Math 551 will be the first semester of the standard introductory algebra course, covering group theory, factorization in commutative rings, modules over a PID, and related topics. The textbook is Serge Lang's Algebra (revised third edition). Notices and assignments will appear on this page.
Instructor: Richard Lyons. Office hours: Friday 11:10-12:30 in Hill 236, or by appointment.
Assignment 1, due 9/18 (.dvi) (.pdf)
Assignment 2, due 10/2 (.dvi) (.pdf)
Assignment 3, due 10/16 (.dvi) (.pdf)
Assignment 4, due 10/25 (.dvi) (.pdf)
Assignment 5, due 11/6 (.dvi) (.pdf) NOTE! This has been extended till 11/6, one problem has been added, and problem 6 has been corrected.
Assignment 6, due 11/20 (.dvi) (.pdf) Note! Extended to 11/20.
Assignment 7, due 12/2 in my mailbox (.dvi) (.pdf)