Schedule for Harry Dym's 85th Birthday Zoom Party, Jan. 26, 2023, 19:00 (ISRAEL TIME)
Organizers: Robert Dougherty-Bliss, Nadav Dym, and Doron Zeilberger
0:00-15:00 Kahoot Internet Game by the Dym family
- 16:40-20:35: Doron Zeilberger
- 21:00-24:00: Sergei Yakovenko
24:45-27:40: Sahar Nevo
28:10-34:25: John William "Bill" Helton
35:20-39:40: Eugene Luks
39:40-41:11: Daniel Alpay
43:00-48:10: Damir Arov
48:44-51:32: Yakar Kannai
51:40-52:48: Chen Dubi
53:00-55:09: Motke Porat
55:20-56:10: Vladimir Bolotnikov
57:00-58:36: Volodymyr Derkach
58:30-59:19: Yosef Yomdin
59:25-1:00:05: August Dym Noe
1:00:10-1:03:20: Thomas Kailath
1:03:25-1:04:30: Patrick DeWilde
1:05:00-1:05:55: Harry Dym
1:06:00-1:07:00: Doron Zeilberger
The party happened on Jan. 26, 2023, 7:00 pm (i.e. 19:00) ISRAEL (and Ukraine) time. This means 12:00 noon, New York time (EST), and 9:00 am California and Oregon time.
Zoom Link
Zoom Invitation
19:00: Doron Zeilberger [outline and links]
19:05: Zvi Artstein [Not recorded]
19:10: Kahoot internet game by the Dym family board
19:26: Doron Zeilberger [outline and links]
19:31: Sergei Yakovenko
19:35: Sahar Nevo
19:38: John William Helton
19:50: Eugene Luks
19:55: Daniel Alpay
20:00: (tent.) Damir Arov
20:05: Open stage