Expository Writing

Here are notes from a couple of expository talks I have given. A more complete lists of talks I have given can be found in my CV.

Knot Invariants and Quantum Groups (Expository talk for mathematics students)
Rutgers University Mathematics Association (RUMA) Seminar Series, April 15, 2019
Rutgers University

What is a topological quantum field theory? (Talk for non-mathematicians)
Graduate Seminar, St Peter's College, February 6, 2015
University of Oxford

Lusztig's Geometric Construction of Canonical Basis (Part I)
Summer School: Quiver Hecke Algebras, June 20, 2014
IEHC, Cargese

Knots in Mathematics (Talk for non-mathematicians)
St Peter's College Gradfest, November 18, 2013
University of Oxford

Categorical Semantics and Topos Theory
Seminar: Homotopy Type Theory, November 16, 2011
University of Oxford

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes I typed. For Prof Grojnowski's lectures include about 100 exercises (only some with solutions).

Introduction to Rational Cherednik Algebras
LMS-CMI Research School (Given by Prof Iain Gordon), August 2014
University of Glasgow

Introduction to Lie algebras and their representations
Part III Course (Given by Prof Ian Grojnowski), MT 2010
University of Cambridge