Home page for Math 403:01, spring 2008

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by Douglas Arnold and Jonathan Rogness:
Möbius Transformations Revealed!
Their Riemann sphere is on top of C. But
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Links to other webpages for Math 403:01

General information |
Students in the course |
Course diary

Hot news!
Starting on Wednesday, March 5, the class will meet in Hill 124.
Things to do
O.k., a Polish joke.     The request of a PHYSICS faculty member
Final grades have been submitted and should appear as soon as the Registrar's computer system processes them. Discussion of the essay grading, final exam grading, and course grading is available.
The final exam will be given starting at 5 PM on Friday, May 9, in Hill 124. I have reserved Hill 124 from 2 to 4 PM on Tuesday, May 6, for a review session. There are new suggested problems below, reflecting what will be covered in the last class (use of and computations wth linear fractional transformations).
Office hours I will try to be here (Hill 542) on Thursday, May 8, from 1 to 3 PM, for Math 403 students. Please let me know if you need to see me and can't make either the review session or these office hours.
3.1: 10, 11, 12, 14, 15; 3.2: 1, 2, 7; 3.3: 5 a), c), e); 7 a), b), d).

Links to other class material

(with PDF links)
What is it?Handed out
or posted
The final exam Here's the final exam as given on May 9, slightly compactified. A discussion of the grading is available. 5/13/2008
Some possible final exam problems Here is a list of 10 problems. The final exam will consist of 10 problems, and at least 5 of them will come from this list. The instructor will not answer questions about these problems (except to respond to statements about incorrectly posed problems!). Students may and should discuss solutions of these problems. 4/28/2008
A specific example of the Argument Principle, together with some visual supporting evidence. 4/22/2008
I discussed quite a lot on Wednesday, March 12. What I did was somewhat differently arranged from what's in the text so here it is. The material is in parts of sections 2.3 and 2.4. 4/25/2008
Answers to the second exam Here are answers to the second exam which will be handed out when the second exam is returned (Wednesday, April 23) and here is information about the grading and some statistics about the grades. 4/22/2008
The second exam The second exam, handed out on Wednesday, April 16, and due on Monday, April 21. 4/17/2008
Another "workshop" Fill in the blanks and learn how to use the Residue Theorem to compute a real line integral. 4/14/2008
An essay assignment Description of an essay assignment (due on Wednesday, April 30, the next-to-last standard class day). 3/31/2008
Answers to the first exam Here are answers to the first exam and here is information about the grading and some statistics about the grades. 3/11/2008
The first exam A version of the first exam, in a more compact format. 3/11/2008
Power series and Fourier series Comments and pictures contrasting power series and Fourier series. 3/5/2008
The second "workshop" Here's the second workshop. Pairs of students should hand in solutions (one for each pair) on Monday, February 18. 2/13/2008
The first "workshop" This was handed out in class on Monday, 2/4, and worked on by teams of students. Here are some possible answers. 2/6/2008
Information sheet A form to be passed out on the first day of class. 1/23/2008
Entrance exam The purpose of this assignment is to give insight to students very early in the course about some of the methods to be used. Familiarity with all of the material tested here is necessary for success in this course. Answers are due on Monday, January 28.
ERROR CORRECTION A necessary change to problem 5 was made on Thursday, January 24. Ms. van Saders respectfully suggested that "You can't divide by 0" as the diary states. So the lower bound on the sum is now n=1. I would have made it n=478 but feared to confuse people. I'm sorry for the error.
Graded entrance "exams" will be returned on Wednesday, January 30. The grades ranged from 25 to 60 (out of a total of 60 possible points).
Revised 1/24/2008
Old Math 403 material
I taught Math 403 several times in the past, most recently in the spring 2005 semester. Below are links to four course webpages. Each has, in turn, links to such materials as exams with answers, etc. The textbook for the oldest two instantiations of the course was different, and the syllabus was also somewhat different.

Spring 2005
Spring 2002
Spring 2001
Spring 1999

Maintained by greenfie@math.rutgers.edu and last modified 1/18/2008.