640:403 - Introductory Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable

Section 01, Spring 2025

Anders Buch (asbuch ⊗ math • rutgers • edu)


Web sites:
Course web site http://sites.math.rutgers.edu/~asbuch/complex_s25/
Canvas site (exam scores and announcements)
Canvas mirror site (homework)

Stephen D. Fisher, Complex Variables (2nd edition)
Lev A. Borisov, Notes on the Gamma and Zeta functions
Handwritten class notes from 2018

Tuesday and Thursday 7:30-8:50 PM in LSH-B109 (Livingston)

Office hours:
After class until everyone leaves.


Practice Problems

David Bau's Complex Function Graph Viewer (Short explanation)


Midterm 1, Tuesday February 25 in class, 22%
Midterm 2, Thursday April 3 in class, 22%
Final Exam, May 4, 8-11 AM, 44%
Weekly Homework, 12% total.

All exams are closed-book, with no calculators or formula sheets allowed. You may be asked to do calculations, state theorems and definitions, prove statements, and anything else that is relevant for this subject.

There are no makeups for missed midterm exams, regardless of the reason. However, if you cannot attend a midterm due to a valid reason, for example a medical emergency, the rest of your exam scores will be scaled to compensate for the missed test. If you have missed or are about to miss a midterm, you should contact me as soon as possible.

Grades are given according to the total scores, with the distribution of grades likely to mimic historical distribution of grades for this course. Improvement towards the end of the semester is not reflected in the semester grade. Two people with the same total scores will receive the same grade, regardless of who did better at the end of the semester.

Midterm 1:

Tuesday February 25 in class.
Closed-book exam, no calculators, no formula sheet.
Covered sections: 1.1-1.6, 2.1-2.2.
Practice exam
Average 65/90, Median 66/90, Max 89/90
F < 47 ≤ D < 51 ≤ C < 65 ≤ B < 82 ≤ A

Midterm 2:

Thursday April 3 in class.
Closed-book exam, no calculators, no formula sheet.

Final exam:

Date TBA
Closed-book exam, no calculators, no formula sheet.
This exam is cumulative.

Homework Policy:

(1) Late homework is not accepted.

(2) It is fine to discuss the problems with others, but write-ups must be individual. If you have received help for solving a problem, then cite your source(s).

(3) Regard a homework problem as an essay with rigorous mathematical content. Explain what you do without making your explanation longer than necessary. Write neatly. Use punctuation. It is your responsibility that whoever reads your work will understand and enjoy it!

Assigned homework sets will show up on this course web site.

Assigned homework:

Homework 1: Due Thursday January 30.
1.1: 11, 19
1.2: 19
Homework 2: Due Thursday February 6.
1.3: 13
1.4: 15, 39
Homework 3: Due Thursday February 13.
1.5: 17
1.6: 7, 9
Homework 4: Due Saturday March 1.
2.1: 23
2.2: 13, 19
For 19(c) you can use that Log(z) is analytic with Log'(z)=1/z.
Homework 5: Due Thursday March 6.
2.3: 5, 14, 15
Homework 6: Due Thursday March 13.
2.4: 18, 20, 21