The Method of Differentiating Under The Intergral Sign
By Gert Almkvist and Doron Zeilberger.
Appeared in J. Symbolic Computation 10(1990), 571-591.
Ken Wilson once said that yesterday's tricks are today's method.
This article makes a theory out of Richard Feynman's favorite
trick for doing (ordinary, not path) integrals.
(Plain ) .tex version (23 pages)
.dvi version (for previewing)
.ps version
.pdf version
Note added with the TeX version (Dec. 15, 1999):
The Almkvist-Zeilberger algorithm is implemented in
the package
EKAHD, but instead of calling the procedure
duis, like we did in the earlier version referred to
in the paper, we call it AZd and AZc, for the discrete
and continuous versions, respectively.
Note: The present Plain TeX version was obtained by applying my
TroffToTeX translator to the original
Troff source file
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