\ Generic Syllabus for Math 135

Syllabus for Math 135, Sections 16, 17, 18




Spring 2010

Prerequisite: Placement into calculus, Rutgers Math 112 or Math 115, or equivalent.

Text: CALCULUS, Custom Edition for Rutgers University, published by Pearson Custom Publishing. Copyright 2008 and earlier. ISBN 0-536-80120-7 or 0-536-26071-0

Course Web Page: http://www.math.rutgers.edu/courses/135/

WeBWorK Web Page: http://www.math.rutgers.edu/courses/135/135-s10/webwork.html

Meeting times: Lectures:  TTh 5:00 – 6:20,  LSH A142 (LIVINGSTON)

Recitations:  Section 16  - 1:55 – 2:50, TIL-105 (LIVINGSTON)                                                                                     

Section 17 – 3:35 – 4:30, BE-121 (LIVINGSTON)                                                                                       

Section 18 – 6:55 – 7:50, BE-111 (LIVINGSTON)

First Midterm Exam: 5:00 – 6:20 on Thursday, February 25, 2010 in LSH-A142 (usual time & place)


Second Midterm Exam: 5:00 – 6:20 on Thursday, April 8, 2010 in LSH-A142 (usual time & place)

Final Exam: 4-7 on Thursday, May 6, 2010, location TBA

Lecturer:                        Professor Robert Wilson

Office:                   340 HILL                                                                                                              

Office phone:        732-445-2390 Ext 1317                                                                                         

Email:                   rwilson at math.rutgers.edu                                                                         

Web page:             http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~rwilson/

Office hours:         Tuesday 10:20 – 11:40 in HILL-340 (BUSCH)                                                                                             

Thursday 12:00 – 1:20 in HILL-340 (BUSCH)                                                                                              

Thursday 3:20 – 4:40 in LSHB – 102C (LIVINGSTON)

Teaching Assistant:        Priyam Patel

          Office:                   Hill-605A   

Office phone:        732-445-2390-Ext 8605

          Email:                   priyamp at math.rutgers.edu

          Web page:             http://math.rutgers.edu/~priyamp                                   


Office hours:         TBA

Most students find a graphing calculator useful in this course. The recommended calculator is the TI-83 Plus. The lecturer and the recitation instructor can provide limited help in the operation of these calculators. Students may use other brands and models of calculators, but they are on their own if they have problems. Computers and calculators will not be permitted on exams.

Course purpose. This course is intended to provide an introduction to calculus for students in the biological sciences, business, economics, and pharmacy. Math 136 and Math 138 are possible continuations of this course. There is another calculus sequence, Math 151, 152, and 251, intended for students in mathematical and physical sciences, engineering, and computer science. Taking Math 152 after Math 135 is permitted but is quite difficult. Math 136 and Math 138 do not satisfy the prerequisite for Math 251. Students for whom taking either Math 152 or Math 251 is a serious possibility are strongly encouraged to start calculus with Math 151, not Math 135.

Course topics: The course will cover the bulk of the material in Chapters 1-5 of the text. The planned content of each lecture is described at the end of this syllabus.

The term grade will be based on the results of the examinations, on the scores on quizzes in recitation, and on the performance on the WeBWorK assignments. Here is more information about the individual components of the grade:

Exams: There will be two midterm exams and a cumulative final. The midterm exams will count 100 points each and the final will count 250 points. Exams will be closed book and student-prepared formula sheets will not be permitted. An official formula sheet will be provided with each exam. The dates of the midterm exams will be February 25 and April 8.  The midterm exams are written by the lecturer. The final is written by the course coordinator and is the same for all students in Math 135.

Recitation quizzes: Homework problems are assigned for each lecture. Students are expected to work on the problems for a particular lecture prior to the recitation class devoted to that material. Homework will not be collected. However, students are encouraged to ask questions in recitation about problems with which they had difficulty. At the end of the recitation class there will be a short quiz consisting of one or two problems similar to the homework problems that have been worked in lecture during the previous week. Together the quizzes will count 75 points toward the term grade.

WeBWorK: The Mathematics Department provides a Web-based system called WeBWorK that allows students to work on selected problems and to submit answers until they get the problem right. Each student gets different versions of the problems to solve. WeBWorK assignments must be done online. The WeBWorK grade counts 75 points toward the term grade and is determined by how many problems the student eventually gets right, not on the number of tries needed to get the correct answer.

In summary, here are the components of the term grade with their maximum possible points:



Hour Exams


Final Exam


Recitation Quizzes


WebWork Problems




Grading standards: The meanings of the grades in Math 135 are related to the probable success of the student in Math 136. Grades of A or B indicate that the student is well-prepared for Math 136. A grade of C indicates that the student can probably succeed in Math 136, but that they will have to work harder in Math 136 than they did in Math 135. A grade of D suggests that although the student is allowed to take Math 136, the chances of success are quite small.

Academic Integrity: Students are expected to be aware of and abide by the University’s Interim Academic Integrity Policy as described at http://academicintegrity.rutgers.edu/integrity.shtml

Schedule: Here is a tentative schedule for the course.

Lecture 1               January 19             Sections 1.1, 1.2             

Lecture 2               January 21             Section 1.3                                                                               

Lecture 3               January 26             Sections 2.1, 2.2                                                                       

Lecture 4               January 28             Section 2.2                                                                               

Lecture 5               February 2             Section 2.3                                                                               

Lecture 6               February 4             Section 2.4                                                                               

Lecture 7               February 9             Section 3.1                                                                               

Lecture 8               February 11           Sections 3.2, 3.3                                                                       

Lecture 9               February 16           Section 3.4                                                                               

Lecture 10             February 18           Section 3.5                                                                

Lecture 11             February 23           Catch-up and review                                                                    

Lecture 12             February 25           Class cancelled (snow)                                                                              

Lecture 13             March 2                Section 3.6                                                                               

Lecture 14             March 4                Midterm Exam #1                                                                               

Lecture 15             March 9                Section 3.7                                                                               

Lecture 16             March 11               Section 3.8                                                                       

Lecture 17             March 23               Section 4.1                                                                               

Lecture 18             March 25               Sections 4.2, 4.3                                                                               

Lecture 19             March 30               Section 4.4                                                                               

Lecture 20             April 1                  Section 4.5                                                                               

Lecture 21             April 6                  Catch-up and review                                                                

Lecture 22             April 8                  Midterm Exam #2                                                                    

Lecture 23             April 13                 Section 4.6                                                                               

Lecture 24             April 15                 Section 4.7                                                                               

Lecture 25             April 20                 Section 5.1                                                                       

Lecture 26             April 22                 Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4                                                                               

Lecture 27             April 27                 Section 5.5                                                                               

Lecture 28             April 29                 Catch-up and review


ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Various announcements (e.g., of review sessions) will be posted here during the semester.

  • Solutions to Form A of Exam 1

  • Solutions to Form B of Exam 1
  • Homework problems worked in lectures (1/19, 1/21):  Section 1.1, #34, #42, Section 1.2, #12, #32, Section 1.3, #16.  The quiz problem on 1/26 will be similar to one of these problems.

    Homework problems worked in lectures (1/26, 1/28):  Section 2.1, #4, #6, Section 2.2, #12, #18, #30.  The quiz problem on 2/2 will be similar to one of these problems.

    Homework problems worked in lectures (2/2, 2/4):  Section 2.3, #12, #19, #28, #40, #44.  The quiz problem on 2/9 will be similar to one of these problems.

    Homework problems worked in lectures (2/9, 2/11):  Section 3.1, #27, #36; Section 3.3, #17, #41.  The quiz problem on 2/16 will be similar to one of these problems.

    Homework problems worked in lecture (3/2):  Section 3.6, #4, #11, #34.  The quiz problem on 3/9 will be similar to one of these problems. (Note that I also worked #52, but this was not a suggested homework problem and the quiz will not have a problem of this type.

    Homework problems worked in lectures (3/9, 3/11):  Section 3.7, #4, #25, #26, #27, #42; Section 3.8, #19, #20, #25.  The quiz problem on 3/23 will be similar to one of these problems.

    Homework problems worked in lectures (3/23, 3/25):  Section 4.1, #4, #20, #26; Section 4.3, #13.  The quiz problem on 3/30 will be similar to one of these problems.

    Homework problems worked in lectures (4/20, 4/22):  Section 5.2 #18; Section 5.3, #19, #22; Section 5.4 #4, #19, #26, #39, #43.  The quiz problem on 4/27 will be similar to one of these problems.






    Review sessions for the SECOND mid-term exam will be held on Wednesday, March 31 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM in SEC-117 (BUSCH) and on Saturday, April 3 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM in Hill-116 (BUSCH). These two review sessions will be identical. The list of review problems to be worked is posted here:
  • Review Problems for Exam 2.

  • Here are solutions to all review problems.
  • Solutions to review problems for Exam 2.

  • Formula Sheeet for exam 2
  • Study Suggestions for Exam 2
  • Version of Exam 2 given by Professor Sims in 2005 (without solutions)
  • Version of Exam 2 given by Professor Sims in 2005 (with solutions)


    A review session for the first mid-term exam will be held on Saturday, February 20, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM in Hill-114 (BUSCH). For the review problems to be worked, follow this link.


  • Review Problems for Exam 1

  • Solutions to Review Problems for Exam 1

  • Formula Sheeet for exam 1
  • Study Suggestions for Exam 1
  • Version of Exam 1 given by Professor Sims in 2005 (without solutions)
  • Version of Exam 1 given by Professor Sims in 2005 (with solutions)

  • For a review of preliminary topics (Sections 1.1-1.3) see this 50 minute audio/visual presentation:             How to do well in calculus/