Second Chance Club for Midterm 1

People not doing well in Midterm 1 can get their grades exonerated if they do the following:

  • Prepare a new notebook and write "Calculus I Homework" on the cover.
  • Do all the homework problems in the trimmed list of suggested homework problems, and check your answers using the webwork system.
  • Organize all your work well in the notebook and show me the notebook before July 18th.
  • Pass an on-site quiz when showing me your solution.

  • Second Chance Club for Midterm 2

    People not doing well in Midterm 2 can get their grades exonerated if they do the following:

  • Download and print the compiled problem set from final exams of 135 in Fall 2011, Fall 2012 and Spring 2013.
  • Solve all the problems on the printout.
  • Show me before Wednesday, July 9th.
  • Pass an on-site quiz on the problems.
  • Alternatively, the notebook with checked and organized solutions to all the problems from 3.6 to 4.5 on the list of suggested homework problems will also be accepted.


  • Unchecked work will not be accepted if you submit the notebook.
  • Badly organized work will not be accepted. Use the course notes as an example of organization.
  • Do not sacrifice the material we are currently covering.
  • Feel free to ask any questions you may have by either sending me an email or arrange a meeting with me.

  • Method of grading computation


  • Grade0=(15*Webwork + 15*Attendance + 15*Midterm1 + 15*Midterm2 + 40*Final) / 100
  • Grade1=(15*Webwork + 15*Attendance + (15*Midterm2 + 40*Final)*70/55)/100
  • Grade2=(15*Webwork + 15*Attendance + (15*Midterm1 + 40*Final)*70/55)/100
  • Grade3=(15*Webwork + 15*Attendance + 70*Final)/100
  • If you have fullfilled all the requirements of the second chance club for Midterm 1 only, then your final grades will be computed as

    Max(Grade0, Grade1)

    If you have fullfilled all the requirements of the second chance club for Midterm 2 only, then your final grades will be computed as

    Max(Grade0, Grade2)

    If you have fullfilled all the requirements of the second chance club for both Midterm 1 and Midterm 2, then your final grades will be computed as

    Max(Grade0, Grade1, Grade2, Grade3)

    Last updated: July 17, 2014