Rational generating functions for the Certain Stanley-Stern Sums By Shalosh B. Ekhad Theorem Number, 1 --------------------------------- Let Z[n] be the integer sequence whose generating function is infinity ----- 4 3 2 \ j -3 t - 2 t - t + 1 ) Z[j] t = -------------------------- / 5 4 3 2 ----- -t - t - t - t - t + 1 j = 0 Let n - 1 --------' ' | | Z[i + 4] (Z[i + 3] + Z[i + 4]) F[n](x) = | | (1 + x + x | | | | i = 0 (Z[i + 2] + Z[i + 3] + Z[i + 4]) + x (Z[i + 1] + Z[i + 2] + Z[i + 3] + Z[i + 4]) + x (Z[i] + Z[i + 1] + Z[i + 2] + Z[i + 3] + Z[i + 4]) + x ) Write: infinity ----- \ i F[n](x) = ) a(n, i) x / ----- i = 0 Let : infinity ----- \ H(n) = ) a(n, k) / ----- k = 0 Then infinity ----- \ n ) H(n) t / ----- n = 0 equals (I-Mt)^(-1) v [1] where M is a certain square matrix of dimension, 1 and v is a certain vector of length, 1 that are too big to display. At any rate we can use them to find the first, 31, terms starting at n=0, for the sake of the OEIS. [1, 6, 36, 216, 1296, 7776, 46656, 279936, 1679616, 10077696, 60466176, 362797056, 2176782336, 13060694016, 78364164096, 470184984576, 2821109907456, 16926659444736, 101559956668416, 609359740010496, 3656158440062976, 21936950640377856, 131621703842267136, 789730223053602816, 4738381338321616896, 28430288029929701376, 170581728179578208256, 1023490369077469249536, 6140942214464815497216, 36845653286788892983296, 221073919720733357899776] ----------------------------- This took, 0.007, seconds. Theorem Number, 2 --------------------------------- Let Z[n] be the integer sequence whose generating function is infinity ----- 4 3 2 \ j -3 t - 2 t - t + 1 ) Z[j] t = -------------------------- / 5 4 3 2 ----- -t - t - t - t - t + 1 j = 0 Let n - 1 --------' ' | | Z[i + 4] (Z[i + 3] + Z[i + 4]) F[n](x) = | | (1 + x + x | | | | i = 0 (Z[i + 2] + Z[i + 3] + Z[i + 4]) + x (Z[i + 1] + Z[i + 2] + Z[i + 3] + Z[i + 4]) + x (Z[i] + Z[i + 1] + Z[i + 2] + Z[i + 3] + Z[i + 4]) + x ) Write: infinity ----- \ i F[n](x) = ) a(n, i) x / ----- i = 0 Let : infinity ----- \ 2 H(n) = ) a(n, k) / ----- k = 0 Then infinity ----- \ n ) H(n) t / ----- n = 0 equals (I-Mt)^(-1) v [1] where M is a certain square matrix of dimension, 12751 and v is a certain vector of length, 12751 that are too big to display. At any rate we can use them to find the first, 31, terms starting at n=0, for the sake of the OEIS. [1, 6, 118, 2332, 43040, 776182, 14096160, 258863060, 4759479794, 87307373274, 1599583984610, 29306925519860, 537073862300162, 9844882125355244, 180455814972656336, 3307371523093715084, 60614841687014981498, 1110886864454334276802, 20359841497444717922446, 373148858318572700506456, 6838860279949142328789470, 125337543981460140154985380, 2297083930693040153209146546, 42099186031615964836943478146, 771563281389973674073809026598, 14140623933328946509238287954584, 259157975853975433204646533550570, 4749635199606267509604698368205096, 87047411387014608684874079375400224, 1595334298122534586383857294138576980, 29237983733568975046238512191348334982] ----------------------------- This took, 4681.837, seconds. ----------------------------------------- This concludes this article that took, 21811.677, seconds to produce.