Welcome to Jean Taylor's Home Page

Contact information: jtaylor@cims.nyu.edu or taylor@math.rutgers.edu

I am Professor Emerita at Rutgers University and currently a visitor at the Courant Institute, NYU. I work on problems related to soap bubble froths, crystals, quasicrystals, and how they evolve under various physical laws. Much of my recent research has been interdisciplinary, joint work with materials scientists. Here is my CV and publications list. Here are electronic versions of some of these papers.

To see videos I made illustrating various crystalline motions I have defined, click the links:

MotionByCrystallineCurvature (40,000 K)

Crystalline Surface Motion

Crystalline Surface Diffusion and SALK

Articles about my work have appeared in the popular press several times; some are listed in my CV. Here is my PowerPoint presentation on Women and Mathematics, a talk I gavearound the country as part of being a Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar in 2006-2007. Here are links to some of the many organizations in which I have been an officer, a board member, a committee member, or a research participant: