Matt Charnley

Initial Text

Email: charnley at math dot rutgers dot edu

Home CV

Teaching Portfolio

I have compiled a porfolio containing descriptions of and sample materials for all of my classes, including those that were only available on Sakai. This document contains an introduction to me as an instructor, including my teaching philosophy and a description of a few of the classes I have taught and teaching-related groups I have been involved with at Rutgers. The four documents below form a supplement to this initial portfolio:

  • This supplement contains more detail on the two classes described in the above portfolio, including specifically chosen course materials and full student evaluations.
  • This document contains sample course materials and student evaluations from all of the courses for which I was full instructor.
  • This document contains the same information as above, but for all of the assignments where I was a teaching assistant.
  • And this final version contains all of the above information in a single PDF.

All of these are up-to-date as of October 24, 2018.