By Manuel Kauers and Doron Zeilberger
As you can see it gives a good indication to the
operator found in 2007 .
Written: July 2021.
In a fascinating recent talk (at the CIRM conference on Lattice Paths, June 2021) Mireille Bousquet-Melou showed how to use the fancy kernel method in order
to enumerate lattice walks in the three-quarter plane x ≥ 0 OR y ≥ 0. They turn out to be much harder than the corresponding problem in the
quarter plane x ≥ 0 AND y ≥ 0. Here we show that the these can also be hanlded by the simple-minded , yet rigorous, "guess and check" method,
that, being simple people, we personally prefer to the fancy kernel method.
Mathematica Packages
Maple Package
Sample Input and Output for the Maple package ThreeQuarterPlane.txt
the input
produces the
the input
produces the
the input
produced the
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