Archive of Speakers and Talks --- 2006

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Spring 2006

Date: Thursday, January 19, 2006
Speaker: Eric Rowland, Rutgers
Title: Nested Structures in Cellular Automata

Among one-dimensional cellular automata, one finds beautiful examples of global nested ("fractal") patterns; the 2-color nearest-neighbor rule numbers 60, 90, 105, 150 all generate global nested structures when begun from a single black cell. Additionally, some cellular automata exhibit local nested structures on one side. The notoriously intractable rule 30 is such an example -- less obvious and more interesting than its global counterparts. In general, rules with local nested structure are characterized by positional bijectivity in one of the rule components. That is, under certain natural conditions, these rules are reversible in time, so that it makes sense to talk about the infinite history of the automaton as well as its future.

We will prove a general theorem accounting for nested structure in a right bijective, k-color rule, and we will explore a new class of integer sequences suggested by these investigations. A computer will be on hand to show us nice pictures of what we are talking about.

Date: Thursday, January 26, 2006
Speaker: Arvind Ayyer, Rutgers (Physics)
Title: Some Combinatorial Identities from Noncommutative Field Theory
Abstract: tarting from a particular Noncommutative Field Theory in six dimensions, we motivate and prove two sets of combinatorial identities, one hypergeometric and the other more general. I would like to show how the more general case works in one nontrivial case. The paper is posted on the e-print arXiv at hep-th/0508014.

Date: Thursday, February 2, 2006
Speaker: Ilias Kotsireas , Wilfrid Laurier University
Title: Algorithms in Combinatorial Design Theory

Many existence problems in Combinatorial Design Theory are directly amenable to algebraic formulations that enable the application of powerful computational algebra and metaheuristic methods. The application of computational algebra methods, often aided by supercomputing, reveals important combinatorial and group theoretic structural information on the varieties associated with combinatorial designs. The application of metaheuristic methods, such as genetic algorithms for instance, allows the construction of designs of large orders.

These ideas lead to some interesting consequences in Coding Theory, such as the construction of new self-dual codes with larger minimal distances. One of the practical outcomes of these projects is the deployment of several combinatorial designs databases, integrated in the Magma Computer Algebra System developed in Sydney. In this talk I will discuss specific examples of applications and new results, as well as future research perspectives.

Date: Thursday, February 9, 2006
Speaker: Sarah Mason, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Nonsymmetric Schur functions and an analogue of the RSK algorithm
Abstract: The Schur functions, sμ, form a basis for the ring of symmetric functions. Macdonald polynomials are symmetric functions Pμ(x;q,t) in variables x= x1, x2, ... , with coefficients which are rational functions of two parameters q and t. The Schur functions are obtained from Macdonald polynomials by setting q = t = 0. Recently Haglund, Haiman, and Loehr derived a combinatorial formula for nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials, which gives a new decomposition of the Macdonald polynomial into nonsymmetric components and provides a combinatorial description of the nonsymmetric Schur functions, NSλ. Letting q = t = 0 in this identity implies sμ(x) = ∑λNSλ(x), where the sum is over all rearrangements λ of the partition μ. We exhibit a weight-preserving bijection between semi-standard Young tableaux and semi-standard skyline fillings to give a combinatorial proof of the formula. The bijection involves an analogue of the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth Algorithm. We also provide a non-recursive combinatorial interpretation of the standard bases of Lascoux and Schützenberger.

Date: Thursday, February 16, 2006
Speaker: Amy Novick-Cohen, Technion---Israel Institute of Technology and Courant Institute, NYU
Title: An Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard System

Abstract: An Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard system was derived in 1994 to describe simulateous phase separation and ordering, in isothermal systems. When concentration dependence of the mobility is taken into account, a degenerate coupled fourth and second order parabolic system is obtained. At low temperatures and at near 50%-50% stiochiometry, formal asymptotics predict coupled surface diffusion and motion by mean curvature. This limiting system is important in and of itself in many contexts in materials science, and its relationship to various questions regarding wetting and spreading is also of interest. In terms of the regularity properites of the system, while existence, uniqueness, and long time behavior have been analyzed in depth in the constant mobility case, the regularity properties for the degenerate system are far more elusive. Indeed, so far for the degenerate system, existence has only been proven in one-dimension and the possibility of nonuniqueness has been demonstrated. It can also be shown to have many features in common with the thin film equations, and techniques developed in that context are relevant here.

Date: Thursday, February 23, 2006
Speaker: Neil Sloane, AT&T
Title: The influence of the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences on research
Abstract: The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) is a database of over 100000 number sequences. It is freely available on the Web and is widely used. There are several ways in which it benefits research.
1. It serves as a dictionary, to tell the user what is known about a particular sequence. There are hundreds of papers which thank the OEIS for assistance in this way.
2. The associated Sequence Fans mailing list is a worldwide network which has evolved into a powerful machine for tackling new problems.
3. As a direct source of new theorems, when a sequence arises in two different contexts.
4. As a source of new research, when one sees a sequence in the OEIS that cries out to be analyzed. The talk will be illustrated with numerous examples, emphasizing new sequences that have arrived in the past few months. Many open problems will be mentioned.

Date: Thursday, March 2, 2006
Speaker: William Goh, Drexel University
Title: Limiting distributions for extreme branch sizes for random recursive trees
Abstract: A recursive tree can be viewed as a labeled tree rooted at 1. Let D be the set of nodes of the first generation. A subtree with its root in D is called a branch, which is also a recursive tree if all labels in it are shifted by appropriate constants. The total number of nodes in a branch is called the size of the branch. Let Xn and X~n be the random variables marking the minimum branch size and maximum branch size of the tree, respectively. In this talk I will explain how the limiting distribution for Xn and X~n are obtained. It turns out that we proved the following theorems.

Theorem 1 Let Xn be the minimum branch size in a random recursive tree of order n. The asymptotic distribution of Xn is given by
limn->∞ Pr( Xn = m ) = exp(-Hm-1) (1 - exp(-1/m)), m = 1,2, . . . ,
where Hk:= ∑j=1k 1/j is the k-th harmonic number with H0 = 0.

Theorem 2 Let X~n be the maximum branch size in a random recursive tree of order n. The asymptotic distribution of Yn:= X~n/n is:
0 < ξ ≤ 1,

limn->∞ Pr( Yn ≤ ξ ) = ξ exp( γ - a(ξ) ) / (2 π ) ∫-∞ exp( ∫0ξ(a(ξ)+iθ) [exp(t) - 1]/t dt - iθ ) dθ,

where γ denotes Euler's constant and a(ξ) is the positive function that satisfies the functional equation
exp(ξ a(ξ)) = a(ξ) + 1

This is a joint work with Professor Chun Su and Mr. Qunqiang Feng of Department of Statistics and Finance, University of Science and Technology of China.

Date: Thursday, March 9, 2006
Speaker: Yi Jin, J. P. Morgan
Title: Finding roots of a particular multiplicity in high style
Abstract: Many high order iterative root-finding algorithms such as Newton's method and Halley's method degrade to linear convergent algorithms when the root is of multiplicity greater than 1 (such a root is often called a multiple root). In this talk we show how to construct an algorithm of arbitrary integral order m≥2 for roots of a particular multiplicity gracefully, i.e., through an algebraic combinatorial approach. (joint work with Bahman Kalantari)

Date: Thursday, March 16, 2006
No seminar due to Spring Break

Date: Thursday, March 23, 2006
Speaker: Feng Luo, Rutgers
Title: Some applications of the cosine law in low-dimensional geometry
Abstract: In the discrete approach to smooth metrics on surfaces, the basic building blocks are sometimes taken to be triangles in constant curvature spaces. In this setting edge lengths and inner angles of triangles correspond to the metrics and its curvatures. For triangles in hyperbolic, spherical and Euclidean geometries, edge lengths and inner angles are related by the cosine law. Thus cosine law should be considered as the metric-curvature relation. From this point of view, the derivative of the cosine law is an analogy of the Bianchi identity in Riemannian geometry. This talk is focus on many applications of the derivative cosine law. It provides a unification of many known approaches of constructing constant curvature metrics on surfaces. These include the work of Colin de Vedierer, Greg Leibon, Bragger, Chow and myself on variational approaches and discrete curvature flows on triangulated surfaces.

Date: Thursday, March 30, 2006
Speaker: Melkamu Zeleke, William Patterson University
Title: Generalized Motzkin Numbers & k-Trees
Abstract: (Joint work with Mahendra Jani) We use k-trees to generalize the sequence of Motzkin numbers Mn = [zn] { (1 - z - (1- 2 z - 3 z2)½) / (2 z2) } and use this generalization to show that Baxter's generalization of Temperley-Lieb operators is a special case of generalized Motzkin numbers. We also show that the terms of 3-Motzkin numbers are palindromic sums and investigate some asymptotic properties of the terms of k-Motzkin numbers.

Date: Thursday, April 6, 2006
Speaker: AdiBen-Israel, Rutgers University (RUTCOR)
Title:A Newton-Bracketing Method for Convex Minimization and its Application to Location Problems

An iterative method for the minimization of convex functions f: R^n --> R, called a Newton Bracketing (NB) method, is presented, [2].

The NB method proceeds by using Newton iterations to improve upper and lower bounds on the minimum value. Each iteration of the NB method does one step of the Directional Newton Method, [1].

An advantage of the NB method (over say gradient methods) is a natural stopping rule (the bracket size.)

The NB method is applied to large scale Fermat-Weber location problems, where it works better the larger is the problem size. This anomaly is due to an interesting and unexpected "experimental factor".

(Joint work with Yuri Levin of Queens University, Canada.)


[1] Y. Levin and A. B-I, Directional Newton Methods in n Variables , Math. of Computation 71(2002), 237-250
[2] Y. Levin and A. B-I, The Newton Bracketing Method for Convex Minimization , Comput. Optimiz. and Appl. 21(2002), 213-229

Date: Thursday, April 13, 2006
Speaker: Eliyahu Hanavi (אליהוּ הנביא), Tishbe Univ.

Date: Thursday, April 20, 2006
Speaker: Saber Elaydi, Trinity University
Title: Periodic Discrete Dynamical Systems
Abstract: The dynamics of nonautonomous discrete dynamical systems or difference equations can be better understood in the setting of skew-product dynamical systems. We will survey the recent developments in the theory of periodic discrete semi-dynamical systems from stability to chaos. This includes, among other things, the various extensions of Sharkovsky's theorem, and Elaydi-Yakubu-Sacker theorem. The basic tools in this area are combinatorics, and number theory.

Date: Thursday, April 27, 2006
Speaker: Lou Shapiro, Howard University
Title: Random walks and the lurking Riordan group
Abstract: The Riordan group is a simple concept which nonetheless provides a framework for investigating combinatorial structures and decomposing them into simpler components. The Riordan graoup also pops up in unexpected places. In this talk we will run through some of the basic definitions and examples, then go to some of the less usual settings, and also discuss several open problems. This talk is designed to be accessible to graduate students.

Fall 2006

Date: Thursday, September 14, 2006
Speaker: Herbert Wilf, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Mathematics: An Experimental Science
Abstract: We'll discuss some recent results that were conjectured via computer experiments and then proved. The examples will be drawn from number theory, Young tableaux, hypergeometric determinant evaluation, theory of matrices of 0's and 1's, etc. Several unsolved problems that also resulted from these studies will be presented.

Date: Thursday, September 21, 2006
Speaker: Greg Chaitin, IBM Research and Rutgers
Title: The Halting Probability Omega
Abstract: I explain various ways to define the Omega number and outline the proof that it is computationally and logically irreducible.

Date: Thursday, September 28, 2006
Speaker: Adi Ben-Israel, Rutgers University (RUTCOR)
Title: Two Tricks Related to Newton's Method
Abstract: Two tricks, based on the geometry of Newton's method, are presented.

1) Trick 1: An iterative method for solving scalar equations f(x) = 0, that uses the same data as Newton's method (values of f and f'), has convergence order 1+sqrt(2), and coincides with Halley's method (cubic convergence) for quadratics, see [1].

2) Trick 2: An iterative method for the minimization of convex functions f: R^n --> R, called a Newton Bracketing (NB) method, see [3].

The NB method uses brackets of lower and upper bounds on the minimum value. Each NB iteration does one iteration of the Directional Newton Method, [2], and the bracket is reduced, by a factor of 1/2 on the average, per iteration.

An advantage of the NB method (over say gradient methods) is a natural stopping rule (the bracket size). The NB method is applied to large scale Fermat-Weber location problems, where it works better the larger is the problem size. This anomaly is due to an interesting and unexpected "experimental" fact.

(Joint work with Yuri Levin of Queens University, Canada.)
[1] A. B-I, Newton's Method with Modified Functions, Contemporary Math 204(1997), 39-50
[2] Y. Levin and A. B-I, Directional Newton Methods in n Variables , Math. of Computation 71(2002), 237-250
[3] Y. Levin and A. B-I, The Newton Bracketing Method for Convex Minimization , Comput. Optimiz. and Appl. 21(2002), 213-229


Date: Thursday, October 5, 2006
Speaker: Tung-Shan Fu, National Pingtung Inst. (Taiwan) and DIMACS
Title: Area of Catalan Paths on a Checkerboard
Abstract: In this talk, a bijection between the area under all Catalan paths of length n and the set of inversions of all 321-avoiding permutations of length n+1 is established. As intermediate stages, a number of interesting bijective results that pave the way to the requested bijection are presented.

Date: Thursday, October 12, 2006
Speaker: Arvind Ayyer, Rutgers (Physics)
Title: Experimental Mathematics to the Aid of Theoretical Physics
Abstract: Statistical Mechanics is nothing but weighted enumerative combinatorics, that is amenable to be studied by experimental mathematics.

Date: Thursday, October 19, 2006
Speaker: Jacques Carette, McMaster University
Title: Holonomic programs
Abstract: We want to add a third member to the holonomic family: after sequences and functions, programs. First, we review simple ways to transform recurrences into programs to compute terms, and thence from differential equations to programs to approximation solutions via Taylor series. These programs have a particularly simple structure. We then look at the inverse problem of taking programs from this family and find the appropriate 'holonomic object' to which it corresponds.
One intriguing aspect of this work is that programs compute certain constants (such as exp(1)) fit within our scheme, so that from a way to compute exp(1) we can uncover which holonomic object it corresponds to, in a completely deterministic fashion. The underlying theory and 'live' examples of "reverse engineering" of holonomic information from programs will be shown.

Date: Thursday, October 26, 2006
Speaker: Dylan Thurston, Columbia University (Barnard College)
Title: A random tunnel number one 3-manifold does not fiber over the circle
Abstract: There are two natural notions of "random" for tunnel number one 3-manifolds (that is, a manifold obtained by attaching a disk to a genus 2 handlebody). With respect to both notions of random, experiments show that a random manifold does not fiber over S^1 when the manifold is large enough. We prove it with respect to one notion. The question is motivated by the virtual fibration conjecture. We use techniques of Brown to turn the question into a group theory question and techniques of Agol, Hass, and W. Thurston to study the question for such large manifolds. This is joint work with Nathan Dunfield.

Date: Thursday, November 2, 2006
Speaker: James McLaughlin, West Chester University
Title: Continued Fractions, and Generalizations, with Many Limits
Abstract: Consider the following two examples of infinite processes:
(1) Let the sequence {x0}n≥0 be defined by

x0 =4/3, xn+1 = 4/3 - 1/xn, n≥ 1.

What can be said about the sequence {xn}?
(2) Let α and β be points on the unit circle, let |q|<1, and define the continued fraction

G(q,α, β):=
-αβ      -αβ             -αβ
-----   ------           ------
α+β+q + α+β+q2 + . . . + α+β+qn + . . .

What can be said about the convergence or divergence of G(q,α β)? What difference, if any, does it make if α and β are roots of unity?
It turns out that both the sequence and the continued fraction diverge, but diverge in quite interesting ways.
There are several infinite processes (matrix products, continued fractions, (r,s)-matrix continued fractions, recurrence sequences) which, under certain circumstances, do not converge but instead diverge in a very predictable way.
This talk will present a survey of results in the area, concentrating on recent results by Douglas Bowman and the speaker.

Date: Thursday, November 9, 2006
SEMINAR CANCELLED due to anticipated football-related mayhem.

Date: Thursday, November 16, 2006
Speaker: Jim Haglund, University of Pennsylvania
Title: A Combinatorial Formula for Nonsymmetric Macdonald Polynomials
Abstract: Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials are multivariate polynomials which satisfy an orthogonality condition. They were introduced by Macdonald, after which Cherednik, Knop, Sahi and others developed the theory further. In this talk I will discuss how these functions form natural counterparts in many ways to the more well-known symmetric Macdonald polynomials. Then I will show how combinatorial results of a few years ago, joint with M. Haiman and N. Loehr, on the symmetric Macdonald polynomials, together with past results of Knop and Sahi on nonsymmetric Jack polynomials, led experimentally to a conjectured combinatorial formula for nonsymmetric poloynomials, which Haiman, Loehr and I have since proved.

Date: Thursday, November 30, 2006
Speaker: Timothy Chow, Center for Communication Research (Princeton)
Title: Chess tableaux and chess problems
Abstract: A chess tableau is a standard Young tableau (SYT) in which orthogonally adjacent entries have opposite parity. Remarkably, the number of 3xn chess tableaux is the same as the number of 3x(n-1) nonconsecutive tableaux (SYT in which i and i+1 never appear in the same row), the Charney-Davis statistic of a 3xn shape, and the number of Baxter permutations of n. A WZ-style proof of at least some of these facts should be possible in principle, but the naive approaches we have tried have crashed the computer. In the last part of the talk we present two chess problems that are related to chess tableaux.

Date: Thursday, December 7, 2006
Speaker: Saul Schleimer, Rutgers
Title: Playing dots and boxes to WIN!

Are you losing pen-and-paper games at conferences? Suffering defeat from the hands of sneering physicists and engineers? Or worse, tired of the gibes after being beaten by barely adolescent kids at Yahoo Games(TM) Online?

You can TURN THAT AROUND after attending only ONE of our exclusive EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS seminars! The secrets of the Hard-Hearted Handout, the Parity Rule, Nimstring, and MUCH MORE are available ONLY at this one-time affair!

(Supplies limited. Void where prohibited. To avoid delays in delivery bring own pen and paper. Professors Berlekamp, Conway, and Guy are not responsible for, affiliated with, or in any way connected to this offer.)