read `Hardin.txt`: K1:=2: K2:=50: f:=GF1t({0,1},{[0,1,0],[1,0,1]}$2,2,t): print(`The generating function enumerating n by 2 0-1 matrices avoiding both vertical and horizontal patterns 010, 101 (i.e. the Mot Alone restrticion) is`): print(``): print(f): print(``): print(`and in Maple notatin`): print(``): lprint(f): print(``): f1:=taylor(f,t=0,K2+2): L:=[seq(coeff(f1,t,i),i=1..K2)]: print(`For the sake of the OEIS here are the first`, K2, `terms `): print(``): lprint(L): print(``): print(`---------------------------`): print(``): print(`This took`, time(), `seconds`): quit: