Research and Publications

I'm interested in the intersection of model theory and combinatorics. My research thus far has focused on $\omega$-categoricity, homogeneity, and structural Ramsey theory. Here is a copy of my research statement.

1. Samuel Braunfeld, The Lattice of Definable Equivalence Relations in Homogeneous $n$-Dimensional Permutation Structures. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 23 (2016), no. 4, Paper 44 Journal link
2. Samuel Braunfeld, Ramsey Expansions of $\Lambda$-Ultrametric Spaces. (Submitted to the European Journal of Combinatorics.) arXiv link
3. Samuel Braunfeld, Homogeneous 3-Dimensional Permutation Structures. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25 (2018), no. 2, Paper 52 Journal link
4. Samuel Braunfeld, Pierre Simon, The classification of homogeneous finite-dimensional permutation structures. arXiv link

The results from the first three papers above, as well as material around the undecidability of the joint embedding property, appear in my thesis Infinite Limits of Finite-Dimensional Permutation Structures, and their Automorphism Groups: Between Model Theory and Combinatorics. arXiv link