Example #1
Here the constraint is x2+xy+y2=1, and the
function to be maximized, the objective function, is
x2+y2. The picture corresponding to this
situation is shown to the right.
The bigger circles correspond to larger values of the objective
Suppose that T(x,y)=x2+y2 were the temperature
in a thin metal plate with shape the interior of
x2+xy+y2=1, where will the plate be hottest or
coldest? I remind you that in this "heat" language the level curves or
contour lines are called isothermals.
Well, local extrema only occur at critical points, and
only (0,0) is a c.p. That, easily, is the coldest point in the
plate. But where is the hottest point? It must be on the edge, and it
will NOT be a local extremum, but only an extremum for a
constrained maximization. We seek therefore the extrema on the boundary
using Lagrange multipliers.
Compute the gradients, etc.
Then the multiplier equations and the constraint equation
2x+y=(Again we can solve with (2x+y)/(2x)=(2y+x)/(2y) so x=+/-y (and possible special cases of x or y being 0). And so the temperature is going to be T(x,y)=2 or 2/3 since x2+xy+y2=1 gives x2=1 or x2=1/3. There are no solutions with x or y equal 0, because if one of them is 0 then the other is also 0 (using the two multiplier equations) and the point (0,0) does not satisfy the third equation. Here is a picture of these special isothermals T(x,y)=2 and T(x,y)=2/3, and the constraint.)(2x) 2y+x=(
)(2y) x2+xy+y2=1
Fan mail for the Lagrange multiplier method
I think it is wonderful that a relatively small amount of
algebraic effort can produce such a lovely geometric result (the
specific circles centered at (0,0) which are also tangent to the
ellipse). This reassures me that things algebraic and geometric both
reflect the same reality.
Example #2 Find the maximum and minimum values of 3x-4y+5z on the unit sphere x2+y2+z2=1. Here is perhaps a more complicated picture, with the constraint (the unit sphere) and five planes representing where f(x,y,z)=3x-4y+5z=-8 and -3 and 1 and 5 and 9. The picture is supposed to help you understand that max/min occur where the planes will be tangent to the sphere. The system of Lagrange multiplier equations (three of them here, since we are in R3) together with the constraint follows. 2x=3(The left-hand sides are the components of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
We studied the following problem from 1 variable calculus:
Consider the ellipse x2+5y2=1. Find the
rectangle of largest area inscribed in this ellipse with sides
parallel to the coordinate axes. Of course this turns into: maximize
4xy (the objective function) subject to
x2+5y2=1 (the constraint). Consideration
of the geometry (varying rectangles) suggests that there is indeed a
"biggest" rectangle, somewhere.
How the "heck" does a calc 1 student solve this problem since the
function to be maximized, 4xy, has two variables.
I suggested the following methods of solution:
I had Maple sketch some level curves of 4xy, the
objective function, and compare them with the constraint curve
x2+5y2=1. Here is the result of these
Maple commands. A:=contourplot(x*y,x=-1.1..1.1,y=-1.1..1.1,color=red, thickness=2,scaling=constrained,grid=[50,50], contours=[.02,.05,.08,.2,.3,.5,-.02,-.05,-.08,-.2,-.3,-.5]): B:=implicitplot(x^2+5*y^2=1, x=-4..4,y=-4..4,color=blue, thickness=2, scaling=constrained, grid=[80,80]): display({A,B});The picture is shown to the right. |
![]() |
A close-up view Suppose you consider a level curve of the objective function that crosses the constraint curve, as shown. One math word which applies to this situation is that the two curves are transversal. So we have 4xy=C crossing x2+5y2=1. What happens if we "wiggle" C a little bit, so we consider 4xy=C+epsilon and 4xy=C-epsilon. Now it seems reasonable (4xy is certainly continuous, so its values don't hop around or break or anything) that these level curves are close to 4xy=C. These level curves must also cross the constraint curve. That means the function 4xy has values C+epsilon and C-epsilon on the constraint curve. (The level curves are exactly where that function takes on its values!) Since there are both larger and smaller values of 4xy on the constraint curve, C can't be an extreme value (either max or min) for 4xy on x2+5y2=1. | ![]() Local picture near a level curve corresponding to a non-extreme value |
Another close-up view This seems to imply, if you examine the picture closely, that the largest (and the smallest) values of 4xy will be at points on the ellipse where the ellipse will be tangent to level curves of the constraint, x2+5y2=1. If the level curves of the objective function are not tangent, then we will be able to vary the values of the constant generating that contour and get bigger and smaller values of the objective function on the constraint curve.
If the level curves are tangent then the normal vectors of the
constraint curve ( | ![]() Local picture near a level curve corresponding to an extreme value |
2x=(This, together with the constraint equation g(x,y)=x2+5y2=1 gives a system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns. We can solve this by, for example, solving for)4y 10y=(
34 of the 140 students who took the exam did not come to the next class to pick up their graded exams. I take the course seriously. Therefore I flew across the continent Saturday night to read your papers and return exams as soon as possible. I tried to grade your work carefully. Please: you should take your education seriously also. Unsurprisingly, the average grade of the exams which were not picked up was substantially lower than the overall course average.
Please hand in 14.7: 6, 12 tomorrow in recitation.
Be prepared to discuss problems in 14.7 and to go on in section
You will have a
Max/min in several variables
I remarked that that finding maximums and minimums (usually called
together, "extreme values") can be both theoretically and
computationally very difficult. In 251, we "scratch the surface". Some
straightforward definitions are given, and a few techniques are
explored. Mostly we will look at functions of two variables, sometimes
in three, and rarely in more variables. Even in two variables, as I
hope to show you, things can be very different from one variable and
can be computationally very complicated.
Review of 1 variable
I try not to work hard, so I thought maybe a quick review of extreme
value material from 1 variable calculus would be useful. The names of
ideas to recall include these:
maximum, minimum, absolute maximum, absolute minimum, local maximum,
local minimum.
Fermat's fact
What I called "Fermat's fact" was the following wonderful observation
in one-variable calculus:
If f is differentiable at x0
and if f´(x0) is not 0, then f does not have an
extreme value at x0.
The picture shows a "proof" (well, I hope fairly convincing to a
picture person). If there is a tilt in the tangent line, then there
are both higher and lower values near x0. If x0
is either kind of extreme value (max/min), then we see that
f´(x0) cannot be 0.
Critical number
Therefore the following definition is written.
x0 is a critical number of the function f
if either f is not differentiable at x0 or
For simplicity in this discussion I'll assume that f is defined in some
interval that has x0 inside it (in the interior).
Here is the result which has made calculus famous and earned big bucks:
If f has an extreme value at x0 then x0 is a
critical number of f.
So you can search for extreme values by looking first for critical numbers.
I asked if the converse of the preceding statement was true. Maybe you
should have some acquaintance with logic
words. Here I'm asking whether x0 being a critical
number means that the function f must have an extreme value at
x0. The answer is certainly "No." I hope you find the
pictures will be persuasive and/or help your memory.
By the way, the type of functions illustrated in the first and third
pictures are called piecewise linear. In lots of variables, finding
extreme values of these functions is rather difficult. The problems
are wildly varied, and can deal with topics like scheduling and
allocation. You could begin with an undergrad course to study the
math of these problems (Linear Optimization) and then look into
various aspects of Operations Research or Industrial Engineering.
Identifying ("classifying") the type of critical point
Well, suppose you "have" a critical number. How can we discover if the
function has extreme (max or min) behavior there? I'll make a very
restrictive assumption, which is that the functions
we'll consider will always be differentiable, so corners and jumps and
other very poor local behavior won't occur. Then there are various
observations which can be made, and some will guarantee a (local) max
or a (local) min.
The 68th derivative test
I stated the following result and remarked that almost surely this was
in everyone's calc 1 course:
Theorem Suppose that f´(x0)=0 and f´´(x0)=0 and
f´´´(x0)=0 and f(4)(x0)=0 and ... and
f(67)(x0)=0. (The first 67 derivatives of f at x0 are all 0).
If f(68)(x0)>0, f must have a local max at x0.
If f(68)(x0)<0, f must have a local min at x0.
If f(68)(x0)=0, the 68th derivative text supplies no information.
Well, I don't know many calc 1 courses which do teach the
"68th derivative test". Maybe this is because the "test" is
silly, or maybe because the best way to understand why it is true is
to use Taylor's Theorem. I had mentioned way near the beginning of the
course that Taylor's Theorem is a calc 2 result which turns out to be
very useful. Here if we use Taylor's Theorem centered at x0
up to degree 67, we would see something like:
f(x)=f(x0)+lots of
0's+[f(68)(near x0)/68!](x-x0)(68).
Since 68 is even, if the sign of the 68th derivative is
positive, f will have the predicted local min (the graph will look
like a really narrow parabola locally!). And a negative sign gives the
other implication.
I mentioned this absurd "test" so that when you see what happens in, say, 2 variables, you won't be as horrified or startled as you might be. The whole process is to decide what algebraic conditions on derivatives at a critical point can guarantee extreme behavior. The second derivative test in 1 variable is just the tip of the iceberg (the snout of the shark?).
Now several variables
Today's word: morass. A neat word, which I didn't make up but which I
always laughed at early in life. It means:
The simple pictures with simple formulas
In class I presented the pictures initially and then the formulas. I
will do both together here.
Discussion and formulas | The pictures |
Min A function defined on all of R2 with a local (and absolute) minimum is f(x,y)=x2+y2. The graph of this function is a surface called a paraboloid. It is a nice, smooth "cup" opening up. Vertical slices through (0,0) are all parabolas opening up and the contour lines are circles. The red dot is the critical point and the brown plane is the tangent plane at that point (the xy-plane). |
![]() |
Min The simplest local and absolute strict maximum is, of course, just the reflection of the previous example, done with minus signs algebraically. So here f(x,y)=-x2-y2, and (0,0) provides a strict maximum. The graph is a paraboloid whose axis of symmetry is again the z-axis. This graph opens "down". | ![]() |
A saddle The function f(x,y)=-x2+y2 gives a nice example of a saddle point. The xz-slice (where y=0) shows the curve z=-x2 and the yz-slice (where x=0) shows z=y2. Each has a (strict) extreme point at 0. One is a max and one is a min. Such behavior is called a saddle point. Perhaps the behavior most similar in one variable calculus would be that of the function x3 (an inflection point). But in 2 and more variables the local situation can be much more complicated. Here the surface is more complicated, and my picture is certainly not so good. But the tangent plane and critical point are the same. The tangent plane cuts through the surface (similar to the way a tangent line at an inflection point in 1 variable calculus cuts through the graph of a curve). | ![]() |
Definition of critical point
Suppose f is a function of n variables. Then f has a critical
point at p in Rn if either f doesn't exist at p (so
at least one of the first partial derivatives fails to exist) or
f(p)=0 (the zero vector, remember!).
In this course, almost all the functions we'll consider will be
differentiable. This doesn't mean that non-differentiable functions
)functions with jumps or corners) are not important or interesting in
mathematics and its applications (again: linear optimization, shock
waves in physical phenomena). Just learning to use the tools for higher
dimensional analysis of differentiable functions is a big enough
Suppose z=f(x,y), and f is differentiable. What is the geometric
meaning of "(x0,y0) is a critical point of f"?
Since f(x0,y0)=0, both of the first partial
derivatives are 0. Therefore z=f(x0,y0) (that
is, z=a constant) is the tangent plane to z=f(x,y) at the point
(x0,y0,f(x0,y0)). The
"flat" plane through the point, parallel to the xy-coordinate plane,
is tangent to the surface. This can be difficult to "see" in a graph,
Using Fermat's fact here
If a point is a local extreme point of some function f in several
variables, and if that function is differentiable at that
point, then all of the first partial derivatives of the function must
be 0 at that point. If that's not true, just "slice" the function at
that point in the direction of the derivative which is not 0. The one
variable Fermat fact implies that the function does not have an
extreme value (max or min) at the point in one variable, and therefore
the function in several variables has both higher and lower values
near the point. Therefore (whew!):
An extreme point must be a critical point.
Our functions will almost always be differentiable, so our functions
will have their extreme values where f=0.
Monkey saddle
The examples already shown are the standard critical points for
functions of two variables. But there are many, many other kinds of
critical points. The graph z=x3-3xy2 shows one
of them. Again the origin, (0,0), is the only critical point, and the
xy-plane is the tangent plane at the origin. This critical point's
local behavior is up/down repeated three times (at equally spaced
120o angular intervals) if you walk around the
surface in a small circle centered at the origin. The critical point
is called a monkey saddle because, presumably, a monkey could
sit on it with spaces for two legs and a tail to hang down.
Critical points of more than one variable can have many, many
different local pictures, and there has been a great deal of effort
expended trying to understand them.
Two book problems
There are two amazing and disconcerting problems in section 14.7. At
least, to me these problems are both amazing ("surprise greatly;
overwhelm with wonder" -- well, at least the first) and disconcerting
("disturb the composure of; agitate; fluster" -- certainly they show
me I don't understand too well what can happen in "space").
Problem #35, section 14.7
The function
is given. This is not the world's most horrible function. It is "only"
a polynomial of degree 6. First, the text asserts that this function
has two critical points. We can check that easily:
Hey! I was going to do this "by hand" when I realized that I could
have a friend (?) do it. So here:
> f:=-(x^2-1)^2-(x^2*y-x-1)^2; 2 2 2 2 f := -(x - 1) - (x y - x - 1) > solve({diff(f,x),diff(f,y)}); {x = 1, y = 2}, {x = -1, y = 0}Yup, two critical points. Below are two very local pictures of the graphs near the critical points.
![]() |
![]() |
Problem #36, section 14.7
Here f(x,y)=3xey-x3-e3y. I think even
I showed that this has one critical point. My friend replies:
> f:=3*x*exp(y)-x^3-exp(3*y); 3 f := 3 x exp(y) - x - exp(3 y) > solve({diff(f,x),diff(f,y)}); 2 2 {x = 1, y = 0}, {x = RootOf(_Z + _Z + 1), y = ln(-1 - RootOf(_Z + _Z + 1))}Since I know that z2+z+1 has no real roots (the discriminant is 12-4·1·1=-3<0) this function has exactly one critical point. And the formula for the function isn't really that horrible, either.
The left graph below is a local picture of the critical point. This seems to convincingly support the textbook's assertion that (1,0) is a local strict maximum of the function. (We can verify this assertion with the second derivative test to be stated later.) In the graph on the right, x goes from -5 to 5 and y varies just between -.05 and .05: therefore y is just about 0, and 3xey-x3-e3y is just about 3x-x3-1. Certainly this shows that the function has no absolute max or min.
![]() |
![]() |
Now a second derivative test in two variables
There's one second derivative test which is usually "given" to
students in a third semester calculus course. It is a bit
complicated. The test essentially results from computing the second
directional derivative at the critical point and seeing how to ensure
that this result is always positive (or always negative or ...). That
together with results from one variable calculus (on concavity) will
insure some kinds of local behavior near the critical point.
and the chain rule more
Now the transition to something
The statement of the second derivative test
Hessian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessian_matrix
sloth laziness or indolence; reluctance
to make an effort.
(Also an animal, about which is written:
"... Sloths move
only when necessary and then very slowly: they
have about
half as much muscle tissue as other animals of similar
Today's lecture discusses the most important single application of the chain rule, and maybe the most important single idea in vector differential calculus. I'll introduce it with a silly but still almost reasonable "story".
The spaceship in a nebula
My online dictionary states that a nebula is "a cloud of gas
and dust, sometimes glowing and sometimes appearing as a dark
silhouette against other glowing matter." So we could pilot a
spaceship through a nebula. We might be concerned about the physical
effects of the nebula, for example, the temperature. I'll assume that
the spaceship measures temperature at the tip of its front. A point in
the nebula will be located with rectangular coordinates, (x,y,z). The
temperature at that point will be T(x,y,z). The rocket will fly a path
so that at time t its location will be <x(t),y(t),z(t)>.
From this we can see that the temperature measured at the rocket at
time t is T(t)=T(x(t),y(t),z(t)), and this is a composition. First we
find out where the spaceship is at time t, and then we compute the
temperature at that point.
Computing dT/dt
Well, the chain rule applies, so
dTT dx
T dy
T dz -- = --- -- + --- -- + --- -- dt
x dt
y dt
z dt
Now the luck and glory is recognizing that the mess on the righthand
side is a dot product. In fact, look:
dT /Left RightT
T \ / dx dy dz \ -- = --- , --- , --- · -- , -- , -- dt \
x / \ dt dt dt /
The vector on the right-hand side is one we've looked at when
discussing curves. It is the derivative of r(t), the position vector,
so it is v(t), the velocity vector. This vector deals with the
spaceship and its motion.
This vector seems to be "new": it is the vector of all the first
partial derivatives of T in order. This is called the gradient of
T and is frequently written T. The upside-down triangle (or upside down
) is
sometimes called "del". This vector can be computed only from the
nebula information.
So we have separated ("decoupled", where one definition of "decouple"
is "disconnect or separate") the nebula and the spaceship. The nebula
information is T and the spaceship information is v(t).
Now I tried to make a sequence of observations which might help people understand the actual excitement I feel thinking about gradient.
Observation 1
Let's imagine two spaceship trips through the nebula. Now these
trips (voyages?) may be completely different except that at the
time the two spaceships pass through the point (x,y,z), the
spaceships have the same velocity vectors: that is, the spaceships are
heading in the same direction and at the same speed. Their v(t)'s are
the same. Then the rate of change of the temperature,
dT/dt, that the two spaceships measure is exactly the
I asked students if they could deduce this from the physical and
geometric aspects of the "scenario". I don't think I can. As a math
fact goes, this is nearly obvious: since the v(t)'s are the same, the
right-hand side doesn't change, and the nebula's temperature function
is the same, so the left-hand vector (T) doesn't change. Therefore
the dot product, which computes dT/dt, is the same. But ... but
... what the heck ... can you "see" this physically? This is not the
temperature at the point, but the rate of change of the
temperature: the rate of change is the same if the velocity vectors
are the same.
Observation 2
Now r´(t)=v(t), the velocity vector. It is the same as
(ds/dt)T(t) where ds/dt is the speed and T(t) is the unit tangent
vector. In the formula T·r´(t) the ds/dt effect just "filters
out" of the dot product. If you travel twice as fast on the same path,
then the rate of change of the temperature with respect to time is
just doubled. So this is easy to understand. But, as several students
in both lectures observed, the more subtle aspect is what happens as
the direction changes.
Observation 3
Here I will suppose that ds/dt=1 for simplicity. Also in order to keep
my notation sane (how many uses of T can I have in the same problem?)
I will replace the unit tangent vector by u, for unit
vector. Then what can we say about T·r´(t)? It is
T·u, or just (since I'm assuming unit speed)
T·u. But, hey, the dot product is also
T| |u|cos(theta). Since cos(theta) is between -1 and +1, I
now know that dT/dt is between -|
T| and +|
How could we choose u so that dT/dt is largest? We need to make
cos(theta) equal to +1. Therefore we need theta to be 0, and u should
be a unit vector in the direction of T. That is, choose u to be
T|. To make the rate of change as much negative as possible,
choose u to be -
T|, and then dT/dt will be -|
An example (?)
Students' patience for abstraction began to wear out. So I computed an
If T(x,y,z)=x2eyz-5z3 then since
z>, we compute:
As far as I know this function and this computation has no great or special
A better example (!)
Im my kitchen I have just finished backing my famous chocolate brownie
pie and I left the oven door slightly open. Also I managed to forget
to close the refrigerator. As a result, the contour lines of
temperature could like what is shown to the right. In what direction
should I go (I am the little green man in the picture!) to most
rapidly increase the temperature? In the direction of the gradient,
which will point towards the oven. I will most rapidly decrease the
temperature by traveling in the opposite direction, towards the source
of the cold.
Observation 4
I could imagine that spaceship travels through the nebula on an
isothermal surface. An isothermal is a collection of points
where the temperature is all the same. We have seen this already:
T(x,y,z)=C is a level surface (dimension 3) or level curve (dimension
2) or a contour {surface|curve}. But if the spaceship travels on such
a surface, then the rate of change of the temperature must be 0. But
then T·v=0. This means that the velocity vector is perpendicular
to the gradient. But then in turn this means that the gradient vector
is perpendicular to the level surface, and it is perpendicular to the
tangent plane of the level surface. In the kitchen, I would walk
perpendicular to the contour lines to increase or decrease
temperature most rapidly. I would walk along the contour lines if I
wanted no rate of change of temperature.
Back to the example
Let me look more closely at the example with
when x=3 and y=2 and z=1. Well, T(3,2,1)=9e-3. And
Now forget all that, and solve the following
geometric problem:
What is the equation of a line tangent to the surface
x2eyz-5z3=9e-3 at the
point (3,2,1)?
This could be, indeed, I claim, this is a hard problem. But if
we now disobey my urging ("forget all that") I can tell you that
T(3,2,1) is perpendicular to the surface and to its tangent plane
at (3,2,1). So I can write the answer, since I know a point and a
normal vector to the plane requested:
I think that solving such a problem so efficiently is really remarkable.
Topographic maps
A topographic map shows contour lines. Frequently while hiking people
mind want to find the most direct route to the "top" (a mountain peak)
or to the "bottom" (a creek?). They know by experience that the most
direct route, only looking at the map, that is, only the geometry of
the situation, would be to walk as nearly as possibly perpendicular to
the contour lines.
This can be adapted into computational strategies for finding
maxes and mins. If you can readily compute your function's gradient,
then find maximums by going in the direction of the gradient. This is
hill climbing. Find minimums by going opposite the direction
of the gradient. This is the method of steepest descent. Of
course these computational ideas don't always work, and there are a
great deal of implementational matters to worry about, but the general
strategy is valuable.
Here's a neater example. Consider the ellipsoid (egg)
x2+2y2+3z2=9. The point
(2,1,1) is on this ellipsoid. What is the equation of a plane tangent
to the ellipsoid at (2,1,1)? Well, the gradient of the function
x2+2y2+3z2 is
<2x,4y,6z> and at (2,1,1) this is <4,4,6>. The equation of
the tangent plane is 4(x-2)+4(y-1)+6(z-1)=0.
To the right is a Maple picture made by the commands which follow. I hope that the picture helps to convince you that the plane is the tangent plane. A:=implicitplot3d(x^2+2*y^2+3*z^2=9,x=-5..5,y=-5..5,z=-5..5,grid=[20,20,20], axes=normal,labels=[x,y,z],color=green,style=hidden); B:=implicitplot3d(4*(x-2)_4*(y-1)+6*(z-1)=0,x=-5..5,y=-5..5,z=-5..5,axes=normal, labels=[x,y,z],color=green,style=hidden); display({A,B};
Directional derivative
If u is a unit vector, then the directional derivative of T at (x,y,z)
in the direction u is the rate of change of T at unit speed in the
direction u (at the point). The textbook's notation for this is
DuT(x,y,z) and the preceding discussion should convince you
that the directional derivative's value is T(x,y,z)·u.
more notation, more words ... this is so
terrific!!! (so academic)
I asked people to look at a hyperboloid, a surface given by the
equation x2+y2-z2=12. The point
(3,2,1) is on this surface. Since
I know that slices with z fixed are circles. The slice on the xy,plane
is a circle with center the origin and radius sqrt(12). As z
increases, the slice is still a circle with center (0,0) (on the
z-axis) but the radius is increasing and is
sqrt(12+z2). The picture to the right is supposed to show
some representative circles and "suggest" part of the surface to you.
The Maple command
will get you a nice picture which you can rotate and examine.
I asked for the equation of a plane tangent to this hyperboloid at
(3,2,1) and also for the three parametric equations of a normal line
to the hyperboloid at (3,2,1). I tried to emphasize that almost no
computation would be needed. Since the gradient of x^2+y^2-z^2 is
<2x,2y,-2z> we can just evaluate this at (3,2,1) and get
<6,4,-2> and this vector is normal to the hyperboloid at
(3,2,1). Here are the answers:
The tangent plane: 6(x-3)+4(y-2)-2(z-1)=0
The normal line:
Clairaut's Theorem (equality of "mixed" partial derivatives)
Suppose f(x,y) is a function of two variables, and the mixed partial
derivatives fxy and fyx both exist and are both
continuous. Then these mixed partial derivatives must be the same.
Certainly in Math 251, the hypotheses of the theorem will be
satisfied. There are examples (similar in nature to the bizarre
functions previously given) where things aren't the same. But in this
course, the mixed partials will be continuous and therefore will
agree. The verification of this result is in the textbook and uses the
Mean Value Theorem of 1 variable calculus. As I said, this result will
apply to the functions we will meet in 251. The result implies, for
example, that if we look at the "crowd" of all the possible third
partial derivatives of a function of two variables:
fxxx fxxy fxyx fyxx fxyy fyxy fyyx fyyy
it may seem that there are eight possibilities. But due to Clairaut,
there are only these four:
fxxx fxxy fxyy fyyy
The effect of the "concentration" gets even stronger as the number of
derivatives increases.
But what happens?
How does Clairaut influence my original question? Again, I was perhaps
not the most helpful person in leading the discussion, but eventually
the most relevant fact appeared. The function
f(x,y)=(sin(y4)x-7)3 is a cubic (degree 3) polynomial in x. That is, it can be written as
where each of the "Stuff" terms is some function of y alone. An x
derivative, /
x, lowers the degree in x. And four x derivatives
will leave us with 0. If you toss a coin a large number of times, it
is overwhelmingly likely that there will be at least 4 heads, and
therefore, in the differentiation choices, at least 4 x
derivatives. So since we can reorder these mixed partials in any way
we want, we could put those four derivatives first. And the result
will be 0. So, almost surely, if we toss a coin many times, and follow
the directed sequence of derivatives, the result will be 0.
The handout
Then with the help of a student volunteer (frowning at a student
creates a volunteer!), each student received a copy of data about some functions.
Do we understand the handout?
I remarked that I used unusual variable names and some new
notation. The first table on the handout. f and g are declared to be
differentiable functions of two variables.
M N f(M,N) D1f(M,N) D2f(M,N) g(M,N) D1g(M,N) D2g(M,N) -1 -2 6 4 0 3 8 1 -1 2 2 -2 1 -5 7 6 1 -1 -2 -5 4 -2 9 4 1 2 5 -7 6 -1 -2 7 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 7 4So M and N specify inputs to the functions f and g. Therefore f's value when, say, M=1 and N=2, is 5: f(1,2)=5. What are the D1 and D2 columns? This is another notation for partial derivatives, notation which some people prefer when there might be confusion about how the variables are named. D1 would refer to the partial derivative with respect to the first variable (frequently we have called this x) and D2 is the second variable (usually called y). Therefore in more traditional notation,
The second table on the handout referred to values to two differentiable functions of one variable.
V h(V) h´(v) k(V) k´(v) -2 5 2 3 5 0 0 2 -2 7 1 1 3 2 -1 2 -1 4 4 -2Maybe this table (in spite of the choice of variable name: V!) is a bit easier to understand. The value of the function k at input 1 is2, and k's derivative at 1 has value -1. Also, h(0)=2 and h´(0)=3.
Doing the problems
A sequence of four problems were given. Let's try them.
Club suit
If S(t)=h(k(t)), compute S(1) and S´(1).
This is one variable calculus. But let me try to think about it a bit
Thinking about it
I can think about the function S as a sort of box, which takes inputs
and processes them in some fashion, and produces outputs. The S box
also has some internal structure. The input first is sent to box
representing the k function, and then the output from that (sub?)box
is sent to the h function. If we follow through (using values from the
second table) we can see that 1 "changes" to 2 and then to -1.
What about the derivative? The derivative is a multiplier of a tiny change in the input. It signals the first order change in the output compared to the input. In the case of S, if we "kick" the input by c (think of c as a small number) then 1+c is fed into the k box. The output will be approximately (neglecting H.O.T., higher order terms) 2 (the old output) +k´(1)c, which is 2+(-1)c. Now feed in 2+(-1)c. If c is small, (-1)c will be small. The output from the h box will be -1 (the old output, what h "does" to 2, plus a change. The first order part of the change will be a proportionality constant, h´(2), multiplying the kick that is passed to the h box. The kick passed to the h box is (-1)c, so the compounded effect is that h's new output (approximately, first order) is -1 (the old value of h's output) plus h´(2)(-1)c=4(-1)c.
Now go "up" a logical level. The input, 1, to S was kicked to 1+c. The S output, to first order, is -1 (the old output) plus 4(-1)c. Therefore the derivative of the S box at 1 is 4(-1), since the derivative is the multiplier of the kick.
The diagram below is supposed to be visual "support" of the preceding discussion.
A formula
If S(t)=h(k(t)), the one variable chain rule states that
S´(t)=h´(k(t))k´(t), so S´(1)=h´(k(1))k´(1)=4(-1).
Formulas are good!
Diamond suit
If W(t)=f(h(t),k(t)), compute W(1) and W´(1).
Thinking about it
Now the W box has a different structure. The input is split
(bifurcated -- what's the point of being in an academic environment if
a silly, uncommon word isn't used in place of one that would be
understood!) into two, and each is fed separately into h and k
boxes. The outputs, now in order, are carefully put into f. The output
from the f box is then pushed outside as the value of W.
To compute W(1), we find h(1)=1 and k(1)=2, and then compute
f(1,2)=5. Easy (?)..
What about the derivative? Suppose we kick 1 to 1+c. The response of the one variable boxes, h and k, should not be difficult to understand: the outputs, linearized, are 2+k´(1)c=2+(-1)c and 1+h´(1)c=-1+3c, respectively. It is important to remember which output is which! Now feed this into f. The multiplier for perturbations in the first variable is D1f(2,1), so the effect of the change in the first variable adds on D1f(2,1)(-1)c to the output. The second variable contributes in proportion to its perturbation, with the constant of proportionality being D2f(1,2), so D2f(1,2)(3)c gets added on. If we look up the numbers and do arithmetic, we can see that the total (linearized) effect (neglecting higher order errors!) is 5 (the old output) plus 25c. Therefore the output of the W box seems to indicate that the derivative is 25.
A formula
O.k., if W(t)=f(h(t),k(t)), we will label the variables in f: the
first variable is x and the second variable is y. Then we follow
through the changes and use the chain rule:
This is a fine result, but if we need to evaluate it, we'd better
remember that
and now you should see the numbers that appeared above.
Heart suit
If Q(x,y)=f(h(x),g(x,y)), compute Q(1,2) and D/
x(1,2) and
Thinking about it
Certainly Q(1,2)=f(h(1),g(1,2))=f(1,-1)=-2: easy enough. Now to get
the derivative with respect to "x", the first variable, let's
perturb or kick 1 to 1+c. The effect filters through h as
(linearized!) 1+h´(1)c which is 1+3c. If we kick 1 in g but hold the
second variable constant at 2, then the output, to first order, is -1
(the old output) plus D1g(1,2)c. This is -1+(-1)c.
Now the input to f is, in order, 1+3c and -1+(-1)c. There are changes
to both variables. So we need to use a linear approximation in both
variables. The output from f (which is what is reported as the output
from Q) will be
-2+D1f(1,-1)(3)c+Df(1,-1)(-1)c=-2+(-5)(3)c+4(-1)c=-2+(-19)c. Therefore
the proportionality factor is -19, and this is the requested
A formula
So if Q(x,y)=f(h(x),g(x,y)), then I think that
x). There's still the question about how to get values, and in fact, in more detail, this chain rule reads:
If we want the y derivative, then we could compute this:
The 0 is there because there is no y involvement in the
first variable of Q. Now insert x=1 and y=2, and read off from the
information given that the value is 4·7=28.
This is all horrible. I will admit to you that I usually try to use
formulas and only rarely (like most other human beings) try
thinking. But sometimes thinking is needed. For example, those who
like formulas might contemplate this task:
What is the partial derivative with respect to x of
f(h(x),g(y,x))? Notice that I "swapped" the variables in g. I think
the partial derivative with respect to x will be
x)(y,x). Some people might find this notation very
objectionable: look, two y derivatives multiplied are one x derivative!
I solved an ordinary differential equation:
Find all solutions of d2y/dx2=x5
This is certainly rather simple, and just two antidifferentiations
gets the following answer: y=(1/42)x7+Cx+D where C and D
are any real constants. So the "family" or collection of solutions of
this ODE is a two-(real)parameter family of functions.
A simple PDE
Here I sort of went backwards (in fact, the going forwards is much
more difficult!). I started with a differentiable function of one
variable, which I called f. Then I looked at this function of two
variables, F(x,y)=f(x2+y3) (slightly different
from what I did in class -- I think this is better because there isn't
symmetry in x and y which maybe is distracting). Then
x=f´(x2+y3)2x and
from chain rule arguments similar to what we just did. But then:
x=(3y2)f´(x2+y3)2x and
so "clearly" F(x,y)=f(x2+y3) is a solution of
the partial differential equation
So we now have a family of solutions of this PDE. The solutions
sin(x2+y3) and
ex2+y3 and
tanh(x2+y3) (well, no one asked, but that's
hyperbolic tangent which is interesting in some fluid flow
problems). PDE's may have lots and lots of solutions. As I mentioned
above, what I've just done is a classroom example. So if you came up
to me with a PDE modeling some "real" phenomenon, I may not be able to
go backwards too easily and get a family of solutions described so
Implicit functions, two dimensions
Here's another application of the several variable chain rule. Again,
return to a 1 variable calculus situation:
Suppose F(x,y) is a differentiable function of 2 variables, and the
equation F(x,y)=0 defines y implicitly as a function of x. What
is dy/dx in terms of F and "things" related to F?
So take the equation F(x,y)=0 and d/dx this equation. The right-hand
side is 0, and the left gives you:
by the chain rule.
Certainly dx/dx is 1, and dy/dx is what we want, so we can "solve" for
it in the equation F/
y(dy/dx)=0. This means:
A formula!
x -- = - ------ dx
I think an example is needed here before we go on. Let's look at:
Calc 1 problem: find dy/dx if
Calc 1 solution to Calc 1 problem We d/dx everything, being careful
to remember that y=y(x) mysteriously. Then:
and now we solve for y´(x). We get:
y´(x)(3y2-(7x)2)-7y2+20x4=0 so that
New technology (?) solution to Calc 1 problem We will use the
formula above. Here F(x,y)=y3-7xy2+4x5-6
so that
x=-7y2+20x4 and
y=3y2-(7x)2y+0 and the formula gives
which is of course the same answer! And you can look at see the same
pieces occurring, so the world is not so crazy.
The darn formula, though, is a bit mysterious. If you try to
understand the form (?) of the formula, the x and
y might seem in
the wrong place and there might be an extra minus sign ... and ... and
... the notation is terrible!
P and V and T
I asked if people knew about gas laws. For a gas, there are the
quantities P (pressure) and V (volume) and T (temperature). A gas
law might be a function of three variables which relates these
If we assume that the function is differentiable and that each one of
the quantities is implicitly defined as a function of the other two by
the function, something funny happens. Let me show you.
Suppose that G(V,P,T)=0 implicitly defines V as a function of P and
T. Let's compute V/
P. Here T is constant, and sometimes in
thermodynamics the quantity is called (
P)T just to
remind people that T is constant. We will
V the equation
I use the chain rule, and the result is:
But P/
P must be 1 (the derivative of something with respect to
itself) and
P must be 0 (because T is constant!). Therefore we
can solve for
V just as we got dy/dx before and get:
So far so good. But in fact we can find other partials in a similar
Now clearly (NOT AT ALL
because when we multiply all these expressions together the fractions
all cancel and we are left with -1. Why is this true physically
and what does it mean? Take physical chemistry, take thermo, etc., and
find out (and maybe report back some time to me, please).
QotD (should have been!)
I wanted to ask people to compute the Spade suit problem. If
you would like to try it on your own, here is the answer.
Formulas, reviews, etc. for the first exam
There's an exam a week from Friday. Please look at the formula sheet
and let me know about errors. Please look at the review problems, and
contribute generously to the welfare of Math
251 by sending
me a solution to the problem whose initial is your last name's
initial, if no solution is yet shown.
Sane human beings would do the assigned workshop problem, work on
textbook problems, look at the review material and formula sheet, and
maybe even glance at the next section (the last section to be tested
on the exam).
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
is a way of investigating the structure of molecules, relying on the
spin of protons and how this spin changes in high magnetic and
electric fields. Several "antiques" (objects 10 years old!) were
exhibited in class. These were contour plots, outputs of NMR
experiments. The lecturer believes students should be aware that real
data can be much more complicated than the examples likely to be seen
in this course!
Limits, 1 dimension
Here we've got a function of one variable, and we want to define and
understand limx-->af(x)=L. The actual definition,
frequently stated but rarely stressed in calc 1 classes, is the
following: (and, yes, the Greek letters epsilon and are almost
always used)
Given any epsilon>0, there is some ![]() ![]() |
Limits, 2 dimensions
We looked at several examples last time which were not continuous and
did not have limits at (0,0). Let me show you the actual mathematical
definition of lim<x,y>--><a,b>f(x,y)=L. It is
very analogous to the 1 dimensional definition quoted above:
Given any epsilon>0, there is some ![]() ![]() |
Derivative, 1 dimension
What does f´(x)=Q mean? The definition we all tried to memorize
(for a while, anyway) went something like this:
limw-->0(f(x+w)-f(x))/w=Q |
f(x+w)=f(x)+Qw+Error |
Slicing and partial derivatives
Now we can define partial derivatives. Please realize that everything
we are doing can be done in any number of variables (want a
picture of 703 dimensions?) but I'll stick with 2 dimensions here
because I can draw pictures and I like pictures.
So look at a graph of z=f(x,y). We can slice this in various ways. For
example, we could slice this by a plane
perpendicular to the y axis with y fixed. This will give sort
of an z-x curve. We could "lift" that curve up and just consider it as
a function of one variable, x, and then look at the derivative. That's
x. Similarly, we could slider by a plane
perpendicular to the x axis with x fixed and consider the
derivative of the resulting curve or function. That will be
y. Here are the formal definitions if you would like them:
limh-->0(f(x+h,y)-f(x,y))/h=![]() ![]() limk-->0(f(x,y+k)-f(x,y))/k= ![]() ![]() |
Aiming for first-order understanding
We've already seen that looking at slices is not good enough to
consider limits and continuity. Slices, even collections of slices in
two perpendicular directions, just do not contain enough
information about the function. In the case of f(x,y) and its partial
derivatives, the key idea, both abstractly and computationally, turns
out to be the two dimensional analog of (approximate) local
linearity. If we "kick" the input to f in both x and y, we need to
understand how the function "responds". The nicest response, similar
to one dimension, would be the unperturbed response, f(x,y), then
something proportional to h plus something proportional to y, and,
finally, a higher-order error term. Let's see another example.
An example
Here is an example related to one I gave last time. Let's look at
f(x,y)=xy/sqrt(x2+y2). Again, things are
"better" (at least for me!) in polar coordinates. Then the bottom
becomes just r (much better!) and the top is
r cos(theta) r sin(theta). The function is
f(x,y)=[r cos(theta) r sin(theta)]/r=r cos(theta) sin(theta). Certainly
on the x and y axes f(x,y) must be 0, because there theta is 0 or Pi
(and the sine factor is 0) or Pi/2 or 3Pi/2 (and the cosine factor is
0). The linearization formula at (0,0) is
y(0,0)+higher order error.
r cos(theta) sin(theta) is 0 when r=0, so f(0,0)=0. And
since f is 0 on all of the x and y axes, f/
x(0,0)=0 (the slice is
a horizontal line) and
y(0,0)=0 (this slice is also a horizontal
line). So all of the linearization (the constant term and the first order
stuff) is 0.
But ...
Look at f(0+w,0+w). In the original formula, this is
(0+w)(0+w)/sqrt((0+w)2+(0+w)2) and the result,
after some algebra, is (1/sqrt(2))w. This is first order. But
the linearization is 0. So something is seriously wrong with
this function. To the right is a picture of the graph of this function
(at least the part which is over the first quadrant). Again, I used a
stalwart (stalwart means "1. strongly built, sturdy. 2. courageous,
resolute, determined") student volunteer to help. I used the bungee
cords again (is their cost tax-deductible). The process was similar
but not identical to the demonstration last time. The calculus
instructor raised and lowered the cord twice as he walked around the
student. The student this time was asked to keep the end of the cord
always at the same level, not changing at all. This
represented height 0.
Differentiability in 2 dimensions
In mathematics, when something is wrong, one way to help is by making
a definition. The functions we want to consider are called
differentiable and have exactly the property that they can be
approximated nicely.
f(x,y) is differentiable at (x,y) if there are numbers
Constant1 and Constant2 so that for h and k
where the Error term-->0 faster than |h|+|k| (so, faster than first
Important results
Before hysteria strikes, here are two results which are verified in
the text. They are not difficult to check, but we just don't have time
in class.
Theorem If f(x,y) is differentiable, then the partial
derivatives of f(x,y) exist, and Constant1=f/
x(x,y) and
Theorem If f/
x and
y are both continuous then
f(x,y) is differentiable (in the approximation sense defined above).
The function f(x,y)=xy/sqrt(x2+y2) has very
lousy (sorry: discontinuous) partial derivatives at (0,0). It is
tedious to check this by hand, but if you plug everything into
Maple then look at graphs ... well, to the right is a graph
of f/
x in the first quadrant. I hope you can see that the limit as
(x,y)-->(0,0) along the x-axis and along the y-axis seem very
different. So the hypotheses of the previous theorem do not apply to
this function.
Linear approximation: a numerical example
Here we looked at something like
F(x,y)=sqrt(x4-y2+2xy-3). Notice that
sqrt(16-9+12-3)=4. This is an example in a calculus class, and it was
chosen so that F(2,3) was nice.
We can evaluate these derivatives at (2,3):
x(2,3)=(1/2)(1/4)(4·23+2·3)=(38)/8 and
If we want a linear approximation to F(2.03,2.98), then we may
use the following formula:
F(2.03,2.98) is approximately F(2,3)+F/
Here the change in x from 2 to 2.03 means that h is .03 and the change
in y from 3 to 2.98 means that k is -.02. The linearized approximation
gives us 4+(38/8)(.03)+(-2/8)(-.02) which is 4.1475. The "true value"
(well, up to 10 decimal places) of F(2,3) is 4.147314409.
Tangent planes
We can get a bit more out of the slicing picture. The vector i+f/
xk is tangent to the curve in
R3 gotten by fixing y on the surface z=f(x,y), and the
vector j+
xk is tangent to the curve in
R3 gotten by fixing x on the surface z=f(x,y). If the
surface is nice and smooth (that is, if the function f(x,y) is
differentiable) people agree that the two vectors determine a plane
which is tangent to
y=f(x,y). To write the equation of a plane, we need a point and a
normal vector.
Suppose we're at the point
(x0,y0,f(x0,y0)). The
normal vector will be perpendicular
to both i+f/
x(x0,y0)k and j+
x(x0,y0)k. So we need
to compute the cross product:
xk]. So:
( i j k ) det( 1 0I quoted the textbook in class. It states the following result (all the signs work out correctly!):f/
x]i -[
y]j +k=a normal vector ( 0 1
I think it was something like this: write the equation of a plane
tangent to z=x2y when x=2 and y=3.
Almost surely there will be an exam two weeks from today's lecture, in
class, on Friday, February 24. More definite information will be
available on Tuesday. Now you should work on your Maple
assignments and other homework.
Answers to these problems should be handed in at the recitation on
Wednesday, February 15. Please try to read and learn these sections of
chapter 14 by then: up to 14.5, doing the appropriate problems.
14.3: 21, 48;
14.4: 6, 17;
14.5: 35, 46;
Tuesday from 1:40 to 3:00 Thursday from 2:00 to 4:00in Hill 542. But the lecturer (that is, me) is in most days, and the scheduled office hours are not convenient or you need a different time, please talk to me or better, send e-mail if you'd like to find a mutually agreeable time for discussion which isn't at a scheduled office hour.
Maple Data for another assignment has been sent to students. Any student who did not get data should send me e-mail, please!
Functions of "several" variables
We move on to one of the major topics of the course. The word
"several" is almost technical in mathematics, and means "more than
1". We will start with an almost ludicrously simple function.
Here f(x,y)=x2+y2. This is a function defined by
a formula (essentially all of the functions we'll consider in this
course will be defined by formulas). The notation means that the input
to the function is an ordered pair of numbers, (x,y), and the output
is one number. Here the output for the ordered pair (-2,3) is 13.
Formalities: domain and range
The domain will be the collection (the "set") of all possible
inputs. Just as in calc 1, if the function is defined by a formula,
then the domain will be all inputs for which the function makes
sense. The usual restrictions that will concern us are:
f(x,y)=x2+y2 | |
Domain I think all pairs (x,y) of real numbers, all of R2. |
Range Since squares are non-negative, certainly the values of this function are non-negative. And f(0,0)=0, and f(sqrt(A),0)=A for A positive. I am just verifying precisely that the range is all non-negative real numbers. |
f(x,y)=1/(y-x2) | |
Domain So this example is chosen to illustrate the restriction about not dividing by 0. The domain is all pairs (x,y) of real numbers for which y is not equal to x2. Geometrically, this means all points of R2 which are not on the parabola y=x2. |
Range Well, 0 isn't in the range (it isn't the reciprocal of any number). But everything else is: check this by just looking at what happens to (0,A), which gives 1/A for all non-zero A's. |
f(x,y)=sqrt(y-x2) | |
Domain So this example is chosen to illustrate the restriction about square roots. The parabola y=x2 divides R2 into two pieces. One piece contains, say, the point (3,4) ("below" the parabola). This point has y-x2=4-32=-5<0, so (3,4) is not in the domain of this function. The domain is the "other" piece of R2 and also those points which are on the curve y=x2. |
Range The range is all non-negative numbers. Again, to check this you could look at what happens to (0,A) for A>=0. |
f(x,y)=ln(y-x2) | |
Domain I still must "throw out" the part of R2 which is below the parabola. But here inputs to ln must be positive, so the domain does not include the curve y=x2. The domain is all of the points in R2 which are above the parabola. |
Range The range is the range of ln, which is all real numbers. |
Kinds of graphs
Let me return to the simplest of the functions I just considered: f(x,y)=x2+y2. There are various graphs which are commonly used. Maybe the simplest is to consider the points (x,y,z) in R3 which satisfy the equation z=x2+y2: this is usually called the graph of the function. A Maple representation of this graph is shown to the right, and the procedure which produced it is plot3d, part of the plots package. This is rather a simple function, and I hope you can see the shape of this surface. It is a cup, axially symmetric around the z-axis. It is called a paraboloid. |
![]() |
Another kind of plot, or, anyway, some geometric clue to the nature of
the function, can be gotten by looking the contours of f(x,y). There
are topographic maps (say, used by hikers) which give a
two-dimensional representation of the information in the surface
picture above. Pick a constant, C, and look at the (implicitly
defined) "curve" f(x,y)=C. I put quotes around the word "curve"
because maybe it doesn't have to be a neat nice curve. (An example was
discussed in class, and is below.) To the right is a collection of
contours for f(x,y)=x2+y2. These contours
correspond to the positive integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Please notice how these contours, which are at evenly spaced "heights", get closer together as the three-dimensional graph gets steeper. Of course, if the contours are not labeled with the values of the constants, I can't tell if the function is increasing or decreasing! This picture was made with contourplot, another part of the Maple package, plots. |
![]() |
Two half planes
I then turned our attention to a function which initially looks
simpler, but whose graph is perhaps more bizarre.
( x if x>0 f(x,y)= ( (2x if x<=0We explore this function more slowly. We computed some sample values:
I also tried to sketch the contour lines. What's shown to the right is
a picture of the contour lines of this f (that is, f(x,y)=C in
R2) for C integer valued ranging from -4 to 4. The contour
lines are lines perpendicular to the x-axis (indicating the lack of
dependence on y in the function). The contour lines are spaced twice
as far apart in the right halfplane as in the left halfplane,
indicating that the function f(x,y) in the left halfplane (where
x<0) increases faster than in the right. Indeed, that's a
reflection of the 2 in the definition.
Incidentally, Maple allows such functions to be defined with the piecewise command. As we'll see, the graphing routines don't always display the graphs correctly, because there are some assumptions of continuity.
How the bug increases
I remarked that if a bug were placed in R2 and wanted to
move to increase its value of f(x,y) as much as possible, it would
move perpendicularly to the contour lines.
Another two half planes
I defined another piecewise function. It seems to be only slightly different from the previous one, but the graph is, to me, much "worse".
( y if x>0 f(x,y)= ( (2x if x<=0First, this function does depend on y. So we computed:
The contour lines are also not sketched too well. Most particularly,
the contour "line" f(x,y)=0 is very peculiar. It actually consists of
the y-axis together with the positive x-axis. Maple doesn't
want to draw anything like that, so it actually omits a line segment
in this T-shaped contour line. I tried various options with
contourplot but I could not get the T contour (C=0) drawn
correctly. The other contours are again for integer level sets. The
level sets for C>0 are horizontal half lines in the first
quadrant. The level sets fo C<0 have two pieces. One part is a
horizontal half line in the fourth quadrant, and one part is a whole
vertical line in the left halfplane. This may be hard to visualize. I
urged people to try to educate their intuition. The left lines are
closer together than the horizontal halflines.
The suicidal bug
Now comes some of the harder stuff. I asked people to imagine that
some bugs were "walking" on the graph of z=f(x,y). The green bug, whose path is shown to the
right, strolls along in a path which is roughly circular around the
origin. This bug runs into trouble at any point on the positive
y-axis, where there's a drop. It also has problems along the negative
y-axis, where again there is a big difference in heights. This is a
very small bug. I have tried to indicate this by a sort of light
reddish color surrounding these half-lines. The
blue bug walks from the right halfplane to the left
halfplane. It is careful to cross only at the origin. The blue
bug is totally safe, and never comes across any severe height
differences. So I would like to discuss (and name [define], since it
is a math course!) the differences the bugs encounter more precisely.
Limits in one dimension
In one variable, limits are relatively simple. To define
limx-->af(x) we look at how x gets close to a from both
sides. There are some standard pictures and standard examples of
bad situations. Below are a few, to remind you.
Bad limiting behavior in dimension 1 | |
A jump![]() (y=x+7 for x<3, and 2x otherwise.) |
Many wiggles![]() (y=sin(1/x) for x positive, y=0 otherwise.) |
Several variables
In several variables limiting behavior can be quite complex, much more
than with one variable. I tried to give a few examples.
Many straight line limits exist
I asked students to consider the function
This is an algebraic
formula which behaves is a strange fashion for (x,y) near (0,0). We
could try some values, but we can also take advantage of the
appearance of x2+y2. Almost always that's a
signal to at least attempt to understand things in polar coordinates
-- that is, to take advantage of circular symmetry.
Since x=r cos(theta) and y=r sin(theta), we know that
x2+y2=r2 and
xy=r2cos(theta)sin(theta). Therefore
value of f(x,y) only depends on the angular part of the polar
coordinate representation of (x,y) and not at all on the radial
component. The graph is made up of a bunch of half lines all parallel
to the xy-plane, radiating out from the z-axis. These halflines, since
cos(theta)sin(theta)=(1/2)sin(2theta), all have height between -1/2
and +1/2.
A Maple graph of the surface over the first quadrant (x>0
and y>0) is shown to the right. I also attempted, with the help of
a stalwart student accomplice, to "draw" the surface kinetically. The
student "volunteer" held one end of a bungee cord under some tension
(both in the student and the cord!) while the calculus instructor held
the other end and walked around the student. The calculus instructor
raised and lowered the cord twice and the student was asked to keep
the end of the cord at the same level as the instructor's
end. Therefore along every angle a limit existed, but as the angle
changed, the limits changed. There were infinitely many
different limits possible along straight line approaches to
Always 0 on a straight line approach
The final example of this lecture was the following function:
( 1 if y=x2 and x>0 f(x,y)= ( ( 0 otherwiseThis function has only two values, 0 and 1. Certainly if you "walk" towards 0 on a straight line approach in the second, third, and fourth quadrants, the function values are all 0 and therefore the limit is 0. What's not so obvious perhaps is the behavior of the function on straight line approaches in the first quadrant.
I introduced by just using
Example 1 If F(a,b,c)=a2b-3bc3 then
a=2ab and
b=a2-3c3 and
Example 2 If F(a,b,c)=a3sin(7b-5c2) then
a=3a2sin(7b-5c2) and
b=a3cos(7b-5c2) and
The QotD was to find F/
a and
b and
d is F(a,b,c) was
something like (a3-5b2)/(bc3-4a).
Maintained by
greenfie@math.rutgers.edu and last modified 2/13/2006.
Answers to these problems should be handed in at the recitation on
Wednesday, February 15. Please try to read and learn these sections of
chapter 14 by then: up to 14.5, doing the appropriate problems.
14.3: 21, 48;
14.4: 6, 17;
14.5: 35, 46;