Starting with the syllabus
The syllabus and textbook problem assignments
presented here are versions of the common syllabus suggested by the course
coordinator, Gene Speer. This syllabus was too fast. I didn't cover change
of variables in multiple integrals (13.9), parametric surfaces (14.6), or
Stokes' Theorem (14.8). Late in the course I talked about vector fields as
fluid flows in some detail. I explained divergence as the "infinitesimal"
source/sink rate of a flow, aiding in verification of the Divergence
Theorem, and then showed how the Divergence Theorem could be used to get
the Diffusion/Heat equation with the standard mild assumptions on heat
flow. This material is not in the textbook. I decided this was
more useful than rushing through vector calculus with barely enough time to
state results and compute examples without motivation.
Office hours were a special problem with this class. Most of the students
lived on the Douglass/Cook campus and took many of their courses on
Busch. My Douglass office hours listed in the syllabus were not very
accessible to many students. Therefore I decided to have "office hours"
Thursday evenings at Douglass. This experiment was successful, since I
usually had a half-dozen or more students asking me questions then. I also
used these hours to conduct review sessions for exams. Attendance was
especially high then.
Since students had classes on several campuses and I taught on two campuses
(with my permanent office on a third!), the students and I used e-mail
extensively. I probably received and responded to 15 to 20 e-mail messages
from students in this course during a typical week. At the beginning of the
course I collected, duplicated, and then gave out a list of student names,
e-mail addresses, and local 'phone numbers in order to help mutual student
Exams and Review Sheets
Review sheets for the exams were prepared for all sections of Math 251
by the course coordinator, Gene Speer. The review sheet for the first exam
included a problem on gradients (#17) which was not covered on my first exam. It was covered on the
next exam. I also prepared solutions
with some comments to the first exam for students.
Here's the review sheet for the
second exam and my second
exam. My students were told to ignore problem 13 on the review
sheet since I had not discussed change of variables in double
integrals. My second exam consisted entirely of verbatim textbook
problems, previously assigned as homework, which had been discussed
during the recitation/workshops. No special answer sheet was prepared
or requested!
The final exam review
problems were followed by my
final exam. My students were told to ignore problems 19c and 20 on
this review sheet since I hadn't discussed Stokes' Theorem in
class. Please note that each lecturer prepared separate in-class exams
and final exams since there was no uniform final exam time for the
whole course.
The mean and median for the first exam were 61.67 and 61,
respectively. For the second exam, these scores were 79.92 and 81, and
for the final, they were 116.74 and 110.
I gave only one quiz in workshop/recitation, presented here with answers. Since I collected two
textbook homework problems almost every week, I didn't think there was much
point using recitation/workshop time for quizzes testing essentially the
same material in the same manner.
The instructional staff of Math 251 wanted the workshop/recitation
periods to consist of: 1) a brief review of the material presented
during the preceding two lectures, followed by going over that week's
textbook problems (the standard recitation); then 2) formation of
small discussion groups and followed by work on non-routine problems,
the "workshop problems". (Some lecturers also used this period to give
short quizzes - instead I asked for several textbook problems to be
handed in.) By the third or fourth week it was clear to me that our
initial model could not be followed. The material was
difficult. Going over textbook problems took more time, and dominated
the period as the semester progressed. Below are the workshops
together with some comments which I actually handed out. Also, three
workshop meetings were devoted to reviewing for exams (using the review material discussed
above). Some of the workshop problems given here were devised by Gene
Speer and others were my own, written either for this course or for
Math 291 several years ago.
Most of these students had experienced the
"new" Math 151-2 and were familiar with workshop problems and the
format desired for written solutions. For the others I gave out a sheet describing the
style desired.
Thus "only" five writeups of workshop problems were requested of students
during this semester. Students usually handed in two textbook problems each
week to be graded, and handed in
Maple labs . They had enough to do.
Many of the students in these sections did all that was requested of
them in the Maple labs and almost all of the students handed
in work on all of the labs. I believe that the vast majority of the
work handed in represented the students' own work. I told them
repeatedly that learning to using programs such as Maple was
"the wave of the future" and extremely applicable to every technical
field. I think they realized they'd be cheating themselves if they
didn't learn how to use the program. I also urged them to apply
Maple in other relevant situations in the course (such as
workshops and textbook homework problems). Solutions to the Maple
labs, written by the course coordinator, Gene Speer, are available .
Each student in the course saw me for three 80 minute periods each
week. Twice a week I was "the lecturer" and one day a week, the group
of students divided in half and met me as "the recitation instructor"
or "workshop facilitator". One plus of this arrangement was there were
no coordination or communication problems between "the lecturer" and
"the recitation instructor". One defect was that the students were not
presented with a contrasting viewpoint of the subject - instructors
teach differently and people learn differently.
Workshop 1
Problems about adding vectors. I asked students to hand in problem 2. I
didn't like this problem because it was not representative of the type of
work we would be doing in the rest of the course.
Workshop 2
Problems about lines and planes. I asked students to hand in problem
Workshop 3
Problems about tangent lines to curves. I divided the workshop into two
groups alphabetically and asked those students in the first half of the
alphabet to work on problem 1 and those in the second half to work on
problem 2. Rewards were given to the group solving its problem
(correctly!) and presenting its solution on the board first. I did not
ask that any problem solutions be handed in.
Workshop 4
A qualitative problem about curvature and another problem asking for some
neat surface sketches. I asked students to hand in problem 1, about
curvature. Here and on exams I wondered what the "fair" and correct way
was to ask students about curvature. The computations are elaborate, and I
now do them only rarely without electronic help (Maple or
something similar). Yet knowledge of curvature and other calculus-derived
tools to analyze the geometry of curves and surfaces has become
increasingly important in such areas as protein structure and material
science, and has been quite important in computer graphics. My current
"solution" to the question of what to ask about curvature is here and on
the first exam.
Workshop 5
A problem using the equality of mixed partial derivatives and a problem
about linear approximation. I didn't ask students to hand in
Workshop 6 A mistake by Euler is commemorated, and another problem
discusses the best fitting straight line to the exponential function on the
interval [0,1]. I asked students (most of whom were majoring in
experimental sciences) to hand in the problem on least square fit. I
indicated that Maple could make the computations (not the
explanations!) almost trivial. Most students did, in fact, use Maple
to help with this problem. By this time in the course, though, the
classical "workshop" pedagogy (break up into small groups, discuss the
problems, etc.) had almost collapsed through neglect. There just wasn't
time: review of the ordinary textbook homework problems was taking up
almost all of the period.
Workshop 7 A cute problem on Lagrange multipliers. I didn't ask that
it be handed in: we were swamped trying to set up and work out "routine"
Lagrange multiplier problems. I don't think that I did any
L.m. problem with more than one constraint - we found that the usual
problems took more than enough time.
Workshop 8
I asked students to hand in problem 2 on centers of mass. Problem 1
was about the syntax of double integrals. The pumpkin icons were
caused by the date of the workshop (Hallowe'en!).
Workshop 9
One problem is about the syntax of triple integrals, and another is
about bats and slugs. There was no time to do either during the
recitation/workshop, and the bat/slug problem was discussed during the
first half of the next day's lecture. The textbook problems involving
vector calculus (chapter 14) took a great deal of time to discuss
Notes and other material
On Tuesday, October 8, I gave a lecture on the important topic of
gradient. I didn't do a good job, and took advantage of e-mail to broadcast
a "lecture": I created a file
describing what I should have said and sent it to every student in the
class. I got some nice feedback, but perhaps the most embarrassing comments
were those written by several students who remarked that they saw little
difference between the quality of the lecture I thought I messed up and the
ones I usually gave! The actual e-mail message is shown, demonstrating the
difficulties of writing math in ascii.
I prepared and gave out some problems on the
several variable chain rule on October 4. I devoted most of one lecture
to working through these problems with students - I first let them try the
problems and then did the problems on the board. It seemed to be an
effective and amusing way of dealing with a complicated topic.
Late in the course (November 8) I gave a lecture to show a complicated
classical application of multivariable calculus. I verified Newton's result
that, if gravitation is given by an inverse square law, then (from the
point of view of an external observer) the mass of a homogeneous sphere can
be considered to lie at the center of the sphere. I prepared notes on this material. The principal
technical computation in these notes is an intricate integration using
clever choices to integrate by parts. I realized later that Maple
could easily do this integral, and that I need never compute the guts of
this problem in front of a class again!
A few other minor handouts (e.g., an intricate Lagrange multiplier
problem) were prepared and discussed in class.
A number of Maple labs were given in the course. The handouts were
the same in all lectures. They stemmed from material written by Rick Falk
and were rewritten by Gene Speer, the course coordinator. We first handed
out some general information
about Maple together with a
preliminary lab which students would hand in to be critiqued without
having their grades recorded: a method to get students familiarized with
Maple and with how to create a "lab report" or worksheet. We had
students work with some of Maple's simple calculus
The first Maple lab asked
students to compute with vectors, to do calculus manipulations of a vector
function of a scalar variable, and, finally, to compute the Frenet frame
and curvature and torsion of some curves. It ended with a computation of the
curvature of certain ellipses. This lab was probably too long for the first
"real" assignment.
The second Maple lab asked
students to sketch quadric surfaces and certain curves (primarily slices)
associated with these surfaces using Maple. This lab was intended
to replace consideration in class of a section of the text (11.6) and was
also to replace textbook homework in that section. Although the lab seemed
to be relatively successful, I am not convinced that it totally replaced
lecturing about these concepts.
The third Maple lab asked
students to investigate critical points and max and min in several (two)
variables both graphically and symbolically, and also mixed in some of the
numerical techniques available in Maple . It was a good lab, but by
that time I thought that the students were spending too much time on their
Maple labs and were neglecting more traditional aspects of the
course. I asked that my students do only about half of this lab.
The last Maple lab was devoted
to setting up a slightly complicated triple integral (a moment of inertia
of a solid) in several ways. Again, I asked that my students do only a
portion of this lab.
Ending with my comments on the course
To me, multivariable calculus is the most enjoyable part of the
standard calculus sequence to teach. The interaction of geometry and
algebraic/analytic computation is lovely. We changed the pedagogy in
this course a great deal. I don't think we "prioritized" the various
parts of the course adequately for the students. Their energies were
too diffused. I should have attempted to cover fewer topics "better"
at the beginning. During the semester I wrote two memos addressed to
others interested in the course. I have included the memos, slightly
edited. The first memo was written
about six weeks after the semester began, after the first exam in the
course. The second memo was
prepared late in the semester for a meeting of the instructional staff
of Math 251 held after the end of classes, and had some elements of a
longer perspective: how has the course changed over time, and what are
we doing with it now? The language is sometimes intended to be
humorous and not literal but the intent is serious.
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