3/10/2016, Highland Park, New Jersey
Chris Woodward
Distinguished Professor and Acting Chair
Rutgers University (New Brunswick) Department of Mathematics.

Office Hours for Spring 2025 are by appointment only: If on zoom, the link is https://rutgers.zoom.us/my/ctw.rutgers?pwd=R2phY2VGS0w3TW8yVUtsWDB4WXd6Zz09

My e-mail addresses are

For Rutgers business relating the chair office, chair-at-math.rutgers.edu For Rutgers business related to my position as professor in mathematics: ctw-at-math.rutgers.edu.

For non-Rutgers correspondence related to research projects, professional service, editorial work, and publication-related issues: woodwardc-at-gmail.com

My office in Spring 2025 is the Chair's Office Hill Center Room 309, on Busch campus.

A curriculum vitae is here .

My research interests include symplectic and algebraic geometry, Lie theory, gauge theory, and mathematical physics.

During this transition out of the pandemic we are running an occasional Rutgers symplectic seminar . I am co-organizer of the Rutgers Symplectic Geometry seminar.

Some of my math papers and related links are available here. A few talks are also available as well as course notes on linear algebra and mathematical reasoning .

I am an associate editor for Selecta Mathematica . Some student and faculty mentees with following positions.

A link to some K-12 material , including material for a geometry course for in-service and pre-service teachers.

I recently organized a workshop on Recent Developments in Lagrangian Floer theory at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics which was to be held in March 2020, and was eventually held in March 2022.

The mailing address is
Hill Center, Department of Mathematics,
Rutgers University,
110 Frelinghuysen Rd,
Piscataway NJ 08854.

Links to
My partner Neepa Maitra's page .
My daughter Sophie Woodward's page .
e-mail: ctw@sites.math.rutgers.edu