In Memoriam
It is with deep sadness we announce that Richard is no longer with us.
This page serves as the root for all documents in my directories, but only a small attempt has been made to make it fancy. Few special features are used to avoid shutting out those using older browsers.
Here is another picture taken by C. J. Mozzochi at the Workshop on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory in May 2004.
I have now retired, but I was on the faculty of the Mathematics Department on the New Brunswick/Piscataway Campus of Rutgers University from September 1960 to June 2010.
From 1991 to 1995, I was editor of the Problems and Solutions section of the American Mathematical Monthly.
I also belong to the TeX Users Group. At the meeting in August 2001, I learned about some amazing things that can be created in TeX for viewing in the PDF format. If you have version 4 (or newer) of the Acrobat Reader (version 3 won't work since a javascript interface is used), take a look at this calculator.
I was a fellow of Livingston College and represented the College on the New Brunswick Faculty Council. This has been compounded in two ways: (1) I became Faculty Council webmaster for the 2003-2004 academic year and continued in that role through June 2009; (2) I was chair of the Livingston College Executive Council of Fellows for the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 academic years. While Livingston College no longer has an Assembly of Fellows following the reorganization of the New Brunswick/Piscataway Campus, I remained on the Faculty Council as a representative of the Livingston Campus Community for 2007-2009. I was also elected to represent SAS on the University Senate for a 3 year term starting Fall 2007.
Form September 2008 to May 2010, I was the Head Undergraduate Advisor for the Mathematics Department.
As department computer
coordinator, I was prepared to assist members of the department with
all computer-related questions, although an official help desk now exists.
General computing
support provided by our support staff can be found on
the Department computing page. A new addition
to our system is jsMath. Here is a sample page illustrating its abilities. A newer
system that seems to work better is
MathJax. Here is a
sample. We also have
documentation on our system.
There is a new Rutgers letterhead that we should use for all official correspondence. Unfortunately, it was only made available for a popular system that few of us use. To remedy this, a LaTeX class was created that is installed on our system as rutgersletter.cls. There is currently no documentation other than comments in the file (use "rutgersletter.cls" to find it), but some information about the use of the same class can be found on a Physics Department page.
Other items that catch my attention will be shared. Here is a modification of an article entitled How to listen to a maths lecture posted by T. W. Körner of the University of Cambridge. I changed the fonts changed to Times, but the original A4 paper size was retained.
As suggested by the image (stolen from a site devoted to
web design), I encouraged the use of W3
standards on the pages that I maintain. In addition to this page, I
served as webmaster for the Faculty Council and maintained several pages
for courses in the mathematics department.
Slides from a talk in the New York Number Theory seminar in February 2012, entitled "Introduction to Hausdorff measures and dimension".
Slides from a talk in the AMS Special Session on Continued Fractions in January 2009, entitled "Quadratics, continued fractions and divided cells". This continues joint work with Mary Flahive.
Slides from a talk given in the New York Number Theory seminar and the Logic and Games seminar at the CUNY graduate Center in March 2006. The talk was based on my paper with Erik Ellentuck, "Finitely additive measures and the first digit problem" that appeared Fundamenta Mathematicae 65 (1969).
Slides from a talk in the AMS Special Session on Continued Fractions in January 2006, and later at the New York Number Theory seminar. entitled "Resurrecting the divided cell algorithm for inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation". (joint work with Mary Flahive). A revised version was presented at a conference in Japan in March 2007. It was then prepared for publication in the proceedings of the conference with the title "The divided cell algorithm and the inhomogeneous Lagrange and Markoff spectra". Here is a preprint
An article entitled Hand computation of matrix exponentials, based on some course notes is in a form that can be shown, although I intend further revision before submitting it for publication.
There is now a posted version of Sums of four squares from Number Theory: New York Seminar 1991-1995 (ISBN 0-387-94826-0).
A copy of Computing Endpoints in Markoff Spectra from number theory with an emphasis on the Markoff spectrum (ISBN 0-8247-8902-4) has been located, but minor reformatting will be required for posting.
Earlier publications are unlikely to be available. However, the following short papers were scanned.
I have participated in the New York Number Theory Seminar since its founding in 1982.
Material more than five years old will be removed unless it has some unique feature. Direct links to more recent material will also be removed if it can be reached through a more recent version of the same course.
Sakai has used for most of my courses since its introduction at Rutgers in Fall 2005. Individual section pages may not have been created if there is no need for public supplements. Links to the department course page will be given in those cases.
Archives can be generally located by selecting "Course Materials" from the Mathematics Department Home Page, and following links to the appropriate course and section.
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Monday January 06, 2025.