Math 250 (Introduction to Linear Algebra),
Sections 1-2, Fall 2010 (Rutgers University)
Last Update: Dec. 6, 2010 (cancel sections 6.5 and 6.6)
Previous Updates: Nov. 7, 2010 [5.3 was moved to Nov. 18, and Nov. 11 is for review];
Oct. 26, 2010. [Note New Date for Exam II];
Last update: Nov. 14, 2010 (a link to proofs don't bite)
Note: this webpage is specific for Sections 1-2. For general
information see
(Math 250 General Information) .
TEXT: Elementary Linear Algebra, Second Edition,
by Spence, Insel, and Friedberg,
Pearson ISBN 978-0131871410 .
Dr. Doron ZEILBERGER ("Dr. Z")
[Office: Hill 704; E-mail: zeilberg at math dot rutgers dot edu
[Note: You MUST have LAisFun in the message] ;
Office hour: M 1:00-2:00pm; Free tutoring: M 5:00-6:20pm, Hill 116.
Time and Place
Section 1:
MTh1 (Mondays and Thursdays 8:40-10:00am), SEC(Busch Campus) 202.
Section 2:
MTh2 (Mondays and Thursdays 10:20-11:40am), ARC(Busch Campus) 204.
Free Tutoring for Dr. Z.'s Sections
Mondays 5:00-6:20pm, Hill 116 (starting Sept. 13, 2010) .
Added Dec. 26, 2010: The whole world is now welcome to
Dr. Z.'s Linear Algebra Solved Quizzes and Exams.
Added Dec. 26, 2010: Congratulations to the top scorers.
Section 1 top Final Exam Scorers (out of 200)
Adrien Perkins: 198
Qin("Chane") Lou: 197
Eugene Foley: 191
John J. Wu: 191
Section 2 top Final Exam Scorers (out of 200)
Sarita Paul: 198
Ravi Patel: 198
Matthew Mudrick: 197
Rashesh Shah: 197
Ci Zheng: 197
Remie YU: 194
Added Nov. 14, 2010:
Added Oct. 25, 2010: You are welcome to take advantage of
Peer Tutors.
Added Oct. 19, 2010 : You are welcome to join the
Second Chance Club
(modified Nov. 18, 2010, to introduce SCC for Exam II).
GRADE: The max. number of points is 500, with the following breakup.
Neat and Organized Notebook (with classnotes and homework): 20 points.
(Note: this is token, it is mandatory to
have a neat and organized notebook, with good classnotes and all the homework. Failue to do so will disqualify the student from passing.)
10 Quizes: 10 points each (drop the two lowest grades): 80 points.
2 Midterm Exams: 100 points each.
Final: 200 points.
460-500: A ;
430-459: B+ ;
400-429: B ;
370-399: C+ ;
325-369: C ;
280-324: D ;
0-279: F . No Curve!.
Attendance is strictly mandatory and enforced!
No cell-phones! No laptops! No calculators!
It is also mandatory to take notes of everything I say in class.
Please buy a SINGLE-SUBJECT notebook,
and write on the cover: Linear Algebra Classnotes.
Also write your name and E-mail (in case it gets lost).
Don't use it for any other subjects.
Also use this notebook to do your homework.
Notebooks and homework will be inspected every week.
The homework will not be graded carefully, but the
weekly quiz will contain homework-style problems, so if you
do all your homework, you should ace the quiz.
Take careful notes during the lectures and do all the
If you have a justified absence, then
in your notebook, in the space where you would have taken classnotes,
date it, explain why you were absent (e.g. tape-in doctor's note,
or a signed statement: "I swear on my honor that I felt so bad
that I couldn't make it"), and then in your own handwriting
copy all the worked-examples from the corresponding section(s) of the book.
Every Thursday (starting Sept. 16) will start with a
weekly quiz. During that time I will inspect the homework (and whether you are taking good notes).
The quiz does not count unless you show your homework.
Every class will end with a 10-minute informal "quiz", asking you to
do some problems covered in that day's class.
It doesn't count towards the grade, but I use it first, to check attendance,
but more important, to make sure that you know how to do the problems,
and in case that many (or even some)
people didn't get it, I'll try to do a better job
in reviewing it.
After each lecture I will send E-mail to everyone, with the complete
solutions, and you should
decide whether or not you got it right. If you didn't, you
should make every attempt to come to the
tutoring session (Monday 5:00-6:20pm, Hill 116).
Makeup exam policy: there are no make-up midterm exams or make-up quizes. If you have
a justified absence (and can prove it by a note from a doctor or a dean) in any exam or quiz, your score would be pro-rated.
(For example, if you were absent from exam 1 or exam 2, then I will divide your total score by 400 and multiply by 500;
If you were absent from both exams 1 and 2, I will divide your total score by 300 and multiply by 500, but let's hope
that you will make it to all exams and all classes!).
If you have an unjustified absence in a midterm exam or quiz, your grade for that exam or quiz would be 0.
Lecture Schedule [Revised Oct. 26, 2010, Note New Date of Exam II]
; Th 9/2: 1.1, 1.2
W 9/8: 1.3 ; Th 9/9: How to learn
M 9/13: 1.4 ; Th 9/16: 1.6 (quiz 1 (and homework due) on 1.1,1.2,1.3)
M 9/20: 1.7 ; Th 9/23: 2.1 (quiz 2 (and homework due) on 1.4, 1.6)
M 9/27: 2.3 ; Th 9/30: 2.4 (quiz 3 (and homework due) on 1.7, 2.1)
M 10/4: 2.4 ; Th 10/7: 2.5 (quiz 4 (and homework due) on 2.3, 2.4)
M 10/11: 2.6 ; Th 10/14: EXAM 1 (through 2.5)
M 10/18: 3.1 ; Th 10/21: 3.2 (quiz 5 (and homework due) on 2.6)
M 10/25: 4.1 ; Th 10/28: 4.2 (quiz 6 (and homework due) on 3.1, 3.2)
M 11/1 : 4.3 ; Th 11/4: 5.1 (quiz 7 (and homework due) on 4.1, 4.2)
M 11/8: 5.2 ; Th 11/11: Review (quiz 8 (and homework due) on 4.3, 5.1)
M 11/15: EXAM II(through 5.2); Th 11/18: 5.3
M 11/22: no class ; Th 11/25: Thanksgiving (no class, of course)
M 11/29: 6.1 ; Th 12/2: 6.2 (quiz 9 (and homework due) on 5.3)
M 12/6: 6.3 ; Th 12/9: 6.4 ( quiz 10 (and homework due) on 6.1, 6.2)
M 12/13: Review of 6.1-6.4 ;
Tu 12/14: 8:40am-1:00pm: Marathon (optional) review in Hill 116.
Note: The homework assignements for sections 6.3 and 6.4 are due Monday 12/13. They will be inspected, since they are
very important for the final!
Sec. 1: 8:00-11:00 AM, Fri., Dec. 17, 2010, in classroom (SEC 202)
Sec. 2: 8:00-11:00 AM, Thu., Dec. 23, 2010, in classroom (ARC 204)
Mandatory Homework for Math 250 Sections 1-2
Here are the students' evaluations for
section 1 and
section 2.
Dr. Z.'s teaching