read `ThreeQuarterPlane.txt`: a:=53: b:=141: ope:=FindOperGK(a,b,n,N,20): n0:=ope[2]: ope:=ope[1]: print(`Consider f(n):= the number of ways of walking from the origin to the point`, [a,b], ` in the QUARTER-PLANE, with n steps using the Kreweras steps {[-1,0],[0,-1],[1,1]}`): print(`Then f(n)=0 for n<`, n0, `and defining`, g(n)=f(n0-1+n), `g(n) is annihilated by an operator of order`, degree(ope,N), `and degree in n of the coefficients`, degree(numer(ope),n)): print(``): print(`Here it is`): print(``): lprint(ope): print(``): print(`--------------------------`): print(`This took`, time(), `seconds. `): quit: