Liebe Opa Paul, Ich Bin Auch Ein Experimental Scientist!

By Doron Zeilberger

Written: Oct. 9, 2002

I visited Leipzig this summer, mainly to look up the graves of my great-grandparents Salomon Alexander and Rebecka (b. Pinner) Alexander, and to explore the city and university where my beloved grandfather, Paul Alexander grew up and studied.

I used this opportunity to give a talk at the Max Planck Instiute, Leipzig entitled Computer Algebra and Determinants

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This article is accompanied by the Maple package CLD

For examples of EvalH and EvalT (i.e. terse style), look at Terse input file for CLD (call it incld1) , if you type: maple -q < incld1 > ocld1 , you would get Terse output file for CLD

For examples of EvalHpaper and EvalTpaper (i.e. verbose style), look at Verbose input file for CLD (call it incld2) , if you type: maple -q < incld2 > ocld2 , you would get Verbose output file for CLD

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