Archive of Speakers and Talks --- 2010
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Spring 2010
Date: January 28, 2010
Speaker: Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University
Title: Combinatorial Trigonometry
In Richard Stanley's wonderful
talk (slide 8), that was
recently given as the second of the three Colloquium talks at the 2010 annual joint mathematics meeting,
he coined the term combinatorial trigonometry. I will expand the theme, and show that
sine and cosine (and secant and tangent) are not what you think, but are, in fact, exponential generating functions
enumerating combinatorial objects, and proving trig identities, so dreaded by billions of high school students,
could actually be fun!
Date: February 4, 2010
Speaker: Gary Gordon, Lafayette College
Title: Moving faces to other places: Facet Derangements
When you roll a die, what is the probability that every face has
been moved to another location? Starting from this simple problem, we
look at integer sequences associated with the number of facet
derangements of an n-dimensional hypercube. We briefly survey some
previous work, discuss a reformulation of the problem, and give
recursive and non-recursive formulas for the sequences. This is joint
work with Liz McMahon.
Date: February 18, 2010
Speaker: Sergi Elizalde, Dartmouth College
Title: A greedy sorting algorithm
In sorting situations where the final destination of each item is
known, it is natural to repeatedly choose items and place them where
they belong, allowing the intervening items to shift by one to make
room. However, it is not obvious that this algorithm necessarily
We show that in fact the algorithm terminates after at most 2n-1-1
steps in the worst case, and that there are super-exponentially many
permutations for which this exact bound can be achieved. The proof
involves a curious symmetrical binary representation.
This is joint work with Peter Winkler.
Date: March 4, 2010
Speaker: Emilie Hogan, Rutgers University
Title: Non-linear recurrences which unexpectedly produce rational numbers
Non-linear recurrences which generate integers have been widely studied (e.g., the Somos recurrences).
Typically these recurrences are linear in the highest order term. In this talk I will investigate what
happens when we remove this restriction. We no longer produce single sequences given some initial
conditions but an infinite set of sequences. Additionally we expect irrational numbers. I will show
some examples of these types of recurrences which produce rational numbers and discuss how they were discovered.
Date: March 11, 2010
Speaker: Bruce Sagan, Michigan State and NSF
Title: Probabilistic proofs of hook length formulas involving trees
The abstract is available as a pdf at:
Video available: (via YouTube, thanks to Edinah Gnang and Paul Raff)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Alernate version with different camera focus:
Part a
Part b
Part c
Part d
Part e
Date: March 25, 2010
Speaker: Paul Pasles, Villanova University
Title: Benjamin Franklin’s Mathematics, Recreational and Otherwise
We will examine the mathematics of Franklin, the long history of magic squares, and the inevitable intersection of these sets.
Date: April 8, 2010
Speaker: Neil J. A. Sloane, AT&T Shannon Labs
Title: The Toothpick Sequence and Other Sequences from Cellular Automata
The toothpick sequence was invented by Omar Pol
(in Buenos Aires). One starts by placing
a single toothpick of length 1 on a square grid.
At each subsequent stage, for every exposed toothpick end,
place an orthogonal toothpick centered at that end.
The result has a remarkable fractal-like structure
(which will be illustrated by a movie),
and the number of toothpicks added at each stage
satisfies an unusual recurrence and generating function.
Some related sequences generated by two-dimensional
cellular automata will also be discussed.
This talk is based on joint work with David Applegate and Omar Pol.
Date: April 15, 2010
Speaker: Edinah Gnang, Computer Science, Rutgers University
Title: Tensors Algebra and Tensor Spectrum
Many problems in computer vision naturally reduce to processing n-dimensional
arrays of numbers. Whether we are trying to perform principal
component analysis,
Bayesian Inference or investigate properties of hypergraphs, one way
or another we are led
to n-dimensional arrays of numbers also known as tensors.
I will discuss a framework and tool set for analyzing such objects.
Date: April 22, 2010
Speaker: James Abello, DIMACS Research Faculty
Title: The Weak Bruhat Order, Persistent Graphs and Staircase Polygon Visibility
We introduce a special class of graphs called Persistent. They partition maximal chains
on the Weak Bruhat Order of the Symmetric Group. It has been known for some time that visibility
graphs of staircase polygons are contained in the class of persistent graphs ( AEK, Discrete and
Computational Geometry, 14:331-358, 1995 ). A two decades conumdrum has been to prove that these
two classes are identical. We will highlight the main elements of such a proof. As a byproduct
we obtain an efficient algorithm that constructs for a given persistent graph G a staircase
polygon P whose visibility graph is isomorphic to G.
Date: April 29, 2010
Speaker: Christoph Koutschan, Tulane University
Title: Proof of George Andrews' and David Robbins' q-TSPP Conjecture
Around 1983, George Andrews and David Robbins independently
conjectured that the orbit-counting generating function for totally
symmetric plane partitions can be expressed by an explicit and elegant
product-formula. We employ Zeilberger's holonomic systems approach to
obtain the first proof of this famous long-standing conjecture.
In particular, we had to improve the existing computer algebra methods
for automatically proving holonomic function identities.
This is joint work with M. Kauers and D. Zeilberger.
Video available on YouTube (via Edinah Gnang)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Date: May 6, 2010.
Time: 5:00 - 5:55 pm
Speaker: Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers
Title: 3x+1
Paul Erdos once said that mathematics is not yet ready to tackle the
notorious Collatz 3x+1 problem, and he was probably
right, as far as purely human attempts are concerned.
But I believe that a creative collaboration with machinekind may
increase the chance of a proof from epsilon squared to epsilon,
and even if we don't find a proof, trying it out should be
Note: This is a "rerun" of the Erdos Memorial Lecture delivered
on March 27, 2010, 8:00-9:00pm at the
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY,
Spring Southeastern Section Meeting. It is given again for the
benefit of those who couldn't make it there.
A video of the talk has also been posted on YouTube:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Date: Tuesday, May 25 2010, 5:00 - 5:49pm.
Speaker: Dominique Foata, University of Strasbourg
Title: Doubloon, a combinatorial model for a q-extension of trigonometric functions
A video of the talk has also been posted on YouTube:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Fall 2010
Date: September 16, 2010
Speaker: Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University
Title: Leon Ehrenpreis (1930-2010) a Truly FUNDAMENTAL Mathematician
This is a mathematical ה ס פ ד (eulogy) for
my great mentor and influencer,
Leon Ehrenpreis, who has made
fundamental contributions to mathematics, including the seminal
theorem about the existence of a Fundamental solution
to any partial linear differential operator with constant coefficients and
the amazing statement, and proof, of the so-called Fundamental principle.
I will illustrate his beautiful ideas by presenting discrete analogs, where
things get much simpler, and Leon's beautiful ideas shine out in their bare beauty,
without the "continuous" distracting background noise, so no knowledge of
analysis is needed to understand this talk.
YouTube version (in 6 parts):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Vimeo version (in 2 parts):
Part I Part II
Date: September 23, 2010
Speaker: Krishnaswami Alladi, Univeristy of Florida
Title: Some new companions to Euler's pentagonal numbers theorem
We will deduce two new companions to Euler's
celebrated Pentagonal numbers theorem from partial theta
identiities of Ramanujan and Andrews. These companions
are acttually stronger in the sense that they can be refined
by the introduction of a parameter $a$. The cancellation by
parity split is just as strong as in Euler's theorem even with
the parameter $a$, but for these companions the role of the
pentagonal numbers is replaced by the squares. It is amazing
that even though the weights in the two companions are
different, their sums are the same, and so the cancellation
and the resulting lacunarity are identical. Finally, from another
identity in Ramanujan's Lost Notebook, we will deduce one
more companion to Euler's theorem, this one involving twice
the pentagonal numbers. We will show how these companions
are connected to various fundamental results in the theory of
partitions and q-hypergeometric series. The talk will be accessible
to non-experts.
YouTube version (in 8 parts):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Date: September 30, 2010
Speaker: Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University
Title: Against Rigor
The ancient Greeks gave (western) civilization quite a few gifts,
but we should beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
The gifts of theatre and democracy were definitely good ones, and
perhaps even the gift of philosophy,
but the "gift" of the so-called "axiomatic method" and
the notion of "rigorous" proof did much more harm than good.
[Note: this is a version of an invited talk given at
9th Mathematical Knowledge Management, July 9, 2010.
It is given again for the benefit of those who couldn't make it,
and so that it could be videotaped.]
Date: October 7, 2010
Speaker: Drew Sills, Georgia Southern University
Title: Maximizing the Wiener Index
In 1947 and 1948, Harry Wiener published five papers which introduced a
pair of graph theoretical invariants, one of which he called the "path
number," but is now known instead as the Wiener index. The Wiener index
was the first topological index to be introduced into the field of
chemistry. It is widely studied to this day, and is now one of hundreds
of topological indices of interest to chemists.
My talk is a preliminary report on a study of the conditions which give
rise to the maximum possible Wiener index among all trees with a given
degree sequence. This study is joint work with Hua Wang.
For those who attended Professor Zeilberger's birthday conference at Rutgers last May (or watched the youtube video),
this talk is an expanded version of the 20-minute talk I gave then,
incorporating new results and observations that have been found in the
past few months.
No particular background will be assumed. All terms used in the talk
will be carefully defined and explained, and accompanied by concrete
examples. Students are particularly encouraged to attend!
Date: October 14, 2010
Speaker: David Bressoud, Macalester College
Title: Developments in Alternating Sign Matrices
After an overview of the discoveries concerning alternating sign matrices
that led to Doron's proof of the refined alternating sign matrix conjecture,
this talk will introduce many of the developments that have arisen since
then, suggesting that there is still a lot of room for exploration and
experimentation with these ubiquitous objects.
Posted on YouTube (5 parts):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Date: October 21, 2010
Speaker: Jocelyn Quaintance, Rutgers University and West Virginia University
Title: Symmetrically Inequivalent Partitions of a Square Array
The purpose of this talk is to introduce the concept of proper
arrays and methodologies on how to exactly enumerate these objects. There are two main methods of
enumeration, a cellular automata and a generating function expression. This talk will focus on
combinatorial methods used to derived the generating function formula. If time permits, I will
describe the open question which has been puzzling me for the past four years. No background in
enumerative combinatorics is assumed and this talk will be accessible to students. So come and
play with the cubes!
Posted on YouTube (5 parts):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Date: October 28, 2010
Speaker: Bahman Kalantari, Rutgers (Computer Science)
Title: Algorithms for Quaternion Polynomial Root-Finding
In 1941 Niven pioneered quaternion
polynomial root-finding by proving the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (FTA)
and proposing an algorithm, practical only if the norm and trace of a
solution are known. Here we present several novel results on theory,
algorithms and applications of quaternion root-finding. First, we present
a new proof of the FTA resulting in explicit exact and approximate formulas
for the roots of a given quaternion polynomial in terms of exact and
approximate complex roots of a real polynomial. Immediate consequences include,
relevance of complex polynomial root-finding algorithms, computing bounds
on zeros, and algebraic solution of special quaternion equations.
Additionally, we develop Newton and Halley methods in the quaternion space,
as well as an analogue of the Bernoulli method for computing dominant roots.
The latter is based on the development of a theory for solving quaternion
homogeneous linear recurrence relations. Finally, we describe algorithms
for the visualization of quaternion polynomials, laying the foundation for
quaternion polynomiography.
Date: November 4, 2010
Speaker: Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers
Title: A Case Study in Experimental (Yet Fully Rigorous!)
Mathematics: The Asymptotic Independence of the Two Main Permutation
I will describe the computer-assisted proof, by my student Andrew Baxter and myself, of the
intriguing fact that the two most important permutation statistics, namely
the number of inversions and the major index
are asymptotically independent (all the terms will be explained, the talk does not assume any
previous knowledge of combinatorics or probability).
At the same time, I will debunk several common prejudices of many
mathematicians: "computers can's prove, they can only compute",
"you can't generalize from finitely many cases", and "a math article has
to be boring in order to be correct".
I will also suggest a more effective, and much more reliable, way for
future scholarly communication, rather
than the current "peer"-reviewed system, that uses anonymous referees.
For the mathematical part see:
For the meta-mathematical part see:
For video links, see
Date: November 11, 2010
Speaker: Tom Osler, Rowan University
Title: Unexpected connections between three famous old formulas for π
In 1593 Vieta produced an infinite product for 2/π in which the factors are nested radicals. In 1656 John Wallis published
his “Arithmetica Infinitorum”, in which he gave another infinite product for π/2. The Wallis product is very different
as the factors are rational numbers. In the same book, Wallis published a continued fraction for 4/π which he obtained
from Lord Brouncker. We will show how to morph the Wallis product into Vieta's product. That this is possible is indeed a
surprise. To obtain this morphing we give a single formula that contains a parameter “n”. When n is zero, the formula
produces the Wallis product. When n = infinity, the formula gives Vieta's product. As n increases 0, 1, 2, 3, … we see
the gradual transition form a product of only rational numbers to a product of only nested radicals. A second formula is
given that allows us to morph Brouncker's continued fraction into the Wallis product. Is there a morphing between the
product of Vieta and Brouncker's continued fraction?
The slides from the talk.
Posted on YouTube (5 parts). Due to a glitch, the first five minutes were lost.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Date: November 18, 2010
Speaker: Maria Chudnovsky, Columbia University
Title: Vertex-disjoint paths in tournaments
The question of linking pairs of
terminals by disjoint paths is a standard and well-studied question in
graph theory. The setup is: given
vertices s1,..,sk and t1,..,tk, is there a set of disjoint path P1,..,Pk
such that Pi is a path from si to ti? This question makes sense in both
directed and undirected graphs, and the paths may be required to be
edge- or
For undirected graphs, a
polynomial-time algorithm for solving both the edge-disjoint and the
vertex-disjoint version of the problem (where the number k of terminals
is fixed) was first found by Robertson and Seymour, and is a part of
their well-known Graph Minors project. For directed graphs, both
problems are NP-complete, even when k=2 (by a result of Fortune,
Hopcroft and Wyllie). However, if we restrict our attention to
tournaments (these are directed graphs with exactly one arc between
every two vertices), the situation improves. Polynomial time algorithms
for solving the edge-disjoint and the vertex-disjoint paths problems
when k=2 have been known for a while (these are results of Bang-Jensen,
and Bang-Jensen and Thomassen, respectively).
Last year, Fradkin and Seymour
were able to design a polynomial-time algorithm to solve the
edge-disjoint paths problem in tournaments for general (fixed) k, using a
new parameter for tournaments, developed by Seymour and the speaker,
called "cut-width". However, the vertex-disjoint paths problem seemed to
be resistant to similar methods. This talk will focus on the
time algorithm to solve the vertex-disjoint paths problem in
tournaments for general (fixed) k, that we have recently obtained in
joint work with Scott and Seymour.
Posted on YouTube (5 parts).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Date: December 2 , 2010
Speaker: Margaret Readdy, University of Kentucky
(Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, 2010-2011)
Title: Balanced and Bruhat graphs
The cd-index is a noncommutative polynomial which compactly encodes
the flag vector data of the face lattice of a polytope, and more
generally, of an Eulerian poset. There is a simple yet powerful
coalgebraic structure on the cd-index which enables one to understand
how the cd-index of a polytope changes under geometric operations and
proves non-trivial inequalities among the face incidence data.
We consider a general class of labeled graphs which satisfy a balanced
condition and develop the cd-index. As a special case, this work
applies to Bruhat graphs arising from the strong Bruhat order on a
Coxeter group and gives straightforward proofs of recent results of
Billera and Brenti. I will also indicate various ongoing projects
with Billera, Ehrenborg and Hetyei.
Posted on YouTube (5 parts).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Date: December 9, 2010
Speaker: Bruce Sagan, Michigan State (visiting Penn)
Title: Combinatorial interpretations of binomial coefficient analogues
related to Lucas sequences
Posted on YouTube (5 parts):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5