Projects for Math 336, (Dynamical Models in Biology) Fall 2021 (Rutgers University) (Hybrid)
Last Update: Nov. 11, 2021
ALL PRJECTS ARE DUE DEC. 5, 2021, 9:00pm
Note: After checking the proejcts, I will decide which ones are worth posting in this web-page.
Of course, you are welcome to continue the research during the winter break (and even later), and send me new versions for posting!
Already Committed Projects
Topic: a full Maple implementation of "Dynamic complexity in predator-prey models framed in difference equations"
by J.R. Beddington et. al. , Nature v. 255 (1975), pp 58-60. Hopefully also study related papers.
Other members: Julian Jimmenez and John Hermitt
[Suggested by the team members]
Investigate numerically (and who knows, even solve some of the conjectures in this intriguing paper
"SI and SIR Epidemic models by Linda J.S. Allen.
Team Leader: Nikita John
Other members: Shreya Ghosh, Anne Somalwar
[Suggested by Dr. Z.]
Investigate numerically (and who knows, even solve, conjecture 4, and related conjectures, in this intriguing paper
"Convergence to Periodic Solution" by A.M. Amleh and G. Ladas
Team Leader: Charles Griebell
Other member: Julian Herman, Maxim Mekhanikov
[Suggested by Dr. Z.]
Investigate numerically (and who knows, even solve, conjecture 1, and related conjectures, in this intriguing paper
"Convergence to Periodic Solution" by A.M. Amleh and G. Ladas
Team Leader: Jeton Hida
Other members: Alan Ho, Andrew Hussey
[Suggested by Dr. Z.]
Investigate numerically (and who knows, even solve, conjecture 2 in this intriguing paper
"Convergence to Periodic Solution" by A.M. Amleh and G. Ladas
Team Leader: Anusha Nagar
Other members: Nicholas Dimarzio
[Suggested by Dr. Z.]
Investigate at depth, both numerically and analytically, generalizations of the Hardy-Weinberg rule with with more realistic assumptions.
Team Leader: Deven Singh
Other member: Tim Nasralla
Suggested (Not yet taken) Projects
Investigate numerically (and who knows, even solve some of the conjectures in this intriguing paper
"Convergence to Periodic Solution" by A.M. Amleh and G. Ladas
Study numerically (by discretization), in detail, the
original paper by Kermack and McKendrick (1927) and its follow up papers cited at the end of Chapter 6 of Edeslstein-Keshet's book.
Also look up more recent papers of this kind of models and study them.
Investigate at depth, both numerically and analytically, generalizations of the Hardy-Weinberg rule with with more realistic assumptions.
Study numerically the ultimate perodic orbits for various parameters of the generalized discrete Logistic Equation
x(n)=k x(n-1)(1-x(n-1)).
These generalizations should have more parameters. For exampla:
x(n)=k x(n-1)^a (1-x(n-1))^b ,
that has three parameters (k, a, and b). Also study
second- (and higher-) order difference equations, e.g.
x(n)=k x(n-1)(1-x(n-1))(1-x(n-2)) ,
and more generally
x(n)=k x(n-1)^a(1-x(n-1))^b(1-x(n-2))^c ,
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