This page contains review materials for Math 151 as a whole. Some details may not apply to your particular section. Always consult your instructor or your instructor's web page for information specific to your section.
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Sara Soffer will start her Calculus I clinics on January 24. These clinics are an extra help session in an informal setting when students can ask any question, practice and go over the material, if needed. This is not a one-to-one tutoring but more of a study group/work. These clinics will be given every Tuesday, 3:00-4:20 pm at ARC 328 (Busch) and every Friday, 1:40-3:00 pm at Hill 124 (Busch). No clinics on Friday March 9 and Friday April 6. There are no clinics when there are no classes or on days when there is emergency snow closing or dangerous driving conditions.
The standard formula sheet for the first midterm exam of Math 151 is linked here:
Your lecturer may use a different formula sheet for the first midterm exam of Math 151 in Spring 2012.
The next link gives you some review problems to help you study for the first midterm exam:
Abbreviated answers to these review problems are given here:
Sara Soffer has prepared the following review for Exam 1:
The standard formula sheet for the second midterm exam of Math 151 is linked here:
Your lecturer may use a different formula sheet for the second midterm exam of Math 151 in Spring 2012.
The next link gives you some review problems to help you study for the second midterm exam:
Abbreviated answers to these review problems are given here:
These are review problems for Exam 2 that were prepared by Sara Soffer:
Sara Soffer has also prepared the following review of inverse trigonometric functions:
The formula sheet for the final exam of Math 151 is linked here:
The next link gives you some review problems to help you study for the final exam:
Abbreviated answers to these review problems are given here:
Math 151 and Math 152 have
course coordinators. During each semester, the Math 151
course coordinator makes the following determinations for each
exam in Math 151: (1) Whether to include a formula sheet
in the exam booklet. (2) In case a formula sheet is to be
included, which formulas to include. These determinations are
made separately for each of the three exams, which are
Exam 1 (the first midterm exam), Exam 2 (the second midterm exam)
and the Final Exam. During the current semester, the Math 151
course coordinator will make these determinations approximately
two weeks before each exam. If the course coordinator
decides that an exam will include a formula sheet, then
that formula sheet will be posted above,
approximately two weeks before the exam.
The standard formula sheet for Exam 1 is posted now.
Students are not
allowed to bring their own formula sheets to any exam.
If you look at what was done during the Fall 2010 semester
(and you can see this if you scroll further down on this web page)
then you will see that formula sheets were included in Fall 2010,
and that these formula sheets had very few formulas on them.
The Exam 1 formula sheet for Spring 2012 has even less
information on it.
If an exam does not contain a formula sheet, then this means that
you have to memorize the formulas that are relevant to that exam.
If an exam contains a formula sheet, then this means that
you have to memorize the formulas that are not on the formula
151 Resource Page: Calculus at Rutgers, Workshops, Old Exams