Doron Zeilberger's Past TEACHING
01:640:356 THEORY OF NUMBERS Section 01 MTh1 0830A-0950 SEC-204 BUS.
01:640:421 ADV CALC FOR ENGRNG Section 02,MTh2 1020A-1140 SEC-117 BUS
Experimental Mathematics (Coding Theory and Cryptography) [Math 640] , ARC IML room 118.
[Spring 2024]
Linear Optimization, Math 354 (section 3),
MTh2 (10:20-1140am) TIL-264 LIV [Fall 2023]
Graph Theory, Math 428 (section 2),
MTh3 (12:10-1:20pm) TIL-224 LIV [Fall 2023]
Academic Year 2022-2023, (i.e. Fall 2022 and Spring 2023): SABBATICAL LEAVE
Experimental Mathematics (Algorithmic and Computational Game Theory) [Math 640] ,
[ M 10:20-11:40am (ARC 116, except 1/24 and 1/31 that are WebEx, Th 10:20-11:40: WebEx] [Spring 2022]
Dynamical Models in Biology [Math 336]
, T 11:00am-12:20 [face-to-face at: Beck 250, LIV], F 11:00am-12:20 [on-line] [Fall 2021]
History of Mathematics [Math 437]., MW 3:000pm-4:20 (on-line)
[Fall 2021]
Experimental Mathematics (Algorithmic Enumerative and Statistical Combinatorics) [Math 640] ,
[Spring 2021]
Multivariable calculus (Math 251, sections 22,23,24).
Asynchronous Remote.
The class consists of pre-recorded lectures (with no audience) and
live (optional but highly recommended) recitations: MTh 8:40-10:00am (also recorded). Invitations were sent to students.
[Fall 2020]
Combinatorics (Math 454, section 02)
Asynchronous Remote.
The class consists of pre-recorded lectures (with no audience) and
live (optional but highly recommended) recitations: MTh 6:40-8:00pm (also recorded). Invitations were sent to students.
[Fall 2020]
Introduction to Complex Variable [Math 403], section 2 ,
(TTh4 1:40-3:00pm, before Spring Break: SEC-202 (Busch); after Spring break: via WebEx) [Spring 2020]
Experimental Mathematics (Bayesian Probability and Gambling) [Math 640] ,
(MTh3 12:00-1:20pm, before Spring breal: ARC-119 (Busch); after Spring break: via WebEx ) [graduate class]
[Spring 2020]
Introduction to Linear Algebra [Math 250], Section 2 , (MTh2 10:20-11:40am, TIL-258 (LIV))
[Fall 2019]
[Due to an injury, I only taught two classes, and the new instructor
was Professor Cynthia Sanchez-Tapia. Nevertheless, Professor Sanchez-Tapia followed my schedule and
used my attendance and real quizzes, and I maintained the website (from home) during my leave.]
Linear Optimization
(Math 354, section 3),
Mondays and Thursdays, Period 2 (10:20am-11:40am), Ph-111.
[Spring 2019]
Experimental Mathematics (Automated guessing and proving and
introduction to machine learning)
[Math640, grad class], (Mondays and Thursdays, Period 3 (12:00-1:20pm), ARC IML room 119)].
[Spring 2019]
Introduction to Linear Algebra [Math 250], Section 2 , (MTh2 10:20-11:40am, TIL-258 (LIV))
[Fall 2018]
Experimental Mathematics (The Riemann Zeta Function)
[Math640, grad class], (MTh3, ARC IML room 116). [Spring 2018]
Mathematical Theory of Probability (Math 477, section 3),
Mondays and Thursdays, Period 1 (8:40am-10:00am), HLL-116. [Fall 2017]
Multivariable calculus (Math 251, sections 04,06,07),
Mondays and Thursdays, Period 2 (10:20am-11:40am), SEC-118. [Fall 2017]
History of Mathematics (Math 436),
Mondays and Thursdays, Period 2 (10:20am-11:40am), SEC 211. [Spring 2017]
students' projects
Differential Equations for Engineering and Physics (Math 244),
Sections 1-3, (MTh1, SEC 117) . [Fall 2016]
Experimental Mathematics (Algorithmic Algebraic Combinatorics!)
[Math640, grad class], (MTh3, ARC IML room 121).[Fall 2016]
Experimental Mathematics (Famous Open Problems!)
[Math640, grad class], MTh3, ARC IML room 116 .
[Spring 2016]
Experimental Mathematics (Probability and Financial Calculus Done Right!)
[Math640, grad class], MTh3, ARC IML room 118.
(Spring 2015)
Advanced Calculus for Engineers [Math 421], Section 1 (MTh2, SEC 212) and Section 2 (MTh3, SEC 216) (Fall 2014)
Advanced Calculus for Engineers [Math 421],
Section 1 (MTh2, SEC 212) and Section 2 (MTh3, SEC 216) (Fall 2014)
Experimental Mathematics: Symbolics meets Numerics!
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm)
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), IML Room 118 (inside computer lab)
(Spring 2014)
Differential Equations for Engineering and Physics (Math 244)
, Sections 1-3, (MTh1, PH-115) (Fall 2013)
Theory of Numbers (Math 356), (MTh2, SEC-218)
(Fall 2013)
Experimental Mathematics: Games!
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm)
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 116
(Spring 2013)
Calculus II Math/Phys [Math 152]
sections 01-03 (MTh1, HLL-116 BUS),
and sections 07-09 (MTh3, PH-115 BUS) (Fall 2012)
Experimental Mathematics: Sequences!
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm),
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 118.
(Spring 2012)
[Here are the students' individual projects]
Advanced Calculus for Engineers [Math 421] Section 1 (MTh2, SEC 203) and Section 2 (MTh3, SEC 216) (Fall 2011)
Advanced Calculus for Engineers [Math 421]
Section 1 (MTh2, SEC 203) and Section 2 (MTh3, SEC 216) (Fall 2011)
Experimental Mathematics: Algorithms!
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm),
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 116
[inside computer lab] (Spring 2011) .
[Here is the class's final team project
and here are the students' individual projects]
Introduction to Linear Algebra [Math 250]
Section 1 (MTh1, SEC 202) and Section 2 (MTh2, ARC 204) (Fall 2010).
Experimental Mathematics: Primes!
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm),
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 116,
[inside computer lab]. (Spring 2010)
Students' Final projects]
Multivariable Calculus [Math 251]
Sections 1,2,3,10 (MTh 2, SEC 118) and Sections 4,5,6,11 (MTh 3, SEC 117) .
(Fall 2009) .
Experimental Mathematics: Combinatorial Statistical Mechanics
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm),
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 116,
[inside computer lab]. (Spring 2009)
Students' Final projects]
Calculus I Math/Phys [Math 151] (sections 07-09 and 20-22),
MTh3 (12:00pm-1:20), SEC-209 (Busch) and MTh1 (08:40am-10:00), LSHA-143 (Livingston) , respectively.
(Fall 2008)
Experimental Mathematics: Automated (Symbolic!) Enumeration
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm),
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 119,
[inside computer lab] (Spring 2008).
Students' Final projects]
Experimental Mathematics: Wilf-Zeilberger Algorithmic Proof Theory
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm),
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 118 .
[inside computer lab] (Spring 2007).
Students' Final projects]
Multivariable Calculus
[Math 251; Sections 1-3 (MTh 2, SEC 118) and Sections 4-6 (MTh 3, SEC 117)] (Fall 2006)
Diane APADULA: In Memoriam
about Diane
Experimental Mathematics: Bioinformatics
[Math 640, grad class], MTh Third Period (12:00noon-1:20pm),
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 119
[inside computer lab]
Students' Final projects]
(Spring 2006)
Calculus II Math/Phys [Math 152] (sections 01-03),
MTh 8:40am-10:00am, Hill 116.
Calculus II Math/Phys [Math 152] (sections 07-09),
MTh 12:00noon-1:20pm, PH 115.
(Fall 2005)
Algorithmic Discrete Math (Topics in Discrete Math)
[Math 587, grad class], MTh Third Peroid (11:30am-12:50pm),
Hill 423 (Th) and ARC PC IML Room 116 (M).
(Spring 2005)
Calculus I Math/Phys [Math 151] (sections 17-19),
MTh first period (8:10am-9:30am), Lucy Stone Hall A-143 (Livingston Campus).
(Fall 2004)
Experimental Mathematics: Foundations
[Math 611, grad class], MTh Third Period (11:30am-12:50pm),
Allison Road Classroom Bld. (Busch Campus), Room 116
[inside computer lab].
(Fall 2004)
Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning [Math 300, Section 6]
, MTH Third Period (11:30am-12:50pm), CHM 204, Douglass-Cook Campus.
(Spring 2004).
Calculus I Math/Phys [Math 151] (sections 17-19),
MTh first period (8:10am-9:30am), Lucy Stone Hall A-143 (Livingston Campus).
(Fall 2003)
Graph Theory [Math 428]
MTh third period (11:30am-12:50pm), SEC 206 (Busch Campus).
(Fall 2003)
Combinatorics II (Math 583)(grad)
(MTh 2nd period (9:50-11:10am),
M: ARC "smart" classroom, inside computer lab.
Th:Hill 525 (Busch Campus)). (Spring 2003).
Combinatorics I (Math 582) (grad)
(MTh 2nd period (9:50-11:10am), Hill 525 (Busch Campus)).
(Fall 2002)
Advanced Calculus
for Engineering (MTh 3rd period (11:30-12:50am), SEC 216 (Busch Campus)).
(Fall 2002)
Probability (Math 477),
Section 2 (MTh 3rd period (11:30-12:50), ARC 205 (Busch Campus)).
(Spring 2002)
Multivariable Calculus
(MTh 11:30-12:50, SEC 209 (Busch Campus)). (Fall 2001).
Experimental Mathematics: Foundations
(MTh 9:50-11:10, ARC 118 (Busch Campus)). (Fall 2001).
Discrete Algorithms (Math 381):
Wachman 507 (Temple Univ.), Mon. and Wed., 1:10-2:30
(Spring 2001).
Math 684 (Combinatorics),
MW 11:40-1:00, Wachman Hall 527 (Temple Univ.) (Spring 1999).
Math 683,MW 11:40-1:00, Wachman Hall 527 (Temple Univ.)
(Fall 1998).
Math 502: C++ for mathematicians.
(Temple Univ. 1997-1998).
Prove that sum(mobius(i),i=1..n) < (A_eps)*n^(1/2+eps)
Last update: Aug. 25, 2024
Doron Zeilberger's Home Page