. The bucket is filled with 40 lb of water and is pulled up at the rate of 2 ft/s, but the water leaks out of a hole in the bucket at a rate of 0.2 lb/s.
Find the work done in pulling the bucket to the top of the well.
We discussed the problem. The bucket takes 80/2=40 seconds to travel
to the top of the well. After t seconds (where 0<t<40), the
bucket weighs 44-.2t lbs. Well, but work is force·distance,
and time has nothing to do with it (in this physical approach). So
if we measure the depth of the well from the top of the well using
feet, and call x the distance, then x is between 0 and 80. The
bucket is at depth x when x=80-2t, so t=40-.5x, and the weight of
the bucket at that time is 44-.2(40-.5x)=36-(1/10)x. The weight
varies as a function of the height. Now if we pull the bucket
up dx feet (a really tiny length) when it is at a depth of x
feet, then we are doing [36-(1/10)x]dx work, a little bit of work,
which we could call, uhhh ... dw. The total work is the Sum of all the pieces of work, so that the
total work is
080[36-(1/10)x]dx. I believe I actually
evaluated this integral, and got 36(80)-(80)2/20 ft-lbs.
This problem is difficult for me. It has a lot of numbers in it, and
all of the numbers are needed. And the definition of work is needed
also. And ... and ... well, it just seems hard to me. I thought
doing this problem after "emptying the pool" last time would make an
interesting constrast. And I got to draw the well (lovely colors!).
Drawing a picture or diagram would have been the first thing I did
as I thought about the problem.
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Suppose the function f is defined on the interval The definiti
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Uhhh ... it's gotta be the mean value of x2 on [0,1].
That mean value is [1/(1-0)]01x2dx=1/3.
The Question of the D was the
Suppose we have a function whose mean value on the interval [1,4] is
7, and whose mean value on the interval [4,6] is 13. What is the mean
value of this function on the interval [1,6]?
7(3)+13(2) 21+26 47
---------- = ----- = --
5 5 5
Multiply each average value by the length of the interval to find the
individual integrals. Combine the integrals to find the integral on
[1,6]. Divide this by (6-1) to find the average value on [1,6], which
is 47/5.
14f(x) dx=21
46f(x) dx=26
16f(x) dx=47
1 47
16f(x) dx=--
6-1 5
The mean value theorem for integrals: if a function f is continuous in the interval [a,b], then
there must be at
least one c in [a,b] with f(c)=[1/(b-a)]abf(x) dx.
This result is occasionally useful.
The following neat and simple not continuous function was
suggested: define f on the interval [-1,1] by f(x)=3 for x<0 and
f(x)=-3 for x>=0. Then the mean value of f on [-1,1] is
{1/[1-(-1)]}-11f(x) dx is 0, because the
positive and negative "areas" balance out. But the values of f are only -3 and 3, so there is no c with f(c)=0.
Why is the result true?
The real reason to discuss this is so that I can cite several
important results from the first semester of calculus (heh, heh, heh
f(xM)(b-a)>=abf(x) dx>=f(xm)(b-a)
Now divide by b-a, so that we look at:
f(xM)>=[1/(b-a)]abf(x) dx>=f(xm)
But, hey, now another of the major theoretical results about
continuous functions can be used: the Intermediate Value
Theorem: f is continuous on [a,b], and therefore every number
between any two values of f (here the two values are f(xM)
and f(xm) must be a value of f on [a,b]. This result is
also not obvious. The "in between" number I want to use here is
[1/(b-a)]abf(x) dx. So there must be at
least one c in [a,b] with f(c)=[1/(b-a)]
abf(x) dx. And that's it.
Here's problem #20 in seciton 6.5, p.467:
If a freely falling body starts from rest, then its displacement is
given by s= {1/2}gt2. Let the velocity after a time $T$
be vT. Show that if we compute the average of the velocities with
respect to t we get vave={1/2}vT, but if we
compute the average of the velocities with respect to s we get
This makes an excellent workshop problem, if one adds the extra
word/sentence, "Explain."
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Monte Carlo methods
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin.
John von Neumann
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Here is a chunk of Maple code:
> g:=evalf(rand(0..10^10-1)/10^10);
g := 0.1000000000 10
(proc() (proc() option builtin; 391 end proc)(6, 10000000000, 34) end proc)
> seq(g(),j=1..10);
0.3223396161, 0.1434193644, 0.7012963252, 0.6771015081, 0.4121023379, 0.2645048018,
0.9236661736, 0.3118856733, 0.4762458159, 0.4987966881
> 10^(-4)*add(g()^2,j=1..10^4);
bytes used=8000368, alloc=4521156, time=0.25
The first line creates a procedure (a Maple function) which
returns supposedly random numbers in the unit interval,
[0,1]. The second input line just displays the first 10 numbers
created using the function, and the third line finds the average of
the square of ten thousand of these numbers, a Monte Carlo
approximation to 01x2dx.
Below is a table of Monte Carlo approximations, using 10n
samples with n going from 1 to 7.
Number of samples
10,000,000 Resulting
approximation 0.2290005751
The last two of these computations took a l-o-n-g time on my PC, since
Maple is an interpreted language rather than a compiled one.
Also there are problems with accuracy: for this many computations,
floating point errors are bound to accumulate. And there are problems
with randomness. The Maple "random number generator"
(rather, more precisely, a pseudo-random number generator) has some
serious defects. But, all this said, we've been luck. The accuracy of
the approximation has increased as the number of samples increased.
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Thursday, September 8
Diary entry in progress! More to come
An example that is, and why
Look at y=x(x-1)4 for x between 0 and 1. This is a little
lump of area. (Look at the picture to the right!) Suppose we want to
"compute" the volume that this region sweeps out as it is revolved
around the y-axis. We can do this (almost) easily dx, using the shell
method. The integral will be the sum of 2Pi x multiplied by
x(x-1)4dx. This mess is a vertical slice, revolved around
the y-axis (radius x). Then add this up from 0 to 1, and the resulting
volume is
x(x-1)4dx. A friend of mine whose life is generated
by atomic number 14 (silicon) tells me this is (1/[15]) Pi.
So what about doing this dy, with discs? Well then, we would need to
"solve" for x as a function of y in the equation y=x(x-1)4.
Here is a short history lesson.
This is much more irritating than one would want. Of course, there are
formulas for the roots of quadratic polynomials (polynomials of degree
2). Now this is true also for cubic
polynomials (degree 3) and even for quartic (degree 4)
polynomials. The formulas are very complicated, and I have never
used them. Ir is possible to prove that in general there are no
formulas in terms of commonly known functions for the roots of a
random quintec (degree 5) polynomial. This is a bit distressing. Here it means we can't write "nice" functions for the left- and right-hand slices of the bump. So we can't "compute" the integral dy.
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Diary entry in progress! More to come
Now finally we can compute the work. It will be the sum of the work of
adding all the slices from x=0 to x=10. This is a definite integral.
It is
Here is a fact, which is probably true: one cubic foot
(ft3) of water weighs (approximately?) 62.42796 pounds
(lbs). To the right is a picture of "my swimming pool". The sides
(there are, including the top, six of them) are all flat. There's one
tilted side, as shown, and the others meet perpendicularly. I assume
that the pool is totally filled with water, and that I would like to
bring all the water to ground level (at the top) and empty the
pool. Since the pool is the same in the 20 ft direction, I think it
might be sensible to display it (and think about it!) sideways.
My "coordinate axis" will use the letter x and will measure positively
depth in the pool in ft. Ground level will be x=0 and the bottom of
the pool will be x=10. A piece of water weighing "blah" lbs at level x
in the pool will need blah·x ft-lbs of work to raise it to ground level.
Now take a very thin (dx!) slice (!!) of the pool water at depth
x. Look at the picture. The volume will be 20 ft times dx feet times
the horizontal width of the slice. The weight will be
62.43·20·(horizontal width)·dx. We will need
to lift this to ground level, a distance of x feet. So the work we
will need to do to lift this slice of pool water
is 62.43(20)x(hor. width) dx.
How long is the horizontal width?
Suppose we call Frog the distance 10-x, and Toad, the additional
length needed to make up the horizontal width (so, as shown, 40+Toad
is the horizontal width). Then Frog/Toad=10/30, so that
Toad=(30/10)Frog=3(10-x). I think a clever person (not me!) could have
predicted this. Look: Toad goes from 30 (at x=0) to 0 (at x=0), just
the way it should. So this horizontal width is
40+Toad, which is 40+3(10-x).
62.43(20)x[40+3(10-x)] dx. A silicon friend of my tells me that
this is about 3.1215·106 ft-lbs. And I could never
be a physicist or any kind of engineer, really, really, because I have
no feeling if this answer makes sense. Do you?
After class, as I was going home, I asked myself why I had
organized the pool computation the way I did. That is, why did I take
a horizontal slice of water? Why not a vertical slice? Why not an
oblique slice, maybe parallel to the "tilted" side? I don't
know. Certainly at the time the computation "made sense" the way I
organized it. I want to pull up lots of tiny chunks of water. The
major variation seemed (still seems!) the depth, to me. So I organized
the chunks of water to exploit that. Sigh. Does this help? It doesn't
help me. I still would like to understand how I think about these prob
Please look over the problems assigned for sections 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4
of the textbook. Write out solutions for an appropriate number of
them. Make sure you can do all of them.
Wednesday, September 7
The derivative is flashy, and easy to explain.
The definite integral is more subtle and more difficult, but it is
where the big bucks (?) occur. Rather, to be more academic, it is
where the real applications and uses of calculus in engineering and
the physical sciences (as well as biology and economics) occur. The following concepts can be studied using definite integrals:
The basic idea is to
We end up with a definite integral. I'll present this with a series of
examples. I went over this material rather quickly, because I believed
that most students had seen it before.
Example 1 Consider y=x2 and y=x3 on the
interval [0,1]. These two curves form the boundary of a curvy
region. A drawing of this region is to the right.
Note As I mentioned in class, most examples I'll do with you
will be rather simple. I make enough mistakes with even simple
examples! If I find something interesting, I will probably give it to
you as a workshop problem! But even in the collection of simple
examples, this one (which I worked with for almost an hour!) is
perhaps a bit infelicitous (dictionary says:
"1. Inappropriate; ill-chosen 2. Not happy; unfortunate.") This is
because there are too many coincidences. The "corners" of the region
have coordinates which are equal: (0,0) and (1,1). This might lead to
confusion. I am sorry. Back to the example.
What is the area of the region enclosed?
First I'll slice up the area in the region with many,
many vertical lines. I'll drawn only a few (fear of carpal tunnel
syndrome!) but, please, you should imagine 1010 of them,
all arranged neatly, and very close together. I'll concentrate on just
one of these slices. I'll magnify it and analyze it.
Now we add up the approximations, from Left to Right, and take a limit of these sums. The result is a definite integral:This is supposed to be a really narrow slice. It is so narrow that I can think of it as quite close in shape to a rectangle. The thickness is deltax, and the height is the difference in heights of the bottom curve, called Bottom(x), and the top curve, Top(x). So if this is nearly a rectangle, then the area is nearly the area of a rectangle whose dimensions are deltax and Top(x)-Bottom(x). The area of this slice is approximately
LeftRightTop(x)-Bottom(x) dx
01x2-x3 dx
We know antiderivatives of the functions involved, so we may use
FTC and get (1/3)x3-(1/4)x4|x=0x=1=(1/3)-(1/4).
Example 1´ We could also slice horizontally. The
illustration to the right is an attempt to show the very thin slices.
We should really go through a description of this process similar to
what I wrote above, but the pictures actually take some time to
"draw". The result is again a definite integral, but here we are
adding up deltay (sigh, just dy) slices. And the horizontal
length of the rectangles will be a difference of a left length and the
right length, both depending on the value of y. We'll add these slices
up, from bottom to top:
BottomTopRight(y)-Left(y) dy
Here the boundary curves are given by y=x2 and
y=x3, and, in this specific case, it isn't too hard to find
the left curve, x=y1/2, and the right curve,
x=y1/3. Due to the dreadful coincidence mentioned earlier, top=1 and bottom=0. The area of the region will therefore be
01y1/3-y1/2 dy
and (my examples have easy functions!) we can use the FTC directly to get
Example 2 Revolve the region discussed around the x-axis and
find the volume. Here we use the method of washers (no, there doesn't
seem to be a method of dryers). We take one of the vertical slices
(with dx thickness) and rotate it around the x-axis. Here the
"transmogrification" or approximation is to imagine that the result is
a solid washer with the dx side flat, perpendicular to the vertical
side. The side area the difference in area of two circles. There is an
outer circle, with radius Outside(x), and an inner circle, with radius
Inside(x). The thickness is dx, and I think the chunk of volume, dV, for this is Pi(Outside(x)2-Inside(x)2) dx. The total volume is gotten by adding up all these dV's to get V (and taking a limit, of course, as the slices get very thin!). The result is a definite integral:
LeftRightPi(Outside(x)2-Inside(x)2) dx.
01Pi(x2)2-(x3)2) dx. This is
x4-x6 dx=
Example 2´ We can also try to integrate dy to get the
volume when the region is revolved around the x-axis. This didn't seem
known to many people so certainly should have gone slower! (No one
really objected, but still ...) We take one of the dy strips, and
revolve it around the x-axis. Here everything should be written in
terms of y. The radius of the revolving circle is y (the strip is y
"up" from the x-axis) and the width of the strip is
Right(y)-Left(y). This idea is called the thin shell method. The next
step (at least in my mind!) is to think of magic scissors which cut
the thin shell or thin strip and then we flatten it out. The result is
pretty close to a rectangular solid (well, almost, maybe, sort of
...). The dimensions of the solid are dy and Right(y)-Left(y) and
2Pi y (the last is the circumference of a circle of radius y).
This is dV, a piece of the volume. Now we add these up, from bottom
to top to get the total volume, V. Therefore this formulation of the
volume of the solid of revolution is just
BottomTop2Pi y(Right(y)-Left(y)) dy.
y=0y=12Pi y(y1/3-y1/2) dy. Again, because this is an example selected by the instructor, we can apply the FTC to it and evaluate:
First, the integral itself is
2Piy=0y=1(y4/3-y3/2 dy and this is
Around the y-axis
dy: This uses washers. The inner radius is Left(y) and the outer
radius is Right(y), so the cross-sectional area of the washer is the
in the area of two circles:
Pi[Right(y)2-Left(y)2]. The thickness of the
washer is dy. We add them up from bottom to top:
BottomTopPi[Right(y)2-Left(y)2] dy.
Here Bottom is 0 and Top is 1, while Left(y) is y1/2 and
Right(y) is y1/3. The answer, after applying FTC, is
Pi[(3/5)-(1/2)] (please check this!).
Around the x-axis
dx: Thin shells. The height of the thin shell is Top(x)-Bottom(x), and
its thickness is dx. The thin rectangle is revolved around the
y-axis. Perhaps confusingly, the distance of a point (x,y) to the
y-axis is x, so the radius is x, and the thin rectangle travels a
distance of 2Pi x. Therefore, we add up and take limits, and the
result is:
LeftRight2Pi x[Top(x)-Bottom(x)] dy.
Since Left=0 and Right=1 and Top(x)=x2 and
Bottom(x)=x3, we need to compute
012Pi[x3-x4] dx,
and this is 2Pi[(1/4)-(1/5)].
I then asserted incorrectly that I could give an example where shells
could be computed but washers would be difficult. My example was
y=1/(1+x2) revolved around the y-axis, with x in the
interval from 0 to 1.
Here Left=0, Right=1, Top(x)=1/(1+x2) and Bottom(x)=0, and
radius=x as before. Then the integral becomes
012Pi x/(1+x2) dx.
We can use FTC on this with the substitution u=1+x2 and
du=2x dx and (1/2)du=x dx so that we need to compute
(1/2)du/u, which is ln(u)+C. Going back to x-land, we have
(1/2)ln(1+x2)|x=0x=1, and this is
But this can also be done dy, as I will show in the next class.
-11sqrt(1-x2) dx by
realizing it was the area of half of the unit circle, and therefore
was Pi/2.
and this is
-11(1-x2)&nbps;dx (the square
of the square root of a non-negative number is that number). Now we
can use FTC and obtain Pi(x-(1/3)x3)|x=-1x=1 and this is
(4/3)Pi. In fact, the volume of a sphere of radius r is
(4/3)Pi r3.
Thursday, September 1
I described the number line as a geometric representation of
numbers, and then chose to associate decimal expansions with real
numbers. A decimal expansion had a finite number of digits to the
left of the decimal point, and an infinite string of digits to the
right. Conventionally, if the string of digits concludes with a string
of 0's, that string can be omitted. Also, if I had been precise (!) I
would have said that a decimal is prefixed by a sign, + or -. Actually
such a string really is just an address (?) to a point on the line,
and two addresses can lead to the same point. The simplest example is
that .9[repeating] addresses the same point as 1.0[repeating].
and I don't
know how such a proof is invented. Here is a
discussion of the decimal representation of Pi, and here
is a discussion of the techniques involved in high-precision
computation of Pi. More than 1012 digits have been
computed. We will discuss some of these techniques later in the course.
Please do two of
the workshop problems (there's a hint for problem 3), learn Maple
by working with another student in the
course (please print out the second worksheet from here), and begin reading chapter 6 of the