James Holland


Main Page Research Teaching Resources GOST Seminar
Room 620, Hill Center
Department of Mathematics
110 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Some Resources

[TeX Introduction]. This is a practical introduction to TeX that intends to prepare the reader for using TeX and LaTeX. The introduction is far from comprehensive, but the idea is to give the reader the necessary background to understand how to look up anything they don't understand.

[Homework Template]. This is a homework template as detailed in [TeX Introduction]. It is by no means the only homework template available, but I think it's suitable for most purposes.

Current Class Material

[Syllabus], [Free Textbook], and some older [Notes].

General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Be sure to check out the Canvas site for all postings and files, including the syllabus, various solutions, and announcements.

Previous Classes

TA - Recitation style format. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §05 - Canvas site, met virtually and in-person with office hours.

Section §06 - Canvas site, met asynchronously with pre-recorded recitations.

TA - Workshop style format. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §40 - Canvas site, met virtually.

Section §41 - Canvas site, met virtually.

Section §42 - Canvas site, met virtually.

TA - Workshop style format. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §02 - Canvas site, met virtually.

Section §06 - Canvas site, met virtually.

TA - Online office hours for students. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §F1 - Canvas site, met virtually.

Section §F2 - Canvas site, met virtually.

TA - Workshop style format. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §F1 - Canvas site, met virtually.

Section §F3 - Canvas site, met virtually.

Section §F6 - Canvas site, met virtually.

TA-at-Large. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §03 - Sakai site, met in-person and virtually, disrupted due to COVID-19.

Section §04 - Sakai site, met in-person and virtually, disrupted due to COVID-19.

TA - Workshop style format. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §37 - Canvas site, met in-person.

Section §38 - Canvas site, met in-person.

Section §39 - Canvas site, met in-person.

Workshop Notes

[Recitation 1] - Administrative stuff, the RU Ready Test.

[Recitation 2], [Quiz 1 Solutions] - Distance, lines, and logarithms.

[Recitation 3], [Quiz 2 Solutions] - Limits.

[Recitation 4], [Quiz 3 Solutions] - Derivatives.

[Recitation 5], [Quiz 4 Solutions] - Differentiation rules.

[Recitation 6], [Quiz 5 Solutions] - Extreme value problems.

[Recitation 7], [Quiz 6 Solutions] - Implicit differentiation.

[Recitation 8], [Quiz 7 Solutions] - Related rates and linear approximations.

[Recitation 9], [Quiz 8 Solutions] - Asymptotes and applications of optimization.

[Recitation 10], [Quiz 9 Solutions] - L'Hôpital's rule and optimization.

[Recitation 11], [Quiz 10 Solutions] - Applications of optimization: profits and average costs.

Recitation 12 went over the midterm. There was no quiz.

[Recitation 13], [Quiz 11 Solutions] - Indefinite integration, summation, and Riemann sums.

[Quiz 12 Solutions]

TA - Workshop style format. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §40 - Sakai site, met in-person.

Section §41 - Sakai site, met in-person.

Section §42 - Sakai site, met in-person.

TA - Recitation style format. General information for this course at Rutgers can be found here.

Section §04–05 - No website, met in-person.

These [Notes] were produced for students throughout the semester.