Automatic Generation of Generating Functions for Enumerating Spanning Trees
By Pablo Blanco and Doron Zeilberger
Written: Dec. , 2024
Maple package
A maple package for computing generating functions enumerating the number of spanning trees in numerous
infinite familes of graphs.
Sample Input and Output for ExpSP.txt
If you want to see the generating functions (that are always rational functions), in n, for the the number of spanning trees of the graphs
Hr,n defined in the paper, for 2 ≤ r ≤ 6
the input gives the
If you want to see the generating functions (that are always rational functions), in n, for the the number of spanning trees of the graphs
Gr,n defined in the paper, for 2 ≤ r ≤ 5
the input gives the
If you want to see estimated statistics about the number of leaves in a random spanning tree of
Hr,n for various n and several r
the input gives the
If you want to see estimated statistics about the number of leaves in a random spanning tree of
Gr,n for various n and several r
the input gives the
If you want to see estimated statistics about the number of leaves in a random labeled tree on n vertices
for various n
the input gives the