Sriram Raghunath

Office: Hill Center 603

This semester the Graduate Geometry and Topology seminar will run on Mondays from 1 pm to 2 pm in Hill 005.
If you would like to give a talk, you can send me an email at


Date Speaker Title Abstract
1/29 Aakash Parikh Legendrian links In this talk we will go over some preliminary contact geometry and discuss the notion of a Legendrian link. We will discuss some foundational theorems and classical invariants associated to Legendrian links.
2/5 Sriram Raghunath Annular Khovanov homology and 2 periodic links We will define Annular Khovanov homology and describe some of the features of this theory. We will then attempt to understand the action of a two periodic link symmetry on the theory, and how that defines a spectral sequence relating the invariants of the link with those of the quotient link.
2/12 No seminar
2/19 Sriram Raghunath Annular Khovanov homology and 2 periodic links (continued) This is a continuation of the previous talk with the same title. We will try to understand other knot symmetries under this framework, and also explore other forms of equivariant knot homology and homotopy
2/26 Tim Bates TBA
3/4 Aakash Parikh TBA
3/11 No seminar (Spring break!)