Cole Franks

I have moved to MIT. You can find my new website here.

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Mathematics
Rutgers, the State University Of New Jersey

B.S., Mathematics and Physics



The University of South Carolina

Curriculum Vitae    (43kb)

I am a sixth year PhD student under
Michael Saks. I am interested in discrete math and theoretical computer science.

Along with Aditya Potokuchi and Michael Saks, I coorganize the Theory of Computing Reading Seminar. To see more past papers, take a look at the old TOC reading seminar website.


Math 477, 481 Probability and Statistics


(TA at Large, Spring 2019)

[Krashen's 477 Course Website] [Kontorovich's 481 Course Website]

In-person office hours: Hill Center, Room 101, Monday 5-6 pm, Friday 2-3 pm

Online office hours: Wednesday 2-3 pm, [Egyan elearning]

Math 151: Calculus I for Math and Physics


(TA, Fall 2016)

Directed Reading Program: Combinatorics


(Spring 2016)


A simple algorithm for Horn’s problem and two results on discrepancy

A simple algorithm for Horn’s problem and two results on discrepancy (PhD Thesis, April 12, 2019)


A simplified disproof of Beck's three permutations conjecture and an application to root-mean-squared discrepancy



On the Discrepancy of Random Matrices with Many Columns

with Michael Saks (2018)


Efficient algorithms for tensor scaling, quantum marginals and moment polytopes

with Peter Bürgisser, Ankit Garg, Rafael Oliveira, Michael Walter, and Avi Wigderson (2018)

[To appear, FOCS 2018]


Operator scaling with specified marginals


[STOC 2018] [arXiv] [pdf]

The Delta Squared Conjecture holds for graphs of small order




Graph Labeling with Distance Conditions and the Delta Squared Conjecture


Undergraduate thesis, University of South Carolina

Upper and lower bounds for the iterates of order-preserving homogeneous maps on cones


with Philip Chodrow, Brian Lins (2013)

[Linear Algebra and its Applications], [arXiv]

On the structure group of a decomposable model space

with Corey Dunn, Joseph Palmer (2013)

[Contributions to Algebra and Geometry], [arXiv]


On the Discrepancy of Random Matrices with Many Columns



Efficient algorithms for tensor scaling, quantum marginals, and moment polytopes



Operator Scaling with Specified Marginals

STOC (2018),





Rutgers Graduate Combinatorics Seminar (2017)



Mechanism Design

Rutgers Graduate Student Pizza Seminar (2016)



A theorem used in communication complexity and a conjectured generalization

Rutgers Graduate Combinatorics Seminar (2016)

Approximately Counting Graph Colorings

Rutgers Graduate Combinatorics Seminar (2016)

Guillotine Cuts

Rutgers Graduate Combinatorics Seminar (2015)



Area Paradoxes

Rutgers Graduate Student Pizza Seminar (2015)




W. Cole Franks

Hill Center, Room 606
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey
110 Frelinghuysen Rd.
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019

email: wcf17 at math dot rutgers dot edu

wcf17 at math dot rutgers dot edu